Welcome to the Terrorism Spin Portal on Spinprofiles. It links to a wide range of organisations, think-tanks, academic research institutes, front groups and individual experts which shape the views of the public, policy makers and elites on 'terrorism' and political violence. An A-Z list of articles on both individuals and institutions is here.
The editor of the Terrorexpertise Portal is Tom Mills. This section is closely linked to Middle East Watch, which focuses on Israel/Palestine and Iraq.
Spinprofiles has a policy of strict referencing and is overseen by an Managing editor and a Sysop and several Associate Portal editors.
What is a Terrorism Expert?
As the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities puts it:
- Academic terrorism 'experts' - or terrorologists - are deeply embedded in the elite power structure. They conveniently blur distinctions between political dissent, resistance to oppressive regimes, and violent threats to populations. These experts advise governments on counter-terrorism, thus sanitising Western state terror as legitimate techniques for self-defence. Where did these terrorologists come from? How do they gain influence and credibility? How can they be countered?'[1]
The Jewish American historian Joel Beinin comments that:
- A new field of "terrorology" emerged, with its own journals, conferences, and research institutes. This popular and scholarly literature informed the discourse of the first American "war on terrorism" during the mid-1980s.Middle East Studies Association members, to our everlasting shame according to some pundits, did not participate much in the scholarly field of terrorology. In my view, there was great wisdom in this abstention. The terrorologists have not accomplished a great deal of practical or intellectual significance. Their studies have not noticeably decreased the incidence of acts of violence against civilians throughout the world. Nor have they enhanced our understanding of the causes of such acts. What they have done is to focus attention on tactics and symptoms, thereby impeding investigation into historical and social causes. This is an ostensibly pragmatic, but fundamentally misguided, approach to understanding terrorism. If the term is to be understood in any useful rather than propagandistic way, terrorism must be regarded as a social and historical phenomenon, not a moral or political epithet.[2].
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There are also a number of distinct categories listed below:
There are also a number of pages on Spinprofiles which specifically examine the terrorism research activities of particular institutions which are also involved in other research areas. The name of these pages is preceded by the phrase 'terrorexpertise:'. For example, there is a page on Spinprofiles on the U.S. think-tank the RAND Corporation, and a related page terrorexpertise:RAND Corporation examining RAND's terrorism related research.
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References and Resources
External links on Terrorology
- Abraham, Nabeel, The Running Dogs Of Terrorology, Lies Of Our Times, May 1993, pp. 6-8.
- Jonny Burnett and Dave Whyte 'Embedded Expertise and the New Terrorism' Journal for Crime, conflict and Media culture, 2004 [1]
- Chomsky, N. 'International Terrorism: Image and Reality' In Alexander George (ed.), Western State Terrorism, Polity, 1991. http://www.chomsky.info/articles/199112--02.htm
- Herman, Edward S. The Real Terror Network, excerpted from the book, published in 1982 by South End Press.
- McClintock, Michael Instruments of Statecraft: US Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and counterterrorism, 1940-1990, New York: Pantheon Books.
- Toolis, K. 'Rise of the terrorist professors', New Statesman, 14 June 2004.
- James Petras, The Anatomy of "Terror Experts", Counterpunch, 7 August 2004.
- Edward Herman and David Peterson, There Is No "War on Terror", ZNet, 18 January 2008.
Spinprofiles history
Spinprofiles is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.
Contributors are now working on 19,493 articles.
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