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US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues.
'''The National Strategy Information Center''' is a US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues.
According to a profile the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC):
:...is a rightwing think tank for military strategy. It has a history of working with hard-line, anti-Soviet groups promoting an aggressive U.S. foreign policy. [[Frank Barnett]] founded the NSIC in 1962 along with [[Morris Liebman]]. Other founding directors and advisers of the NSIC include ultra-rightist beer baron [[Joseph Coors]]; [[Frank Shakespeare]], chair of the conservative think tank, the [[Heritage Foundation]]; and former CIA director [[William Casey]].  Barnett was also a prominent member of the [[Committee on the Present Danger]].  Before founding the NSIC, he served as the director of research for the ultra-rightwing [[Smith Richardson Foundation]], and a program director of the [[Institute for American Strategy]].<ref>International Relations Center (1998) [http://rightweb.irc-online.org/gw/1582.html Council for the Defense of Freedom].</ref>
It is can also be described as a US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues. According to Phil Kelly's (1981) <ref>[http://www.wcml.org.uk/internat/leveller52.htm An Unholy Alliance].  Other sources state that the NSIC was founded by Frank R. Barnett and Morris Liebman and others that it was Prescott Bush and his son Prescott, Jr., William Casey and Leo Cherne </ref>, The Leveller 52, the US National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) was:
:...founded in 1962 by William J Casey now appointed by Reagan to head the CIA. NSIC is a pressure group for militant anti-communism and is at the centre of a vast network of front organisations. One of its main activities, Casey told the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on his CIA appointment, has been the building of academic respectability for the practice of intelligence. It has helped to sponsor more than 200 professorial chairs and teaching posts in US universities and colleges devoted to teaching and researching intelligence. NSIC provided some of the cash used by journalist and CIA contract employee Brian Crozier to transform his news agency Forum World Features, a CIA front organisation into the Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC).
For Kelly one of the central characters in this process was [[Stephen Haseler]], founder of the [[Social Democratic Alliance]]:
:Haseler works for the NSIC's 'left face', the Advisory Committee on European Democracy and Security (ACEDS), which published his book, Eurocommunism. Co-author of the work was NSIC's Dr Roy Godson, director of the International Labor Programme at Georgetown University in Washington DC. This institution has been a centre of cold war sentiment among US intellectuals, and many of its staff now find themselves in the Reagan administration. According to Haseler and Godson, Eurocommunism is nothing more than a Soviet ploy to detach western Europe from the U.S. without a war.
He also lists a range of the front groups and political interventions backed by the NSIC including the [[Committee on the Present Danger]] (CPD), a grouping of academics, politicans, retired military and intelligence personnel and 'cold war liberals' and traces the rise of these groups to the nomination of George McGovern as Democratic Candidate in 1972 on a 'stop the Vietnam war' platform which pushed the Democratic right into a counter-attack, which grew into the CPD in 1976 in an alliance with the right-wing think tanks. Others mentioned are more right-wing in orientation including the Committee for the Free World, which he states was started by [[Midge Decter]]:
:Decter said the idea for the CFW originated at an Israeli government-sponsored conference on terrorism in 1979. Her husband, Norman Podhoretz,also a member of CPD and CFW, is editor of 'Commentary', the organ of the American Jewish community, which, like 'Encounter' was closely associated with the now-defunct Congress for Cultural Freedom, the major US post-war cultural intervention. The CCF collapsed in 1967 when it was revealed that its main source of income had been the CIA, through dummy foundations. 
Decter, in an excerpt from her memoir, An Old Wife’s Tale: My Seven Decades in Love and War, reproduced at the [http://www.hoover.org/publications/digest/4484181.html Hoover Institution site] states:
:The idea for the committee had in a very tentative way been brewing for a couple of years. A European friend named Leopold Labedz and I would meet from time to time and say, “Why don’t we . . .”—that sort of thing.
[[Leopold Labedz]] was the editor of ''Survey: A Journal of East and West Studies,'', (with [[Walter Laqueur]] initally initially under the umbrella of the Congress for Cultural Freedom as ''Soviet Survey''<ref>A BBC Broadcast (July 8, 1980) Publications in Britain on the "Soviet Threat" noted that Survey's subscribers, according to its publishers, include all Western governments and its contributors included the US National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, apart from its propaganda orientation, this is deflated by the observations on its predictive worth:
:Labedz [...] recently wrote an article for the London weekly 'Now!'. The article is headlined "The Fall of Europe" and claims to be a documented study of the current situation. It's full of all sorts of scientific prophecies of a pending Russian invasion of Western Europe. On the strength of a scrupulous analysis of the international situation, the author of this article predicts to the day when exactly the Russians will start building their naval base on the Norwegian archipelago of Spitzbergen. This will happen on 14th September 1983.
Now! was run by James Goldsmith.</ref>), and a member of another NSIC funded project, which also involved Haseler and many of the others mentioned here, the [[Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies]].  Decter — involved in a range of organisations such as the second incarnation of the Committee on the Present Danger, [[Hudson Institute]], [[Heritage Foundation]], [[Coalition for a Democratic Majority]] and the [[Project for the New American Century]] — outlined her concerns in her memoir thus:
:The beginning of my activist life came in 1972, when Richard Nixon was competing for his second presidential term against George McGovern. McGovern’s candidacy signaled the capture of the Democratic Party by the hard left, who had taken control of it through a lethal combination of radical opposition to the war in Vietnam, the radicalization of the civil rights movement, and women’s liberation.[...] By the 1970s there was a new peril in the United States—the demoralization brought on by the seizure of national self-hatred that had spread like typhus from the sixties radicals into the major institutions of the culture.
So to understand the NSIC we can view it within these 'Atlanticist' networks which grew and operated from the 1940s onwards.  Key factors in the analysis should deal with: anti-communism (and other forms of threat generation such as 'terrorism'), networks of front organisations, covert Intelligence connections, the building of academic respectability for the practice of intelligence, funding and organisation via think tanks and foundations, historical connections to organisations such as the [[Congress for Cultural Freedom]] (others would include the [[Committee on the Present Danger]]) and connections to the US/Isreali government-sponsorship such as the conference on terrorism in 1979.  As Kelly notes, and this is also set out in Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan (1990) ''The Terrorism Industry'' <ref>Edward S. Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan (1990) ''The Terrorism Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror'', this can also be seen in relation to Herman's (1982) ''The Real Terror Network'', and the use of state-sponsored propaganda campaigns as modelled by [http://libcom.org/library/propaganda-model-retrospective-edward-s-herman Herman and Chomsky].</ref>the conference: the [[Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism]] (JCIT) organised with the [[Jonathan Institute]], can be viewed as a key node in the formulation of a defining theme that 'international terrorism' constituted an organised political movement whose ultimate origin was in the Soviet Union. This was used justify the requirement of a worldwide anti-terrorism offensive, involving the Western military intelligence services and the incorporation of think-tank and academic accounts of Soviet involvement in orchestrating the 'international terrorist network'.<ref>See: Sara Diamond (1995) [http://books.google.com/books?id=w1bqY-DxHMEC Roads to Dominion: Right-wing Movements and Political Power in the United States.] With a focus on the Christian Right, Diamond aims to show how both an understanding and prediction of the Right's influence on day-to-day policy making in the US by way of the observation of consistent patterns in its relationships with political elites and government agencies in both conflict and collaboration with state institutions. In the context mentioned above, this draws on Philip Paull's (1982) "International Terrorism": The Propaganda War, which detailed the media outlets and journalists involved in the campaign and their working relationship with US and other intelligence agencies(see note 83, P.374).</ref>This network shifted its focus after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the present "war on terror."
== Origins ==
According to its website the NSIC was founded as a nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization in 1962.<ref>The National Strategy Information Center (2008)[http://www.strategycenter.org/about.htm About NSIC].</ref>Critical appraisals state that it was the first right-wing think tank to address such issues as national security strategy, low-intensity conflict, operations of intelligence agencies, political warfare, and the role of nongovernmental groups, especially labor unions, in furthering foreign and military policy goals. And that:
:Over the past four decades, NSIC has worked with the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies in studies of political and psychological warfare and in their collaboration with conservative labor union operations, especially in Europe and Latin America.<ref>Right Web (2004) [http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1525.html The National Strategy Information Center], IRC-Political Research Associates.</ref>
This also adds that, like a great deal of this network such as the Heritage Foundation, it was launched with start-up funding from the Coors family, and is supported the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.  The NSIC's founding directors included [[Joseph Coors]], [[Frank Barnett]], [[William Casey]], [[Frank Shakespeare]], and [[Prescott Bush, Jr]]. Barnett was also a member of the [[Committee on the Present Danger]], and a leading advocate of political warfare, psychological operations, and low-intensity conflict strategy in the 1980s. The NSIC's [[Consortium for the Study of Intelligence]] is housed in the International Labor program at Georgetown University, where Godson's was the director.<ref>Right Web (2004) [http://rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/1525.html The National Strategy Information Center], IRC-Political Research Associates.</ref>
In a more in-depth profile at GroupWatch<ref>International Relations Center (2006) [http://rightweb.irc-online.org/gw/2806.html National Strategy Information Center], IRC-Political Research Associates.</ref>Frank Barnett's intentions with the organisation are set out:
:In a 1961 article in the Military Review on the subject of political warfare, Frank Barnett wrote,"Political warfare in short, is warfare—not public relations. It is one part persuasion and two parts deception. It embraces diverse forms of coercion and violence including strikes and riots, economic sanctions, subsidies for guerrilla or proxy warfare and, when necessary, kidnapping or assassination of enemy elites. "The aim of political warfare... is to discredit, displace, and neutralize an opponent, to destroy a competing ideology, and to reduce the adherents to political impotence. It is to make one's own values prevail by working the levers of power, as well as by using persuasion."
