N officers 3

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This article is part of the Undercover Research Portal at Powerbase: investigating corporate and police spying on activists.

Part of a series on the
Policing Inquiry
N Officers list
Description: A list of N & HN cyphers used to designate individual officers in the Inquiry and by Operation Herne (Part 3)

Police officers cited in the Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) are generally designated by a cypher / nominal starting with N or HN followed by a number. The practice of assigning these cyphers was begun in by the Metropolitan Police inquiry Operation Herne which investigated the activities of the Special Demonstration Squad undercovers. It was subsequently adopted by Mark Ellison for his Review and the UCPI, both of which draw heavily on Operation Herne. The system appears to have changed in 2017, when the Inquiry began using the 'HN' label, though the associated numbers appear unchanged.[1]

  • Updated 3 August 2018

N series officers part 3 (300-399)

Cypher Name (italics for cover name only) Position Notes
HN300 Jim / 'Jimmy' Pickford SDS undercover Infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party late 1974 to January 1977. Initially, his cover surname had not been discovered. During deployment told another undercover that he had fallen in love with a member of his target group and had divorced from second wife in 1979. Deceased. Real name restricted.[2] Also infiltrated Freedom Collective, Pavement Collective, Battersea and Wandsworth Trades Council Anti-Fascist Committee, Kingston Anarchist Workers Collective, South London Anarchist Workers Association, Federation of London Anarchist Groups.[3]
HN301 Bob Stubbs SDS undercover Infiltrated the International Socialists / Socialist Workers Party 1971-1976. Real name restricted.[2]
HN302 restricted SDS undercover Deployed undercover in 1970s. Admits to 'fleeting sexual encounter'. Appeared as 'Brian' in True Spies. Real and cover names to be restricted as there is a risk to HN302's safety. Real and cover names have been restricted.[2]
HN303 Peter Collins SDS undercover 1973-77 deployed into the Workers Revolutionary Party. Real name restricted.
HN304 Graham Coates SDS undercover 1976-1979 infiltrated International Socialists/Socialist Workers Party, Zero Collective, Anarchy Collective and the Libertarian Anarchist Group. Real name restricted.[4]
HN306 to come SDS back office / management 20 February 2018, directions issued for any application for restriction orders to be submitted by 26 & 28 February 2018 for MPS and Designated Lawyers Team respectively.[5] No application for restriction order made[6] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN307 to come SDS back office / management 20 February 2018, directions issued for any application for restriction orders to be submitted by 26 & 28 February 2018 for MPS and Designated Lawyers Team respectively.[5] No application for restriction order made[6] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN308 to come SDS back office / management April 2018: no application made.[8] 20 March 2018, directed that any anonymity applications to be filed by 28 March 2018 by MPS legal team, or 6 April for the Designated Lawyers team.[9] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN311 to come SDS back office / management 20 March 2018, directed that any anonymity application to be filed by 28 March 2018 by MPS legal team, or 6 April for the Designated Lawyers team.[10] April 2018: no application made.[8] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN314 to come SDS back office / management - DCI in last period of unit. 11 May, directed any application for anonymity to be filed by 31 May 2018.[11] No application made so real name will be published. No cover name.[7] Role as DCI for the SDS and involvement in closure of the unit is given in the risk assessment of HN30.[12]
N315 unknown other Witness Protection Unit officer assigned by John Grieve to Lawrence family following wrongful publication of witness details in a Macpherson Report appendix; said they were 'never approached by any member of the MPS or asked for personal information or rumour surrounding the Stephen Lawrence family' (Herne II, 21.2.4-5).[13]
HN318 Ray Wilson SDS back office / management Deceased. No restriction order applications made so real name to be published in due course.[14] No cover name.[7]
HN321 Wililam Paul "Bill" Lewis SDS undercover Deployed against the International Marxist Group and the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign, for one year Sept 1968-Sept 1969. Real name will be restricted.
HN322 cover name lost SDS undercover Deployed in 1968 for two months. Real name restricted.
HN323 Helen Crampton SDS undercover Deceased and no records of cover name found. No restriction order application made[14][15] so real name to be used in due course.[1][15] so real name will be published.[7]
HN325 Conrad Dixon SDS back office / management Real name to be published in due course.[1] No application made[15] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN326 Douglas Edwards SDS undercover 1968-1971 was deployed into anarchist groups, Independent Labour Party, Tri-Continental and Dambusters Mobilising Committee. Real name restricted.
HN327 Dave Fisher SDS undercover Deceased. No record of cover name and no application made in respect of the real name. Real name to be used in due course.[1] [15]
HN328 Joan Hillier SDS back office / management No restriction order application made and real name to be published in due course.[1] No cover name.[7]
HN329 John Graham SDS undercover Deployed against Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and Revolutionary Socialist Students Federation in 1968-1969. Real name will be restricted.[2]
HN330 Don de Freitas SDS undercover Deployed against the Havering branch of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign for several weeks in 1968. Real name will be restricted.[2]
HN331 cover name lost SDS undercover Deployed against one group (now defunct) in 1968 & 1969. Cover name is unknown. Killed in road traffic accident in the 1970s leaving a widow and son. Application made over real name.

