Club of Three

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The Club of Three was set up by George Weidenfeld, Prince Schwarzenberg and the Institute for Human Sciences based in Vienna.[1] It is an elite networking and policy-planning venture bringing together French, German and British elites. Its dedicated website has now been abolished and it runs as part of one of Weidenfeld's other ventures, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. The Club is formally registered as a charity in the UK under the name Trialogue Educational Trust.



  • Peter Baldwin is professor of history at the University of California, Los Angeles. His research interests focus on the comparative development of the modern state and the long historical roots of much seemingly modern policy. His latest book, Disease and Democracy: The Industrialized World Faces AIDS (Berkeley and New York, 2005), for example, investigates contemporary epidemic disease policy as the outcome of long-established public health strategies dating back at least to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
  • Helena Kennedy
  • General the Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank GCB LVO OBE: Charles Guthrie
  • Sir Ronald Grierson After a military career spanning twelve years (1940-1952) Sir Ronald Grierson became a banker and industrialist but continued his public service by holding at different times government and government-related posts.
During the war Sir Ronald held a commission in the Black Watch Regiment and was seconded to the Special Air Service (SAS) from which he was demobilised at the end of 1947. He subsequently commanded the first peace-time SAS unit as a Territorial officer from 1948 until 1952. During a short interval in his military service (1948) he was attached to the United Nations in Geneva as personal assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe.
From 1952 until 1996 Sir Ronald served both as Managing Director of S.G. Warburg, the merchant bank, and as Vice Chairman of the General Electric Company (ultimately chairman of GEC International) as well as on the boards of other US and European corporations.
His commercial career was punctuated on four occasions by government service: (1) as Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of the U.K. Industrial Reorganisation Corporation (2) as Director-General of the European Commission in Brussels (3) as Executive Chairman of the South Bank Arts Centre in London (4) as adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
He continues to be on boards and advisory boards in Europe and the USA and is chairman of several international philanthropic bodies in the fields of medicine, education and music, among them Action Against Hunger, The Voices Foundation, The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, etc.
He is Commander of the Légion d’honneur (France), of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy and of the Order of Merit (Germany) and holder of the Decoration of Honour (Austria).
From 1991 to 2000 and prior to establishing Cheyne Capital, Mr. Fiertz worked for Morgan Stanley where he was responsible for the development and implementation of customised portfolio strategies and for credit research in the convertible bond management practice, latterly as an Executive Director. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Mr. Fiertz was, in chronological order, an equity research analyst for the Value Line Investment Survey from 1984 to 1986, and a high yield credit analyst in Boston at Merrill Lynch from 1986 to 1988 and in New York at Lehman Brothers from 1988 to 1990.
Mr. Fiertz is a Chartered Financial Analyst and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst who was educated at the International School of Geneva from 1976 to 1980 and from 1980 to 1984 at Dartmouth College where he was awarded a BA degree in Political Science and Economics.
  • Adair Turner has combined careers in business, public policy and academia. He is currently Vice Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe, a director of United Business Media plc, Chair of the UK Low Pay Commission and Chair of the UK Pensions Commission. He is also a Visiting Professor at the London

School of Economics.

He studied History and Economics at Cambridge University from 1974 - 1978, and taught Economics there part-time from 1979 – 1982, in parallel with his business career. He worked for British Petroleum and Chase Manhattan Bank, before joining McKinsey & Company in 1982. He became a Partner in 1988 and a Director (senior partner) in 1994. From 1992 – 1995 he built McKinsey's practice in Eastern Europe, opening offices in Moscow, Warsaw and Prague. From 1995 to 1999 he was Director General of the Confederation of British Industry.
Adair Turner is a trustee of the World-Wide Fund for Nature and a member of the Economic and Social Research Council. He was also from 2001 - 2002 a member of the Prime Ministers Panel of Independent Strategic Advisors focussing on health service issues. His recent book 'Just Capital – The Liberal Economy' is published by Macmillan. He has an Honorary Doctorate from the City University.


