Emerson Family Foundation

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Steve and Rita Emerson, founders of the Emerson Family Foundation. Source:Jewish Journal

The Emerson Family Foundation is a US grantmaking foundation established in 2005 and run by Rita Emerson and J Steve Emerson (not to be confused with anti-Islam activist Steve Emerson).

Areas of interest

Declared Fields of Interest: Counterterrorism; National security; Nonprofits; Public affairs Population Groups: Economically disadvantaged people; Low-income and poor people; Muslims Organizations: Judaic institutions; Public charities. [1]


Grant recipients







Counterjihad conference sponsor

The foundation is listed as a 'supporter' of the 2008 conference 'Identity Crisis: Can European civilization survive? held in Rome under the auspices of the European Freedom Alliance in conjunction with the European University of Rome and the Lepanto Foundation.


1522 Ensley Ave.
Los Angeles, CA United States 90024-5325 [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Emerson Family Foundation, Foundation Directory, accessed 1 December 2016.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990 PF 2013.
  3. Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990, 2012.
  4. Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990, 2011.
  5. Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990, 2010.
  6. Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990, 2009.
  7. Emerson Family Foundation, Form 990, 2008.