The NSIC is also said to have a focus on training young American labor leaders together with influencing business, professional and military groups; academic and mass media; governmental schools; and colleges and universities.  The profile also provides some information on NSIC's funding sources. Between 1973 and 1981, Richard Scaife donated a total of $6 million to the NSIC from the Carthage Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, and the Trust for the Grandchildren of Sarah Mellon Scaife. This also notes that in 1985 the John M. Olin Foundation gave the Washington office of NSIC three grants: $107,320 for support for an advisory committee for European democracy (together with a 1981-1982 grant from the U.S. Information Agency to study the feasibility of an Intl Youth Year conference, it is very likely that this is connected to the rise of the [[British American Project for a Successor Generation]] and Reagan's [[Project Democracy]])<ref>The Rightweb profile states that:
:...Godson was a key figure in Anglo-American trade union relations, organizing "educational visits" for British trade unionists to visit the U.S. during the Reagan administration. The trips were organized under the auspices of the Labour Desk of the U.S. Youth Council and the Intl Labor Program of Georgetown University. The purpose of the trips was "to broaden international education about Western democratic values." A typical trip included a visit to the naval base at Norfolk, a meeting with former ambassador to the United Nations (Reagan administration) Jeane Kirkpatrick, talks on defense at the National Security Council (former operational base of Col. Oliver North) and talks at the NSIC. The trips were financed by the Reagan administration.</ref>; $41,300 for support for a book by [[Abram Shulsky]] on American intelligence and national security; and $20,000 to support educational programs on the nature of totalitarian regimes.
The New York office (111 east 58th Street) continued to receive grants from the Adolph Coors Foundation for programs and publications on national security and the history of Soviet intelligence, research and writing on detente, and $15,000 support for a conference at the [[Center for European Strategy]]; and from the Winston Salem Foundation, the Samuel Roberts Nobel Foundation and from the W. W. Smith Charitable Trust.
The NSIC worked with the [[Committee on the Present Danger]] (CPD) to lobby for the preservation of containment militarism (1730 Rhode Island Ave.) although this seemed a re-interpretation of George Kennan's formulation). NSIC opened an office in Washington DC (in 1976 to be closer to the White House and the Pentagon. In setting up the office, Barnett worked directly with [[Eugene V. Rostow]] of the CPD, bringing him onto the NSIC board.
Early NSIC publication: W. Scott Thompson’s (1978) Power Projection: A Net Assessment of the U. S. and Soviet Capabilities <ref>W. Scott Thompson’s (1978)[http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=sZ3aigf2ryUC&dq=W.+Scott+Thompson%E2%80%99s+(1978)+Power+Projection:+A+Net+Assessment+of+the+U.+S.+and+Soviet+Capabilities&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=3HoAi9dT1L&sig=czvRzKH4Efu9LoZsea6Pq4o0Xjo&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result#PPA11,M1 Power Projection: A Net Assessment of the U. S. and Soviet Capabilities].</ref>, lists its officers on the back cover, and in 1978 these were given as:
*[[Frank R. Barnett]]
*Dr.[[Frank N. Trager]] (Director, National Security Program, New York University) A biography from his essay on the US Security structure states that he was Director of Studies at the NSIC; general editor of the National Security Studies Series, editor of the  Strategy Papers, and a member of the editorial boards of Orbis and Asian Affairs: An American Review; chairman of the American-Asian Educational Exchange; board member of the Foreign Policy Research Institute; chairman, Executive Committee, Chinese Cultural Center, Inc.; and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Burma Research Society, and the Siam Society. He has been on the faculties of Johns Hopkins and Yale Universities, the National War College, the Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, and has held various government positions. Trager has served as Director of the U.S. Economic Aid Mission to Burma and has frequently visited Southeast Asia. He has been a consultant to the Rand Corporation, Stanford Research Institute, Hudson Institute, and to the Departments of State and Defense. He is author of numerous books, monographs, and articles on Burma, Asia, and national security topics.<ref>Frank N. Trager (1977) [http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1977/nov-dec/trager.html The National Security Act of 1947: Its Thirtieth Anniversary], Air University Review.  The Air University Review also has a history of the NSIC:  Lieutenant Colonel David R. Mets (1977)[http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/aureview/1977/sep-oct/mets.html Watching the Pendulum Swing: A Look at the Works of the National Strategy Information Center].  This states that the keystone to the NSIC's "entire publishing effort" may be said to be Frank N. Trager and Philip S. Kronenberg, editors (1973) National Security and American Society:  Theory, Process, and Policy (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas). Lieutenant Colonel Mets' essay is a literature review that states that the NSIC has an authorship that tends to be less associated with the armed forces and federal government. Based in New York and affiliated with New York University (NYU), although it does not publish a periodical. However, it is “very active in soliciting a variety of topical studies concerning national security and in conducting seminars and conferences on the subject throughout the nation.” By the mid-1970s the NSIC publications covered four principal areas: general studies, works on the use of the political instrument of national policy, books on military affairs, and essays on the economics sinews of national security policy; these took the form of general teaching tools, Strategy Papers, and Agenda Papers.</ref>
Along with the NSIC's Frank Barnett, Trager was a signatory and member of the 1967 [[Citizens Committee for Peace With Freedom in Vietnam]] this included Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and Dean Acheson) and argued that it:
:...felt that popular opposition to the war in Vietnam did not, in fact, represent the feelings of America's "silent center": a majority of "independent and responsible men and women who have consistently opposed rewarding international aggressors."<ref>US History Encyclopedia:[http://www.answers.com/topic/statement-by-committee-seeking-peace-with-freedom-in-vietnam-1967 Statement by Committee Seeking Peace with Freedom in Vietnam.]</ref>
*[[Robert G. Burke]] (General Counsel Burke and Cerutti)
*[[Paul E. Feffer]] (President, Feffer & Simons Inc.) Feffer was appointed to to draft a set of policy recommendations on the 'Book Gap', this was a perceived situation whereby the US National Security Council and the US Information Agency (USAID) felt that American books needed to combat the ideas and philosophies of other societies, particularly the then Soviet Union.  Feffer chaired a study of 40 US publishers, librarians, lawyers and government officials under the auspices of the [[Helen Dwight Reid Educational Forum]] (HDRF) sponsored by USAID.<ref>Hendrik Edelman (1986) [http://www.springerlink.com/content/0823x01p01621543/ Book Review, Publishing Research Quarterly].This notes that: "Paradoxically, the report's leitmotif involves subsidizing the export of American books to get exposure for their free-world political and economic philosophy."</ref>
Evron Kirkpatrick (Husband of [[Jeane J. Kirkpatrick]]) was president of HDRF and, according to a Sourcewatch profile, was part of CIA plans for a domestic "national psychological warfare program" as a part of the US cold war strategy.<ref>http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Evron_Kirkpatrick</ref>Jeane Kirkpatrick helped establish the [[Coalition for a Democratic Majority]] and both husband and wife were involved in the [[American Enterprise Institute]].<ref>Bill Van Auken (2006) [http://www.wsws.org/articles/2006/dec2006/kirk-d12.shtml Jeane Kirkpatrick: from “social democrat” to champion of death squads].</ref>
With a foreword by, then Ambassador, Kirkpatrick, the eventual report on this was summarised in William M. Childs and Donald E. McNeil (Eds.) (1986) American Books Abroad: Toward a National Policy, published by the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation.<ref>Hendrik Edelman (1986) [http://www.springerlink.com/content/0823x01p01621543/ Book Review, Publishing Research Quarterly].</ref>Childs has been active for many years with USIA international publishing activities and in the 1980s was an adviser to the [[American Enterprise Institute]].
Feffer was a publishing consultant and the chief executive of Feffer & Simons Inc., which was a publishing company in New York.  A large international exporter of periodicals and books, in the mid-80s it tried to convince Chinese officials to import more consumer magazines through a chain of stores in China called 'Friendship Stores', where foreigners can shop with American dollars.<ref>Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management (1985)[http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m3065/is_/ai_3919436 China beckons Western magazines; PRC's liberalization and continued thirst for technical knowledge keep interest high among publishers.]</ref>
According to an online biography Feffer was a director of [http://cache.zoominfo.com/CachedPage/?archive_id=0&page_id=179683057&page_url=%2f%2fwww.rcot.com%2fsec%2f10k%2f96%2520Form%252010%2520K%2520A%2520%2520Part%25201.htm&page_last_updated=3%2f12%2f2003+8%3a15%3a26+PM&firstName=Paul&lastName=Feffer Recoton] (wireless monitoring systems etc.) and Chairman of Feffer Consulting Co., Inc., an international media consulting firm, since 1991 and a consultant to Merck & Company's publishing division. He founded Feffer and Simons Inc. in 1955, which was eventually sold to Doubleday & Co. in 1962 (where he remained as President of the subsidiary Feffer and Simons until 1986) and was Chairman of Baker & Taylor International, a subsidiary of W. R. Grace & Co., from 1987 until 1991.  Feffer & Simons and Baker & Taylor specialized in international publishing and book and magazine distribution and development of overseas markets for U.S. publishers.<ref>http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Feffer_Paul_93989074.aspx</ref>
According to the New York Times<ref>Enid Nemy (1990) [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE1D91530F933A15756C0A966958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=all New Yorkers, etc. New York Times, May 20.] </ref>Feffer was president of Hampton Arts International, a company involved in cultural exchanges between Eastern Europe and the US. 
*Rear Admiral [[William C. Mott]] (Rtd.)(National legal center for the Public Interest): Mott was a judge advocate general of the Navy in the 1960s.  During World War II he served with the Office of Naval Intelligence and then as an assistant naval aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt.  According to an obituary in The Washington Post (November 2, 1997) after the war he was assigned to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations as a liaison with the State Department and the United Nations. He first worked with the Office of Judge Advocate General in 1946 as head of the International Law Branch and Foreign Claims Commission Office.  After retiring from active duty, he became executive vice president of the U.S. Independent Telephone Association and served as chairman of the presidential advisory committee on the National Strategic Materials and Minerals Program and president of the Capital Legal Foundation and the National Legal Center for the Public Interest.
The Washington Times (October 18, 1989) states that he was part of the 1980s Bush administration's desire to ease legal restrictions on covert action "so that CIA operatives could assist a coup without fear of violating the ban on assassination".  Mott is quoted as saying:
:"There's no question in my mind that it [the ban on assassination] puts a kind of halter around certain efforts,"
Mott was part of the American Bar Association's (ABA) Standing Committee on Law and National Security.  The ABA, through the work of its various standing committees, collected and published studies on how the news media of Communist countries, especially in the Soviet Union, fulfill their assigned educational function under centralized policy control and daily censorship. The ABA's Standing Committee on Law and National Security also has generated and published considerable documentation about the use of journalists, foreign correspondents, scholars, and many types of nonpolitical associations to spread disinformation and to manipulate the press in foreign countries. The Department of State in 1981 issued a comprehensive report on Soviet disinformation techniques. The full report was published in the November and December 1981 issues of the ABA's Standing Committee's monthly Intelligence Report, edited by Mott.