  • Sasha Havlicek - Executive Director, Club of Three. Sasha Havlicek was appointed Executive Director of the Trialogue Educational Trust and Club of Three at the beginning of 2006. She came to the organization from the European-American think-tank, the EastWest Institute (EWI), where she served since 1999 in Prague and then in Brussels as Senior Director of the Centre for Border Co-operation (CBC). There she initiated and developed the Institute’s prominent portfolio of cross-border co-operation, border management and conflict mitigation projects, setting up successful long term field operations across the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. Her responsibilities included policy advocacy vis-à-vis the European Union and national governments and a wide range of publications and policy briefs linked to managing borders, multi-ethnic societies, and EU enlargement. Ms. Havlicek also served on the strategic group of one of the Stability Pact for SouthEastern Europe’s (SP) Task Forces. She continues to serve as Policy Advisor to the EastWest Institute.
A specialist in East European, Balkan and European Union Affairs, Sasha Havlicek worked previously as both an analyst and program manager in the fields of post-communist transition/democratization, local governance and conflict resolution at a number of international organizations including the European Commission in Brussels. Ms. Havlicek is a British national educated at undergraduate and Masters levels (BA and MSc) at the London School of Economics and Political Science; she also holds a graduate diploma in International Relations from the Institut D’Etudes Politiques, Paris.
  • Hella Pick - Ameurus Co-ordinator. Hella Pick is a graduate of the London School of Economics and was on the staff of the Guardian newspaper from 1961- 1997. She worked first as UN correspondent and afterwards became Washington correspondent, East-West affairs correspondent, Diplomatic Editor, and Associate Foreign Affairs Editor. She has been a frequent contributor to BBC news programs and has made regular appearances on German and Austrian TV. She has served two terms on the Council of the Royal Institute of International Relations and is the author of Simon Wiesenthal - A Life in Search of Justice and of Guilty Victim - Austria from the Holocaust to Haider published in 2000 - an updated English language version of Und welche Rolle spielt Oesterreich published in 1999. In 2000 she was awarded a CBE - Commander of the British Empire.
  • Michael Maclay - Senior Adviser, Club of Three. Michael Maclay is Executive Chairman of Montrose Associates, which provides strategic analysis and advice to corporate and government clients. He has been closely involved with the Club of Three since helping Lord Weidenfeld to set it up in 1995/6. He was eight years a career diplomat, serving in Lagos, the British Mission to the United Nations, and in the Foreign Office, and eight years in the media, where he worked as a television producer and reporter, and a newspaper journalist and editor. Returning to the Foreign Office, he was then Special Adviser to Douglas Hurd, dealing mainly with the politics of the European Union and the Balkans. After signature of the Dayton Agreement he joined Carl Bildt , High Representative for Bosnia, as his Special Adviser and Chief Spokesman.
Publications include Multi-Speed Europe (Chatham House , 1992), Maastricht Made Simple (The European 1993), and the Pocket History of the European Union (Sutton 1998). He is Chairman of the Citizenship Foundation, a British charity which encourages active and effective citizenship, especially among young people. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the British American Project.

