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The UKNDA was founded in 2005 "to campaign for sufficient, appropriate and fully funded Armed Forces that the United Kingdom needs to defend effectively this Country, its people, their vital interests and security at home and throughout the world." <ref>[http://www.uknda.org/why_a_uknda/c-2.html UKNDA - Why UKNDA?] </ref>
The UKNDA was founded in 2007 "to campaign for sufficient, appropriate and fully funded Armed Forces that the United Kingdom needs to defend effectively this Country, its people, their vital interests and security at home and throughout the world." <ref>[http://www.uknda.org/why_a_uknda/c-2.html UKNDA - Why UKNDA?] </ref>
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::In June 2007 the UKNDA became a legal entity registered as 'UKNDA Limited' - a Company Limited by Guarantee (reg. no: 6254639).<ref>[http://www.uknda.org/about_us/c-9.html UKNDA - How the UKNDA has developed thus far] </ref>
::In June 2007 the UKNDA became a legal entity registered as 'UKNDA Limited' - a Company Limited by Guarantee (reg. no: 6254639).<ref>[http://www.uknda.org/about_us/c-9.html UKNDA - How the UKNDA has developed thus far] </ref>
==Former defence chiefs attack Gordon Brown==
::"In the House of Lords yesterday, five former chiefs of the defence staff lined up to condemn what they claimed were in effect budget cuts on the military, some of them also attacking Gordon Brown individually for a perceived lack of interest in the armed forces.
::The prime minister also entered the fray today, insisting he had "enormous respect" for the armed forces, who were financed and equipped adequately, he said.
::This morning, the defence chief at the time of the 2003 Iraq invasion, Admiral Lord Boyce, said Gordon Brown had treated troops "with contempt" by making Browne combine his defence portfolio with the job of Scottish secretary."<ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,2215930,00.html Defence secretary hits back at admiral's criticism] Guardian Unlimited, Friday November 23, 2007 </ref>
::"The extraordinary attack by five former defence chiefs on Gordon Brown originated from a day in early July when three of them were approached by the grandson of Winston Churchill to join a new alliance campaigning for more money to be spent on the Armed Forces.
::Mr Churchill, a former Conservative MP, told The Times that when he was asked in June to be president of the UK National Defence Association, he turned to three men to add military weight to the campaign: General Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, a former SAS commander and a redoubtable Whitehall player in his time; Admiral Lord Boyce, the man who asked the Government whether the invasion of Iraq was legal before it was launched; and Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Craig of Radley, quietly spoken but becoming increasingly vociferous about the pressures on the Armed Forces." <ref>[http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/politics/article2933478.ece Coup? What coup? It was sheer coincidence, say defence chiefs], The Times, November 24, 2007 </ref>
*[[Winston s. Churchill]]
*[[Michael Boyce|Lord Boyce]]
*[[David Craig|Lord Craig]]
*[[Charles Guthrie|Lord Guthrie]]
*[[David Owen|Lord Owen]]
Vice Presidents - Military
*Lt-General Sir [[Henry Beverley]]
*Vice Admiral Sir [[Jeremy Blackham]]
*Field Marshal The [[Edwin Bramall|Lord Bramall]]
*Col. [[Tim Collins]]
*Maj-Gen [[Patrick Cordingley]]
*Admiral Sir [[James Eberle]]
*Lt-Gen Sir [[Michael Gray]]
*Air Chief Marshal Sir [[Michael Graydon]]
*Sir [[Peter Harding]]
*Brigadier (Professor) [[Richard Holmes]]
*Field Marshal the [[Peter Inge|Lord Inge]]
*Air Marshal [[Ian Macfadyen]]
*Admiral of the Fleet Sir [[Julian Oswald]]
*Admiral Sir [[Jock Slater]]
*[[John Douglas Slim|Viscount Slim]]
*Air Chief Marshal Sir [[Peter Squire]]
*Col. [[Bob Stewart]]
*Lt Gen Sir [[Richard Vickers]]
*Field Marshal the [[Richard Vincent|Lord Vincent]]
*[[Simon Weston]]
*General Sir [[Peter Whiteley]]
Vice Presidents - Civilian
*Rt. Hon. [[Michael Ancram]], QC MP
*Professor [[Jeremy Black]]
*Sir [[Nicholas Bonsor]]
*Rt Hon [[Brenda Dean|Baroness Dean of Thornton-le-Flyde]]
*Sir [[Richard Dearlove]]
*Rt Hon [[Bruce George]] MP
*Rt.Hon. Dr. The [[John Gilbert|Lord Gilbert]]
*Hon. [[Bernard Jenkin]] MP
*[[Paul Keetch]] MP
*[[Edward Leigh]] MP
*Rt. Hon. [[Michael Mates]] MP
*[[Patrick Mercer]] OBE, MP
*Hon. [[Nicholas Soames]], MP
*Sir [[Keith Speed]]
*[[Glenmore Trenear-Harvey]]
UKNDA Policy and Management Board
Chairman & CEO
*Cdr. [[John Muxworthy]], RN
Membership & Company Secretary
*Lt Cdr [[David Robinson]], RN
*[[Michael Morrison]]
*[[Gary Blackburn]]
*[[Malcolm Cheshire]]
*Surg. Capt. [[David Cunningham]], RN
*Surg. Rear Adm. [[Ralph Curr]]
*Prof. [[Martin Edmonds]]
*Captain [[John Marshall]] RN
*Dr [[Paul Medhurst]]
*Captain [[Graham Piggott]], RN
*[[Christopher Samuel]]
*[[Peter Smith]]
*Col. [[Bob Stewart]]
*Air Commodore [[Phil Wilkinson]]
Legal adviser
*[[Michael Shrimpton]] Hon. <ref>[http://www.uknda.org/my_documents/my_files/UKNDA-List-Of-Patrons-VPs-Board.pdf UKNDA Patrons and Vice Presidents]</ref>

