Chief of the Defence Staff

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The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) is the professional head of the British Armed Forces.[1]

Chiefs of the Defence Staff

Advisory Panel

The advisory panel was set up, according to an Impact case study for the Research Excellence framework in part as a result of the advice of Hew Strachan:

In the UK, Sir Jock Stirrup, the Chief of the Defence Staff, invited Strachan and three others to help him shape his thoughts on strategy and draft two speeches which he delivered in December 2009. As a result of those speeches, a Strategic Advisory Panel was set up by the CDS, on which Strachan now serves.[2]

The secretariat for the meeting (3 times a year) is provided by the Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre at the Defence Academy of the UK in Shrivenham.[3]


The Mod/Defence Academy does not publish the membership of the committee, the members listed are those that have revealed their membership online.

Paul Cornish | Hew Strachan | Peter Hennessy | Julian Lindley-French


  1. Defence Organisation, Ministry of Defence, 29 November 2010.
  2. REF 2014 Rethinking National Defence Strategy for the Twenty-First Century Submitting Institution University of Oxford, Unit of Assessment History, Impact Case Studies accessed 13 June 2018.
  3. Defence Academy Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, Accessed 13 June 2018.