Tomorrow's Company
Tomorrow's Company originated from the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), which in 1993 initiated a business-led Inquiry into 'the role of business in a changing world'. The objective was to develop a shared vision of the company of tomorrow.The findings of the Inquiry, published in 1995, introduce the concept of an inclusive approach to business success in which a company:
- defines and communicates its purpose and values
- develops a unique success model
- places a positive value on each of its relationships
- works in partnership with stakeholders
- maintains a healthy reputation.
Put simply it is a business lobby
- Investing in peace: Spurring Private Involvement in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding 2007, Wilton Park conference in co-operation with The German Federal Foreign Office Supported by the Global Public Policy Institute
- Ken Dalton: Developing a high performance organisation - Tomorrow’s Company in Scotland, March 2006. An interactive seminar led by Ken Dalton, CEO of Faber Maunsell, looking at how companies can recruit and keep the best employees. The purpose of the event is to share best practice and, under Chatham House rules, to debate strategies that have been both successes and failures with the lessons learnt. The event was held at the Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh in association with Scottish Business in the Community .
- Sir Anthony Cleaver chaired the initial inquiry of representatives from 25 of the UK's top businesses, at the time Cleaver was Chairman of IBM United Kingdom, to develop a shared vision of Tomorrow's Company. The Inquiry team's main objective was practical: to stimulate greater competitive performance by encouraging UK business leaders, and those who influence their decision-making, to re-examine the sources of sustainable business success. [1]
- Tony Manwaring, Chief Executive: Formerly with he disability rights charity Scope, where he was chief executive for over three years. Head of The General Secretary's Office for the Labour Party, 'playing a key role in transforming its operational fortunes as it became New Labour'. He also has a track record in CSR. Has a degree in Economics from Cambridge and an MA in Industrial Relations from Warwick. He has a long standing interest in business, leadership and organisational change, having contributed to a comparative project on labour markets, whilst working at the LSE and the Wissenschaftszentrum, Berlin; and also the MIT' study 'The Future of the World Automobile Industry, before taking responsibility for industrial policy at the Labour Party. He is currently completing a project on leadership and change with the think-tank, Demos.
- Mark Goyder, Founder Director: After 15 years as a manager in manufacturing businesses, he initiated the Royal Society of Arts and Commerce (RSA) Tomorrow's Company Inquiry and consequently founded the 'business-led' Tomorrow's Company. Goyder holds a number of other positions, including British Airways Corporate Responsibility Board; BT Leadership Advisory Panel; Camelot Advisory Panel for Social Responsibility and Judge for Unipart group Mark in action awards.
- Pat Cleverly, Head of Research: She has led a number of 'change programmes', which have included the practical implications of the employee/employer psychological contract, development of an integrated competency based HR strategy including new appraisal systems and leadership and management skills training. Published research includes contributions to Human Resource Management - the New Agenda, Work in the Knowledge Driven Economy, co-author of Employability: Bridging the Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality. Since joining Tomorrow's Company, she has co-authored 'Employee Ownership in Tomorrow's Company' and helped design and lead the inquiry culminating in the publication of 'Restoring Trust - an inquiry into the effectiveness of the UK investment system'.
- Richard van 't Erve, Head of Operations: Royal Netherlands Aeronautical Association.
- David Lourie, Head of Communications: Most of his career has been spent working for agencies and clients with brands ranging from Volvo to Red Bull. During his time working for Red Bull he headed up the product marketing team in the UK, which included a student workforce of 120 based across the country. His most recent agency role was working as account director with clients that included Castrol, MTV, Electronic Arts and Nickelodeon.
- John Williams, Chairman - An independent communications consultant specialising in reputation and responsibility. He is a founder and former Chairman of Fishburn Hedges, oard member of Business in the Community and deputy Chair of ChildLine, and in January 2005 was appointed a Charity Commissioner. Senior Adviser to Shell from 1998 to 2003.
- Philip Sadler CBE, Research Fellow - Philip was for twenty years chief executive of Ashridge Business School. He is a patron and honorary Research Fellow of Tomorrow's Company, having served for three years as a member of the Board and Chairman of the Research Committee. In 1986 he was appointed CBE. He holds the honorary degrees of Doctor of Science of City University and Doctor of Business Administration of De Montfort University. He is a gold medallist of the Chartered Institute of Management, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, a Fellow of the Institute of Directors and a Fellow of the International Academy of Management.
Alan Barrell, Professor Warren Bennis, Peter Bounds, Sir Adrian Cadbury, Sir John Egan, Sir Stuart Hampson, Martin Findlay, Sir John Harvey-Jones MBE, Clive Morton , Prue Leith, Philip Sadler CBE, Dame Stephanie Shirley, Alan Smith, The Rt. Hon The Lord Terry Thomas of Macclesfield, Allan Willett CM
- ↑ RSA Website Our Projects Last accessed 13th November 2007