Kyla Brand

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Kyla Brand is an 'independent advisor' to and formerly 'Executive Director' of Agenda and Senior Associate at Rocket Science. She currently works for the Office of Fair Trading


Qualifications: BA (Hons) Oxon


A leading consultant in corporate social responsibility. Committed to working with clients and networks to build productive relationships between business and society.

Past life

Fast-stream civil servant in the Department of Trade and Industry. Directly involved in formation and implementation of bilateral trade agreements with Southern Africa and Japan. Multilateral negotiations at EU and UN level. Developed, with exporters, the code to ensure compliance with regulations on weapons of mass destruction. Became Public Affairs Manager at Business in the Community, implementing a new business strategy in relation to the social exclusion agenda, and co-ordinating a taskforce on partnerships between business and voluntary organisations. Has recently worked with the DTI, Scottish Executive, Scottish Enterprise, Tomorrow's Company in Scotland, Scottish Business in the Community, Volunteer Development Scotland, Corporate Culture, with corporates including BNFL, BAe Systems, EDF Energy, Belron, Millennium & Copthorne Hotels and with the Small Business Consortium. Currently Executive Director of Agenda: Social Responsibility in Scotland, a network for stakeholder interests.[1]



  1. Rocketscience Website Our People
  2., accessed 13 February 2009