Partnership Agreement: Scottish Executive and the Alcohol Industry

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The Scottish Executive is working in partnership with the alcohol industry in order to develop further ways of tackling the perceived culture of alcohol misuse in Scotland. The agreement, announced on the 22nd of February 2007, includes partnership working between the Scottish Executive, alcohol producers, and retailers in both the off and on licensed trade. The members work with the The Drinkaware Trust who produce educational resources and spearhead campaigns to encourage responsible drinking. Mark Baird of Diageo is the Programme Director, and in this capacity works for the Scottish Executive in Public Health and Substance Misuse: Alcohol [1].

Public health campaigners have criticised the involvement of the alcohol industry in strategies designed to curb alcohol related harm. Professor Griffith Edwards, founder of the National Addiction Centre, voiced his concern “The drinks trade wanting to enter into partnership on health issues is a bit like saying the International Federation of Wolves should be allowed into partnership with grandmothers. We shall have to control the alcohol supply.” [2]

Drinks giant Diageo’s government affairs manager Rachael Robertson responded to criticisms of her firm by saying they “had nothing to be ashamed of” and argued that drinks companies’ marketing experience ­ and data ­ could be used to good effect in public health moves. The Portman Group also contributed to the debate by claiming the industry has been proactive in relation to irresponsible marketing and products. [3]

Signatories to the Scottish Executive/Alcohol Industry Partnership Agreement


Other Resources


  1. ^ Scottish Executive Internal Staff Directory Public Health and Substance Misuse Staff
  2. ^ Roy Beers, The Publican 16th May 2007 Scottish Health Initiative Criticised Last Accessed 12th September 2007
  3. ^ Roy Beers, The Publican 16th May 2007 Scottish Health Initiative Criticised Last Accessed 12th September 2007
  4. ^ Scottish Retail Consortium News Item 22/02/07 Last Accessed 31st July 2007