Berwin Leighton Paisner

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Adelaide House, London Bridge
BLP sign.JPG

Berwin Leighton Paisner was one of the top 20 law firms based in the UK. It was formed through the merger of Berwin Leighton and Paisner & Co in 2001. In 2018, Bryan Cave merged with Berwin Leighton Paisner to create Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, led by Lisa Mayhew and Therese Pritchard.


In 1932 Leslie Paisner formed Paisner & Co which merged in 2001 with Berwin Leighton (formed in 1970 through a merger between Leighton & Co and Berwin & Co) to create Berwin Leighton Paisner.[1] Upon Leslie's retirement in 1976, his sons Martin Paisner and Harold Paisner took over his roles. Harold became managing director of BLP and Martin took over his charitable trusts. Harold's son Jonathan Paisner, a trained lawyer, has also worked at BLP.[2]


In 2012/13 BLP received £231.9 million in fees, however after expenditures, such as staff costs and operating costs, are taken away a profit of £52.4 million remains.[3] In 2013/14 this profit rose by 26 percent to £66.3 million.[4] In 2012/13 the company received This increase in profit was partly due to the cutting of staff and the subsequent money saved by a decrease in wages. In 2012/13 BLP paid £90.7 million in wages (£67.4 million in London), this was reduced to £87.1 million (£61.5 million in London).[4] This increase in revenue has helped BLP to pay off £13 million in bank loans 2013/14, bringing their net debt down from £34.6 million in 2012/13 to £29.25 million in 2013/14.[4]


Energy sector - unconventional oil and gas projects

FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project

In 2014 BLP said it was advising on a range of unconventional oil and gas projects.

BLP has extensive experience advising oil and gas companies on corporate and commercial oil and gas transactions. The firm is currently advising on a series of mandates involving unconventional resources in the UK and internationally. [5]

It regularly comments on the UK fracking industry, for example in February 2016 its oil and gas experts blogged that the leaked letter published in the Telegraph from three Secretaries of State to chancellor George Osborne - stating that they were minded by early 2016 to bring commercial shale production within Government’s bespoke fast-track development consent process for nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) under the Planning Act 2008 - 'has in fact been an open secret almost since it was sent'. [6]


In February 2015 it was announced that the Swiss subsidiary of HSBC had been helping ‘wealthy clients across the world evade hundreds of pounds worth of tax’. The bank has advised around 106,000 clients from 203 countries, including around 7,000 from the UK. Because of this, they now face criminal investigations in the UK, France, Belgium and Argentina.[7] In response to these allegations, HSBC hired Berwin Leighton Paisner and have instructed them to ‘send warning letters to the ‘’Guardian’’ in response to its inquiries’ into the tax evasion claims. Graham Shear, BLP’s London-based dispute resolution partner, was placed in charge of writing to the newspaper. As well as HSBC hiring BLP, their clients have hired law firms Mishcon de Reya, Carter-Ruck, Schillings, Harbottle & Lewis, Withers and Hill Dickinson to write to the ‘’Guardian’’.[8]


