Nuclear Spin
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Welcome to the Nuclearspin website.
The Media
Individual Columnists
- Areva
- British Nuclear Fuels Limited – holding company for British Nuclear Group, Nexia Solutions and Westinghouse. It also has a US subsidiary:
- British Energy
- EDF whose Head of Press in the UK is Chancellor Gordon Brown's younger brother
- Eon
- General Electric
PR, Lobbying and Consultancy firms
- Bell Pottinger
- Facilitating Change Limited
- Financial Dynamics
- Fleishman Hillard - need to add scottish Nirex stuff to their profile although it is not linking back to nirex
- ForthRoad Limited
- The Future Foundation
- Good Relations
- Grayling Political Strategy
- Integrated Decision Management
- International Futures Forum - Praxis
- Kingsmead Communications Limited
- Luther Pendragon
- PR21 now known as Zeno
- Promise PR
- Strategic Awareness
- Weber Shandwick
City Firms
Web Companies
- Sticky New Media - Web Design Company
- Activate Media
- Forepoint