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(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#ev:youtube|https://youtu.be/toTLr2yIJ5E|450|center|'''Watch and share: 'Meet the Frackers: a Spinwatch lobbying tour''''}}
{{#ev:youtube|https://youtu.be/toTLr2yIJ5E|450|center|'''Watch and share: 'Meet the Frackers: a Spinwatch lobbying tour''''}}
'''''This portal is part of [[Powerbase:About|Powerbase]]&mdash;your guide to networks of power, lobbying and deceptive PR. Powerbase has a policy of [[Powerbase:A Guide to Referencing|strict referencing]] and is overseen by a [[User:Melissa Jones|managing editor]].'''''
'''This portal is part of [[Powerbase:About|Powerbase]]&mdash;your guide to networks of power, lobbying and deceptive PR. Powerbase has a policy of [[Powerbase:A Guide to Referencing|strict referencing]] and is overseen by a [[User:Melissa Jones|managing editor]].'''
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===Who is behind the push for fracking in the UK?===
Our Fracking portal tracks the companies, people and lobbyists behind the all-out push for shale gas exploration in the UK and worldwide. <br><br>
Our Fracking portal tracks the companies, people and lobbyists behind the all-out push for shale gas exploration in the UK and beyond.
It sheds light on who is influencing the debate over fracking and the tactics used to persuade the public and our politicians. 
It sheds light on who is influencing the debate over fracking and the tactics used to persuade the public and our politicians. <br> <br>
'''See [[Timeline: fracking in the UK]]'''
'''Want to help us expose industry and government spin about fracking?'''
<br>Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.  
===Help us expose industry and government spin about fracking===
Powerbase is run on a tiny budget, and many contributors kindly give their time for free. If you can help out we'd love to hear from you. Or if you find these resources useful, [http://spinwatch.org/index.php/donate please consider a donation] toward our modest overheads. Thank you.
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*[[Institute of Directors]]
*[[Institute of Directors]]
*[[Centre for Policy Studies]]]
*[[Centre for Policy Studies]]
-------------------------Resources ------------------------>
-------------------------Resources ------------------------>
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*[[All-Party Parliamentary Group on Unconventional Oil and Gas]]
*[[All-Party Parliamentary Group on Unconventional Oil and Gas]]
*[[All-Party Parliamentary Group on Shale Gas Regulation and Planning‎ ]]
*[[All-Party Parliamentary Group on Shale Gas Regulation and Planning‎ ]]
*[[Task Force on Shale Gas]]
*[[Task Force on Shale Gas]]<br><br>
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! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#335fbd; font-size:140%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #FF0000; text-align:left; color:#FCFcFc; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Latest articles</h2>
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#335fbd; font-size:140%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #FF0000; text-align:left; color:#FCFcFc; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Articles on Spinwatch</h2>
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*[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/itemlist/category/191-fracking SLAPPS and ‘aggressive cold calling’: How INEOS is selling shale], Spinwatch August 2017   
*[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/itemlist/category/191-fracking SLAPPS and ‘aggressive cold calling’: How INEOS is selling shale], Spinwatch August 2017   
*'''[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/item/5933-fracking-update Update: more documents show police, councils and schools labelling anti-fracking protestors as extremists ]''' Spinwatch.
*'''[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/item/5933-fracking-update Update: more documents show police, councils and schools labelling anti-fracking protestors as extremists ]''' Spinwatch, December 2016
*'''[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/item/5933-fracking-update Update: more documents show police, councils and schools labelling anti-fracking protestors as extremists ]''', Spinwatch.
*'''[http://www.spinwatch.org/index.php/issues/climate/item/5965-new-documents-reveal-north-yorkshire-police-s-close-relationship-with-fracking-firms New documents reveal North Yorkshire Police's close relationship with fracking firms]''', Spinwatch.
[[Image:Spinwatch graphic]]
! <h2 style="margin:0; background:#335fbd; font-size:140%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #FF0000; text-align:left; color:#FCFcFc; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Fracking lobbying map of London</h2>
{{#display_map:|center=london|zoom=11|fusiontables=17tFGNRwrSzBOhRQkx7skuRp0oBoVh0i0tV8C945Y}}{{‪Template:Fracking badge‬}}
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-------------------------Resources ------------------------>
-------------------------Resources ------------------------>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#21B01C; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #21B01C; text-align:left; color:#FCFcFc; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">A bit of background</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#335fbd; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #21B01C; text-align:left; color:#FCFcFc; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">x</h2>
"At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et
Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat."
<!------------------------------Getting started------------------------------->
<!------------------------------Getting started------------------------------->
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Powerbase can be made more effective if more people join the project.  If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help.   
Powerbase can be made more effective if more people join the project.  If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help.   
If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created but currently very brief articles. (If you look at the [[Special:Recentchanges|recent changes page]] you will see some noted as being 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out). So if you would like to add to some of those you would be most welcome.
If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created stubs. (If you look at the [[Special:Recentchanges|recent changes page]] you will see these 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out).  
There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages which have been signalled by Powerbase users as [[Special:Wantedpages|most wanted]].  In addition there is a page which includes a list of [[Powerbase:Things you can do to help|Things you can do to help]].
There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages signalled by Powerbase users as [[Special:Wantedpages|most wanted]].  There's also a page with a list of [[Powerbase:Things you can do to help|Things you can do to help]].
Or if you would like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop Powerbase editor, [[User:David|David Miller]] an email. His address is editor AT Powerbase.info
Or if you'd like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop Powerbase editor, [[User:Melissa Jones|Melissa Jones]] an email: melissa jones AT Powerbase.info