Parliamentary groups

Trade associations

Think tanks and elite networking

Lobbying firms retained


Staff circa 2014

Chris Adams, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Kenneth Addly, Associate Director, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Rachel Aikens, Senior Associate, Financial Services Investigations | Simon Allan, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Daren Allen, Partner, Corporate Crime & Investigations | Adriano Amorese, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Michael Anderson, Partner, Co-head of Corporate Finance | Stewart Anderson, Associate Director, Restructuring | Lindsey Anderson, Associate, Real Estate | Dave Anderson, Partner, EU & Competition | Dimitri Antipin, Associate, Project Finance | Tahirah Ara, Partner, Finance | Oleg Arkhipov, Partner, Litigation and Dispute Resolution | Helen Armstrong, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Kiran Arora, Senior Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Marisol Aspinell, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Lesley-Anne Avis, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Andrei Baev, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Tom Bain, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Matthew Baker, Senior Associate, Investment Management | Zahra Bardai, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Jeremy Bark, Associate Director, Regulatory | David Barnes, Partner, Corporate Finance | Simon Barnett, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | David Battiscombe, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Margaret Batts, Senior Associate, Real Estate Disputes | Simon Baum, Partner, Finance | Craig Baylis, Partner, Regulatory | Sarah Beattie, Associate Director, Planning & Environment | Yoni Beck, Consultant, BLP Representative Office Services Ltd | Elena Belozerova, Associate Director, Foreign Trade, Customs and Exchange Regulation | Ian Benjamin, Partner, Restructuring & Insolvency | Richard Benn, Associate, Construction, Engineering & Procurement | John Bennett, International Business Partner | Paul Bennett, Head of Forensic Accounting and Technology | Celia Berg, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Johannes Bergmann, Associate, Finance, Germany | Kirsty Berryman, Associate Director, Restructuring & Insolvency | Salim Bharwani, Associate, Banking | Friday Biddle, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Nicole Bigby, Partner, Director of Risk | Rebecca Biggin, Associate, Real Estate Disputes | Robert Bindless, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Kate Binedell, Partner, Investment Management | Amelia Binns, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Marcus Birch, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Alexander Birjukov, Associate, EU & Competition | Jayne Black, Partner, Banking | Ben Blacklock, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Amelia Blair, Associate | Harry Blathwayt, Associate, Real Estate | Marian Bloodworth, Partner, Employment | Damian Bloom, Partner, Private Client | Adam Bogdanor, Partner, Corporate Finance | Lydia Boos, Associate, Real Estate Finance | Elizabeth Bradley, Partner, Head of Corporate Tax | Simon Brayton, Associate Director, Finance Know-how | Sarah Breckenridge, Knowledge Development Lawyer, Disputes | Carsten Bremer, Partner, Real Estate, Germany | Jennifer Brenke, Associate, Finance, Germany | Jonathan Brenner, Director, Lawyers On Demand | Camilla Brignall, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Victoria Brocklehurst, Knowledge Development Lawyer | David Brotherton, Partner, Asset Finance | Chris Bryant, Partner, EU & Competition | Jim Buchanan, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Simon Buchler, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Tom Budgett, Consultant, Asset Finance | Markus Buhlmann, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Anthony Bunker, Consultant, Private Client | Sam Burstall, Senior Associate, Planning & Environment | Anna Bury, Associate, Asset Finance | Nick Butler, Partner, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Gemma Byrne, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Christopher Cann, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Carolina Carlstedt, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Alison Cartin, Associate Director, Private Client | Sam Carver, Associate Director, Private Client | Simon Catterall, Senior Associate, Planning | Mark Chan, Partner, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Raymond Chan, Counsel, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Andrew Chapman, Business Development Adviser | Richard Chapman, Partner, Commercial, IT & Outsourcing | Bob Charlton, Partner, Head of Asia and Managing Partner of Hong Kong | Sunita Chawla, Partner,Commercial Real Estate | Yuri Chernobrivtsev, Partner, Real Estate | Carteneil Cheung, Associate, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Ken Cheung, Partner, Corporate Finance | Steve Clark, Partner, Real Estate Finance | Emma Clark, Senior Associate, Real Estate Finance | Victoria Clark, Knowledge Development Lawyer, International Arbitration | Simon Clark, Partner, Head of Intellectual Property | James Clarke, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Ian Clarke, Associate, Construction and Dispute Resolution | Simon Clarke, Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency | Zac Clayton, Associate, Real Estate | Rhian Clayton-Payne, Associate, Corporate Finance | Russell Clifford, Partner, Head of Asset Finance | Alexandra Clough, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Louisa Cobbe, Associate, Investment Management | Neasa Coen, Associate Director, Private Client & Charities | Roger Cohen, Partner, Co-Head of Real Estate Disputes | David Collins, Partner, Head of Corporate | David Cook, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | David Cordery, Associate, Construction, Engineering & Procurement | Kirsty Corkum, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Justin Cornelius, Partner, Investment Management | Edward Coulson, Senior Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Rebecca Cowley, Associate, Real Estate | Hannah Crockett, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Matthew Crossley, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Rachel Cuff, Senior Associate / Principal Knowledge Development Lawyer | Irene Cummins, Associate, Financial Services Investigations | Alex Cunningham, Associate, Investment Management | Murdoch Currie, Partner, Corporate Finance | Adam Dann, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Marieke Datema, Associate, EU & Competition | Miriam Daub, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Ryan Davies, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Richard Davies, Partner, Head of Abu Dhabi office | Sam Davies, Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency | Joby Davies, Partner, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Kyle Davis, Partner, Corporate | Daniel Deal, Associate, Corporate Finance | Deepa Deb, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Ekaterina Dedova, Partner, Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions | Aude Delechat-Patel, Associate (Canadian Lawyer and Solicitor of England and Wales), Contentious Tax | Dr. Andreas Demleitner, Associate, Tax, Germany | Michael Dempsey, Senior Associate, Planning | David Dennison, Partner, Pensions & Incentives | Alix Desportes, Associate, Real Estate Finance | Nazir Dewji, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Vitaly Dianov, Senior Associate, EU & Competition | Brian Dowling, Senior Associate, Real Estate | Ron Downhill, Partner, Private Client | Gavin Doyle, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Christian Drage, Partner, Planning & Environment | Jamie Drucker, Associate, Intellectual Property | Jennifer Dudzinski, Associate, Real