Paul Hogan: LinkedIn profile
This page archives the LinkedIn profile of Paul Hogan, a Scottish police officer who spent part of his career in London. The amount of detail in Hogan's LinkedIn profile was quite asthonishing and breached the policy of Neither Confirm Nor Deny that Scotland Yard adopted since the first undercover was exposed late 2010/early 2011 Mark Kennedy.
It is archived because of the expansive detail on his period with theNational Public Order Intelligence Unit, which stands out because the police
that was taken down a day after it started circulating on Twitter in April 2016 and the press got word of it.
Paul Hogan is a police officer from Scotland who worked for the National Public Order Intelligence Unit in London between January 2003 and July 2007, before returning to the Tayside Police in Scotland, and leaving the force in February 2015.
As NPOIU Field Officer, he coordinated the deployment of undercovers during the protest against the G8 in Heiligendamm, Berlin, in 2007 (this included the activities abroad of the known NPIOU officers Mark Kennedy and Marco Jacobs). Hogan also visited many EU member states to share his knowledge on the workings of animal rights activism and to set up protocols for the exchange of intelligence.