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[[Category: Financial sector lobbying]]
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Latest revision as of 08:26, 8 October 2012

British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association - BVCA - is the industry lobbying body for the private equity and venture capital industry in the UK.[1]

Public Affairs News writes in 2008: "The private-equity industry is fighting back after a 2007 that saw companies facing unprecedented parliamentary and media scrutiny. It is looking to adopt a more ‘campaigning attitude’."

In 2011 more than 470 firms made up the BVCA membership. This includes over 230 private equity, mid-market and venture capital firms 'with an accumulated total of approximately £32 billion funds under management' and over 220 professional advisory firms (solicitors, accountants, tax advisers, corporate financiers etc). [2]



According to its Chairman, David Huff, the BVCA Taxation Committee is: "Working to ensure the UK does not lose its competitive edge, the Committee continues to build dialogue with the Treasury, HMRC, and other Government departments and other policy influencers to ensure the industry is represented in any changes to taxation policy that could affect the industry"[4]

BVCA Taxation Committee members (as of April 2011):[5] David Huff - 3i; Mark Baldwin - Macfarlanes; Chris Barnes - Terra Firma; Sara Clark - KPMG; Paul Cooper - Grant Thornton; Paul Cunningham - Helios Investment Partners; Adam Frais - BDO Stoy Hayward; Mark Hainsworth - SJ Berwin; Tim Hughes - PricewaterhouseCoopers; Graham Iversen - Slaughter & May; Robert Kent - Freshfields; Mary Kuusisto - Proskauer Rose; James Markham - Graphite Capital; David Marks - Apax John Maxey - Deloitte; Paul Megson - Deloitte; Stephen Morse - PricewaterhouseCoopers; David Nicolson - Bridgepoint Capital; David Oldknow - Ernst & Young; Kathleen Russ - Travers Smith; Anthony Stewart - Clifford Chance; Craig Vickery - Exponent PE; John Watson (not the Conservative MP) - Ashurst



Former staff and consultants


External resources


1st Floor North, Brettenham House, Lancaster Place London WC2E 7EN
(formerly at London School of Economics (LSE) Tower 3 Clements Inn, London WC2A 2AZ)


  1. BVCA website, accessed Feb 2009
  2. BVCA, Who are our members?, acc 22 September 2011
  3. BVCA, News archive, undated, accessed 25 April 2012
  4. BVCA, Taxation Committee, accessed April 2011
  5. BVCA, Taxation Committee, accessed April 2011
  6. [tt_news=320&tx_ttnews[backPid]=73&cHash=1417 Media Moves - Public Affairs News], Public Affairs News, acc 22 Sept 2011
  7. Robert Peston, Speaker Bercow hires a spokesman, BBC News 7 September 2009, accessed 22 Sept 2011
  8. Public Affairs News, 2008 (link broken)
  9. People Moves, Public Affairs News, p9. May 2011
  10. Public Affairs News, 2008 (link broken)