The Ledbury Group

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'Thought leadership' consultancy The Ledbury Group was set up in late 2007. It specialises in consumer, corporate and public affairs.


  • Nick Bent, Director. Formerly Special Adviser to Rt Hon Tessa Jowell MP, Secretary of State and Minister for the Olympics (2003-2007).
  • Benjamin Wegg-Prosser, political and new media relations. Aide to Peter Mandelson. Former special adviser to Peter Mandelson, described as one of his "closest confidants". According to a report in the Daily Mail in July 2009, the former aide "still advises him informally". Wegg-Prosser's wife, Julia, revealed on her blog details of a holiday in Switzerland with Lord Mandelson – then EU Trade Commissioner – at the home of wealthy aristocrat Nat Rothschild shortly before the so-called ‘yachtgate’ scandal which left Mandelson facing questions over his relationship with another Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.[1] Ex-publisher of Society Guardian.
  • Chris McShane. Formerly spent ten years at Number 10 as a special comms adviser (2000 to 2007), when he advised former prime minister Tony Blair on how to handle the media.[2]


Clients listed on TLG's website in July 2009 include: Asda | HBOS | Carbon Trust | Thames Water | Diageo | Global reporting Initiative

Dudley House
36-38 Southampton Street
London WC2E 7HF