Steering Group

  • Norbert Röttgen - President. Dr. Norbert Röttgen has been a Member of the German Parliament since 1994, currently serving as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. From 2009-2012, he was Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. During his political career, Dr. Röttgen has fulfilled key functions within the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), including as chief whip of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group from 2005 to 2009. Dr. Röttgen holds a PhD in Law from Bonn University. He is a Senior Fellow at the Hertie School of Governance Berlin.[2]
  • Edmond Alphandéry - Vice-President. Edmond Alphandéry is the founder and Chairman of the Euro 50 Group which gathers leading personalities concerned with the European Central Bank’s monetary policy. A Board member of ENGIE (former GDF SUEZ), he is the President of its Strategic Committee. Edmond Alphandéry is also a Senior Advisor at Banque Nomura France. He attends the Consultative Committee of the Banque de France. From 1993-1995 he worked as a Minister of the Economy of France. From 1998 to 2012, Mr. Alphandéry served as chairman of CNP Assurances, and prior to this appointment, he was chairman of Electricité de France (EDF). Edmond Alphandéry is the author of numerous articles and books devoted to economic and monetary affairs.[2]
  • David Simon - President Emeritus. David Simon was Group Chief Executive at BP plc between 1992 and 1995 and Chairman between 1995 and 1997. In May 1997, he was appointed Minister of State in H.M. Treasury and Minister for Trade and Competitiveness in Europe in Tony Blair’s first government. He retired from ministerial office and the Lords Front Bench in 1999 to become adviser to the Cabinet Office. He was also appointed by President Prodi to be one of the three man team advising on the impact of Enlargement of the European Union, having served in the Competitiveness Council for the EU under President Carlo Ciampi’s Chairmanship. David Simon was Deputy Chairman of the Unilever Group from 2006-2009. He has also been non-executive director of the Bank of England, RTZ, Grandmet and Engie (formerly GDF Suez). He is a past member of the Advisory Boards of Deutsche Bank, Allianz, Fortis and LEK, and has sat on the Supervisory Board of Volkswagen AG. He is currently an Advisory Board member of Dana Gas and Montrose Associates.[2]
  • Michael Maclay - Chairman. Michael Maclay is Executive Chairman of London-based Montrose Associates, which provides strategic intelligence and advice to international corporations and governmental agencies. He was a professional diplomat, serving in West Africa, at the British Mission to the United Nations in New York, and in the Foreign Office. Michael Maclay then became a television producer and presenter, and a journalist and editor on a number of newspapers. He subsequently served as Special Adviser to British Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd. Following the Dayton Agreement, the framework for peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he worked in Sarajevo with Carl Bildt, International High Representative for Bosnia, as his Special Adviser and Chief Spokesman. His publications include Multi-Speed Europe (Chatham House, 1992), Maastricht Made Simple (The European, 1993), and the Pocket History of the European Union (Sutton, 1998). He is also Chairman of the Advisory Board of the British American Project, and was for twelve years Chairman of the Citizenship Foundation, a British educational and participation NGO, and now sits on its Advisory Council.[2]
  • Rowan Barnett - Rowan Barnett is Head of Google for Entrepreneurs in Germany. He was previously a Senior Director at Twitter where he was responsible for strategic market development in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Russia, as well as leading Twitter’s efforts in its emerging markets such as Turkey and Israel. He led teams in Berlin, San Francisco and Amsterdam focused on driving user growth through partnerships, working with influencers and organisations across all areas of media, politics, TV, sport and entertainment. Rowan Barnett is also a member of the Jury of the Raif Badawi Award, Mentor at Seedcamp and Quadriga Hochschule, Chapter Chair of H2 and served for a number of years as the speaker of the jury for the Axel Springer Prize for Young Journalists. Prior to joining Twitter in 2012, he was Head of Community and Social Media at In 2008, he launched and managed the English language news site,, having previously founded The AvaStar, the pioneering BILD newspaper for the virtual world of Second Life, as well as the online launch of the successful BILD “Citizen Reporter” project.[2]
  • Sarah Raine - Sarah Raine is an independent consultant and researcher, writing on issues of geopolitics and security. Based in Berlin, she is a Senior Consulting Fellow for the International Institute of International Studies (IISS), working with both their Europe and Asia programmes. In this capacity, she has written three books and published numerous articles focused on European and Asian politics. Sarah also runs a private client consulting business. This includes working as Head of European Political Strategy for the FX arm of the financial services firm COEX. She began her career working in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), during which time she was posted to the Balkans. Subsequently, she worked in Singapore as IISS’s Research Fellow for Chinese Foreign and Security Policy. Sarah holds an MPhil in International Relations and a MA in History (First Class) from Cambridge University.
  • Wolfgang Ischinger - Wolfgang Ischinger has been the Chairman of the Munich Security Conference since 2008. He is also Senior Professor of Security Policy and Diplomatic Practice at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. He advises governments and companies on strategic policy issues, and serves on the boards of a number of foundations, think tanks and companies. Wolfgang Ischinger is a German career diplomat, having served, inter alia, as State Secretary (deputy foreign minister) in Bonn/Berlin (1998-2001) and as Ambassador to the US (2001-2006) and to the UK (2006-2008). He represented the EU in the Kosovo troika process (2007) and the OSCE Chairman-in-Office in the Ukraine crisis (2014). In 2015, he chaired the ‘Panel of Eminent Persons’ mandated by the OSCE Troika to develop proposals for more resilient European security architecture.[2]
  • Serge Weinberg - Serge Weinberg has been Chairman of the Board of Sanofi since May 2010. After various senior positions in the French civil service, he became Chief of Staff to the French Budget Minister in 1981. He then served as Deputy General Manager in charge of finance at television station FR3, and as Chief Executive Officer of Havas Tourisme. After three years as CEO of Pallas Finance, Serge Weinberg joined the Pinault Group in 1990 as Chairman and CEO of CFAO. He remained with the Pinault Group as Chairman and CEO of Rexel and then became Chairman of the Management Board of the PPR Group, a position he held for 10 years. In 2005, he founded an investment company Weinberg Capital Partners specialised in private equity and real estate. Serge Weinberg was also Chairman of the Board of Accor from 2006 to 2009 and Member of the Supervisory Board of Schneider Electric (2005-2014). He is a board member of the Association Française des Entreprises Privées and a member of the Foreign Affairs Council.