:The State Department's paper notes that "the Soviets use the bland term 'active measures' to refer to operations intended to affect other nations' policies, as distinct from espionage and counterintelligence," but also quite distinct from the open, accepted public diplomacy in which virtually all nations engage extensively. The techniques of Soviet "active measures" include written or spoken disinformation, forgeries, blackmail, ghost-written stories, use of front organizations, and political influence operations. The United States is the primary target, but "Moscow is devoting increasing resources to 'active measures' against the governments of other industrial countries and countries in the developing world." The objective is "to disrupt relations between states, discredit opponents of the U.S.S.R., and undermine foreign leaders, institutions, and values." The tactics and emphasis adjust to changes in international situations, the report says, but such measures "continue, and in some cases intensify, during periods of reduced tensions."<ref>Albert Boiter (1982) Washington Perspectives, The Washington Quarterly.</ref>
In the 1980s he was the panel moderator of the [[Association of Former Intelligence Officers]].<ref>Michael Getler (1982) Retired Intelligence Officers Alarmed by Soviet Spying in U.S., The Washington Post, October 3.</ref>He was also Executive Director of The Council on Economics and National Security (CENS),  a project of the NSIC, which focuses its research and educational activities on the 'resource war': the possibility of interruptions in U.S. imports of strategic minerals on which its industrial might depends.
*[[Dorothy E. Nicolosi]] (Treasurer) Still with the NSIC<ref>http://www.strategycenter.org/board.htm</ref>, Nicolosi was associate Editor of the NSIC's Agenda Papers and other publications<ref>See: Harold C. Hinton (1980) [http://books.google.com/books?id=T0BEzIXcpawC&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&dq=Dorothy+E.+Nicolosi&source=bl&ots=_73Edzq4oT&sig=ntpM5BJCqEY1PVUkP0NpB0kWlXw&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=8&ct=result#PPA41,M1 The China Sea: The American Stake in Its Future], Transaction Publishers, (p.41).</ref>
[[Sven F. Kraemer]] (Program Director): Son of senior civilian Pentagon analyst [[Fritz Kraemer]] who was a mentor of [[Henry Kissinger]], according to a biography at [[The Institute of World Politics]] (where he teaches a course on U.S. National Security Strategy and Emerging Threats) Kraemer worked at the Office of the Secretary of Defense (1963-67); National Security Council staff (1967-1976); Senior Staff Member for Defense and Foreign Policy, U.S. Senate (1978-1981); Director of Arms Control, National Security Council (1981-87); Senior Staff Member for Defense and Foreign Policy, U.S. House of Representatives (1987-89); Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Defense (2001-05)<ref>The Institute of World Politics (2007) [http://www.iwp.edu/faculty/facultyID.23/profile.asp Sven F. Kraemer: Biography]</ref>. The Institute of World Politics, and Kraemer, have been heavily and continually funded by the [[Earhart Foundation]], The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc., Smith Richardson Foundation and others for work that includes: Public Diplomacy and Political Warefare in the War on Terrorism (2004); a biography of Gen. Pinochet (2002); Business intelligence (2000); The Cold War, with Sven Kraemer as Project Director (1999); Soviet Espionage (1999).<ref>Institute of World Politics (2003) [http://www.mediatransparency.org/recipientgrants.php?recipientID=881 Media Transparency Profile].  Earhart fund the [[Atlas Economic Research Foundation]], Tufts University-Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Institute of Economic Affairs, Jamestown Foundation, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Georgetown University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc., Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, Mont Pelerin Society, Acton Institute For The Study of Religion and Liberty, George C. Marshall Institute, Philadelphia Society, Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, Project for the New American Century, the National Strategy Information Center and many other neoconservative organisations.</ref>
==Consortium for the Study of Intelligence==
The [[Consortium for the Study of Intelligence]] was founded in 1979 as a project of the NSIC. <ref>[http://www.intelligenceconsortium.org/ Consortium for the Study of Intelligence]</ref>
== Crozier ==
Crozier's memoir ''Free Agent'' (p. 74) mentions a 1968 meeting with Frank Barnett who is quoted as saying the NSIC "co-ordinated the efforts of scattered scholars in the field of strategy", although it was at this point that Crozier's 'news agency' Forum World Features (FWF) was exposed as being a propaganda front.  Crozier mentions that in 1970, NSIC founder [[William J. Casey]] (Reagan's campaign manager and head of the CIA) was impressed by FWF and was putting together a "syndicate of high-powered businessmen with a view to taking it over and marketing it in the US." This would seem to have come to nothing but Brian Crozier's (1971) ''Annual of power and conflict'', was published by the NSIC, and <ref> Brian Crozier (1993) Free Agent, Harper Collins</ref>According to Crozier (p. 63) FWF had started with 'Kern House Enterprises' as the holding company (based in Delaware) , with the aim of supporting the CCF. 
The Nation Magazine reported that:<ref>Quoted from http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg05635.html</ref>
:In 1962 Richard Barnett had been recruited to lead the National Strategy Information Center by William Casey, later Director of Central Intelligence. In its heyday, the National Strategy Information Center was regarded as a shadowy group with close connections to the intelligence community; Barnett was a sort of freewheeling broker who put ideas and money people together. One such case involved a C.I.A.-sponsored organization in Europe called Forum World Features, run for a time by British freelance journalist and intelligence operative Brian Crozier. A bit more than a year ago, Crozier confirmed in an interview what others with less direct knowledge had said for many years: that "the C.I.A. personally requested Mr. SCAIFE" to take over as owner of Forum, which he ran from 1973 until 1975, when it was closed down shortly before TIME OUT, a London weekly, published an article on the C.I.A. connection which contained a 1968 CIA memorandum, addressed to then director Richard Helms, which described Forum as a CIA sponsored operation providing a significant means to counter communist propaganda.
Stephen Dorril's (1984) ''American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups'', Lobster 3, states that the [[Committee for the Free World]] (CFW) announced itself to the public in a full page advertisement in the ''New York Times'' (6th April 1981), and that:
:Seed money came from the John M. Olin Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, long time banker of the National Strategic Information Council, and the Heritage Foundation, and the Scaife Family charitable trusts. Both foundations have been identified as having extensive ties to the CIA. Richard Scaife, for example, owned the CIA newsfront, Forum World Features, for which Robert Moss was a regular contributor.
He notes that many of the CFW founders were involved in the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a propaganda cabal operating and also notes that the impetus for forming the CFW was the Jerusalem conference<ref>Kevin Toolis' (2004)Rise of the terrorist professors, The New Statesman, 12 June, notes that:
:Netanyahu, a vivid, brilliant propagandist and player on the Washington diplomatic circuit, sought to convince American conservatives that the sectional interests of the Israeli state were identical to those of the western democracies. He was largely preaching to the converted. Many of the names of contributors to the second Jonathan Institute conference, held in Washington in 1984, reappear as neoconservatives in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war. They include Jeane Kirkpatrick, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Ledeen and Bernard Lewis.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Mekhon Yonatan's (1981) [http://books.google.com/books?id=s8Pm37gg5JkC&printsec=frontcover International Terrorism: Challenge and Response], published by [[Transaction Publishers]], contains contributions from [[Shimon peres]], [[Paul Johnson]], [[Hugh Fraser]] MP, [[Henry M. Jackson]], [[Menachem Begin]], [[Chiam Herzog]], [[Richard Pipes]], [[Brian Crozier]], [[Ahron Yariv]] and [[Lord Chalfont]].  To these names Herman and O'Sullivan (p.105) add [[Robert Moss]], [[George Bush]], [[Ray Cline]], [[Midge Decter]], [[Norman Podhoretz]], [[Claire Sterling]], [[Ben Wattenberg]], [[George Wil]]l and that a 1984 conference included [[George Shultz]], [[Jeane Kirkpatrick]], [[Michael Ledeen]], [[Arnaud de Borchgrave]] and [[Jillian Becker]].</ref>:
:According to the Wall Street Journal (26th July 1979) participants at that conference included former CIA Director Bush, former CIA Deputy Director Ray Cline, Robert Moss and Brian Crozier - the latter two being paid propagandists for the CIA, French and British Intelligence. The Jerusalem Foundation that sponsored the '79 conference is an Israeli Intelligence front, established in the memory of one of the fallen commandos at Entebbe.
Dorril also notes that [[Ernest Lefever]] was funded by USIA to help "highly placed and influential leaders in Western Europe to gain a solid understanding of US defence and arms control policies, with special reference to their religious and moral implications." This led to a conference in the UK in May 1983 with church leaders in attendance and sponsored by the [[British Atlantic Committee]] (BAC) and the [[Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies]]:
:Lefever was refused a position in Reagan's administration because his views on human rights were to the right of Kirkpatrick's distinction between 'friendly authoritarianism' and 'hostile totalitarianism'. Lefever's Centre for Ethics and Public Policy received $250,000 in 1983 and is linked to the Heritage Foundation. He is co-author (with Roy Godson) of the apologist 'The CIA and The American Ethic'. Godson is a member of the Consortium for The Study of Intelligence (CSI) which includes 8 serving or former CIA officers.
This also notes that Godson was with the NSIC and that Sven Kraemer, Programme Director of the NSIC was at the May meeting. NSIC was described as a lobbying organisation dedicated to the preservation of 'containment militarism'; its stated goal to 'train young American Labour leaders in the critical issues that divide the Free World from the Communist states'. It received $6,000,000 from Richard Scaife, an ultra-right millionaire who "has made the formation of public opinion both his business and his vocation". He also gave $250,000 to the CPD, $3,800,000 to the Heritage Foundation and $5,300,000 to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS).
:IEDSS which also backed the May meeting, also has links to the hardliners. Headed by Gerald Frost, former head of the Conservative Think Tank, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), its chairman is J. Edwin Fuelner, who played a major part in the election of President Reagan and is President of the Heritage Foundation. He also sits on the study group on US Grand Strategy on which the CIA is represented via CSIS. IEDSS is based in the offices of the Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC) whose board of management member Vice-Admiral Louis Le Bailley also attended.
Dorril also notes that [[Eugene V. Rostow]], when Director of the [[Arms Control and Disarmament Agency]], stated
:"there is participation on an increasing scale in the US of three groups whose potential impact should be cause for concern. They are the churches, the 'loyalist opposition' and, perhaps most important, the unpoliticised public".
He followed this by organising the propaganda campaign against the American Peace Movement's 'Ground Zero Week'.
Rostow was also concerned about the growing unilateralist movement and initiated a similar propaganda operation in the UK, aimed at neutralising the efforts of [[CND]]. This involved: mobilising public opinion, working within the Churches, and a 'dirty tricks' operation against the peace groups.
:William J. Casey, head of the CIA, met with US Information Agency (USIA) to organise the propaganda campaign in Europe. A direct mailing campaign was organised with Richard Viguerie and the U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, Peter Dailey. At the same time, Ernest Lefever, Director of the 'Ethics and Public Policy Programme' at Georgetown University, received $200,000 to organise the Church groups [...] Casey has claimed that the CIA weren't involved - and maybe he is right, for in the main the whole exercise was privately operated. What united the various participants is membership of or links to the 'Committee On The Present Danger' (CPD). The CPD is a Second Cold War pressure group populated by Reagan's political backers. It has a stranglehold on his defence and foreign policy and, as many commentators have noted, it is the present danger.