Estate | Alistair Duffield, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure, Head of Singapore | Richard Dupay, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Jennifer Dzafic, Senior Trade Mark Attorney, Intellectual Property | Ian De Freitas, Partner, Intellectual Property | Chris de Pury, Partner, Head of Real Estate | Terry de Souza, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Neville Eisenberg, Managing Partner | Rob Eldridge, Partner, Employment | Nicola Elton, Associate, Real Estate | Naomi Emerton, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Dominik Ernst, Associate, Tax, Germany | Eike Neugebauer, Associate, Finance, Germany | Roland Fabian, Managing Partner, Real Estate, Germany | Laura Faithfull, Associate, Real Estate | Raymond Fang, Associate, Corporate Finance | Olajumoke Fawibe, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Caroline Ferrigan, Associate, Private Client | Daniel Finch, Senior Associate, Banking | Rebekah Finch, Associate, Corporate Finance | Inna Firsova, Head of group, Real estate & construction | Lucy Fishman, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Sarah Fitzpatrick, Associate Director (Barrister), Planning | Damian Fleming, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Nic Fletcher QC, Partner, Head of International Arbitration | Michael Fluss, Associate Director, Tax | Grant Folland, Associate, Private Client | Alexandra Forrest, Associate, Asset Finance | Lucie Fortune, Associate, Intellectual Property | Liam Foweather, Associate Director | Vicky Fowler, Partner, Planning & Environment | Jo Francis, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Daniel Freiman, Senior Associate, Planning and Environment | Karen Friebe, Partner, Real Estate | Jancyn Gardiner, Principal Knowledge Development Lawyer, Construction, Engineering and Procurement | Victoria Gardner, Partner, Hong Kong | Anna Gee, Senior Associate, International Arbitration, Engineering & Construction | Oran Gelb, Partner, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Catherine Gelder, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Jacob Ghanty, Partner, Financial Regulation | Quentin Gillespie, Associate Director, Real Estate Finance | Alexandra Gladwell, Senior Associate, Insurance/Reinsurance | Oliver Glynn-Jones, Partner, Head of Banking Litigation | Michael Goldmeier, Partner | Simon Goldring, Associate, Private Client | Andrey Goltsblat, Managing Partner, Goltsblat BLP | James Good, Partner, Planning & Environment | Katie Goodfellow, Associate, Real Estate Finance | Robert Gowing, Associate, Planning and Environment | Paul Grace, Associate Director, Planning & Environment | Peter Graham, Consultant, Corporate Finance | Emily Green, Associate, Real Estate | Daniel Greenberg, Parliamentary Counsel | Deborah Greenwood, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Stephen Greyling, Associate, Real Estate | Barry Gross, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Robert Gross, Partner, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Antony Grossman, Partner, Head of Investment Management | Ian Gruselle, Director, Trade Mark Attorney, Intellectual Property | Alan Gutteridge, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Nicole Hallegua, Senior Associate, Employment | Will Hammon, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Elin Hannah, Associate, Employment | Marc Hanson, Partner, Commercial Construction | Richard Harbot, Partner,Tax | Rebecca Harding-Hill, Partner, Employment | Caroline Hare, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Heather Harmsworth, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Simon Harper, Lawyers On Demand Co-Founder & BLP Consultant | Joanna Harris, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Hayley Harris, Senior Associate, Real Estate Disputes | David Harrison, Partner, Head of EU & Competition | Finella Hartono, Associate, Corporate Finance | Dr. Fabian Hartwich, Partner, Real Estate, Germany | Peter Harvey, Consultant | Tessa Hastie, Associate Director,Corp Finance Know-how | Roger Hawkins, Consultant | Ceinwen Hayes, Associate, Real Estate Tax | Sha He, Associate, Real Estate | Toby Headdon, Senior Associate, Intellectual Property | Daniel Healy, Associate | Laurie Heller, Consultant | Tim Hellier, Partner, Head of Planning & Environment | Helen Hemingray, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Victoria Henry, Partner, Investment Management | Jessica Henson, Associate, Private Client | Erline Herrmann, Associate, Finance | Indra Hertanto, Associate | Liana Hewson, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Tim Hillier, Associate, Construction and Engineering | Nicola Hirst, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Andrew Hockley, Partner, EU & Competition | Sarah Hockman, Associate, Employment | Eva Holden, Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency | Hugh Homan, Consultant, Asset Finance | Nicola Hopkins, Partner, Investment Management | Bradley Houlston, Associate, Employment | Ashley Howard, Associate, Project Finance | Emma Howdle-Fuller, Partner, Head of Banking | Gordon Howes, Director of Facilities | Derek Hrydziuszko, Partner, Banking | Liz Hughes, Senior Associate, Tax | John Hughes-D'Aeth, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Chester Hui, Associate, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Eleanor Hunwicks, Partner, Banking | Kate Hurburgh, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Jennifer Hurdle, Associate, Real Estate | Anna Iceton, Senior Associate, Real Estate Disputes | Dmitry Ilyin, Head of group, Real estate & construction | Nadezhda Ilyushina, Head of Employment Pensions & Benefits | Jennifer Ince, Associate - Asset Finance | Stuart Isaacs QC, Partner, Head of Advocacy | Kate Ison, Senior Associate, Contentious Tax | Ian Ivory, Partner, Corporate Finance | Lauren Jackson, Associate, Hotels | Polly James, Senior Associate, Financial Services Investigations | Morgan James, Associate Director, Knowledge Development Lawyer | Georgina James, Partner, Private Client | Adam Jamieson, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Kate Jeffery, Associate, Commercial | Catherine Jefferys, Associate, Investment Management | Laura Jenkins, Associate, Commercial | Marie Johnson, Associate, Corporate Finance | Kyle Johnson, Associate, Banking | Patrick Johnson, Senior Associate, Corporate Finance | Sarah Jones, Associate, Real Estate | Kelly Jones, Senior Associate, Insurance/Reinsurance | Nick Jones, Senior Associate, Commerical Dispute Resolution | Theo Jones, Associate Director, Corp Finance Know-how | Ben Jones, Head of Restructuring & Insolvency | Aaron Jones, Associate, Corporate and Projects | Gareth Jones, Associate Director, Corporate Finance | Julia Joseph, Associate, EU & Competition | Warsha Kalé, Associate Director, EU & Competition | Mohammed Kamal, Partner, Head of Dubai Office | Philippe Kamarowsky, Counsel, Finance, Germany | Lena Kantaria, Associate, Real Estate | Matvey Kaploukhiy, Head of Group, Corporate / M&A | Alexis Karim, Senior Associate, Corporate Finance | Mark Kaye, Senior Associate, Employment | Taymour Keen, Associate, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Alexander Keepin, Partner, Corporate Finance & Co-Head of Mining | Helen Kemp, Parliamentary Agent, Snr Associate, Planning | Simon Kenley, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Sharon Kennedy, Associate Director, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Sarah Key, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Roman Khodykin, Partner, International Arbitration | Oleg Khokhlov, Partner, Banking and Finance | Tatiana Khovanskaya, Associate Director, Real estate & construction | Tessa Kimber, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Laura King, Associate, Real Estate | William Kipling, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Shirleen Kirk, Associate, Real Estate