Latest revision as of 02:41, 29 August 2017

A guide to the companies, lobbyists and think tanks behind the push for fracking in the UK

{{#ev:youtube|https://youtu.be/toTLr2yIJ5E%7C450%7Ccenter%7CWatch and share: 'Meet the Frackers: a Spinwatch lobbying tour'}} This portal is part of Powerbase—your guide to networks of power, lobbying and deceptive PR. Powerbase has a policy of strict referencing and is overseen by a managing editor.

Who is behind the push for fracking in the UK?

Our Fracking portal tracks the companies, people and lobbyists behind the all-out push for shale gas exploration in the UK and beyond. It sheds light on who is influencing the debate over fracking and the tactics used to persuade the public and our politicians.

See Timeline: fracking in the UK

Help us expose industry and government spin about fracking

Powerbase is run on a tiny budget, and many contributors kindly give their time for free. If you can help out we'd love to hear from you. Or if you find these resources useful, please consider a donation toward our modest overheads. Thank you.

Who are the fracking lobbyists?

Spinwatch Fracking lobbyingfirms April2015 web.jpg


Fracking firms

Fracking lobbyists

Trade lobby groups and think tanks

Political players

Articles on Spinwatch


Fracking lobbying map of London

FrackWell.png This article is part of the Spinwatch Fracking Portal and project


Getting Started

Looking for somewhere to start?

To learn how you can edit any article right now, visit Powerbase:About, Welcome, newcomers, our Help page, Frequently Asked Questions, A quick guide to editing or experiment in the sandbox.

Or contribute a new article: go to Quick Guide to Getting Started.

Research and Writing Tips

How to research front groups | Resources for studying propaganda | Research using the web

Can you help?

Powerbase can be made more effective if more people join the project. If you have research or writing skills or just spare time, you can help.

If you are unsure where to start, you could expand some of the recently created stubs. (If you look at the recent changes page you will see these 'stubs' - articles that may just be a line or two and needing to be fleshed out).

There is an automatically updated page which includes the pages signalled by Powerbase users as most wanted. There's also a page with a list of Things you can do to help.

Or if you'd like some other suggestions closer to your interests you could drop Powerbase editor, Melissa Jones an email: melissa jones AT Powerbase.info

Start Here

Powerbase history

Powerbase is a collaborative venture initiated by Spinwatch in collaboration with Lobbywatch, GM Watch Red Star Research and Corporate Watch, but put into effect by a wide variety of volunteers and independent researchers.

Contributors are now working on 19,338 articles.

Disclaimer: Powerbase is an encyclopedia of people, issues and groups shaping the public agenda. It is a project of the Spinwatch—email editor AT Powerbase.info.

Antispam note: To avoid attracting spam email robots, email addresses on Powerbase are written with AT in place of the usual symbol, and we have removed "mail to" links. Replace AT with the correct symbol to get a valid address. We regret the inconvenience this entails. Campaign for more effective antispam regulations.