  • Jean-David Levitte - Jean-David Levitte is Senior Policy Advisor at Rock Creek Global Advisors, an international economic policy advisory firm, where he focuses on European policy. He is also a distinguished fellow with the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. His career as a French diplomat includes serving as senior diplomatic advisor and sherpa to President Nicolas Sarkozy. From 2002-2007, he was the Ambassador of France to the United States and the French permanent representative to the United Nations from 2000-2002. After the presidential elections in 1995, President Jacques Chirac asked Ambassador Levitte to be his senior diplomatic advisor and sherpa. He served in that position from 1995-2000.[2]
  • Anne Elisabeth Moutet - Anne-Elisabeth Moutet is a columnist for the Daily and Sunday Telegraph (London) and a frequent contributor to the BBC and the Weekly Standard. She comments on the week’s news on ARTE television’s 28 Minutes talk show in Paris, and is also a regular guest on France Info radio and BFM News television. Anne-Elisabeth is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Gatestone Institute and sits on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Europe. She is a co-founder and vice-president of the Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Paris. In the past, she was a foreign correspondent for the Sunday Times (London), Paris Bureau Chief for The European, and France Editor for Newsweek Europe.[2]
  • Bernard Spitz - Bernard Spitz is President of the French Federation of Insurance (FFA), which was established in July 2016 and brings together the French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA) and the Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (GEMA). FFA represents 280 insurance and reinsurance companies operating in France, covering 99% of the market. He is also a member of the Board of MEDEF, the French Employers’ organisation, and chairs its International and Europe cluster. Bernard Spitz has been in charge of MEDEF’s work on the Social Agenda of the B20 – the international summit of business leaders and employers – since the French Presidency of the G20 in 2011. He coordinated the first Joint Declaration of Employers and Workers, respectively represented by the B20 and the L20, the International Labour Unions Summit. Bernard Spitz sits on the boards of several European think tanks: En Temps Réel, Aspen, Glocus, The Lisbon Council. He is a founding member of Les Gracques, a centre-left reformist think tank. A former Rapporteur at the Competition Council of France, and a member of the Council of State, he was a Special Adviser to Prime Minister Michel Rocard (1988-1991). Bernard Spitz was also Head of Strategy at Vivendi Universal Group between 2000 and 2004.[2]
  • Charles Powell - Charles Powell (Lord Powell of Bayswater) was for many years private secretary and adviser on foreign affairs and defence to Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister and held the same position in the early part of John Major’s time as Prime Minister. Since 1992 he has served on the boards and advisory boards of many international companies and was for many years chairman of the China-Britain Business Council. He chairs the Trustees of the Oxford University Business School and the British Museum Trust. He is a Trustee of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and the Aspen Institute and serves on the International Advisory Board of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. He is also a Foundation Fellow of Somerville College, Oxford and an honorary Fellow of the Ashmolean Museum. Charles Powell is an independent member of the House of Lords and currently serves on the Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy.[2]
  • August Hanning - August Hanning served as State Secretary in the Federal Interior Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany in Berlin between 2005 and 2009, and President of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) between 1998 and 2005. In 1986, he became a top diplomat and was assigned Head of the Division at the Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) to the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) in Berlin. There, he was responsible for diplomatic engagements between the two sides. In 1990, August Hanning continued his career at the Federal Chancellery and became Head of Division. In 1994 he became team leader, and in 1996 Director-General. During his time as Director-General, he was responsible for the coordination of the federal intelligence services of Germany.[2]
  • Ann Cormack - Adair Turner has been Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking since April 2015, where he was a Senior Fellow from 2013-15 and during which time he wrote his book Between Debt and the Devil – Money, Credit and Fixing Global Finance (Princeton 2015). Prior to that he chaired the UK Financial Services Authority (2008-13) and played a leading role in the redesign of the global banking and shadow banking regulation as Chairman of the International Financial Stability Board’s major policy committee. Lord Turner has combined a business career with public policy and academia. He led the McKinsey practice in East Europe and Russia and was Vice-Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe (2000-06). He became a cross-bench member of the House of Lords in 2005, served as the first Chairman of the Climate Change Committee (2008-12), and chaired the Pensions Commission (2003-06) and the Low Pay Commission (2002-06).[2]
  • Adair Turner - Adair Turner has been Chairman of the Institute for New Economic Thinking since April 2015, where he was a Senior Fellow from 2013-15 and during which time he wrote his book Between Debt and the Devil – Money, Credit and Fixing Global Finance (Princeton 2015). Prior to that he chaired the UK Financial Services Authority (2008-13) and played a leading role in the redesign of the global banking and shadow banking regulation as Chairman of the International Financial Stability Board’s major policy committee. Lord Turner has combined a business career with public policy and academia. He led the McKinsey practice in East Europe and Russia and was Vice-Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe (2000-06). He became a cross-bench member of the House of Lords in 2005, served as the first Chairman of the Climate Change Committee (2008-12), and chaired the Pensions Commission (2003-06) and the Low Pay Commission (2002-06).[2]


  1. IWM Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen Newsletter Winter 2002/No.1, p. 1, accessed 30 March 2009
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 Steering Group, Club of Three. Last accessed 10 March 2020.