Paul Hogan: LinkedIn profile

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This page archives the LinkedIn profile of Paul Hogan, a Scottish police officer who spent part of his career in London. He worked for the National Public Order Intelligence Unit between 2003-2007, before returning to the Tayside Police in Scotland, and leaving the force in February 2015.

The amount of detail in Hogan's LinkedIn profile was quite astonishing and breached the policy of Neither Confirm Nor Deny that Scotland Yard adopted since the first undercover was exposed late 2010/early 2011 Mark Kennedy.

Hogan's résumé was discovered just as the police was making a huge effort to keep the Undercover Policing Public Inquiry behind closed doors (Chairman Judge Pitchford's ruling on this is expected 3rd May 2016) in a further effort to prevent disclosure of operational details and the methods of the undercover units.[1]

Hogan's LinkedIn profile was taken down a day after it started circulating on Twitter in April 2016 and the press got word of it. His profile picture was removed on Monday 18 April 2016, the entire profile disappeared on Tuesday 19 April after Hogan returned from a short holiday with friends in Turkey.[2] The profile is archived here for future reference.

Also see:

Paul Hogan LinkedIn profile

Hogan0.JPG Hogan1jpg.jpg Hogan2.jpg Hogan3.jpg Hogan5.jpg Hogan6.jpg Hogan7.jpg Hogan8.jpg Hogan9.JPG Hogan10.JPG


  1. For more information on the issue of secrecy and disclosure in the Pitchford Inquiry, see the interview with Tamsin Allan, sollicitor at Bindmans representing activists spied upon, Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance, What's the Pitchford hearing about, 6 March 2016, (accessed April 2016)
  2. David Scott, Facebook Timeline, 16 April 2016 (accessed April 2016)