Mitting in his 'Minded To' Nov 2017, indicated he would restrict the real name, on the grounds it would cause distress to HN331's widow):[16]

HN331’s death caused his widow to suffer an acute mental illness, for which she received in-patient treatment. She did not remarry. She is now in her 70s and suffers from the early stages of dementia. According to her son, she has been deeply affected by the possibility that HN331’s identity might be revealed in the course of the Inquiry. No useful purpose would be served by publication of HN331’s real name. Given the nature of his deployment and the elapse of time since it occurred, it is inconceivable that it would prompt evidence from others about his deployment. His widow and surviving family are entitled to be left in peace.

May 2018: Mitting ruled the real name would be restricted and declined to disclose at this stage the groups that were infiltrated by HN331.[17]

HN332 restricted SDS manager Held SDS managerial role in the 1970s. Real name will be restricted on health grounds.
HN333 restricted SDS undercover Deployed for nine months in 1968-1969, into a left wing group that no longer exists. Real and cover names restricted due to small risk arising out of those who might have interest in his later activities.
HN334 Margaret White SDS undercover & back office Deployed into Vietnam Solidarity Campaign in 1968 for several months, as girlfriend of Don de Freitas (HN330). Served in SDS back office 1968-1972. Real name restricted.
HN335 Michael Tyrell, cover name lost SDS undercover No record of cover name and no application made to restrict real name.[1][15] which will be used in due course.[1] Deceased.
HN336 Dick Epps SDS undercover Deployed 1969 to 1972 into International Marxist Group, Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and British Communist Party. Later served in Special Branch Industrial Intelligence Section. Appeared in True Spies under the pseudonym 'Dan'. Real name restricted.
HN337 restricted SDS undercover and manager Deployed against four groups in 1970s. Real and cover names restricted.
HN338 cover name lost SDS undercover Deployed for a period in 1970 or 1971. Deceased. [16]

27 September 2017: Application over real name made by Metropolitan Police. Nov 2017: Mitting minded to restrict publication of real name to avoid distress to HN338's widow, who had recently lost an immediate family member, with Mitting saying 'I accept the [MPS] submission that nothing should be done which risks causing her further distress'.[16] May 2018: ruling made to restrict real name with Mitting stated he was declined to disclose at this stage the groups that were infiltrated by HN338.[17]

HN339 Stewart Goodman SDS undercover Deployed 1970-1971 into the Anti-Apartheid Movement & International Socialists. Real name restricted.
HN340 Alan Nixon SDS undercover Deployed 1969 - 1972 into the International Marxist Group and Irish Solidarity Campaign. Real name restricted.
HN341 restricted SDS undercover Deployed in the 1970s against two groups. Real and cover names restricted.
HN342 / 299 David Hughes SDS Deployed 1971 - 1976 into International Marxist Group, Anti-Internment League and the Troops Out Movement.[18]

13 Sept 2018, Mitting indicated he was minded to restrict the real name on health grounds, the consideration of his application being delayed due to an operation for a serious condition. The Chair wrote:[19]

HN 299 / 342 is a septuagenarian and lives alone in a small community. He was deployed against three groups of his own selection between 1971 and 1975. There is nothing to indicate that his deployment was anything other than unremarkable. His cover name will be published, as will the names of the groups. In the unlikely event that any member of any of the groups can remember him, publication of his cover name, not of his real name, is what is required to prompt information or evidence from them. Publication of his real name would risk unwelcome media attention and the attention of those who may be ill disposed towards him within his small community. It would not assist fulfilment of the terms of reference of the Inquiry.

Inquiry history: Extension sought to deal with in a future tranche.[14] 11 May 2018, directed that any application for anonymity order to be filed as soon as reasonably practical after that date after the end of May.[20] July 2018: application delayed.[7] Following publication of the cover name, an open application in relation to the real name will be released.[2]

21 February 2019: Inquiry directs that submissions regarding the resetriction order over the real name are to be made by 21 March 2019.[21] MPS open application to restrict real name

17 Apr 2019: ruling that real name would be restricted.[22] The Restriction order was made public on 23 October 2020.[23][24]