Disputes | James Knox, Partner, Real Estate | Peter Knust, Senior Associate, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Stephan Krampe, Partner, Tax, Germany | Jonathan Kropman, Partner, Head of Private Client | Rustam Kurmaev, Partner, Dispute Resolution | Isabelle Laborde, Associate Director, Planning & Environment | Geraldine Laing, Associate Director, Construction & Engineering | Joanna Lampert, Partner, Real Estate Disputes | Paul Langford, Associate Director, TMT, Know-How | Nick Larkman, Associate, Commerical Dispute Resolution | Alex Latner, Partner, Corporate Finance | Emma Lawrenson, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Simon Leaf, Associate, Commercial, IT & Outsourcing | Marie Lecrenier, Avocat à la Cour, Corporate | Benjamin Lee, Partner, Co-head of Corporate Finance | David Leibowitz, Partner, Restructuring & Insolvency | Priya Lele, Process Improvement Lawyer | Anthony Lennox, Partner, Head of Insurance/Reinsurance | Karen Leung, Associate, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Mark Lewis, Partner, Head of Commercial | Luke Liberda, Associate, Asset Finance* | Sergey Likhachev, Associate Director, Tax Practice | Charles Lilley, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Dax Lim, Associate, Corporate Finance | Andrew Little, Partner, Hotels | Marina Litvak, Senior Associate, Asset Finance | Ciaran Londra, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Jo Longley, Associate, Corporate Finance | Marie-Claire Lowry, Associate, Commercial Real Estate and Hotels | Jue Jun Lu, Associate, International Arbitration | Junwei Lu, Associate, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Jeanette Lui, Associate, Projects | Anne-Marie Lusty, Principal Knowledge Development Lawyer | Clarissa Lyons, Associate, Private Client & Charities | Lucy MacArthur, Associate, Investment Management | Robert MacGregor, Partner, Chairman | Lynn MacKay, Process Improvement Lawyer | Dylan Mackenzie, Partner, Corporate Finance | Antoine A Maggiar, Consultant, Corporate Finance | Adrian Magnus, Partner, EU & Competition | Minay Mahidharia, Associate, Corporate Finance | Bonnie Mahler, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Vatslav Makarskiy, Associate, EU & Competition | Reshmi Manekporia, Associate Director (Barrister), Private Client | Melissa Manski, Associate, Commercial | Akhil Markanday, Partner, Real Estate Disputes | James Marshall, Senior Associate, EU & Competition | Elasah Mastin, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Cathy Mattis, Head of Process Improvement | Amy Maxwell, Associate, Asset Finance | Lisa Mayhew, Partner, Head of Employment | Bob Maynard, Partner, Contentious Construction | Sarah McAtominey, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | David McCarthy, Associate Director, Insurance/Reinsurance | Catherine McGrath, Associate, Employment | Seamus McGrenera, Associate Director, Real Estate | Marilyn McKeever, Associate Director, Private Client | Gordon McMillan, Associate, Real Estate Finance | Claire McNamara, Associate Director, Head of LDR Know-How | Lizzie Mead, Senior Associate, Employment | Liron Meister, Senior Associate, Investment Management | Julia-Didon Meli-Cayre, Senior Associate, International Arbitration | Claus Merten, Of Counsel, Real Estate, Germany | Michael Metliss, Partner, Real Estate Disputes | Roger Milburn, Senior Associate, Int Arbitration & Commercial Disputes | Wendy Miller, Partner, Co-Head of Real Estate Disputes | Ruth Miller, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Paul Miller, Partner, Corporate Finance | Giselle Mills, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Claire Milton, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Elizabeth Mircica, Associate, Asset Finance | Stella Mitchell, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Hanns-William Mülsch, Partner, Real Estate, Germany | Katie Moghadam, Associate, Investment Management | Rebecca Moore, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Stephen Moore, Associate, Real Estate Finance | David Moore, Associate, Corporate Finance | Melissa Moriarty, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Andrew Morris, Associate, Banking | Jonathan Morris, Partner, Corporate Finance | Ami Morrison, Associate, Asset Finance | Claire Mowbray, Knowledge Development Lawyer | Vitaly Mozharowski, Partner, Commercial Real Estate & Construction | Carol Mulcahy, Partner, International Arbitration | Brian Mulkerrins, Senior Associate, Corporate Finance | Alexander Muravin, Associate, EU & Competition | Nicholas Myatt, Partner, Corporate Finance | Julie Myers, Formalities Department Manager, Intellectual Property | Sidney Myers, Partner, Head of Financial Regulation | Tracey Hawksley, Senior Associate, Private Client | Jon Nair, Senior Associate, Corporate Finance | Nomita Nair, Partner, Projects | Samant Narula, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Andrey Neminuschiy, Associate, EU & Competition | David Neuhoff, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Victoria Newbold, Associate, EU & Competition | David Newton, Consultant, Technology, Media & Telecoms | Jennifer Ng, Associate, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong* | Murray North, Partner, Private Client | Rachel Nottingham, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Kate Novak, Senior Associate, Employment | David Nunn, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Rosalind Nuttall, Senior Associate, Planning | Eimear O'Brien, Associate, Financial Regulation | Jamie Ogilvie, Associate, Investment Management | Justine Oldale, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Matt Oliver, Associate (Australian Solicitor), Corporate Finance | Nichola O'Reilly, Associate, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Chris Ormond, Knowledge Development Lawyer, Investment Management | Nikki O'Sullivan, Senior Associate, International Arbitration | Segun Osuntokun, Partner, Banking Disputes | John Overs, Partner, Corporate Tax | Catherine Overton, Senior Associate, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Neil Owen, Partner, Insurance/Reinsurance | Martin Paisner CBE, Partner,Private Client | Pierluigi Pagliuca, Associate, Real Estate | Harold Paisner, Senior Partner, Corporate Finance | Marc Palley, Partner, Banking | Anton Panchenkov, Head of Group, Corporate/M&A Practice | Sara Paradisi, Associate, Construction & Engineering | David Parker, Senior Associate, Insurance/Reinsurance | James Parker, Associate Director, Planning & Environment | David Parkin, Consultant, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Katie Parkinson, Associate, Construction and Engineering | Philip Parrott, Associate, Construction and Engineering | Jane Parsons, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Carly Parsons, Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency | Laura Patao-Caminas, Senior Associate, Corporate Finance | Alan Paul, Senior Consultant, Corporate Finance | Christopher Peacock, Associate, EU & Competition | Clive Pearce, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Marcus Pearl, Partner, Commercial,Outsourcing | Matthew Peel, Senior Associate, Real Estate | Eleanor Penton, Senior Associate, Real Estate Finance | Emma Perring, Senior Associate, Planning & Environment | Shelley Peston, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Charlotte Pham, Senior Associate, TMT, Commercial,Outsourcing | Simon Phelps, Partner, Private Client | Kent Phillips, Partner, International Arbitration | Andressa Pimentel, Assistant Formalities and Billing Clerk | Leticia Pinamang, Senior Associate, Real Estate Finance | Giles Pink, Associate Director, Planning | Hannah Place, Associate, Restructuring & Insolvency | Simon Pollock, Partner, Investment Management | Michael Polonsky, Partner, International Arbitration | Matthew Poole, Senior Associate, Tax | Katherine Pope, Senior Associate, Employment | Caroline