N officers 1

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This article is part of the Undercover Research Portal at Powerbase: investigating corporate and police spying on activists.

Part of a series on the
Policing Inquiry
N Officers list
Description: A list of N & HN cyphers used to designate individual officers in the Inquiry and by Operation Herne (Part 1)

Police officers cited in the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) are generally designated by a cypher / nominal starting with N or HN followed by a number. The practice of assigning these cyphers was begun in by the Metropolitan Police inquiry Operation Herne which investigated the activities of the Special Demonstration Squad undercovers. It was subsequently adopted by Mark Ellison for his Review and the UCPI, both of which draw heavily on Operation Herne. The system appears to have changed in 2017, when the Inquiry began using the 'HN' label, though the associated numbers appear unchanged.[1]

Due to the number of offices and associated details, the list has been split into several pages. This is page 1, covering N officers with cypher number up to 99.

  • Updated 15 July 2018; further details of restriction order applications, etc. can be found under individual officer pages where linked.

Cypher Name (italics for cover name only) Position Notes
HN1 Matt Rayner SDS undercover Infiltrated animal rights groups in north London 1991-1996, including London Boots Action Group, London Animal Action, Animal Liberation Front and West London Hunt Saboteurs. Engaged in sexual relationships.
HN2 Andy Coles a.k.a. Andy Davey SDS undercover and cover officer. Infiltrated animal rights groups in south London 1991-1995; also targeted peace groups. Engaged in sexual relationships. Authored a version of the SDS Tradecraft manual.
HN3 Jason Bishop SDS undercover 1998-2006 infiltrated Reclaim the Streets, Earth First! and Disarm DSEi. Real name restricted.
HN4 unknown SDS undercover Deployed into two branches of one group in late 1980s/early 1990s. June 2018 - minded to restrict real name, cover name application to be considered at closed hearing.[2]
N5 / HN5 John Dines a.k.a. John Barker SDS undercover officer. 1987-1991 infiltrated London Greenpeace and Animal Liberation Front. Engaged in sexual relationships.
HN6 restricted SDS undercover Deployed against three groups in 1990s. Details restricted due to risk of violence and mental health issues.
HN7 real and cover names restricted SDS undercover officer. Real and cover name restricted on health grounds. Targets & dates unknown.
HN8 real and cover names restricted SDS undercover. Deployed into one group in 1980s/1990s. Mitting minded to restrict HN8 details due to physical risk.
N9 / HN9 restricted SDS undercover & cover officer. Deployed into one group in 1980s; later was a cover officer for officers of interest deployed in 2000s. Named in Ellison Review. Mitting minded to restrict details as HN9 at risk of suicide if details published.
N10 / HN10 Robert "Bob" Lambert a.k.a. Bob Robinson SDS undercover and head of unit. Targeted animal rights groups in north London 1984-1987. Engaged in sexual relationships, including fathering a child by one activist. Later head of the SDS and took part in the Walton-N81 meeting.
HN11 Mike Chitty, a.k.a. Mike Blake SDS Undercover 1984-1989 deployed into animal rights groups in south London, including South London Animal Movement. Engaged in sexual relationships.
HN12 Mike Hartley SDS Undercover 1982-1985, deployed into Revolutionary Communist Group and Socialist Workers Party. Engaged in sexual relationships. Deceased.
HN13 Barry / Desmond Loader SDS undercover Infiltrated the Communist Party of England (Marxist-Leninist) 1974-1978. Twice prosecuted for public order offences in his cover name and convicted once. Deceased. Real name restricted.
N14 / HN14 Jim Boyling a.k.a. "Grumpy" Jim Sutton SDS Undercover. 1995-2000 deployed into Essex Hunt Saboteurs, Reclaim the Streets and Earth First! Engaged in sexual relationships and fathered children by an activist.
HN15 Mark Jenner a.k.a. Mark Cassidy SDS undercover 1995-2000 targeted Colin Roach Centre, Anti-Fascist Action, Independent Working Class Association, Republican Forum. Mentioned by Lambert as an SDS UCO who 'would have involvement in Stephen Lawrence campaign issues' (Ellison page 214). Engaged in sexual relationships.
HN16 cover name to come SDS undercover
HN17 real and cover name restricted SDS undercover Targeted right wing groups in 1990s (last 15 years of SDS existance).
HN18 unknown SDS undercover Deployed in 'last period of existence' of SDS. Minded to (June 2018): restrict real name, publish cover name.
HN19 Malcolm Shearing SDS undercover 1981 to 1985 deployed into Revolutionary Communist Party & Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist/Leninist). Arrested and cautioned for bill posting.
HN20 Tony Williams SDS undercover 1978 to 1982 deployed into the Revolutionary Communist Tendency and Direct Action Movement.
HN21 unknown SDS undercover Deployed late 70s / early 80s against one group & reported on others. Minded to restrict on mental health grounds.
HN22 unknown 20 Feb 2018: directed that restriction orders applications to be submitted by end of Feb 2018.[3]
HN23 unknown SDS undercover Deployed in 1990s. Real and cover name to be restricted.
HN24 to come SDS management Prior to joining the [SDS] in 2001, HN24 handled and distributed intelligence gathered by deployed undercover officers at the time of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. Also served as a cover officer for undercovers, including Carlo Neri.
HN25 Kevin Douglas' SDS undercover 1987-1991 deployed into the Troops Out Movement
HN26 Christine Green SDS undercover Deployed 1994-1999 into animal rights groups.
HN27 likely to be restricted SDS undercover Deployed into a number of left wing groups in the 1990s. In 60s. Mitting is minded to restrict both HN27's real and cover names, saying the officer is 'at risk to life and limb' given nature of deployment and activities undertaken. Mentioned in Ellison.
HN28 likely to be restricted SDS undercover Deployed against two groups and reported on others in last 15 years of SDS. Minded to: restrict real and cover names as at risk of serious violence if identity discovered.[4][5] Had been directed to file anonymity application by 24/27 April 2018.[6] Open application over real and cover names (26 Apr 2018)