Drawing on a ''Peace News'' report of 29/9/83, he notes that:
:The Rand Corporation, a Californian military research body with links to the government and the CIA, sponsored a week's study on 'the Successor Generation' and its implications for Nato. 'The Successor Generation' is another name for anti-Americanism in Europe. Peter Dailey, US Ambassador to Ireland, noting the trend of antipathy to American policies, reported to the White House on ways of strengthening support for Cruise and Pershing, recommending that Reagan appoint an 'Arms Reduction Ombudsman' - not to help with arms reduction, but to do public relations work for Reagan's policies.
==Board of directors ==
==Board of directors ==
*[[Roy Godson]]: Professor of Government, Georgetown University. President
*[[Roy Godson]]: Professor of Government, Georgetown University.
*[[Dorothy E. Nicolosi]]: Former Treasurer, National Strategy Information Center Vice President
*[[Jeffrey Berman]] Treasurer & Executive Director
*[[Omer Pace]] Secretary
*[[Reed Coleman]]: Chairman and CEO, [[Madison-Kipp]]
*[[Amado Gayol]]: President, Gayol and Associates
*[[Herb Magidson]]: Former Vice President, American Federation of Teachers
*[[John O. Marsh, Jr]]: Former Secretary of the Army
*[[Jay Mazur]]: President, 21st Century ILGWU Heritage Fund
*[[John Norton Moore]]: Professor of Law, [[Center for National Security Law]], University of Virginia School of Law
*[[Jerald C. Newman]]: Former CEO, Long Island Medical Center
*[[Andrea Scrosati]]: Vice President, SKY Italia
*[[Allen Taylor]]: Chairman, [[Chipstone Foundation]]<ref>[http://www.strategycenter.org/board.htm National Strategy Information Center: Board]</ref>
*[[Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation]], 2000.<ref>Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, form 990, 2000.</ref>
[[Image:Dirty tricks.jpg|left|thumb|Godson's book on how to do it]]
*Harold C. Hinton (c1980)''The China Sea: the American stake in its future''; ISBN: 0878558713
*Roy Godson(ed)[1982] ''Clandestine collection'', ISBN: 0878558314.
*Roy Godson (ed)(1983)''Intelligence requirements for the 1980's: elements of intelligence'', ISBN: 087855954X.
*Herbert I. London; preface by John Tower (c1984) ''Military doctrine and the American character: reflections on airland battle'', ISBN: 0887386148.
*İhsan Gürkan [foreword by Sinclair L. Melner](c1980) ''NATO, Turkey, and the southern flank'', ISBN: 087855825X.
*Joyce E. Larson (ed) (1979)''New foundations for Asian and Pacific security: based on the addresses, papers, reports, and discussion sessions of an international conference held at Pattaya, Thailand, December 12-16'', ISBN: 0878554130.
*Marian K. Leighton (c1979) ''The Soviet threat to NATO's northern flank'', ISBN: 0878558039.
*Alvin J. Cottrell and Michael L. Moodie (c1984) ''The United States and the Persian Gulf: past mistakes, present needs'', ISBN: 0878559094.
Taken from [http://isbndb.com/d/publisher/national_strategy_information_.html ISBNdb.com]
*Roy S. Godson, ''Elements of Intelligence'', [[Transaction Publishers]], ISBN 087855954X.
*James E. Dougherty and Paul H. Nitze and National Strategy Information Center and Francis X. Kane, ''The Fateful Ends and Shades of SALT: Past ... Present ... and Yet to Come'', Crane, Russak, ISBN 084481332X.
*Morris Albert Adelman and National Strategy Information Center, ''Oil, Divestiture, and National Security, Crane'', Russak, ISBN 0844810703.
*Norman Polmar and National Strategy Information Center, ''Strategic Weapons: An Introduction'', Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, ISBN 0844813990
These are undated and taken from [http://www.bookfinder.com/author/national-strategy-information-center/ BookFinder.com]
[http://www.allbookstores.com/author/National_Strategy_Information_Center.html AllBookstores.com] states that Godson's ''Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's : Elements of Intelligence'', is also published with the [[Consortium for the Study of Intelligence]].
The list below is taken from [http://protocat.nla.gov.au/Search/Home?lookfor=author:%22National%20Strategy%20Information%20Center%22&iknowwhatimean=1The National Library of Australia], and included in the list is one from the [[Brian Crozier]] run [[Institute for the Study of Conflict]]:
*''Strategy papers'' (National Strategy Information Center) Published New York : The Center, 1969-
*''The Sino-Soviet confrontation : implications for the future'' / Harold C. Hinton Published New York : Published by Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1976
*''The evolution of Soviet security strategy, 1965-1975'' / Avigdor Haselkorn Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1978
*''Agenda paper'' / National Strategy Information Center Published New York : The Center, 1974-1985
*''Strategic weapons : an introduction'' / Norman Polmar Published New York : Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1982
*''The Military unbalance; is the U.S. becoming a second-class power?'' Published New York, National Strategy Information Center [1971]
*''Trends in organized crime'' [electronic resource] Published New Brunswick, N.J. : [[Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center]], c1995-
*''The Challenge of Soviet shipping''Published New York, NY : (111 E. 58th St., New York 10022) : National Strategy Information Center, [1982 or 1983]
*''Annual of power and conflict'' Published London : [[Institute for the Study of Conflict]]
*''The fateful ends and shades of SALT : past ... present ... and yet to come?'' / Paul H. Nitze, James E. Dougherty, and Francis X. Kane Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1979
*''Afghan alternatives : issues, options, and policies'' / edited by Ralph H. Magnus Published New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : [[Transaction Books]], c1985
Vice President
The list below is taken from [http://ipac.brad.ac.uk/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=1A108N3496R79.65733&profile=dial&uri=link=1100003~!S20858~!1100001~!1100002&aspect=subtab43&menu=search&ri=1&source=~!dial&term=National+Strategy+Information+Center&index=AAThe University of Bradford]
*[[Dorothy E. Nicolosi]]: Former Treasurer, National Strategy Information Center
*'''Eurocommunism' : implications for East and West'' / by Roy Godson, Stephen Haseler ; research contributors ... (others). National Strategy Information Center. London (etc.)) : Macmillan (for the National Strategy Information Center)), 1978.
*''Strategic weapons : an introduction'' / Norman Polmar. National Strategy Information Center. London : Crane, Russak for National Strategy Information, 1981.
*''Strategic weapons : an introduction'' / (by) Norman Polmar. National Strategy Information Center. London : Macdonald and Jane's for National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1976.
*Special operations in US strategy / edited by Frank R. Barnett, B. Hugh Tovar, Richard H. Shultz.
National Defense University., National Strategy Information Center.
(Washington, D.C.?) : National Defense University Press in cooperation with National Strategy Information Center, Inc. :S Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. (distributor)), 1985.
Treasurer & Executive Director
The list below is taken from [http://morris.mcmaster.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?session=Q20791391L73W.147451&profile=lib&uri=link=3100007~!119921~!3100001~!3100002&aspect=basic_search&menu=search&ri=1&source=~!morris&term=National+Strategy+Information+Center.&index=AUTHO McMaster University]
*[[Jeffrey Berman]]
*[[Omer Pace]]
*[[Reed Coleman]]: Chairman and CEO, Madison-Kipp
*''Trends in Organized Crime'' [electronic resource].
by National Strategy Information Center.
*[[Amado Gayol]]: President, Gayol and Associates
*''The intelligent layperson's guide to "Star Wars" : 16 questions & answers on strategic defense and space weaponry'''
Larson, Joyce E., Bodie, William C., National Strategy Information Center.
National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1986.
*''Maritime strategy, geopolitics, and the defense of the West,''
Gray, Colin S., National Strategy Information Center.
Published in the U.S. by Ramapo Press [for] the National Strategy Information Center, c1986.
*''Elements of intelligence'' / edited by Roy Godson.
National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence.
National Strategy Information Center ; Distributed by [[Transaction Books]], 1983.
*''Strategic weapons : an introduction''
Polmar, Norman., National Strategy Information Center.
Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1982.
*''Clandestine collection'' / edited by Roy Godson.
by Godson, Roy, 1942-, National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence., Colloquium on Clandestine Collection (1981 : Washington, D.C.)
National Strategy Information Center ; Distributed by [[Transaction Books]], [1982]
*''Intelligence requirements for the 1980's : covert action'' / edited by Roy Godson. 
National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence.
National Strategy Information Center ; distributed by Transaction Books, c1981.
*''Strategic options for the early eighties : what can be done?''
by Van Cleave, William R., Thompson, W. Scott (Willard Scott), 1942-, National Strategy Information Center.
Automated Graphic Systems, c1979.
Some other works by Godson are discussed at the [http://intellit.muskingum.edu/alpha_folder/G_folder/godson_ed.html The Literature of Intelligence:A Bibliography of Materials,with Essays, Reviews, and Comments]
Excepts and summaries of more recent work can be found at the website of the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence (part of the NSIC) but the links do not seem to be working.  [http://www.intelligenceconsortium.org/publications.htm The site] does provide links to the 2004 ''Al Qaeda's Growing Sanctuary'' By Douglas Farah and Richard Shultz, published in the Washington Post and  the 2004 Armed Groups: A Tier-One Security Priority by Richard H. Shultz, Douglas Farah, Itamara V. Lochard, USAF Institute for National Security Studies.
its page on the [http://www.intelligenceconsortium.org/publications3.htm  Working Group on Intelligence Reform] lists these publications (note Joseph Nye and David Kay):
*Patrick Watson, ''FBI’s Changing Missions in the 1990s.''
*[[Herb Magidson]]: Former Vice President, American Federation of Teachers
*Douglas MacEachin, ''Tradecraft of Analysis: Challenge and Change in the CIA.''
*Abram Shulsky and Jennifer Sims, ''What Is Intelligence?''
*Robert Kohler, ''The Intelligence Industrial Base: Doomed to Extinction?''
*Walter Jajko, ''The Future of Defense Intelligence.''
*L. Britt Snider with Elizabeth Rindskopf and John Coleman, ''Relating Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Problems and Prospects.''
*William Hood, James Nolan, and Samuel Halpern, ''Myths Surrounding James Angleton: Lessons for American Counterintelligence.''
*Henry Sokolski, ''Fighting Proliferation: The Role of Intelligence.''
*[[Joseph S. Nye]], ''Estimating the Future.''
*Henry S. Rowen, ''Reforming Intelligence: A Market Approach.''
*Randall M. Fort, ''Economic Espionage: Problems and Prospects.''
*Roy Godson with Richard Kerr and Ernest May, ''Covert Action in the 1990s.''
*James Q. Wilson, ''Thinking About Reorganization.''
*David Kay, ''Denial and Deception: Iraq and Beyond.''
*[[John O. Marsh, Jr]]: Former Secretary of the Army
Richard Shultz (seemingly the only employee of the Intelligence Consortium) has a list of his publications at his site at [http://fletcher.tufts.edu/faculty/shultz/publications.asp The Fletcher School, Tufts University]
*[[Jay Mazur]]: President, 21st Century ILGWU Heritage Fund
*[[John Norton Moore]]: Professor of Law, Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia School of Law
The [http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Org/162568-53 idealist.com] state that:  
*[[Jerald C. Newman]]: Former CEO, Long Island Medical Center
*[[Andrea Scrosati]]: Vice President, SKY Italia
:"The Culture of Lawfulness (COL) Project of NSIC is an educational organization that helps develop academic approaches to enhance societal involvement in supporting the rule of law. The COL Project works with school systems, Ministries of Education, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States."
*[[Allen Taylor]]: Chairman, Chipstone Foundation <ref>[http://www.strategycenter.org/board.htm National Strategy Information Center: Board]
==External Resources==
*RightWeb [http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/articles/display/National_Strategy_Information_Center National Strategy Information Center]

Latest revision as of 19:46, 20 October 2015

The National Strategy Information Center is a US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues.


According to a profile the National Strategy Information Center (NSIC):

...is a rightwing think tank for military strategy. It has a history of working with hard-line, anti-Soviet groups promoting an aggressive U.S. foreign policy. Frank Barnett founded the NSIC in 1962 along with Morris Liebman. Other founding directors and advisers of the NSIC include ultra-rightist beer baron Joseph Coors; Frank Shakespeare, chair of the conservative think tank, the Heritage Foundation; and former CIA director William Casey. Barnett was also a prominent member of the Committee on the Present Danger. Before founding the NSIC, he served as the director of research for the ultra-rightwing Smith Richardson Foundation, and a program director of the Institute for American Strategy.[1]

It is can also be described as a US neoconservative think thank with a focus on intelligence-related issues. According to Phil Kelly's (1981) [2], The Leveller 52, the US National Strategy Information Center (NSIC) was:

...founded in 1962 by William J Casey now appointed by Reagan to head the CIA. NSIC is a pressure group for militant anti-communism and is at the centre of a vast network of front organisations. One of its main activities, Casey told the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on his CIA appointment, has been the building of academic respectability for the practice of intelligence. It has helped to sponsor more than 200 professorial chairs and teaching posts in US universities and colleges devoted to teaching and researching intelligence. NSIC provided some of the cash used by journalist and CIA contract employee Brian Crozier to transform his news agency Forum World Features, a CIA front organisation into the Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC).

For Kelly one of the central characters in this process was Stephen Haseler, founder of the Social Democratic Alliance:

Haseler works for the NSIC's 'left face', the Advisory Committee on European Democracy and Security (ACEDS), which published his book, Eurocommunism. Co-author of the work was NSIC's Dr Roy Godson, director of the International Labor Programme at Georgetown University in Washington DC. This institution has been a centre of cold war sentiment among US intellectuals, and many of its staff now find themselves in the Reagan administration. According to Haseler and Godson, Eurocommunism is nothing more than a Soviet ploy to detach western Europe from the U.S. without a war.

He also lists a range of the front groups and political interventions backed by the NSIC including the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD), a grouping of academics, politicans, retired military and intelligence personnel and 'cold war liberals' and traces the rise of these groups to the nomination of George McGovern as Democratic Candidate in 1972 on a 'stop the Vietnam war' platform which pushed the Democratic right into a counter-attack, which grew into the CPD in 1976 in an alliance with the right-wing think tanks. Others mentioned are more right-wing in orientation including the Committee for the Free World, which he states was started by Midge Decter:

Decter said the idea for the CFW originated at an Israeli government-sponsored conference on terrorism in 1979. Her husband, Norman Podhoretz,also a member of CPD and CFW, is editor of 'Commentary', the organ of the American Jewish community, which, like 'Encounter' was closely associated with the now-defunct Congress for Cultural Freedom, the major US post-war cultural intervention. The CCF collapsed in 1967 when it was revealed that its main source of income had been the CIA, through dummy foundations.

Decter, in an excerpt from her memoir, An Old Wife’s Tale: My Seven Decades in Love and War, reproduced at the Hoover Institution site states:

The idea for the committee had in a very tentative way been brewing for a couple of years. A European friend named Leopold Labedz and I would meet from time to time and say, “Why don’t we . . .”—that sort of thing.

Leopold Labedz was the editor of Survey: A Journal of East and West Studies,, (with Walter Laqueur initally initially under the umbrella of the Congress for Cultural Freedom as Soviet Survey[3]), and a member of another NSIC funded project, which also involved Haseler and many of the others mentioned here, the Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies. Decter — involved in a range of organisations such as the second incarnation of the Committee on the Present Danger, Hudson Institute, Heritage Foundation, Coalition for a Democratic Majority and the Project for the New American Century — outlined her concerns in her memoir thus:

The beginning of my activist life came in 1972, when Richard Nixon was competing for his second presidential term against George McGovern. McGovern’s candidacy signaled the capture of the Democratic Party by the hard left, who had taken control of it through a lethal combination of radical opposition to the war in Vietnam, the radicalization of the civil rights movement, and women’s liberation.[...] By the 1970s there was a new peril in the United States—the demoralization brought on by the seizure of national self-hatred that had spread like typhus from the sixties radicals into the major institutions of the culture.

So to understand the NSIC we can view it within these 'Atlanticist' networks which grew and operated from the 1940s onwards. Key factors in the analysis should deal with: anti-communism (and other forms of threat generation such as 'terrorism'), networks of front organisations, covert Intelligence connections, the building of academic respectability for the practice of intelligence, funding and organisation via think tanks and foundations, historical connections to organisations such as the Congress for Cultural Freedom (others would include the Committee on the Present Danger) and connections to the US/Isreali government-sponsorship such as the conference on terrorism in 1979. As Kelly notes, and this is also set out in Edward Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan (1990) The Terrorism Industry [4]the conference: the Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism (JCIT) organised with the Jonathan Institute, can be viewed as a key node in the formulation of a defining theme that 'international terrorism' constituted an organised political movement whose ultimate origin was in the Soviet Union. This was used justify the requirement of a worldwide anti-terrorism offensive, involving the Western military intelligence services and the incorporation of think-tank and academic accounts of Soviet involvement in orchestrating the 'international terrorist network'.[5]This network shifted its focus after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the present "war on terror."


According to its website the NSIC was founded as a nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization in 1962.[6]Critical appraisals state that it was the first right-wing think tank to address such issues as national security strategy, low-intensity conflict, operations of intelligence agencies, political warfare, and the role of nongovernmental groups, especially labor unions, in furthering foreign and military policy goals. And that:

Over the past four decades, NSIC has worked with the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies in studies of political and psychological warfare and in their collaboration with conservative labor union operations, especially in Europe and Latin America.[7]

This also adds that, like a great deal of this network such as the Heritage Foundation, it was launched with start-up funding from the Coors family, and is supported the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation. The NSIC's founding directors included Joseph Coors, Frank Barnett, William Casey, Frank Shakespeare, and Prescott Bush, Jr. Barnett was also a member of the Committee on the Present Danger, and a leading advocate of political warfare, psychological operations, and low-intensity conflict strategy in the 1980s. The NSIC's Consortium for the Study of Intelligence is housed in the International Labor program at Georgetown University, where Godson's was the director.[8]

In a more in-depth profile at GroupWatch[9]Frank Barnett's intentions with the organisation are set out:

In a 1961 article in the Military Review on the subject of political warfare, Frank Barnett wrote,"Political warfare in short, is warfare—not public relations. It is one part persuasion and two parts deception. It embraces diverse forms of coercion and violence including strikes and riots, economic sanctions, subsidies for guerrilla or proxy warfare and, when necessary, kidnapping or assassination of enemy elites. "The aim of political warfare... is to discredit, displace, and neutralize an opponent, to destroy a competing ideology, and to reduce the adherents to political impotence. It is to make one's own values prevail by working the levers of power, as well as by using persuasion."

The NSIC is also said to have a focus on training young American labor leaders together with influencing business, professional and military groups; academic and mass media; governmental schools; and colleges and universities. The profile also provides some information on NSIC's funding sources. Between 1973 and 1981, Richard Scaife donated a total of $6 million to the NSIC from the Carthage Foundation, the Sarah Scaife Foundation, and the Trust for the Grandchildren of Sarah Mellon Scaife. This also notes that in 1985 the John M. Olin Foundation gave the Washington office of NSIC three grants: $107,320 for support for an advisory committee for European democracy (together with a 1981-1982 grant from the U.S. Information Agency to study the feasibility of an Intl Youth Year conference, it is very likely that this is connected to the rise of the British American Project for a Successor Generation and Reagan's Project Democracy)[10]; $41,300 for support for a book by Abram Shulsky on American intelligence and national security; and $20,000 to support educational programs on the nature of totalitarian regimes.

The New York office (111 east 58th Street) continued to receive grants from the Adolph Coors Foundation for programs and publications on national security and the history of Soviet intelligence, research and writing on detente, and $15,000 support for a conference at the Center for European Strategy; and from the Winston Salem Foundation, the Samuel Roberts Nobel Foundation and from the W. W. Smith Charitable Trust.

The NSIC worked with the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD) to lobby for the preservation of containment militarism (1730 Rhode Island Ave.) although this seemed a re-interpretation of George Kennan's formulation). NSIC opened an office in Washington DC (in 1976 to be closer to the White House and the Pentagon. In setting up the office, Barnett worked directly with Eugene V. Rostow of the CPD, bringing him onto the NSIC board.

Early NSIC publication: W. Scott Thompson’s (1978) Power Projection: A Net Assessment of the U. S. and Soviet Capabilities [11], lists its officers on the back cover, and in 1978 these were given as:

  • Dr.Frank N. Trager (Director, National Security Program, New York University) A biography from his essay on the US Security structure states that he was Director of Studies at the NSIC; general editor of the National Security Studies Series, editor of the Strategy Papers, and a member of the editorial boards of Orbis and Asian Affairs: An American Review; chairman of the American-Asian Educational Exchange; board member of the Foreign Policy Research Institute; chairman, Executive Committee, Chinese Cultural Center, Inc.; and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Burma Research Society, and the Siam Society. He has been on the faculties of Johns Hopkins and Yale Universities, the National War College, the Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, and has held various government positions. Trager has served as Director of the U.S. Economic Aid Mission to Burma and has frequently visited Southeast Asia. He has been a consultant to the Rand Corporation, Stanford Research Institute, Hudson Institute, and to the Departments of State and Defense. He is author of numerous books, monographs, and articles on Burma, Asia, and national security topics.[12]

Along with the NSIC's Frank Barnett, Trager was a signatory and member of the 1967 Citizens Committee for Peace With Freedom in Vietnam this included Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and Dean Acheson) and argued that it:

...felt that popular opposition to the war in Vietnam did not, in fact, represent the feelings of America's "silent center": a majority of "independent and responsible men and women who have consistently opposed rewarding international aggressors."[13]
  • Paul E. Feffer (President, Feffer & Simons Inc.) Feffer was appointed to to draft a set of policy recommendations on the 'Book Gap', this was a perceived situation whereby the US National Security Council and the US Information Agency (USAID) felt that American books needed to combat the ideas and philosophies of other societies, particularly the then Soviet Union. Feffer chaired a study of 40 US publishers, librarians, lawyers and government officials under the auspices of the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Forum (HDRF) sponsored by USAID.[14]

Evron Kirkpatrick (Husband of Jeane J. Kirkpatrick) was president of HDRF and, according to a Sourcewatch profile, was part of CIA plans for a domestic "national psychological warfare program" as a part of the US cold war strategy.[15]Jeane Kirkpatrick helped establish the Coalition for a Democratic Majority and both husband and wife were involved in the American Enterprise Institute.[16]

With a foreword by, then Ambassador, Kirkpatrick, the eventual report on this was summarised in William M. Childs and Donald E. McNeil (Eds.) (1986) American Books Abroad: Toward a National Policy, published by the Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation.[17]Childs has been active for many years with USIA international publishing activities and in the 1980s was an adviser to the American Enterprise Institute.

Feffer was a publishing consultant and the chief executive of Feffer & Simons Inc., which was a publishing company in New York. A large international exporter of periodicals and books, in the mid-80s it tried to convince Chinese officials to import more consumer magazines through a chain of stores in China called 'Friendship Stores', where foreigners can shop with American dollars.[18]

According to an online biography Feffer was a director of Recoton (wireless monitoring systems etc.) and Chairman of Feffer Consulting Co., Inc., an international media consulting firm, since 1991 and a consultant to Merck & Company's publishing division. He founded Feffer and Simons Inc. in 1955, which was eventually sold to Doubleday & Co. in 1962 (where he remained as President of the subsidiary Feffer and Simons until 1986) and was Chairman of Baker & Taylor International, a subsidiary of W. R. Grace & Co., from 1987 until 1991. Feffer & Simons and Baker & Taylor specialized in international publishing and book and magazine distribution and development of overseas markets for U.S. publishers.[19]

According to the New York Times[20]Feffer was president of Hampton Arts International, a company involved in cultural exchanges between Eastern Europe and the US.

  • Rear Admiral William C. Mott (Rtd.)(National legal center for the Public Interest): Mott was a judge advocate general of the Navy in the 1960s. During World War II he served with the Office of Naval Intelligence and then as an assistant naval aide to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. According to an obituary in The Washington Post (November 2, 1997) after the war he was assigned to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations as a liaison with the State Department and the United Nations. He first worked with the Office of Judge Advocate General in 1946 as head of the International Law Branch and Foreign Claims Commission Office. After retiring from active duty, he became executive vice president of the U.S. Independent Telephone Association and served as chairman of the presidential advisory committee on the National Strategic Materials and Minerals Program and president of the Capital Legal Foundation and the National Legal Center for the Public Interest.

The Washington Times (October 18, 1989) states that he was part of the 1980s Bush administration's desire to ease legal restrictions on covert action "so that CIA operatives could assist a coup without fear of violating the ban on assassination". Mott is quoted as saying:

"There's no question in my mind that it [the ban on assassination] puts a kind of halter around certain efforts,"

Mott was part of the American Bar Association's (ABA) Standing Committee on Law and National Security. The ABA, through the work of its various standing committees, collected and published studies on how the news media of Communist countries, especially in the Soviet Union, fulfill their assigned educational function under centralized policy control and daily censorship. The ABA's Standing Committee on Law and National Security also has generated and published considerable documentation about the use of journalists, foreign correspondents, scholars, and many types of nonpolitical associations to spread disinformation and to manipulate the press in foreign countries. The Department of State in 1981 issued a comprehensive report on Soviet disinformation techniques. The full report was published in the November and December 1981 issues of the ABA's Standing Committee's monthly Intelligence Report, edited by Mott.

The State Department's paper notes that "the Soviets use the bland term 'active measures' to refer to operations intended to affect other nations' policies, as distinct from espionage and counterintelligence," but also quite distinct from the open, accepted public diplomacy in which virtually all nations engage extensively. The techniques of Soviet "active measures" include written or spoken disinformation, forgeries, blackmail, ghost-written stories, use of front organizations, and political influence operations. The United States is the primary target, but "Moscow is devoting increasing resources to 'active measures' against the governments of other industrial countries and countries in the developing world." The objective is "to disrupt relations between states, discredit opponents of the U.S.S.R., and undermine foreign leaders, institutions, and values." The tactics and emphasis adjust to changes in international situations, the report says, but such measures "continue, and in some cases intensify, during periods of reduced tensions."[21]

In the 1980s he was the panel moderator of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers.[22]He was also Executive Director of The Council on Economics and National Security (CENS), a project of the NSIC, which focuses its research and educational activities on the 'resource war': the possibility of interruptions in U.S. imports of strategic minerals on which its industrial might depends.

  • Dorothy E. Nicolosi (Treasurer) Still with the NSIC[23], Nicolosi was associate Editor of the NSIC's Agenda Papers and other publications[24]

Sven F. Kraemer (Program Director): Son of senior civilian Pentagon analyst Fritz Kraemer who was a mentor of Henry Kissinger, according to a biography at The Institute of World Politics (where he teaches a course on U.S. National Security Strategy and Emerging Threats) Kraemer worked at the Office of the Secretary of Defense (1963-67); National Security Council staff (1967-1976); Senior Staff Member for Defense and Foreign Policy, U.S. Senate (1978-1981); Director of Arms Control, National Security Council (1981-87); Senior Staff Member for Defense and Foreign Policy, U.S. House of Representatives (1987-89); Policy Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Defense (2001-05)[25]. The Institute of World Politics, and Kraemer, have been heavily and continually funded by the Earhart Foundation, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc., Smith Richardson Foundation and others for work that includes: Public Diplomacy and Political Warefare in the War on Terrorism (2004); a biography of Gen. Pinochet (2002); Business intelligence (2000); The Cold War, with Sven Kraemer as Project Director (1999); Soviet Espionage (1999).[26]

Consortium for the Study of Intelligence

The Consortium for the Study of Intelligence was founded in 1979 as a project of the NSIC. [27]


Crozier's memoir Free Agent (p. 74) mentions a 1968 meeting with Frank Barnett who is quoted as saying the NSIC "co-ordinated the efforts of scattered scholars in the field of strategy", although it was at this point that Crozier's 'news agency' Forum World Features (FWF) was exposed as being a propaganda front. Crozier mentions that in 1970, NSIC founder William J. Casey (Reagan's campaign manager and head of the CIA) was impressed by FWF and was putting together a "syndicate of high-powered businessmen with a view to taking it over and marketing it in the US." This would seem to have come to nothing but Brian Crozier's (1971) Annual of power and conflict, was published by the NSIC, and [28]According to Crozier (p. 63) FWF had started with 'Kern House Enterprises' as the holding company (based in Delaware) , with the aim of supporting the CCF.

The Nation Magazine reported that:[29]

In 1962 Richard Barnett had been recruited to lead the National Strategy Information Center by William Casey, later Director of Central Intelligence. In its heyday, the National Strategy Information Center was regarded as a shadowy group with close connections to the intelligence community; Barnett was a sort of freewheeling broker who put ideas and money people together. One such case involved a C.I.A.-sponsored organization in Europe called Forum World Features, run for a time by British freelance journalist and intelligence operative Brian Crozier. A bit more than a year ago, Crozier confirmed in an interview what others with less direct knowledge had said for many years: that "the C.I.A. personally requested Mr. SCAIFE" to take over as owner of Forum, which he ran from 1973 until 1975, when it was closed down shortly before TIME OUT, a London weekly, published an article on the C.I.A. connection which contained a 1968 CIA memorandum, addressed to then director Richard Helms, which described Forum as a CIA sponsored operation providing a significant means to counter communist propaganda.

Stephen Dorril's (1984) American Friends: the Anti-CND Groups, Lobster 3, states that the Committee for the Free World (CFW) announced itself to the public in a full page advertisement in the New York Times (6th April 1981), and that:

Seed money came from the John M. Olin Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, long time banker of the National Strategic Information Council, and the Heritage Foundation, and the Scaife Family charitable trusts. Both foundations have been identified as having extensive ties to the CIA. Richard Scaife, for example, owned the CIA newsfront, Forum World Features, for which Robert Moss was a regular contributor.

He notes that many of the CFW founders were involved in the Congress for Cultural Freedom, a propaganda cabal operating and also notes that the impetus for forming the CFW was the Jerusalem conference[30]:

According to the Wall Street Journal (26th July 1979) participants at that conference included former CIA Director Bush, former CIA Deputy Director Ray Cline, Robert Moss and Brian Crozier - the latter two being paid propagandists for the CIA, French and British Intelligence. The Jerusalem Foundation that sponsored the '79 conference is an Israeli Intelligence front, established in the memory of one of the fallen commandos at Entebbe.

Dorril also notes that Ernest Lefever was funded by USIA to help "highly placed and influential leaders in Western Europe to gain a solid understanding of US defence and arms control policies, with special reference to their religious and moral implications." This led to a conference in the UK in May 1983 with church leaders in attendance and sponsored by the British Atlantic Committee (BAC) and the Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies:

Lefever was refused a position in Reagan's administration because his views on human rights were to the right of Kirkpatrick's distinction between 'friendly authoritarianism' and 'hostile totalitarianism'. Lefever's Centre for Ethics and Public Policy received $250,000 in 1983 and is linked to the Heritage Foundation. He is co-author (with Roy Godson) of the apologist 'The CIA and The American Ethic'. Godson is a member of the Consortium for The Study of Intelligence (CSI) which includes 8 serving or former CIA officers.

This also notes that Godson was with the NSIC and that Sven Kraemer, Programme Director of the NSIC was at the May meeting. NSIC was described as a lobbying organisation dedicated to the preservation of 'containment militarism'; its stated goal to 'train young American Labour leaders in the critical issues that divide the Free World from the Communist states'. It received $6,000,000 from Richard Scaife, an ultra-right millionaire who "has made the formation of public opinion both his business and his vocation". He also gave $250,000 to the CPD, $3,800,000 to the Heritage Foundation and $5,300,000 to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies(CSIS).

IEDSS which also backed the May meeting, also has links to the hardliners. Headed by Gerald Frost, former head of the Conservative Think Tank, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), its chairman is J. Edwin Fuelner, who played a major part in the election of President Reagan and is President of the Heritage Foundation. He also sits on the study group on US Grand Strategy on which the CIA is represented via CSIS. IEDSS is based in the offices of the Institute for the Study of Conflict (ISC) whose board of management member Vice-Admiral Louis Le Bailley also attended.

Dorril also notes that Eugene V. Rostow, when Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, stated

"there is participation on an increasing scale in the US of three groups whose potential impact should be cause for concern. They are the churches, the 'loyalist opposition' and, perhaps most important, the unpoliticised public".

He followed this by organising the propaganda campaign against the American Peace Movement's 'Ground Zero Week'.

Rostow was also concerned about the growing unilateralist movement and initiated a similar propaganda operation in the UK, aimed at neutralising the efforts of CND. This involved: mobilising public opinion, working within the Churches, and a 'dirty tricks' operation against the peace groups.

William J. Casey, head of the CIA, met with US Information Agency (USIA) to organise the propaganda campaign in Europe. A direct mailing campaign was organised with Richard Viguerie and the U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, Peter Dailey. At the same time, Ernest Lefever, Director of the 'Ethics and Public Policy Programme' at Georgetown University, received $200,000 to organise the Church groups [...] Casey has claimed that the CIA weren't involved - and maybe he is right, for in the main the whole exercise was privately operated. What united the various participants is membership of or links to the 'Committee On The Present Danger' (CPD). The CPD is a Second Cold War pressure group populated by Reagan's political backers. It has a stranglehold on his defence and foreign policy and, as many commentators have noted, it is the present danger.

Drawing on a Peace News report of 29/9/83, he notes that:

The Rand Corporation, a Californian military research body with links to the government and the CIA, sponsored a week's study on 'the Successor Generation' and its implications for Nato. 'The Successor Generation' is another name for anti-Americanism in Europe. Peter Dailey, US Ambassador to Ireland, noting the trend of antipathy to American policies, reported to the White House on ways of strengthening support for Cruise and Pershing, recommending that Reagan appoint an 'Arms Reduction Ombudsman' - not to help with arms reduction, but to do public relations work for Reagan's policies.

Board of directors



Godson's book on how to do it
  • Harold C. Hinton (c1980)The China Sea: the American stake in its future; ISBN: 0878558713
  • Roy Godson(ed)[1982] Clandestine collection, ISBN: 0878558314.
  • Roy Godson (ed)(1983)Intelligence requirements for the 1980's: elements of intelligence, ISBN: 087855954X.
  • Herbert I. London; preface by John Tower (c1984) Military doctrine and the American character: reflections on airland battle, ISBN: 0887386148.
  • İhsan Gürkan [foreword by Sinclair L. Melner](c1980) NATO, Turkey, and the southern flank, ISBN: 087855825X.
  • Joyce E. Larson (ed) (1979)New foundations for Asian and Pacific security: based on the addresses, papers, reports, and discussion sessions of an international conference held at Pattaya, Thailand, December 12-16, ISBN: 0878554130.
  • Marian K. Leighton (c1979) The Soviet threat to NATO's northern flank, ISBN: 0878558039.
  • Alvin J. Cottrell and Michael L. Moodie (c1984) The United States and the Persian Gulf: past mistakes, present needs, ISBN: 0878559094.

Taken from ISBNdb.com

  • James E. Dougherty and Paul H. Nitze and National Strategy Information Center and Francis X. Kane, The Fateful Ends and Shades of SALT: Past ... Present ... and Yet to Come, Crane, Russak, ISBN 084481332X.
  • Morris Albert Adelman and National Strategy Information Center, Oil, Divestiture, and National Security, Crane, Russak, ISBN 0844810703.
  • Norman Polmar and National Strategy Information Center, Strategic Weapons: An Introduction, Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, ISBN 0844813990

These are undated and taken from BookFinder.com

AllBookstores.com states that Godson's Intelligence Requirements for the 1980's : Elements of Intelligence, is also published with the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence.

The list below is taken from National Library of Australia, and included in the list is one from the Brian Crozier run Institute for the Study of Conflict:

  • Strategy papers (National Strategy Information Center) Published New York : The Center, 1969-
  • The Sino-Soviet confrontation : implications for the future / Harold C. Hinton Published New York : Published by Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1976
  • The evolution of Soviet security strategy, 1965-1975 / Avigdor Haselkorn Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1978
  • Agenda paper / National Strategy Information Center Published New York : The Center, 1974-1985
  • Strategic weapons : an introduction / Norman Polmar Published New York : Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1982
  • The Military unbalance; is the U.S. becoming a second-class power? Published New York, National Strategy Information Center [1971]
  • Trends in organized crime [electronic resource] Published New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Periodicals Consortium for the National Strategy Information Center, c1995-
  • The Challenge of Soviet shippingPublished New York, NY : (111 E. 58th St., New York 10022) : National Strategy Information Center, [1982 or 1983]
  • Annual of power and conflict Published London : Institute for the Study of Conflict
  • The fateful ends and shades of SALT : past ... present ... and yet to come? / Paul H. Nitze, James E. Dougherty, and Francis X. Kane Published New York : Crane, Russak, c1979
  • Afghan alternatives : issues, options, and policies / edited by Ralph H. Magnus Published New Brunswick, N.J., U.S.A. : Transaction Books, c1985

The list below is taken from University of Bradford

  • 'Eurocommunism' : implications for East and West / by Roy Godson, Stephen Haseler ; research contributors ... (others). National Strategy Information Center. London (etc.)) : Macmillan (for the National Strategy Information Center)), 1978.
  • Strategic weapons : an introduction / Norman Polmar. National Strategy Information Center. London : Crane, Russak for National Strategy Information, 1981.
  • Strategic weapons : an introduction / (by) Norman Polmar. National Strategy Information Center. London : Macdonald and Jane's for National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1976.
  • Special operations in US strategy / edited by Frank R. Barnett, B. Hugh Tovar, Richard H. Shultz.