Pope, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Maksim Popov, Associate Director, Real estate & construction | Eleanor Porter, Senior Associate, Employment | Richard Power, Partner, International Arbitration & Commercial Disputes | Nileena Premchand, Associate, Investment Management | Dr. Thomas Prüm, Partner, Finance, Germany | Nick Pryor, Knowledge Development Lawyer,Disputes | Tim Pugh, Partner, Planning & Environment | Monica Pukall, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Dimple Purohit, Associate, Corporate Finance | Manoj Purushothaman, Senior Associate, Corporate | Annabel Pyke, Knowledge Development Lawyer | Tamara Quinn, Consultant, Intellectual Property | Jaymine Rana, Associate, Asset Finance | Claire Randall, Senior Associate, Private Client | Tariq Rasheed, Partner, Derivatives & Derivatives Clearing | Clare Reeve, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Daisy Reeves, Partner, Banking | Mark Richards, Partner, Head of Projects & Infrastructure | Gary Richards, Partner, Tax | Hannah Rickard, Junior Associate, Real Estate | Alison Riddle, Senior Associate, Investment Management | Kimberly Roberts, Associate, Construction & Engineering | David Robertson, Partner, Construction & Engineering | Eva Robertson-Tselepi, Junior Associate, Real Estate | David Robins, Senior Resident Partner, Hong Kong* | Peter Robinson, Partner | Andrew Rose, Partner, Insurance/Reinsurance | Chris Rowe, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Angus Roy, Associate, Real Estate | Peter Rudolf, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Emma Rumens, Assistant Formalities Clerk | Norman Russell, Partner, Pensions | Jonathan Sacher, Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution | Farida Sadiq, Legal Director, Real Estate | Andrea Salsi, Associate, Finance | Andrew Sanders, Partner, Real Estate | James Sandham, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Naomi Sansom, Associate, Employment | Prashanth Satyadeva, Partner, Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Mark Saunders, Partner, Head of Energy | Oliver Saunders, Associate, Insurance/Reinsurance | Kieran Saunders, Senior Associate, Investment Management | Katy Saunders, Senior Associate, Construction and Engineering | Dr. Philipp Schaefer Mag. iur., Senior Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Dr. Leonie Schwarzmeier, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Paul Severs, Partner, Head of Structured Debt & Capital Markets | Lee Sharma, Associate, Corporate Finance | Simon Sharp, Senior Associate, Real Estate Finance | Richard Shaw, Partner, Commercial & Outsourcing | Paul Shaw, Senior Associate, Tax | Graham Shear, Partner, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Karen Sheehan, Trusts and Estates Consultant, Private Client | Catherine Shirley, Partner, Corporate Finance | Tina Siebenhaar, Counsel, Real Estate, Germany | Sam Silverman, Junior Associate, Real Estate | Tom Simmons, Associate (Scottish Solicitor), Investment Management | Mark Simms, Senior Associate, Real Estate | Nisha Singh, Senior Associate, Private Client | Alan Sinyor, Head of VAT | John Sipling, Partner, Real Estate | Anton Sitnikov, Partner, Head of Corporate/M&A Practice | Louise Sjosten, Associate, Corporate Finance | Nick Skea-Strachan, Partner, Hotels | Tora Smith, Associate,Private Client& Charities | Tim Smith, Partner, Planning & Environment | Georgia Snaith, Associate Director, Real Estate Finance | Rashpal Soomal, Associate Director, Real Estate Disputes | Simon Spells, Senior Associate, Asset Finance | Anastasiya Speranskaya, Associate Director, Corporate/M&A Practice | Sam Spivack, Associate, Real Estate | Julian Stanier, Partner, Corporate Finance | Clare Stanmore, Senior Trade Mark Attorney, Intellectual Property | Jenny Steer, Associate, Employment | Keith Stella, Partner, Corporate Finance | Jeremy Stephen, Senior Associate, Real Estate Disputes | Aaron Stephens, Partner, Corporate Crime & Investigations | Joanne Stern, Senior Associate, Pensions | Elizabeth Stonebank, Associate, Construction and Engineering | Andrew Street, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Gareth Stringer, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Hannah Summerfield, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Tim Sumner, Senior Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Justin Sun, Partner, Asset Finance | Emma Sutcliffe, Associate, Planning & Environment | Iain Suttie, Associate Director, Construction & Engineering | Oliver Swerdlow, Associate, Real Estate | Michael Tam, Partner, Michael Tam & Co, Hong Kong | Mukhtiar Tanda, Partner, Real Estate & Urban Development | Stephanie Taylor, Trade Mark Attorney, Intellectual Property | Sophie Taylor, Principal Knowledge Development Lawyer, Restructuring & Insolvency | Vladimir Tchikine, Partner, Customs, Tax & Foreign Exchange | Angelene Teo, Associate, Finance | Juliet Thomas, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Delyth Thomas, Knowledge Advisor, EU & Competition | Jackie Thomas, Knowledge Development Lawyer, Employment | Nicola Thompson, Associate, Construction & Engineering | Elizabeth Thompson, Associate Director, Real Estate Know-how | Aidan Thomson, Partner, Environment | Rupert Ticehurst, Partner, Private Client | Rebecca Timms, Knowledge Development Lawyer, EU & Competition | Evgeny Timofeev, Partner, Head of Russian Tax / CIS | Neal Todd, Partner, Corporate Tax | Marius Toime, Partner, Projects | Sheridan Treger, Senior Associate, Planning & Environment | Ian Trehearne, Consultant, Planning & Environment | Marc Trottier, Partner, Restructuring & Insolvency | Elena Trusova, Partner, Commercial Disputes | Catherine Turner, Senior Associate, Employment | Adam Turner, Associate Director, Employment Know-how | Janet Turner QC, Head of Charities, Private Client | Andrew Tuson, Senior Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Jonathan Ufland, Associate, Real Estate | Jennifer Varley, Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Sarah Verblow, Consulting Associate, Intellectual Property | Ekaterina Verle, Head of group, Real estate & construction | Ivan Veselov, Head of Group, Dispute Resolution | Naveen Vijh, Partner, Head of Real Estate Finance | Nikolay Voznesenskiy, Partner, EU & Competition | Kunal Vyas, Senior Associate, Tax | Usman Wahid, Partner, TMT, Commercial,Outsourcing | Sarah Walker, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Nigel Ward, Partner, Asset Finance | Sarah Ward, Senior Associate, EU & Competition | Natalie Wardle, Senior Associate, Construction & Engineering | Ian Waring, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Claire Watson, Partner, Real Estate Finance | Freddy Webber, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Chris Webber, Senior Associate, Commercial Dispute Resolution | Nicola Weighill, Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Alfred Weightman, Associate, Projects, Energy & Infrastructure | Michelle Wein, Associate Director, Commercial Real Estate | Richard Werner, Partner, Corporate Finance | Benjamin Wheeler, Senior Associate, Commercial | Paul Whitehead, Partner, Private Client | Dr.Kirsten-Inger Wöhrn, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Jessica Wickham, Associate, Planning & Environment | Alan Wight, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Louis Wihl, Associate, Commercial, IT & Outsourcing | Laura Wild, Senior Associate, Commercial Real Estate | Carly Williams, Junior Associate, Real Estate Disputes | Nathan Willmott, Partner, Financial Services Investigations | Jamie Wiseman-Clarke, Partner, Asset Finance | Michael Wistow, Partner, Head of Tax | Lilian Wohlfahrt, Associate, Real Estate, Germany | Victoria Wolf, Associate, Corporate Tax | Joseph Wong, Associate, Real Estate Finance | Catherine Wylie, Associate, EU & Competition | Andrew Yates, Partner, Commercial Real Estate | Adriana zur Nedden, Counsel, Finance, Germany[26]