9 July 2018: directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[7]

HN29 to come SDS management / back office. No application to restrict real name made.[2][8][9] 11 May 2018: directed applications for anonymity to be made by end of month.[10]
HN30 likely to be restricted SDS management / back office
HN32 to come SDS management / back office No application made, so name to be published in due course.[4][5]. Directions has been given to supply any application by end of April 2018.[6]
HN33/98 Kathryn Lesley 'Lee' Bonser SDS undercover 1983-1987 infiltrated Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp and Socialist Workers Party.
HN34 to come SDS management / back office staff Real name to be published; no restriction application made.[11]
HN35 restricted SDS Det. Sergeant SDS cover officer for six undercovers for 2 years during the last period of the existence of the SDS. Ruling (May 2018): real name cannot be published.[12]
HN36 to come SDS management / back office Name to be published (June 2018).

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN36 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] Any cover name to be considered at document redaction stage.[9]

HN39 to come SDS management / back office Name to be published (June 2018).

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN36 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] No cover name used.[9]

N40 restricted SDS undercover Undercover in last decade of the unit.[13]Mentioned in relation to how information from the SDS, particularly on the identities of protestors, was passed on to the rest of the police (Herne II, 13.4, 24.1.3).[14]
HN41 restricted SDS undercover Deployed against two groups in the 1970s and 1980s, of which the principle target group no longer exists.
N43 Peter Francis, a.k.a. Peter Daley / Johnson / Black SDS undercover 1993-1997 infiltrated Youth against Racism in Europe and Militant & Socialist Party.

Mentioned in Herne I (3.5, 3.6) though not by real name; his identity can be inferred as he was the only former undercover who provided a video interview to the Guardian.[15] Peter Francis confirmed this was his cypher in a tweet of 23 January 2018.[16]

On 25 January 2018, the Inquiry revealed that Francis had used three cover identities, 'Peter Johnson', 'Peter Daley' and 'Peter Black'. This was the first public revealing of the alias 'Peter Johnson', a name taken from that of a dead child. The Inquiry noted that it 'has been in touch with Peter Johnson’s close relatives who have made it very clear that they want the media to respect their privacy and not to seek to contact them by any means'.[17]

