Cross Party Group on the Scottish Economy
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The Cross Party Group on the Scottish Economy is a veritable hive of lobbying and corporate activity.
Conflicts of interest
The Group is subsidised by HBOS as follows:
- Financial Benefits: The Cross-Party Group on the Scottish Economy has been offered administrative support by HBOS to help organise and administer the work of the Group. The offer is in the form of a secondment of a member of the HBOS staff, who will work two days per week. The value of this work is £11,365 per annum (as at March 2006). The secondment is for three years ending in 2007.[1]
The secondee acts as Secretary and Treasurer: Barry Gardner - HBOS
Non-MSP members
- David Banks - Scottish Enterprise
- Emma Beeby - MSP staff
- Judith Begg - Ethical Enterprise
- Stephen Boyd - Scottish Trades Union Congress
- Chic Brodie - Caledonia Strategy
- Patrick Browne - Scottish Beer and Pub Association
- Ross Burnside - SPICe
- Kevin Coe - University of Abertay
- Ellen Collingsworth - Edinburgh Convention Bureau
- Graeme Cook - Scottish Parliament
- Steven Craven - Continental Airlines
- Margaret Cuthbert
- Jim Cuthbert
- Graeme Dear - Marine Harvest
- Jim Dewar - SPICe
- Iain Duff - Scottish Council for Development & Industry
- John Edward - European Parliament
- Lynda Gauld - Pfizer
- Claire Gill - MSP staff
- Richard Grant - BP
- Mark Hallan - Scottish Enterprise
- Michael Haseler
- Stephen Herbert - SPICe
- Allan Hogarth - Media House
- Donald Jarvie - Futures Forum
- Jim Lee - Co-operation and Mutuality Scotland
- Liz Lloyd - MSP staff
- Stephen McCabe - MSP staff
- David McCrone - Edinburgh University
- Linda McDowall - Scottish Enterprise
- Julia McIntyre - MSP staff
- Flora McLean - Scottish Food and Drink Federation
- Jonathan Milne - ICAS
- Alan Mitchell - CBI Scotland
- Ben Murray - MSP staff
- Jude Payne - SPICe
- Marco Pisano - Scottish Council Foundation
- Lynne Raeside - Visit Scotland
- Kirsty Regan - News Direct
- Stuart Riddell ACCA
- Malcolm Robertson - BAA
- Alastair Ross - McGrigors
- Tania Smith - MSP staff
- Nicola Stewart - MSP staff
- Niall Stuart - FSB
- James Taggart
- Jenny Taggart
- Martin Togneri - Scottish Enterprise
- Simon Wakefield - Scottish Parliament
- Marie Wilmott
- Alan Wilson - Scottish Council for Development & Industry
- Alastair Wilson - Scottish Enterprise
- John Wilson - Scottish Low Pay Unit
- Tony King - Scottish Parliament
- Kate Yuill - Aberdeen City Council
- Kyla Brand - Office of Fair Trading
- Robert Sullivan
- Michael Veitch - MSP staff
- ABPI Scotland - Jim Eadie, Louise Berend
- BIA Scotland - Dr Sarah Goulding
- GlaxoSmithKline - Alison Culpin
- Holyrood magazine - Rachel Hamada
- Hudson - Marcella Boyle
- ITI Scotland - Fiona Callison
- NFU Scotland
- Royal Mail Group plc - Ian McKay
- Scottish Association of Further Education Colleges - Jane Polglase
- Scottish Chambers of Commerce - Liz Cameron & Garry Clark
- Scottish Retail Consortium - Elinor Jayne, Fiona Moriarty
- Scottish Water - Martin Reilly
- Select - David Wright
- The Scotch Whisky Association - David Williamson, Campbell Evans