Latest revision as of 03:27, 11 October 2017

The UKNDA was founded in 2007 "to campaign for sufficient, appropriate and fully funded Armed Forces that the United Kingdom needs to defend effectively this Country, its people, their vital interests and security at home and throughout the world." [1]


The idea of a 'UKNDA' first arose in August 2005 from discussions within the ‘e’ Forum of the Naval Review (NR) – the "Wardroom Bar". Many people had long and increasingly been concerned at the accelerating shrinkage of the Royal Navy in particular and the Armed Forces in General. The topic "Who’s Going to Save our Navy" was raised for discussion, out of which was developed a paper "The Navy the Nation Needs". This paper, comprehensively revised, was published finally under the title of "Below the Bottom Line". That paper identified a need for a new, independent, TRI-SERVICE organisation – a UK National Defence Association (UKNDA).
The UKNDA, its raison d’etre, purpose and management organisation is described in detail in the UK NDA Founding Document which has been circulated, discussed and frequently amended for over a year. The final draft of this document was agreed and approved by the UKNDA’s Steering Group (Now the UKNDA Policy and Management Board).
In June 2007 the UKNDA became a legal entity registered as 'UKNDA Limited' - a Company Limited by Guarantee (reg. no: 6254639).[2]

Former defence chiefs attack Gordon Brown

"In the House of Lords yesterday, five former chiefs of the defence staff lined up to condemn what they claimed were in effect budget cuts on the military, some of them also attacking Gordon Brown individually for a perceived lack of interest in the armed forces.
The prime minister also entered the fray today, insisting he had "enormous respect" for the armed forces, who were financed and equipped adequately, he said.
This morning, the defence chief at the time of the 2003 Iraq invasion, Admiral Lord Boyce, said Gordon Brown had treated troops "with contempt" by making Browne combine his defence portfolio with the job of Scottish secretary."[3]
"The extraordinary attack by five former defence chiefs on Gordon Brown originated from a day in early July when three of them were approached by the grandson of Winston Churchill to join a new alliance campaigning for more money to be spent on the Armed Forces.
Mr Churchill, a former Conservative MP, told The Times that when he was asked in June to be president of the UK National Defence Association, he turned to three men to add military weight to the campaign: General Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, a former SAS commander and a redoubtable Whitehall player in his time; Admiral Lord Boyce, the man who asked the Government whether the invasion of Iraq was legal before it was launched; and Marshal of the Royal Air Force Lord Craig of Radley, quietly spoken but becoming increasingly vociferous about the pressures on the Armed Forces." [4]




Vice Presidents - Military

Vice Presidents - Civilian

UKNDA Policy and Management Board

Chairman & CEO

Membership & Company Secretary


Legal adviser