HN44 Darren Prowse SDS undercover Tasked to infiltrate the British National Party in 2007. [18] Application made to restrict real name (26 Feb 2018), published 9 July 2018[19] which Mitting is minded to grant.[20]

9 July 2018: directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[7]

20 Feb 2018, directions issued that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of Feb 2018.[3]

HN45 David Robertson SDS undercover & back office 1970-1973 infiltrated Banner Books, Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and maoist groups in North London. Worked in back office in SDS in adminstrative role for 3 years in 1980s.
HN48 unknown 11 Jan 2018: directed that restriction orders applications to be submitted by end of Jan 2018.[21]
HN49 to come SDS management / back office Name to be published (June 2018).

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN49 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] Any cover name to be considered at document redaction stage.[9]

HN51 to come SDS head of unit & back office Serve in back office 1981-83, and as Det. Ch. Insp. in operational charged of the SDS Nov 1988 - July 1991. Unlikely to give evidence having suffered 3 strokes which has left them seriously incapacitated.[2] Mitting wrote:[8]
The evidence which he provided to Operation Herne, in particular about his time as Detective Chief Inspector, is of significant interest to the Inquiry... But for the matters referred to below, he wouldhave been required to provide and give evidence... When I have seen his medical records, it is very likely that I will decide that he cannot participate in the Inquiry, by providing a witness statement or by giving oral evidence.

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN51 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] Any cover name to be considered at document redaction stage.[9]

HN52 to come SDS management / back office SDS sergeant. In received the 1998 memo from Bob Lambert on the meeting between Richard Walton and N81 (Ellison Review, p. 229).[22]

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN52 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] Any cover name to be considered at document redaction stage.[9]

HN53/N53 unknown SDS undercover & manager Deployed undercover in 1980s; Second in Operational Command of SDS 1998-2005 (Det. Insp.). Though evidence is of importance to Inquiry, there is a contingent physical risk which justifies restricting real and cover names. Mentioned in Herne I & II, and Ellison.
HN56 Alan 'Nick' Nicholson SDS undercover 1990-1991 targeted British National Party.[23]
HN58 restricted SDS undercover and manager DCI in charge of SDS 1997 - 2001.
HN59 unknown SDS back office staff. Served in SDS in late 1980s / early 1990s. Real name to be given 'when evidence relating to them is published before hearings'.[24]
HN60 Dave Evans SDS undercover 1998-2005 deployed into Socialist Workers Party, London Animal Action & Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty.
HN61 to come SDS back office staff / manager.[25] No application for a restriction order was made.[26]
HN64 restricted SDS undercover Deployed against one group in 1990s and reported on others.[13]
HN65 John Kerry SDS undercover 1980 - 1984 targeted Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.[27] Application made to restrict real and cover names (26 Feb 2018), published 9 July 2018[19] which Mitting is minded to grant for the real name restriction.[20]

20 Feb 2018, directions issued that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of Feb 2018.[3]

9 July 2018: directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[7]

HN66 to come SDS undercover Deployed against a variety of groups in early / mid-2000s, none of which committed acts of serious violence. In 60s.

HN66 concerned his real name will be discovered if his cover name is released. Mitting found the fears misplaced and overstated, and if real name discovered, principle impact would be media intrusion 'falling well short of harassment'. A closed note accompanies this reasoning. Mitting thus minded to that real name cannot be published, but the application over cover name refused 'to the extent that it would prohibit disclosure of the names by which HN66 was known to members of the groups targeted'.[28]

15 Jan 2018, granted more time to provide the Inquiry with information in relation to their restriction order application.[25] Full application delayed so minded to decision not reached.[26]

HN67 Alan Bond SDS undercover 1981 - 1986 infiltrated Socialist Workers Party.[29]
HN68 Sean Lynch SDS undercover & manager 1968-74 infiltrated Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association, Irish Civil Rights Solidarity Campaign and Sinn Féin (London). Held managerial position in SDS 1982-84. Deceased.
HN69 to come SDS head of unit Chief Inspector, heading up SDS 1986-1987. In his statement to Op. Herne stated '…new recruits were instructed on how to go about obtaining false birth certificates. They would obtain details of a deceased person of a similar age from Somerset House and then use those details to go about creating their legend.' (Herne I, 3.1)[15]

