Centre for the New Europe

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Center for the New Europe is a think tank that promotes "pro-market" and "European liberal" policies for the European Union.

Funded in 1993, CNE is a member of the International Policy Network and regularly collaborates with members of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation network. CNE holds conferences and issues publications for policy makers and journalists. (http://www.sourcewatch.org/wiki.phtml?title=Centre_for_the_New_Europe) CNE-USA was established to allow for tax-deductible American donations to the Centre, although the organization itself does not operate in the US.

The Centre for the New Europe is a think tank based in Brussels. Its hosts events for policymakers, parliamentarians and journalists, and publishes reports and books on a range of libertarian topics.

Founded in 1993 by a Belgian lawyer and a Belgian journalist after a meeting in the Hilton Hotel on the Toison d'Or in Brussels, it is very strongly pro-free-market, with a particular focus on the privatisation of healthcare. It is a member of the International Policy Network and regularly collaborates with other members of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation network. It is also a member of the Stockholm Network of European free-market think tanks.

The funding of the CNE is intransparent. It failed to answer a think tank survey by the Corporate Europe Observatory in 2005. However, the annual reports of Exxon Mobil reveal that CNE in 2003 and 2004 received $40,000 and $80,000 respectively for its "Global Climate Change Education Efforts".

"We find that support for liberal ideas--free trade, social tolerance, economic liberty--extends far beyond Europe's Liberal parties. Therefore, we back no party or programme. We find that liberalism has friends and enemies in every party. We hope to unite its friends and persuade its enemies." [1]


"The Kyoto Protocol is failing because it is ineffective, costly, and unfair. It is also 'scientifically flawed' and not needed. It is likely to be replaced by other treaties and regulations to limit the use of energy and restrict economic growth. Such developments must be attacked with a strategy that uses both science and economic analysis." Source: Center for the New Europe website 4/04

Key deeds

6 September, 2000 Released the transcript of a talk given by S. Fred Singer, entitled "Climate Policy - From Rio to Kyoto: A Political Issue for 2000 and Beyond". Singer promoted his ideas that the climate is not warming, and therefore there is no justification for the Kyoto Protocol. Source: Singer talk at CNE: "Climate Policy from Rio to Kyoto" 9/6/00

27 May, 2004 S. Fred Singer is scheduled to speak at a CNE event in Brussels entitled "The Kyoto Protocol is Dead; Good Riddance". In addition to his criticisms of the Kyoto Protocol, Singer is scheduled to address the film "The Day After Tomorrow". Source: Center for the New Europe website 4/04


Centre for the New Europe has received $120,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.


$40,000 ExxonMobil Foundation Global Climate Change Program Source: ExxonMobil 2003 Corporate Giving Report


$80,000 ExxonMobil Foundation Center for New Europe - USA Source: Exxon Giving Report 2004



Academic Advisory Board

Source: Center for the New Europe website 4/04

Contact information

Centre for the New Europe
Rue du Luxembourg 23
B-1000 BRUSSELS, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 506 40 00
Fax: +32 2 506 40 09


ExxonMobil 2003 Corporate Giving Report http://www.exxonmobil.com/Corporate/files/corporate/giving_report.pdf

Singer talk at CNE: "Climate Policy from Rio to Kyoto" 9/6/00 http://www.cne.org/pub_pdf/singer_climate_sep_00.PDF

Center for the New Europe website 4/04 http://www.cne.org/index.htm

Exxon Giving Report 2004 Exxon's published report on annual giving http://www.exxonmobil.com/corporate/files/corporate/giving04_publicpolicy.pdf

External links