Former Staff

Former paid advisers

Secondees to UK government

According to BLP's website

'Several BLP team members have been seconded to the UK’s Department of Health. As a result we have a real understanding not only of the legal and commercial issues, but also of the policies and principles that underlie and influence the healthcare sector'. [28]


FTSE 100 clients

Listed on BLP website


Absa Bank | Access Bank | African Bank | African Finance Corporation | African Development Bank | Anadarko | Central Bank of Nigeria | Coal of Africa Daddo Maritime Services Limited | FBN Capital | Guaranty Trust Bank | Harvest Natural Resources | Hellenic Petroleum | Investec | Lagos State Government | Ncondezi Coal Company | Odfjell Drilling | Panoro Energy /Pan-Petroleum | Perenco | Premier Oil | Standard Bank | Tanzanite One | Telkom SA Union Bank of Nigeria Vegas Oil and Gas Vitol Zanaga Iron Ore | Zenith Bank


AMEC | Aviva Investors | Balfour Beatty | Barclays | Blackstone |Great Portland Estates | Hadrian’s Wall Capital | Hatfield Philips | Hellenic Petroleum | Land Securities | National Grid | Olympic Delivery Authority | Oman Power and Water Procurement Company | Oracle | Playtech | Premier Oil Qatari Diar | Schroders | Tesco | Thames Water | The Financial Times | The Football Association | Travelex | UBS | Wilmington Trust |


Aabar Investments | Aldar | Al Habtoor | Al Rajhi Group | Al Tamouh Investments | Al Tayer | Arabtec | Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) | Dubai Aviation City Corporation | Majid Al Futtaim Properties | Musanada | Qatari Diar | Reem Investments | Tourism Development and Investment Company (TDIC) | Urban Planning Council |


Arkia | Bank Hapoalim | Bank Leumi | Brack Capital Real Estate | Ceragon Networks | Delek Group | Dexcel | Dori Media | Eden Springs | EL AL | Elbit Imaging | Engel Resources and Development | FIBI | Gilat Satcom | Lumenis | MirLand Development Corporation | Miya | MyHeritage | Ofer Group | Paradigm Geophysical | Park Plaza | Pilat Media Global | Playtech | Plaza Centers | Poalim Asset Management | Ratio Oil Exploration | Roadchef | Teva | Union Bank of Israel XL Media

Russia and the CIS

Goltsblat BLP is the Russian practice of BLP, and 'is one of the top 3 law firms in Russia*, it is also one of the largest among Moscow’s top-50 law firms'. More than 70% of clients are major international companies operating in Russia or the CIS.

Clients include Barclays Bank | Shell | Coalco | Caterpillar Financial China Development Bank | North Caucasus Development Corporation | Fleming Family & Partners | GE Energy | Deutsche Bank AG | EBRD

Charity work

In recent years Berwin Leighton Paisner have been expanding their Charities Group, which sits inside its Private Client Practice in London. In 2012, after hiring Janet Turner QC to join this group, Martin Paisner said:

'We have a unique Third Sector practice within the UK due to the breadth of our dedicated team, coupled with our ability to draw on the legal expertise of lawyers across the firm. Given our ambition to further develop our reputation as the "firm of choice" in this area we are keen to build on our existing capabilities and attracting someone of Janet’s calibre is a key factor in that regard. She will be an important addition, taking account of her deep understanding of the charity sector and expertise in the areas that are important to our clients.'

The charity team provide charities with commercial advice 'on a full range of legal issues, including cross-border giving, charity incorporations and mergers, the powers and duties of trustees and Charity Commission matters'.[31]

According to BLP's charities brochure, available on their website, they offer charities help with creation, Human capital (devising legally compliant policies and procedures within your organisation), funds and finance, international dimension (helping international charities to operate in the UK or vice versa), infrastructure projects, fundraising, evolution, regulation, and tax.[32]

As well as BLP's involvement with charities, the three Paisners are directors of a range of a charities including personal philanthropic charities for individuals and families, 'Friends of' charities that fundraise for Israeli organisations including universities, UK based zionist policy groups, health related philanthropy for particular causes and educational or welfare UK ventures

Affiliated charities and companies

The following table shows charities that have links to BLP, either through Martin Paisner, Harold Paisner or his son Jonathan Paisner being current or former trustees, or being registered to BLP’s Adelaide House address in London.

Name Registered to BLP address Martin Paisner Harold Paisner Jonathan Paisner
Ameca Trust Until 2/08/2010
Devonshire Street Charitable Foundation Yes
British Friends of Reuth Yes
Sieratzki Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Remember for the Future Online Yes
Fred and Della Worms Charitable Trust Yes
Stepney Jewish (B’Nai B’rith) Clubs and Settlement Until 23/06/2004
Barnett Shine Foundation Yes Yes Yes
Brighton and Hove Jewish Home Yes
Stella and Alexander Margulies Charitable Trust Yes
Pierre and Maniusia Gildesgame Trust Yes
John and Isabel Ritblat Education Trust Yes
Gift from the Dorset Foundation Yes
Weizmann Institute Foundation Pooled Fund (PE) Yes
Jack and Simon Djanogly Scholarships and Djanogly Chair in Computer Science Yes
Norman Sosnow Postdoctoral Fellowship Yes
Maxwell Ellis Professorship Yes
Dr Esther Hellinger Memorial Scholarship and J Stanley Weyman Memorial Scholarship Yes
Raymond Burton Fund for Genome Research Yes
Marcus Sieff Fund for Scientific Co-operation between United Kingdom Scientists and the Weizmann Institute of Science Yes
Hilda and Cecil Lewis Professorial Chair in Molecular Genetics Yes
Martin and Dianne Scholarship Yes
Sir Ernst and Lady Anne Chain Research Programme Yes
Kitty Waas Dekker Simon Wass and Rosette Dekker Scholarship Fund Yes
Harry Kweller and Kathleen Kweller Chair of Condensed Matter Physics Yes
Sir David Sieff PHD Scholarship in Brain Research Yes
Raymond Burton Prize Yes
Rixi Markus Scholarship in Memory of Eugenia Ignacy and Herbert Alfred Heller Yes
Rueff – Wormser Scholarship Fund Yes
Philip Harris and Gerald Ronson Career Development Chair Yes
Elaine Bond Career Development Chair Yes
Curwen-Lowy Biological Studies Fund Yes
Simon Weinstock Professorial Chair Endowment Yes
Weizmann Institute Foundation Yes
Samuel Sebba Professorial Chair Yes
Joseph Lewis Charitable Foundation Yes
Maurice Wohl Charitable Trust Yes
Maurice Wohl Charitable Foundation Yes
British Tay-Sachs Foundation Yes
Bluston Charitable Settlement Yes Yes
Lily and Marcus Sieff Charitable Trust Yes
Sir Sigmund Sternberg Charitable Foundation Yes
Phillips and Rubens Charitable Yes
Shaare Zedek UK Yes
Hamilton Trust Yes Former
Bedford Square Charitable Trust Yes Yes Yes
British Friends of the Council for a Beautiful Israel Charitable Trust Yes
Barnett and Sylvia Shine No 1 Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Ruth and Jack Lunzer Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Ben Gurion University Foundation Yes Yes
Denise Cohen Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Trust for the Study of Social Trauma and the Care and Treatment of Survivors Yes
Kestens Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Wolfson Townsley Charitable Trust Yes Former
Friends of the Israel Aged Yes
David Hyman Fellowship Yes
Jacob and Shochana Schreiber Fellowship Yes
Yarnton Trust Yes
Frank Green Fellowship Yes
Phillips Family Charitable Trust Yes
Goldser Cope-Thompson Charitable Trust Yes
Eric Rayman Charitable Trust Yes
Morris Leigh Foundation Yes
British Friends of Edith Wolfson Hospital Yes Yes
Barnett and Sylvia Shine No 2 Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Schmidt-Bodner Charitable Trust Yes
Young Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Israel-Diaspora Trust Yes
Hallam Trust Yes Yes
Adler Trust Yes Yes
Adler 1991 Trust Yes
Cissie Rosefield Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Stuart Young Foundation Yes Yes
M O G Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Yes
Jewish Education Development Trust Yes
Robert and Rene Lewin Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Peltz Trust Yes Yes
Hadassah Medical Relief Association U.K. Yes
Michael Crawford Childrens Charity Yes
European Jewish Publication Society Yes
Colwinston Charitable Trust Yes
Janet Wolfson de Botton Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Teale Charitable Trust Yes
Backing Britain’s Youth Yes Yes
UK Friends of the Peres Institute for Peace Former
Remembering for the Future 2000 Yes
Woolf Institute Yes
Elizabeth Wolfson Peltz Trust Yes Yes
Mentor Foundation (UK) for the Prevention of Substance Abuse Yes
Connaught Charitable Trust Yes
Tel Mond Charitable Trust Yes Yes
Harvey Rosenblatt Charitable Trust Yes
Royal Free Cancerkin Breast Cancer Trust Yes
Marcuard Orphan’ Trust Former
Holocaust Educational Trust Yes
Yoni Jesner Foundation Yes
British Friends of the Harav Lord Jakobovits Torah Institute of Contemporary Issues Yes
Maurice and Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Yes
Heart Cells Foundation Yes
Ovarian Cancer Action Yes
Mentor Foundation UK Yes
British Friends of Meir Medical Centre Yes Yes
Peter Cruddas Foundation Yes
Institute for Jewish Policy Research Yes
Friends of the Lung and Tuberculosis Associate of Israel Yes
British Friends of the A D L Yes Yes
Harry and Leah Cohen Trust Yes
Joseph and Deborah Taylor for the Hebrew University Yes
Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yes
Israel Zangwill Memorial Yes
J M Machover Charitable Trust Yes
Lionel Cohen Lectureship Trust Yes
Michael and Anna Wix Trust Yes
Baron Felix de Menasce Foundation Yes
Aubrey and Bertha Kremer and Mark Dersch Charitable Trust Yes
British Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Yes
Joseph Porton Trust Fund Yes
John Goodenhay Trust Yes
Henry Joseph Levitt Scholarship Trust Yes
Philip Pollecoff Scholarships Yes
Arthur David Memorial Fund Yes
Mejaai Charitable Trust Yes
Friends of the Anti-Tuberculosis League of Israel Yes
J B Rubens Foundation Yes
Stoutzker Charitable Settlement Yes
Rosenfeld Settlement Yes
British Friends of Hechal Shlomo Yes
British Friends of the Kibbutz Yes
Wix-Bloch Charity Trust Yes
Immanuel Charitable Foundation Yes
Friends of the Israel Cancer Association Yes
Holmfirth Christian Sentre (Assemblies of God) Yes
Agnes and Thomas Whyte Charitable Foundation Yes
Carmel and Joseph Gilbert Charitable Trust Yes
Jules and Sidney Leader Cramer Charitable Trust Yes
Goldser Foundation Yes
Internation School Foundation Yes
Bloom Charitable Trust Yes
British Friends of the Jerusalem Society for the Advancement of Education and Culture Yes
Ellie and Eric Barker Charitable Foundation Yes
Berwin Leighton Charitable Trust Yes
Shine-Denning Endowment of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law Yes
Downhill Family Charitable Settlement Yes
Sala Charitable Trust Yes
Jill and David Leuw Charitable Trust Yes
Jewish Education Foundation for Women Yes
British Friends of the Biotechnical Institute of Israel Yes
Anthony and Elizabeth Bunker Charitable Settlement Yes
Beer Sheva Foundation (UK) Yes
Strasbourg Trust (UK) Yes
Brearley School Charitable Trust Yes
Manoukian Charitable Foundation Yes



