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AGENDA is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status.

Board of Directors 2003 - 2004

Our members include:

Dug Bradley, Craigleith Ltd; Anne-Marie McGeoch, Community Enterprise Limited; Liz Thomas, Renfrewshire CVS; Ann Muir, Edinburgh Resource Centre; Ashley Lennon, Momentum (Rehab Scotland); Barclay Price, Arts and Business Scotland; Matthew Haggis, Creative Exchange; Ian Wright, Napier University; Martyn Evans, Scottish Consumer Council; Michael Groves, Great Circle Communications; Simon Hamilton, Three Hands; Margaret McLaren, Margaret McLaren Accountancy; Stephen Phillips, Burness & Co; Alan Wilson, SCDI; Damien Yeates, Govan Initiative; Chris Pilley; Dermot Grimson, Shell; Alastair Wyllie, Wyllie and Reid Corporate Communications; Graham Houston, The Work Foundation; Brad Michaels, Socia Centre; Anita Meldrum, Total Corporate Health Ltd; Foster Evans, Employers for Voluntary Housing; Andrew Preston, Aberdeen Asset Managers; Karen Maclean, Social Firms Scotland; Carole Ryden, The CSR Business Ltd; Jenny Hamilton; Nick Lyth, S D Lime Associates; Rodney Stares, Circles around Dundee; Andy Boddice, Tayburn; Simon Bailey; Margaret Durie, EUS Microbeacon; Debbie Wilkie, Scottish Civic Forum; Sonia McLay, Papillon Promotions; Zoe van Zwanenberg, Scottish Leadership Foundation, Colin Sansome, BQI Consulting; Katy Starke; Chris Hughes, Tiger Blue; ppScottish Churches Industrial Mission[[; Sarah Burton; Colin Pyle, Stepchange. Also: Loyds TSB Scotland; BAA Scotland; Diageo; BP.

External links

Agenda website:
