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This information is gleaned from published sources though it is often found in obscure places and guarded from public view by passwords, membership costs, or other charges.
This information is gleaned from published sources though it is often found in obscure places and guarded from public view by passwords, membership costs, or other charges.
==Alphabetical list of lobbying and PR consultanices==
==Alphabetical list of lobbying and PR consultancies==
These lobbying and PR firms are largely based in the UK although in many cases they are simnply UK offices of global companies.  The data are mainly gathered from three main sources:
These lobbying and PR firms are largely based in the UK although in many cases they are simply UK offices of global companies.  The data are mainly gathered from three main sources:
*1 The [[Public Relations Consultants Association]] Yearbook
*1 The [[Public Relations Consultants Association]] Yearbook
*2 The register of members of the [[Association of Professional Political Consultants]]
*2 The register of members of the [[Association of Professional Political Consultants]]
*3 The trade press such as [[PR Week]] and [[Public Affairs News]] and the mainstream press.
*3 The trade press such as [[PR Week]] and [[Public Affairs News]] and the mainstream press.
*[[A S Biss]]
*[[Bell Pottinger]]
*[[Cherton Enterprise Limited]]
*[[Citigate Public Affairs]]
*[[Connect Public Affairs Ltd]]
*[[Chime Communications]]
*[[Consolidated Communications]]
*[[AD Communications Ltd]]
*[[AD Communications Ltd]]
*[[American Defense International]]
*[[A S Biss]]
*[[Attenborough Associates Ltd]]
*[[August.One Communcations Ltd]]
*[[Aurelia Public Relations]]
*[[Aurelia Public Relations]]
*[[Barclay Stratton Ltd]]
*[[Barclay Stratton Ltd]]
*[[Barrett Dixon Bell Ltd]]
*[[Barrett Dixon Bell Ltd]]
*[[Bell Pottinger]]
*[[Binns & Co PR Ltd]]
*[[Bite Communications UK]]
*[[Bite Communications UK]]
*[[Black and White Communications Ltd]]
*[[Black and White Communications Ltd]]
*[[Brave PR]]
*[[Brave PR]]
*[[Bright Consultancy]]
*[[Bright Consultancy]]
*[[Brighter Public Relations Ltd]]
*[[Brodeur Worldwide]]
*[[Campaign Communications]]
*[[Campaign Communications]]
*[[Capital MSandL]]
*[[Capital MSandL]]
*[[Carrot Communications Ltd]]
*[[Carrot Communications Ltd]]
*[[Catalyst Works]]
*[[Chambers Cox PR Ltd]]
*[[Chambers Cox PR Ltd]]
*[[Chameleon PR]]
*[[Chameleon PR]]
*[[Cherton Enterprise Limited]]
*[[Chime Communications]]
*[[Chocolate Communications]]
*[[Chocolate Communications]]
*[[CIB Ltd]]
*[[CIB Ltd]]
*[[Cicero Consulting]]
*[[Cirkle Communications Ltd]]
*[[Cirkle Communications Ltd]]
*[[Citigate 19/20]]
*[[Citigate Communications Birmingham]]
*[[Citigate Communications Ltd.]]
*[[Citigate Communications Ltd.]]
*[[Citigate Northern Ireland Public Affairs]]
*[[Citigate Public Affairs]]
*[[Citigate Public Affairs]]
*[[Citigate SMARTS]]
*[[Citigate SMARTS]]
Line 58: Line 59:
*[[Communique PR Ltd]]
*[[Communique PR Ltd]]
*[[Companycare Communications]]
*[[Companycare Communications]]
*[[Connect Public Affairs Ltd]]
*[[Consolidated Communications]]
*[[Consolidated Communications]]
*[[Counsel Public Relations]]
*[[Counsel Public Relations]]
Line 64: Line 66:
*[[DJH Associates]]
*[[Edelman Consumer]]
*[[Edelman Consumer]]
Line 77: Line 80:
*[[Euro RSCG Biss Lancaster]]
*[[Euro RSCG Biss Lancaster]]
*[[Euro RSCG Leedex]]
*[[EuroPR Group]]
*[[EuroPR Group]]
Line 90: Line 94:
*[[Garnett Keeler Public Relations]]
*[[GCI Healthcare]]
*[[GCI London]]
*[[Global Consulting Group]]
*[[GMX Communications Ltd]]
*[[Golin Harris]]
*[[Golley Slater Public Relations]]
*[[Good Relations]]
*[[Good Relations]]
*[[Gough Allen Stanley Ltd]]
*[[GPC International]]
*[[GPC International]]
*[[Grayling]]/[[Grayling Political Strategy]]
*[[GPlus Europe]]
*[[Grant Butler Coomber Group]]
*[[Grayling]]/[[Grayling Political Strategy]]/[[Grayling - Westminster Strategy]]
*[[Haggie Partners LLP]]
*[[Hallmark Public Relations Ltd]]
*[[Harrison Cowley Ltd]]
*[[Haslimann Taylor]]
*[[Helen Johnson Public Affairs]]
*[[Helen Johnson Public Affairs]]
*[[Herald Communications]]
*[[Hill and Knowlton]]
*[[Hill and Knowlton]]
*[[Houston Associates PR Ltd]]
*[[icas Public Relations]]
*[[IDEA Generation]]
*[[Impact Agency]]
*[[inVentiv Communications]]
*[[Jackie Cooper Public Relations]] JCPR
*[[JBP Public Relations]]
*[[Johnson King Public Relations]]
*[[Kavanagh Communications]]
*[[Kelso Consulting]]
*[[Kilpatrick PR Ltd]]
*[[Kinross & Render Ltd]]
*[[Lansons Communications]]
*[[LawsonClarke Ltd]]
*[[Leader Communications Ltd]]
*[[Lexington Communications]]
*[[Lexington Communications]]
*[[Lexis Public Relations Ltd]]
*[[LLM Communications]]
*[[LLM Communications]]
*[[Manning Selvage and Lee Ltd]]
*[[Mantra Public Relations]]
*[[Mason Williams Ltd]]
*[[Media Strategy]]
*[[Media Strategy]]
*[[Meredith Thomas Public Relations Ltd]]
*[[Midnight Communications Ltd]]
*[[Montpellier Marketing Communications Group]]
*[[Morgan Allen Moore]]
*[[Morgan Allen Moore]]
*[[Mother Ltd]]
*[[Munro and Forster]]
*[[Nelson Bostock Communications Ltd]]
*[[Nexus Communications Group Limited]]
*[[Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide]]
*[[Outlook Public Affairs]]
*[[Outlook Public Affairs]]
*[[Partners Group]]
*[[Penrose Financial]]
*[[Phipps PR]]
*[[Politics international Ltd]]
*[[Politics international Ltd]]
*[[Policy Partnership Ltd]]
*[[Policy Partnership Ltd]]
*[[Porter Novelli]]
*[[Porter Novelli Scotland]]
*[[Portfolio Communications Ltd]]
*[[PPR Publicity Ltd]]
*[[PPS Group]]
*[[PPS Group]]
*[[Precise Public Affairs]]
*[[Precise Public Affairs]]
*[[Ptarmigan Consultants Limited]]
*[[Public Relations Consultants Association]]
*[[Publicis Consultants]]
*[[QBO Bell Pottinger]]
*[[Quintius Public Affairs Ltd]]
*[[Quintius Public Affairs Ltd]]
*[[Recognition Marketing and Public Relations]]
*[[The RED Consultancy]]
*[[Red Lorry Yellow Lorry]]
*[[Regester Larkin Ltd]]
*[[Republic PR]]
*[[Revolver Communications]]
*[[Seal Communications]]
*[[Shine Communications Ltd]]
*[[Shire Health PR]]
*[[Six Degrees Ltd]]
*[[Storm Communications]]
*[[Target Public Relations]]
*[[Text 100 Ltd]]
*[[Threepipe Communications]]
*[[Trimedia Communications UK]]
*[[Trimedia Public Affairs]]
*[[Twelve Consultancy]]
*[[Waggener Edstrom]]
*[[The Warman Group Ltd]]
*[[Waterfront Partnership]]
*[[Waterfront Partnership]]
*[[Weber Shandwick GJW Public Affairs]] - part of [[Weber Shandwick Worldwide]]
*[[Weber Shandwick GJW Public Affairs]] - part of [[Weber Shandwick Worldwide]]
*[[Weber Shandwick]]
*[[Westbury Communications Ltd]]
*[[Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd]]
*[[Whitehouse Consultancy Ltd]]
*[[The Whiteoaks Consultancy Ltd]]
*[[Wildfire Public Relations Ltd]]
*[[User:David|David Miller]]
--[[User:David|David]] 21:44, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)
[[Category:PR Clients]]
[[Category:PR Clients]]

Latest revision as of 14:46, 2 September 2010

This page links to pages which feature information on the clients of PR and lobbying consultancies.

This information is gleaned from published sources though it is often found in obscure places and guarded from public view by passwords, membership costs, or other charges.

Alphabetical list of lobbying and PR consultancies

These lobbying and PR firms are largely based in the UK although in many cases they are simply UK offices of global companies. The data are mainly gathered from three main sources: