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*[[Darren Caplan]] - [[B2L Public Affairs]]
*[[Darren Caplan]] - [[B2L Public Affairs]]
*[[Gidon Freeman]] - [[Lexington Communications]]
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*[[James O'Keefe]] - [[Textra Strategy]]
*[[James O'Keefe]] - [[Tetra Strategy]]
*[[Iain Anderson]] - [[Cicero Consulting]]
*[[Iain Anderson]] - [[Cicero Consulting]]

Revision as of 12:44, 27 August 2010

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<youtube size="medium" align="right" caption="Robbie MacDuff, then chair of the APPC, speaks in Manchester September 2008">fdAVP1Q3JO8</youtube>The Association of Professional Political Consultants is a lobby group for the lobbying profession. Its main function is to prevent openness and transparency by attempting to ensure that statutory regulation is not introduced in the UK. To this end, APPC worked alongside the Chartered Institute of Public Relations and Public Relations Consultants Association in the formation of an umbrella organisation to promote self-regulation in the industry: the UK Public Affairs Council, launched in July 2010.

APPC has a Scottish branch - APPC Scotland.


Management Committee August 2010

Management Committee October 2009

Management Committee January 2007

Membership register

Member organisations in August 2010 (63 in total):[1]

Advocate Policy & Public Affairs | APCO Worldwide Limited | Atherton Associates | B2L Public Affairs | Baymor Solutions | Bellenden Public Affairs | Blue Rubicon | Burson Marsteller | Butler Kelly Ltd | Cavendish Communications | Chambre Public Affairs | Champollion | Cherton Enterprise | Cicero Consulting | Citigate Dewe Rogerson | Cogitamus | College Public Policy | Communique | Connect Public Affairs | DJH Associates | EPPA (UK) | Edelman | EUK Consulting Ltd | Euro RSCG Apex | Fishburn Hedges | Fleishman-Hillard | Foresight Consulting | Four Communications | Freshwater Public Affairs | Gardant | Grayling Political Strategy | Green Issues | Greenhaus Communications | Hanover Communications | Heathcroft Communications | Helen Johnson Public Affairs | Hill & Knowlton | Illiam Costain McCade | Insight Public Affairs | Interel Consulting UK (formerly Political International) | JMC Partners LLP | Lansons PA | Lexington Communications | Luther Pendragon | Mandate Communications | Munro & Forster | New Consensus Communications | Open Road | PLMR | Political Developments | Political Intelligence | Politics Direct | Portland | Positif Politics | PPS Group | Precise Public Affairs | Quiller Consultants | Rosemary Grogan | Sovereign Strategy | Stratagem - NI | Tetra Strategy | Weber Shandwick Public Affairs | The Whitehouse Consultancy

Member organisations in 2009:[2]

Advocate Policy & Public Affairs | APCO Worldwide Limited | Atherton Associates | B2L Public Affairs | Bellenden Public Affairs | Blue Rubicon | Burson Marsteller | Butler Kelly Ltd | Cavendish Communications | Chambre Public Affairs | Champollion | Cherton Enterprise | Cicero Consulting | Citigate Dewe Rogerson | Cogitamus | College Public Policy | Communique | Connect Public Affairs | DJH Associates | EPPA (UK) | Edelman | EUK Consulting Ltd | Euro RSCG Apex | FD Public Affairs | Fishburn Hedges | Fleishman-Hillard | Foresight Consulting | Four Communications | Gardant | Grayling Political Strategy | Green Issues | Greenhaus Communications | Hanover Communications | Helen Johnson Public Affairs | Hill & Knowlton | Illiam Costain McCade | Insight Public Affairs | JMC Partners LLP | Lansons PA | Lexington Communications | Mandate Communications | Munro & Forster | New Consensus Communications | Open Road | PLMR | Political Developments | Political Intelligence | Politics Direct | Politics International | Portland | Positif Politics | PPS Group | Precise Public Affairs | Quintus Public Affairs Ltd | Sovereign Strategy | Stratagem - NI | Tetra Strategy | The Waterfront Partnership | Weber Shandwick Public Affairs | The Whitehouse Consultancy

Member organisations in December 2006:

Advocate Policy & Public Affairs | APCO UK | AS Biss & Co | Burson Marsteller | Chambre Public Affairs | Cherton Enterprise | Cicero Consulting | Citigate Public Affairs | College Public Policy | Connect Public Affairs | Consolidated | DJH Associates | EPPA (UK) | Edelman | EUK Consulting Ltd | Fishburn Hedges | Fleishman-Hillard | Foresight Communications | Four Communications | Outlook Public Affairs Ltd | Grayling Political Strategy | Greenhaus Communications | Helen Johnson Public Affairs | Hill & Knowlton | Lansons PA | LLM Communications | Lexington Communications | Morgan Allen Moore | Precise Public Affairs | The Policy Partnership | PPS Group | Politics International | Portland | Quintus Public Affairs Ltd | Stratagem - NI | The Waterfront Partnership | Weber Shandwick Public Affairs | The Whitehouse Consultancy

Role in the UK Public Affairs Council

The APPC was subject to criticism from within the public affairs industry for failing to provide a centrally co-ordinated response to reputational damage during the March 2010 Sunday Times/Dispatches exposé on lobbying under Labour. Peter Bingle, Chairman of Bell Pottinger Public Affairs, remarked:

Those of us in the public affairs industry need to go on to the front foot and remind politicians, journalists and our critics that what we do is fundamental to the health of the body politic ... Where has the APPC (Association of Professional Political Consultants) been? Perhaps I missed it.

APPC Chair Robbie MacDuff responded emphasising that the role of the APPC was one of "a self-regulatory body, not a representative body"; adding that should plans for a public affairs council be realised, then this could be called upon to speak on behalf on the industry.[3]

In an attempt to subvert calls for a statutory register of lobbyists in the UK, the APPC joined forces with the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) and the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) to establish an umbrella organisation aimed to promote the continued self-regulation of lobbying in the UK. The UK Public Affairs Council (UKPAC) was launched in July 2010 amid pledges by the new Coalition Government to introduce a statutory register of lobbyists in the wake of the 'Politicians for Hire' scandal. Although the Conservatives had initially expressed support for self-regulation, the establishment of a statutory register became one of the concessions to Liberal Democrat policy espoused in the Coalition agreements.[4]

Contact, Resources, Notes


Address: APPC Secretary
Association of Professional Political Consultants
The Registry
Royal Mint Court
London EC3N 4QN


APPC Registers


  1. APPC, "Membership", APPC website, accessed 26 August 2010.
  2. APPC, "About us", APPC website, accessed 6 October 2009.
  3. David Singleton, "Lobbyists in frantic bid to save industry reputation", PR Week UK, 26.03.10
  4. Ian Hall, "Majority of lobbyists now favour statutory register, industry poll reveals", Public Affairs News, 02.06.10, accessed 25.08.10

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