Internet Freedom

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LM network resources
Internet Freedom, a project of the LM network

Internet Freedom is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. It campaigned against regulation of web content. Internet Freedom was launched in 1996 in response to the Platform for Internet Control Selection. [1] It was originally called Get the Met Off the Net! - The Campaign for Internet Freedom and was an offshoot of Living Marxism early statements gave '' and then '' as a contact address.[2] Junius Publications was the publishing house of the RCP and Informinc was the company that published LM magazine after it changed its name from Living Marxism.

Content was last loaded onto its website in 2006. [3] Its website promoted Spiked, which is part of the LM network. Staff include news editor Alan Docherty and Chris Ellison.


  • BCM Box 6237
  • London WC1N 3XX
  • United Kingdom
  • voicemail: +44 (0) 20 7681 1559
  • fax: +44 (0) 20 7681 1559
  • Press enquiries: +44 (0) 7956 129 518


  1. "PICS Rating Scheme - who needs it?", Internet Freedom website, accessed 6 Nov 2010
  2. The first email address is in the print version of the article and the second in the online version: Chris Ellison, 'The Net: 'I'm against censorship, but...', Living Marxism, No. 96 - December/January 1996/1997, p. 28.
  3. Homepage, Internet Freedom website, accessed 6 Nov 2010
  4. Mo Kaye 'Hands Off Our Net' Cortex, Issue 2.12 - December 1996