11 May 2018: directed that any applications relating to HN69 to be filed by end of the month.[10] No such application was made.[2][8] No cover name used.[9]

HN71 restricted SDS undercover Deployed against two groups in 1990s and 2000s / last 15 years of the existence of the SDS.
HN72 unknown SDS undercover and manager Deployed for short period in 1980s into one group (inferred as 1986-1987). Held significant managerial position in SDS (approx 2005/6), after Macpherson; considered to have important evidence to give regarding spying on the Lawerence family.
HN76 unknown SDS undercover Deployed in last years of the SDS into one group and reported on others. Mitting minded to restrict real and cover name as HN76 is a serving police officer 'engaged in sensitive duties', so it wouldnt be in the public interest to 'put performance of those duties at risk'.

[4][5] Had been directed to file anonymity application by 24/27 April 2018.[6]

HN77 Jaqueline Anderson SDS undercover 2000-2005 infiltrated Reclaim the Streets, Earth First! and the WOMBLES.
HN78 to come SDS undercover Summer 1991-1995 deployed into left wing groups, including some near the Lawrence campaign; joined Special Branch 1986, and SDS in 1991 - leaving that unit by 1996. (Herne II, 12.2; Ellison, 6.4). Aware of Peter Francis' role; said he heard nothing indicating material to smear the Lawrences was being sought (Herne II, 21.1.14; Ellison, 6.3(p), 6.4). Considerable material from him covered in section 6.4 of the Ellison Review (Vol.1).[14][22]

Decision to restrict real name but publish cover name reiterated on 6 June 2018, when Mitting wrote:[30]

I repeat the reasons set out in the "minded to" note 6 dated 22 March 2018. Further, HN78 has now provided a detailed personal statement in support of the application for a restriction order in respect of the cover name. It provides information about the reasons for the deployments referred to in paragraph 20 of "minded to" note 6, which must be explored in public. It is also necessary that the cover name of HN78 is published, to permit members of the target groups to provide evidence about the deployments and their own activities.
The reasons for the ruling are those set out in the closed note referred to in paragraph 21 of "minded to" note 6 and in the closed note which

accompanies this ruling.

20 Feb 2018: directed that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of that month.[3]

HN79 Ross 'RossCo' MacInnes SDS undercover 2007 tasked against the United British Alliance.

22 Mar 2018: minded to: restrict real name, and noted:[31]

HN79 was the last undercover officer to be recruited into the Special Duties Squad. He was not fully deployed: the Squad was disbanded before he could be. He found the experience a stressful and unhappy one. He is a serving police officer and is concerned about the impact of the disclosure, in connection with his would-be role as an undercover officer in the Squad, of his real name on his current police duties and on his family.

20 Feb 2018: directed that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of that month.[3] Cover name released April 2018. Ruling of May 2018: real name restricted; application over cover name rejected.[12]

26 Feb 2018: MPS submit application to restrict real name only.

HN80 Colin Clark SDS undercover 1977 - 1982 deployed into Socialist Workers Party & Anti-Nazi League

20 Feb 2018, directions issued that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of Feb 2018.[3] Cover name and groups released 26 June 2018.[32] Application made to restrict cover and real name (26 Feb 2018), published 9 July 2018[19] which Mitting is minded to grant for the real name restriction.[20]