HN343 John Clinton SDS undercover Deployed into the International Socialists 1971-1974.[25] Real name restricted.
HN344 Ian Cameron SDS undercover Deployed in 1971-1972 into the Anti-Internment League and the Northern Minorities Defence League.[26] Mitting has questioned the accuracy of his account; arrested though not prosecuted for unauthorised possession of official documents.
HN345 Peter Fredericks SDS undercover Deployed for six months in 1971, reporting back on the Black Power movement, Operation Omega, Young Haganah. Real name restricted.
HN346 Jill Mosdell SDS Deceased. No cover name known and no restriction order application has been made; real name to be published.[14] It is unclear if she was an undercover or simply management.
HN347 Alex Sloan SDS undercover Deployed into the Irish National Liberation Solidarity Front 1971. Real name restricted.
HN348 Sandra SDS undercover Deployed 1972-1973 into the Womens Liberation Front. Cover name not fully recalled but thought to be 'Sandra'. Real name restricted.
HN349 restricted SDS undercover & back office Deployed for about a year in early 1970s against anarchist groups in what appears to be an unsuccessful deployment. Real and cover names restricted.
HN350 to come SDS back office No application made so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
HN351 Jeff Slater SDS undercover 1974 - 1975 infiltrated the International Socialists; withdrawn due to health problems. Real name restricted.
HN353 Gary Roberts SDS undercover 1974 - 1978 infiltrated the International Socialists / Socialist Workers Party and International Marxist Group. Real name restricted.
HN354 Vincent Harvey a.k.a. Vince Miller SDS undercover 1976 - 1979 infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party. Had sexual relationships
HN355 restricted SDS undercover Deployed into a number of Maoist groups in late 1970s/early 1980s. Real and cover names restricted.
HN356/124 Bill Biggs SDS undercover Deployed against Socialist Workers Party 1977-1982. Real name restricted.
HN358 to come SDS back office / management Apr 2018: no application made[8] so real name will be published. No cover name.[7]
N367 unknown other SO15 / CTC from 2006, Det. Sgt; point of contact for ex-SDS officers. Was contacted by N81 in this capacity but was accused of having 'an agenda to belittle SDS' (Ellison, 253).[27]

Nov 2017: further information required before Inquiry can proceed with the application.[14]

30 July 2018: 'is EN52. Further information is required before the Inquiry can progress this application. This application will be moved to a future tranche'.[7]

HN371 Phil Saunders SDS management


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Press Release: 'Minded to' note, ruling and directions in respect of anonymity applications relating to former officers of the Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI.org.uk), 3 August 2017.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Kate Wilkinson, Counsel to the Inquiry's Explanatory Note to accompany the Chairman's 'Minded-To' Note 12 in respect of applications for restrictions over the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Public Inquiry, 13 September 2018.
  3. Email to core participants, '20190924-UCPI_to_all_CPs-HN300_cover_name', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 24 September 2019, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  4. Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Demonstration Squad and Special Duties Squad Ruling 13, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 8 November 2018.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad - Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 20 February 2018 (accessed 1 March 2018 via UCPI.org.uk).
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Application for restriction order in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad 'Minded To' Note 6 and Ruling 5, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 22 March 2018.
  7. Jump up to: 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 Kate Wilkinson, Counsel to the Inquiry's Explanatory Note to accompany the Chairman's 'Minded To' Note 12 in respect of applications for restrictions over the real and cover name of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad - Update as at 30 July 2018, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 30 July 2018.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad - 'Minded to' note 8, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 26 April 2018.
  9. Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 20 March 2018.
  10. Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 20 March 2018.
  11. Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 11 May 2018.
  12. Adrian Baxter, N30 - Risk Assessment (gisted), Metropolitan Police Service, 28 August 2018 (accessed 2 October 2018, via ucpi.org.uk).
  13. Mick Creedon, Operation Herne: Report 2 - Allegations of Peter Francis, Metropolitan Police Service, March 2014.
  14. Jump up to: 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 Counsel to the Inquiry's Explanatory note to accompany the 'Minded-To' Note (2) in respect for restrictions over the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 14 November 2017.
  15. Jump up to: 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad ‘Minded to’ note, Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI.org.uk), 3 August 2017.
  16. Jump up to: 16.0 16.1 16.2 In the matter of section 19 (3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad ‘Minded to’ note 2, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 14 November 2017 (accessed 15 November 2017).
  17. Jump up to: 17.0 17.1 In the matter of section 19 (3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Ruling, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 15 May 2018.
  18. Email to core participants, '20181218-UCPI_to_all_CPs-publishing_HN342', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 18 December 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  19. Sir John Mitting, In the matter of section 19(3) of the Inquiries Act 2005 Application for restriction order in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad 'Minded To' Note 13, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 13 September 2018.
  20. Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstrations Squad: Directions, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 11 May 2018.
  21. Sir John Mitting, Directions for SDS HN18 HN66 HN122 HN299 342 and HN344, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 21 February 2019 (accessed 7 April 2019).
  22. Sir John Mitting, Applications for restriction orders in respect of the real and cover names of officers of the Special Operations Squad and the Special Demonstration Squad: Ruling 15, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 17 Apr 2019.
  23. Email to core participants, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 23 October 2020.
  24. Sir John Mitting, Restriction Order - HN299/342, Undercover Policing Inquiry, 17 April 2019 (published on ucpi.org.uk 23 October 2020).
  25. Email to core participants, '20180208 UPCI to all CPs - HN343 and HN347 cover names', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 8 February 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  26. Email to core participants, '20180913-UCPI_to_all_CPs-publishing_HN344', Undercover Policing Inquiry, 13 September 2018, referencing update of the webpage UCPI.org.uk/cover-names.
  27. Mark Ellison, Possible corruption and the role of undercover policing in the Stephen Lawrence case, Stephen Lawrence Independent Review, Vol. 1, Gov.UK, March 2014.