All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change Group

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The All Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change Group was established in 2005 to 'raise awareness of the threat of climate change and to promote policies to counter that threat.' [1]

The APPGCCG was launched when The Carbon Neutral Company joined with MP's Stephen Byers and Colin Challen to raise awareness about climate change and formulating effective policies for mitigation and adaptation.

It is one of the largest and most prominently active parliamentary groups, amassing 150 members of Parliament and 100 Associate members. Membership is open to any business, NGO, MP or government department interested in tackling climate change and leading the way to a low carbon future. [2]


The group aims to deliver material and substantive progress on climate change by fostering an environment in which committed and relevant actors can discuss and formulate policies, promoting those with the greatest promise. The group works alongside businesses and civil society to integrate scientific, business and governmental approaches to the issue of climate change.

The main goal of the group is to engage Government departments and Parliamentarians along with the private and public sectors to pursue the ever-present, country-wide issues of climate change.[3]


The Secretariat of the APPGCCG was based at The Carbon Neutral Company from 2005-2010. The new secretariat, following the re-register of the group in the 2015 general election, is Policy Connect, a not-for-profit organization that helps to run other All-Party groups.


Officers as at September 2015

Officers as at March 2015

Members as at March 2015

Dr Julian Huppert MP - Liberal Democrats | Martin Horwood MP - Liberal Democrats | Damian Hinds MP - Conservative Party | Sir Peter Bottomley - Conservative | Zac Goldsmith - Conservative Party | Anne Marie Morris - Conservative Party | Julian Brazier - Conservative Party | Simon Wright - Liberal Democrats | Meg Munn - Labour | Ann McKechin - Labour | Dame Anne McGuire - Labour | Jack Dromey - Labour | Kelvin Hopkins - Labour | Dr Alan Whitehead - Labour | Emily Thornberry - Labour | Sir Hugh Bailey - Labour [5]


  1. Register of All-Party Groups as of 29 September 2015Parliament Website, accessed 6 October 2015
  2. Carbon Neutral, accessed 6 October 2015
  3. Policy Connect re-launches APPCCGParliament website,23 July 2015, accessed 6 October 2015
  4. Register as at 29 September 2015Parliament website, accessed 6 October 2015
  5. Register as of 30 March 2015Parliament website, accessed 6 October 2015