9 July 2018: directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[7]

HN81 / N81 Dave Hagan SDS undercover 1996-2001 targeted Socialist Workers Party, Class War, Movement Against the Monarchy and Movement for Justice. Referred to extensively in the Ellison Review in relation to the targeting of the family of Stephen Lawrence.
HN82 to come SDS undercover Deployed against two groups in 1980s, one of which said to be violent. Deceased. Risk assessor finds no risk to safety of his widow, but she has expressed concern all the same, and 'feels' the risk is real. Mitting in his Minded-To of March 2018 indicates the real name shall be restricted while opportunity given to widow of HN82 to make a personal representation at a closed hearing about publication of cover name. Mitting not prepared to act on something vague, but given chance HN82's real name could be discovered via his cover name, the Chair is giving her a chance to make a representation at a closed hearing in respect of the cover name. A closed note also accompanies the open reasons provided in the Minded To.[28] Subsquent to this, the Inquiry website at unknown date listed the cover name as 'to be published'.
HN83 restricted SDS undercover & back office Deployed against one group in 1980s; name restricted due to risk to officer's personal safety. Later in career did welfare work with SDS.
N85 / HN85 Roger Pearce a.k.a. Roger Thorley SDS undercover & manager 1979-1984 infiltrated Freedom Press and anarchist groups. Later Head of Special Branch and Director of Intelligence for Metropolitan Police Service. Mentioned in the first Operation Herne report and the Ellison Review.
HN86 unknown SDS undercover & manager SDS undercover in late 1970s / early 1980s 'against groups whose principle activities during that time are outside the terms of reference of the Inquiry'. Later Det. Ch. Insp. in operational charge of the SDS for a period in 1990s, and temporary head of S Squad. Mentioned by Herne and Ellison, inlcuding in relation to spying on the Lawrence family. Mitting minded to restrict real and cover names.
HN87 unknown SDS undercover Deployed in 1980s/1990s. Minded to restrict real and cover names[4] for reasons which cannot be made public.[5]
HN88 Timothy Spence SDS undercover 1983-1987 infiltrated the Stoke Newington and Hackney Defence Campaign and the Hackney Campaign Against the Police Bill.
HN89 / N89 to come SDS undercover Infiltrated far right in 1990s and 'involved in public order situations where left and right attended'; contemporary of Peter Francis who would confide in N89.[22] Deceased; real and cover name to be published as no application made to restrict details (Nov 2017 minded-to).[11]
HN90 Mark Kerry SDS undercover 1988-1992 infiltrated Socialist Workers Party and City of London Anti-Apartheid Group.[32]

20 Feb 2018, directions issued that applications for restriction orders to be submitted by end of Feb 2018.[3] Application made to restrict real name (26 Feb 2018), published 9 July 2018[19] which Mitting is minded to grant.[20]

9 July 2018: directed that any objections to Mitting's intention to restrict the real name to be made by 20 July 2018.[7]

HN91 unknown SDS undercover Deployed against two groups in last period of SDS. Neither group poses a threat, but the officer is currently serving in a 'valuable and sensitve role' so real or cover name should not be released.
HN95 to come SDS undercover 1985-1988 deployed into Socialist Workers Party.[33]

Apr 2018: Mitting said he was minded-to refuse application to restrict real name, saying:[33]

His deployment was problematical and was terminated by his managers abruptly in 1988. He was medically retired soon after. Little or nothing is known about his current circumstances or concerns, save that it is believed he is aware of the attempts which have been made to contact him in connection with the Inquiry. If he is, he has not responded to them.
The [MPS] has made an application for a restriction order in respect of his real name. The grounds of the application are generic. They do not identify the respects, if any, in which his right to respect for his private and family life would be infringed by publication of his real name, beyond referring to a paragraph in the risk assessment created on 27 February 2018 which is, itself, generic.... I am not willing to make a restriction order on Article 8 grounds without some good reason for believing that the right to respect for private and family life would be infringed if real or cover name were published. In the case of HN95, I have no such reason. Further, the real name of HN95 and the circumstances in which he came to join and leave the [SDS] are know to responsible journalists. The latter have been put into the public domain by them. I have no reason to believe that any attempt will be made to restrain publication of that which they know - the real name of HN95. In those circumstances, it would be futile to make a restriction order in respect of the real name.

