Lepanto Foundation

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The Lepanto Foundation was founded in Washington D.C. in March 2001 with a seat in Rome. Its stated mission is "to defend the principles and institutions of western and Christian civilization and to improve relations between the United States and Europe."[1]

The Foundation sponsored the March 2008 conference Identity Crisis: Can European civilization survive? along with the European Freedom Alliance and the European University of Rome.[2]



Italian Office

  • Address: Piazza Santa Balbina 8 - 00153 Roma

US Office

  • Address: c/o Alan P. Dye – 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue NW - Washington D.C, 20006


  1. Identity Crisis: Can European civilization survive? - About Us, European Freedom Alliance, accessed 7 January 2009.
  2. Identity Crisis: Can European civilization survive? - About Us, European Freedom Alliance, accessed 7 January 2009.