Terrorexpertise:Experts from Elite Conferences
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Below is a list of persons who have attended more than one event on terrorism at influential think-tanks. Below the table is a second listing the events consulted.
Elite Conference List
Name | Number of events |
Musa Admani | 4 |
Humayun Ansari | 2 |
Daniel Benjamin | 2 |
Mia Bloom | 3 |
Peter Clarke | 3 |
Lindsay Clutterbuck | 2 |
Boaz Ganor | 4 |
Loretta Napoleoni | 2 |
Peter R Neumann | 2 |
Kevin O'Brien | 2 |
Jonathan Paris | 2 |
Tariq Ramadan | 2 |
Olivier Roy | 2 |
Michael Scheuer | 2 |
Asim Siddiqui | 2 |
Steve Simon | 3 |
Anne Speckhard | 3 |
Rhiannon Talbot | 3 |
Robert Whalley | 4 |
List of Events Consulted
Title of event | Host | Date |
Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy | [1] | 25 April 2001 |
Attack Against America - Our Next Steps | [2] | 20 September 2001 |
Terrorism and the New US Foreign Policy: Views from Abroad | [2] | 26 September 2001 |
Understanding the War on Terrorism: Implications for American Foreign Policy | [2] | 7 November 2001 |
America's Foreign Policy: Tradition and the War on Terrorism | [2] | 14 November 2001 |
How Did This Happen? Terrorism and the New War | [2] | 17 December 2001 |
Rule Of Law: Keeping the Balkans Free of al Qaeda | [2] | 13 February 2002 |
What Should Be Our Overall Strategy In Dealing With Terrorism? | [2] | 29 May 2002 |
Phase III in the War on Terrorism? Challenges and Opportunities | [1] | 14 May 2003 |
Fighting the Financing of Terrorism: Developing a Successful | [3] | 16 March 2004 |
The Iraqi Insurgency and al-Qaeda | [3] | 10 July 2004 |
Nuclear Terrorism: The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe | [2] | 27 September 2004 |
Islam in a Changing World | [2] | 15 November 2004 |
Insurgency and Jihad: The Iraqi Theater and Beyond | [3] | 11 April 2005 |
How to be Effective in Counter-Terrorism | [1] | 15 April 2005 |
American Counterterrorism: The Secret History and Uncertain Future | [2] | 1 June 2005 |
Terrorism in the UK | [4] | 22 June 2005 |
How To Win the War Against Terrorism | [1] | 22 September 2005 |
Global War on Terror Series: The War on Terror-Are We Losing? | [2] | 17 November 2005 |
Are We Winning the War on Terrorism? A Report from Afghanistan | [1] | 19 January 2006 |
Politics & Terrorism 2006 - 16 Febuary 2006 | [4] | 16 February 2006 |
International Terrorism: Dimensions and Response | [2] | 5 April 2006 |
Evolving Tactics of Terrorism? | [5] | 6 July 2006 |
Whitehall Dialogue: Counter-Terrorism: Its Impact on the Craft of Intelligence | [4] | 29 September 2006 |
Understanding Suicide Terrorism | [4] | 3 November 2006 |
Transnational Terrorism: Defeating the Threat | [4] | 10 November 2006 |
Intelligence and the Sociology of Terrorism | [4] | 8-9 December 2006 |
Politics and Terrorism | [4] | 14-15 February 2007 |
Countering Suicide Terrorism | [4] | 6 March 2007 |
Female Suicide Bombing and Europe | [5] | 12 March 2007 |
The Algiers Bombings: Al-Qaeda's Resurgence in North Africa | [3] | 17 April 2007 |
Terrorism in the UK: A Workshop on Radicalisation | [4] | 2 May 2007 |
Al Qaeda Rising? | [2] | 1 June 2007 |
Jacobson: Europe's New Terror Threat | [2] | 25 July 2007 |
A Conversation with Michael Hayden | [2] | 7 September 2007 |
7th International Conference | [6] | 8-11 September 2007 |
Al-Qaeda and the Threat to the American Homeland | [2] | 12 September 2007 |
Islamic Movements in Iraqi Kurdistan | [3] | 17 September 2007 |
The Long War on Terrorism and Struggle Against Extremism | [1] | 19 September 2007 |
Prepared Remarks by the FBI's Robert Mueller | [2] | 28 September 2007 |
MI5 Director General's Speech on Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Trust | [2] | 5 November 2007 |
The Future of Radical Islam in Europe | [2] | 6 November 2007 |
The Al-Qaeda Triangle | [3] | 5 December 2007 |
Host of Event: Key: |