Address: Adelaide House,
London Bridge,
United Kingdom,
Phone: +44 (0)20 3400 1000



  1. BLP Law History, accessed 3 June 2015.
  2. Suzi Ring [Starting out strong] ‘’Legal Week’’, 29 September 2011, accessed 3 June 2015.
  3. Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 30 April 2013, accessed 12 January 2015
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Tom Moore Accounts revealed: Berwin Leighton Paisner profits rise 26% after headcount cutback ‘’Legal Business’’, 5 January 2015, accessed 12 January 2015
  5. Tim Sumner, Adam Dann, Expert insights: Oil and gas law update: AIPN publishes unconventional resources operating agreement, BLP website, 29 September 2014
  6. Sheridan Treger, Tim Pugh, The Telegraph’s leaked fracking letter: would a foray into DCOs help shale anyway?, BLP, 2 February 2016, accessed 3 February 2016
  7. BBC News, HSBC bank ‘helped clients dodge millions in tax’, 10 February 2015, accessed 10 February 2015
  8. Anna Ward and Justin Cash HSBC turns to BLP in attempt to put brakes on Swiss tax dodging leak ‘’Legal Week’’, 10 February 2015, accessed 10 February 2015
  9. Business in Sport and Leisure, Our Members retrieved from the Internet Archive of 23 April 2013 on 2 January 2014
  10. British American Project Supporters. Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 2 June 2014 on 1 November 2014.
  11. British American Project Supporters. Retrieved from the Internet Archive of 10 September 2007 on 1 November 2014.
  12. PRCA Public Affairs Register: Agencies – September to November 2012
  13. Association of Professional Political Consultants. APPC Register Entry, 1 Sep - 30 Nov 2010.
  14. Interel Consulting UK, APPC Register Entry for 1 March 2010 to 31 May 2010
  15. PRCA Public Affairs Register: Agencies – September to November 2012
  16. Celebrating Einstein ‘’British Friends of The Hebrew University’’, 29 May 2014, accessed 12 January 2015
  17. Tom Moore 16 years in the role Neville Eisenberg to step down as BLP managing partner ‘’Legal Business’’, 15 December 2014, accessed 12 January 2015
  18. Tom Moore Succeeding Paisner: Eisenberg to become senior partner at BLP when managing partner term ends ‘’Legal Business’’, 26 March 2015, accessed 27 March 2015
  19. Robert MacGregor ‘’Berwin Leighton Paisner’’, accessed 12 January 2015
  20. Jonathan Kropman ‘’Companies House’’, accessed 12 January 2015
  21. Anthony Grossman ‘’Companies House’’, accessed 12 January 2015
  22. Jonathan Morris ‘’Companies House’’, accessed 12 January 2015
  23. Paul Whitehead ‘’Companies House’’, accessed 12 January 2015
  24. 24.0 24.1 Tom Moore Old or new BLP? Which way will the firm turn with its next managing partner? ‘’Legal Business’’, 29 January 2015, accessed 30 January 2015
  25. Tom Moore Succeeding Eisenberg: Mayhew wins BLP managing partner role ‘’Legal Business’’, 3 February 2015, accessed 10 February 2015
  26. Lawyer Directory BLP Law, accessed 14 November 2014
  27. Lord Mendelsohn,, undated, accessed 28 October 2014
  28. Healthcare, BLP website, accessed 28 October 2014
  29. Luke McLeod-Roberts, BLP hiring spree and tax umbrella policy paves way for City supremacy The Lawyer. June 21, 2010, Pg. 11.
  30. Lawyers to the top FTSE 100 companies, Chambers and Partners, 2012
  31. Martin Paisner BLP hires Janet Turner QC as charity head BLP Law, 24 April 2012, accessed 3 June 2015.
  32. BLP Law Charities Brochure, accessed 3 June 2015.