Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation
According to its website the Centre for the Study of Financial Information (CSFI) is 'an independent think tank based in London. It was formed in early 1993 to stimulate research into the future of the financial services industry, and to provide a neutral meeting ground for financial practitioners to share ideas and explore the road ahead.' [1]
The CSFI has charitable status, and is 'supported by contributions from corporate sponsors, individual members and other donors. It does not receive support from any government education agencies or research councils. It exists simply because those who support it believe it deserves to exist. Current sponsors (Oct 2011) include:
Ruffer & Co | Citi | Ernst & Young | Fitch Ratings | ICMA | JP Morgan Chase PwC | Aberdeen Asset Management | ABI | ACCA | Accenture | Arbuthnot Banking Group | AVIVA | Bank of England | Chartered Insurance Institute | City of London | Clifford Chance | Deloitte |Eversheds |Fidelity | Finance and Leasing Association | FOA | FRC | FSA | Gatehouse Bank | Hogan Lovells HSBC | Jersey Finance Knowledge Transfer Network KPMG LCH.Clearnet | Lloyds Banking Group | Lloyd's of London | Logica | Man Group | Morgan Stanley | Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research | PA Consulting | Prudential Royal Bank of Scotland | Santander | SJ Berwin | Standard Chartered | Taylor Wessing | The Law Debenture Corporation | Thomson Reuters | TPG Design | UK Payments | Z/ Yen Limited | Zurich | Absolute Strategy Association of Corporate Treasurers | AFME | Alpheus Solutions GmbH | Bank of Italy | BCM International Regulatory Analytics LLC | Brigade Electronics | BVCA | Chown Dewhurst | CISI | Greentarget | FairBanking Foundation | Financial Times | FinaXiom Services | HM Treasury | Hume Brophy | Intrinsic Value Investors | Investment Management Association | Kreab Gavin Anderson | Landesbank Berlin Lansons Communications | LEBA and WMBA | Lending Standards Board | Lombard Street Research | MacDougall Auctions | Miller Insurance Services | NM Rothschild | Record Currency Management | RegulEyes | Risk Reward | SWIFT | Taiwan FSC | The Share Centre | WDX Organisation [2]
5 Derby Street, London, W1J 7AB
- ↑ About CSFI, CSFI website, October 2011
- ↑ Sponsorship, CSFI website accessed 18 October 2011