Gardant Communications

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Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Gardant Communications was a public relations and lobbying consultancy based in London, renamed in 2013 as Meade Hall & Associates, which is run by Gardant co-founder and former Conservative Party adviser Paddy Clanwilliam aka Paddy Gilford and Earl Clanwilliam.


Gardant Communications's offices at 49-51 Causton Street, Westminster

Gardant Communications was a member of the Association of Professional Political Consultants (APPC), the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR). Gardant was known as The Policy Partnership until a re-branding in 2008.[1]

The Policy Partnership

The Policy Partnership included amongst its clients the Russian oil firm Yukos and the right wing Inkhata Freedom Party.

It employed parliamentarians and elected officials such as Lord Gillford, who was latterly appointed to the board of Yukos and Charles Napier who is a London Councillor.

Nuclear events

In February 2011 Gardant Communications co-hosted with the Conservative Friends of Nuclear Energy, a reception in the House of Commons titled: 'The Electricity Market Reform: Implications for nuclear power generation'. According to Claire Davidson, Managing Partner of Gardant:

Nuclear spin.png This article is part of the Nuclear Spin project of Spinwatch.
in attendance were senior industry representatives including Horizon Nuclear Power, ESBI, Rolls-Royce, Centrica Energy, AMEC, Westinghouse, Doosan Babcock, OGN Group, EDF Energy and Balfour Beatty, members of both Houses of Parliament and leaders from the nuclear industry's trades unions. Interesting and provocative keynote addresses were made by the Energy Minister Charles Hendry MP and the Chair of Trade Unionists for Safe Nuclear Energy (TUSNE), Dougie Rooney.
Charles Hendry welcomed the coming together of representatives of the Trade Union movement and the Conservative Party, and noted there was much common ground. His focus since being appointed Energy minister has been to identify, and then remove, the barriers to new nuclear power stations. New stations were "vital to energy security", he noted, and "critical for new high-value jobs".
"A significant investment was needed in skills and this would benefit both the domestic and potential export markets", the Minister went on to say. "The industry still has many issues to address including planning and reprocessing, but the immediate focus must be on financing - hence the importance of the ongoing Electricity Market Reform (EMR) consultation." He concluded with a clear statement about the key role new nuclear stations will play in support of economic recovery and energy security.
...Both Charles and Dougie then spent a generous amount of their time engaging the reception attendees in lengthy and wide-ranging discussions. [2]


Partners and associates

Former partners and associates

  • Rory O'Neill (Partner 2009-2011) - now executive director of stakeholder relations at Sellafield Ltd.


Fee-Paying public affairs clients as at November 2011

Fee-paying clients for 1 March 2010 to 31 May 2010

(for whom UK PA consultancy services provided this quarter)

Bevan Brittan | Borneo Orangutan Survival International | Canatxx Gas Storage Ltd | Celerant | Devondale Investments Limited | Dragon LNG | Embassy of Bahrain | Eurasia Drilling Co | Government of Bahrain, Ministry of Culture and Information | Greenpeace International | Institute of the Motor Industry | Interactive Pro Limited | Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP | Mishcon de Reya | Olswang LLP | Philip Morris | RLF Partnership | Royalton Partners | SOS-Kinderdorf International | Westinghouse Electric Co. UK Ltd | Yukos Oil Company

Fee-paying clients

(for whom only UK monitoring services provided this quarter)

Africa Matters | Pinewood Studios

Pro-bono llients

(for whom consultancy and/or monitoring services have been provided this quarter)

Citylife Ltd | NBC Winner Foundation | London Greenways


Gardant Communications, APPC Register Entry for 1 June 2009 to 31 August 2009

Contact, Resources, Notes


Address: 51 Causton Street
London SW1P 4AT



  1. PAN Staff, "Former Conservative Future chairman takes role at Gardant Communications", Public Affairs News, 03.02.10, accessed 27.08.10
  2. Clare Davidson, Gardant Commentary, 7 February 2011, accessed June 2012
  3. APPC, "APPC Register Entry for 1 March 2010 to 31 May 2010", accessed 28.08.10
  4. PRCA Public Affairs Register – Agencies - September to November 2011

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