11 Jan 2018, directed restriction orders application to be submitted by end of Jan 2018.[21] Minded To (March 2018): application delayed.[28] Apr 2018: Mitting orders that HN95 'should provide notification that they his to be heard in closed hearing' by 7 May 2018, with skeleton argument setting out objections to his Minded To to reject application to restrict real name to be provided by 11 May 2018.[34]

HN96 James Michael SDS undercover 1978-1983 infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party & Troop Out Movement.
HN91 unknown SDS undercover Deployed against two groups in last period of SDS.
HN97 unknown SDS undercover Deployed in 1980s into one group and reported on many others. Minded to restrict real and cover name due to a risk to HN97 which cannot be made public.
HN99 to come SDS management / back office No application for restriction order made; real name to be published.[11]


  1. Press Release: 'Minded to' note, ruling and directions in respect of anonymity applications relating to former officers of the Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI.org.uk), 3 August 2017.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Press notice - 'Minded to' decisions relating to anonymity applications: Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 21 June 2018.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad - Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 20 February 2018 (accessed 1 March 2018).
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 'Minded to' decisions relating to anonymity applications: Special Demonstration Squad Ruling on HN122, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 23 May 2018.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad 'Minded to' note 9 and Ruling 8, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 23 May 2018.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 19 April 2018.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad and of the National Public Order Intelligence Unit - Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 9 July 2018.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad - 'Minded To' Note 11, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 21 June 2018.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 Counsel to the Inqury's Explanatory Note to accompany the Chairman's 'Minded To' Note 9 and Ruling 8 in respect of applications for restrictions over the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and Special Demonstration Squad: Update as at 21 June 2018, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 21 June 2018.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 11 May 2018.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Counsel to the Inquiry's Explanatory note to accompany the 'Minded-To' Note (2) in respect for restrictions over the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 14 November 2017.
  12. 12.0 12.1 In the matter of section 19 (3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Ruling, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 15 May 2018.
  13. 13.0 13.1 In the matter of section 19 (3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad ‘Minded to’ note 2, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 14 November 2017.
  14. 14.0 14.1 Mick Creedon, Operation Herne: Report 2 - Allegations of Peter Francis, Metropolitan Police Service, March 2014.
  15. 15.0 15.1 Mick Creedon, Operation Herne Report 1: Covert Identities, Metropolitan Police Service, July 2013.
  16. Peter Francis, I really do hope I actually was a #Spycops or all those years of counselling were a total waste of money! Wow just imagine if it turns out I wasn't!! My totally unwanted Police anonymity number was N43, Twitter.com, 23 January 2018.
  17. Press notice: No restriction sought over cover identities of Peter Francis, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 25 January 2018.
  18. Email to core participants, '20180605_UCPI_to_all_CPs_publishing_HN44_HN155_HN303', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 5 June 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 List of documents relating to SOS officers - published 09 July 2018, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 9 July 2018.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Publication of documents relating to anonymity applications: National Public Order Intelligence Unit & Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 9 July 2018.
  21. 21.0 21.1 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 11 January 2018.
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Mark Ellison, Possible corruption and the role of undercover policing in the Stephen Lawrence case, Stephen Lawrence Independent Review, Vol. 1, Gov.UK, March 2014
  23. Undercover Policing Inquiry, Update of Cover names page, ucpi.org.uk, 17 April 2018.
  24. Press Notice: Decisions relating to anonymity applications: Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 25 January 2018.
  25. 25.0 25.1 Press notice - ‘Minded-to’ anonymity: Special Demonstration Squad Officers (HN13, HN296, HN304, HN339, HN340, HN354, HN356/124, HN61, HN819, HN109, HN9, HN66), Undercover Policing Inquiry, 15 January 2018.
  26. 26.0 26.1 Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad: 'Minded to' note 3, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 15 January 2018.
  27. Email to core participants, '20180619_UCPI_to_all_CPs_HN65_HN351_HN354', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 19 June 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005. Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and Special Demonstration Squad - 'Minded To' Note 5, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 7 March 2018.
  29. Email to core participants, '20180607_UCPI_to_all_CPs_HN67_HN68_HAB_CP19', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 7 June 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  30. Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad - 'Minded To' note 10 and Ruling 9, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 6 June 2018.
  31. Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Application for restriction order in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad 'Minded To' Note 6 and Ruling 5, Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI.org.uk), 22 March 2018 (accessed 28 March 2018).
  32. 32.0 32.1 Email to core participants, '20180626_UCPI_to_all_CPs_publishing_HN80_HN88_HN90_HN106_HN340', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 26 June 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  33. 33.0 33.1 Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad - 'Minded to' note 8, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 26 April 2018.
  34. Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad Directions following publication of 'Minded to' note 8, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 26 April 2018.