Liam Fox

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Liam Fox

Liam Fox is the former UK Secretary of State for Defence.[1] He resigned this position on 14 October 2011 amid controversy over his association with Adam Werritty.[2]

Register of Members Financial Interests entries

See page: Liam Fox Register of Members Financial Interests



In November 2005 he received £3,000.000 from businessman and Tory and UKIP donor, Stuart Wheeler.

He has also received £40,000.00 from hedge fund manager and Conservative peer Stanley Fink between 2005 and 2007, in four sums of £10,000.00

Between 2006 and 2008, Fox received £100,500 from private equity firm manager and Tory donor Jon Moulton in three separate donations.

In January 2007 he received £10,000 from Australian businessman Sir Michael Hintze.[3]




  1. Her Majesty’s Government,, accessed 12 May 2010.
  2. Defence Secretary Liam Fox quits, BBC News, 14 October 2011.
  3. Electoral Commission, Donation search, accessed 20 February 2015