National Defense University., National Strategy Information Center. (Washington, D.C.?) : National Defense University Press in cooperation with National Strategy Information Center, Inc. :S Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. (distributor)), 1985.

The list below is taken from McMaster University

  • Trends in Organized Crime [electronic resource].

by National Strategy Information Center.

  • The intelligent layperson's guide to "Star Wars" : 16 questions & answers on strategic defense and space weaponry'

Larson, Joyce E., Bodie, William C., National Strategy Information Center. National Strategy Information Center, Inc., 1986.

  • Maritime strategy, geopolitics, and the defense of the West,

Gray, Colin S., National Strategy Information Center. Published in the U.S. by Ramapo Press [for] the National Strategy Information Center, c1986.

  • Elements of intelligence / edited by Roy Godson.

National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. National Strategy Information Center ; Distributed by Transaction Books, 1983.

  • Strategic weapons : an introduction

Polmar, Norman., National Strategy Information Center. Crane, Russak [for] National Strategy Information Center, c1982.

  • Clandestine collection / edited by Roy Godson.

by Godson, Roy, 1942-, National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence., Colloquium on Clandestine Collection (1981 : Washington, D.C.) National Strategy Information Center ; Distributed by Transaction Books, [1982]

  • Intelligence requirements for the 1980's : covert action / edited by Roy Godson.

National Strategy Information Center., Consortium for the Study of Intelligence. National Strategy Information Center ; distributed by Transaction Books, c1981.

  • Strategic options for the early eighties : what can be done?

by Van Cleave, William R., Thompson, W. Scott (Willard Scott), 1942-, National Strategy Information Center. Automated Graphic Systems, c1979.

Some other works by Godson are discussed at the The Literature of Intelligence:A Bibliography of Materials,with Essays, Reviews, and Comments

Excepts and summaries of more recent work can be found at the website of the Consortium for the Study of Intelligence (part of the NSIC) but the links do not seem to be working. The site does provide links to the 2004 Al Qaeda's Growing Sanctuary By Douglas Farah and Richard Shultz, published in the Washington Post and the 2004 Armed Groups: A Tier-One Security Priority by Richard H. Shultz, Douglas Farah, Itamara V. Lochard, USAF Institute for National Security Studies.

its page on the Working Group on Intelligence Reform lists these publications (note Joseph Nye and David Kay):

  • Patrick Watson, FBI’s Changing Missions in the 1990s.
  • Douglas MacEachin, Tradecraft of Analysis: Challenge and Change in the CIA.
  • Abram Shulsky and Jennifer Sims, What Is Intelligence?
  • Robert Kohler, The Intelligence Industrial Base: Doomed to Extinction?
  • Walter Jajko, The Future of Defense Intelligence.
  • L. Britt Snider with Elizabeth Rindskopf and John Coleman, Relating Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Problems and Prospects.
  • William Hood, James Nolan, and Samuel Halpern, Myths Surrounding James Angleton: Lessons for American Counterintelligence.
  • Henry Sokolski, Fighting Proliferation: The Role of Intelligence.
  • Henry S. Rowen, Reforming Intelligence: A Market Approach.
  • Randall M. Fort, Economic Espionage: Problems and Prospects.
  • Roy Godson with Richard Kerr and Ernest May, Covert Action in the 1990s.
  • James Q. Wilson, Thinking About Reorganization.
  • David Kay, Denial and Deception: Iraq and Beyond.

Richard Shultz (seemingly the only employee of the Intelligence Consortium) has a list of his publications at his site at The Fletcher School, Tufts University


The idealist.com state that:

"The Culture of Lawfulness (COL) Project of NSIC is an educational organization that helps develop academic approaches to enhance societal involvement in supporting the rule of law. The COL Project works with school systems, Ministries of Education, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations such as the United Nations and the Organization of American States."

External Resources


  1. International Relations Center (1998) Council for the Defense of Freedom.
  2. An Unholy Alliance. Other sources state that the NSIC was founded by Frank R. Barnett and Morris Liebman and others that it was Prescott Bush and his son Prescott, Jr., William Casey and Leo Cherne
  3. A BBC Broadcast (July 8, 1980) Publications in Britain on the "Soviet Threat" noted that Survey's subscribers, according to its publishers, include all Western governments and its contributors included the US National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, apart from its propaganda orientation, this is deflated by the observations on its predictive worth:
    Labedz [...] recently wrote an article for the London weekly 'Now!'. The article is headlined "The Fall of Europe" and claims to be a documented study of the current situation. It's full of all sorts of scientific prophecies of a pending Russian invasion of Western Europe. On the strength of a scrupulous analysis of the international situation, the author of this article predicts to the day when exactly the Russians will start building their naval base on the Norwegian archipelago of Spitzbergen. This will happen on 14th September 1983.
    Now! was run by James Goldsmith.
  4. Edward S. Herman and Gerry O'Sullivan (1990) The Terrorism Industry: The Experts and Institutions That Shape Our View of Terror, this can also be seen in relation to Herman's (1982) The Real Terror Network, and the use of state-sponsored propaganda campaigns as modelled by Herman and Chomsky.
  5. See: Sara Diamond (1995) Roads to Dominion: Right-wing Movements and Political Power in the United States. With a focus on the Christian Right, Diamond aims to show how both an understanding and prediction of the Right's influence on day-to-day policy making in the US by way of the observation of consistent patterns in its relationships with political elites and government agencies in both conflict and collaboration with state institutions. In the context mentioned above, this draws on Philip Paull's (1982) "International Terrorism": The Propaganda War, which detailed the media outlets and journalists involved in the campaign and their working relationship with US and other intelligence agencies(see note 83, P.374).
  6. The National Strategy Information Center (2008)About NSIC.
  7. Right Web (2004) The National Strategy Information Center, IRC-Political Research Associates.
  8. Right Web (2004) The National Strategy Information Center, IRC-Political Research Associates.
  9. International Relations Center (2006) National Strategy Information Center, IRC-Political Research Associates.
  10. The Rightweb profile states that:
    ...Godson was a key figure in Anglo-American trade union relations, organizing "educational visits" for British trade unionists to visit the U.S. during the Reagan administration. The trips were organized under the auspices of the Labour Desk of the U.S. Youth Council and the Intl Labor Program of Georgetown University. The purpose of the trips was "to broaden international education about Western democratic values." A typical trip included a visit to the naval base at Norfolk, a meeting with former ambassador to the United Nations (Reagan administration) Jeane Kirkpatrick, talks on defense at the National Security Council (former operational base of Col. Oliver North) and talks at the NSIC. The trips were financed by the Reagan administration.
  11. W. Scott Thompson’s (1978)Power Projection: A Net Assessment of the U. S. and Soviet Capabilities.
  12. Frank N. Trager (1977) The National Security Act of 1947: Its Thirtieth Anniversary, Air University Review. The Air University Review also has a history of the NSIC: Lieutenant Colonel David R. Mets (1977)Watching the Pendulum Swing: A Look at the Works of the National Strategy Information Center. This states that the keystone to the NSIC's "entire publishing effort" may be said to be Frank N. Trager and Philip S. Kronenberg, editors (1973) National Security and American Society: Theory, Process, and Policy (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas). Lieutenant Colonel Mets' essay is a literature review that states that the NSIC has an authorship that tends to be less associated with the armed forces and federal government. Based in New York and affiliated with New York University (NYU), although it does not publish a periodical. However, it is “very active in soliciting a variety of topical studies concerning national security and in conducting seminars and conferences on the subject throughout the nation.” By the mid-1970s the NSIC publications covered four principal areas: general studies, works on the use of the political instrument of national policy, books on military affairs, and essays on the economics sinews of national security policy; these took the form of general teaching tools, Strategy Papers, and Agenda Papers.
  13. US History Encyclopedia:Statement by Committee Seeking Peace with Freedom in Vietnam.
  14. Hendrik Edelman (1986) Book Review, Publishing Research Quarterly.This notes that: "Paradoxically, the report's leitmotif involves subsidizing the export of American books to get exposure for their free-world political and economic philosophy."
  15. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Evron_Kirkpatrick
  16. Bill Van Auken (2006) Jeane Kirkpatrick: from “social democrat” to champion of death squads.
  17. Hendrik Edelman (1986) Book Review, Publishing Research Quarterly.
  18. Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management (1985)China beckons Western magazines; PRC's liberalization and continued thirst for technical knowledge keep interest high among publishers.
  19. http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Feffer_Paul_93989074.aspx
  20. Enid Nemy (1990) New Yorkers, etc. New York Times, May 20.
  21. Albert Boiter (1982) Washington Perspectives, The Washington Quarterly.
  22. Michael Getler (1982) Retired Intelligence Officers Alarmed by Soviet Spying in U.S., The Washington Post, October 3.
  23. http://www.strategycenter.org/board.htm
  24. See: Harold C. Hinton (1980) The China Sea: The American Stake in Its Future, Transaction Publishers, (p.41).
  25. The Institute of World Politics (2007) Sven F. Kraemer: Biography
  26. Institute of World Politics (2003) Media Transparency Profile. Earhart fund the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Tufts University-Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Institute of Economic Affairs, Jamestown Foundation, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Georgetown University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc., Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal, Mont Pelerin Society, Acton Institute For The Study of Religion and Liberty, George C. Marshall Institute, Philadelphia Society, Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation, Project for the New American Century, the National Strategy Information Center and many other neoconservative organisations.
  27. Consortium for the Study of Intelligence
  28. Brian Crozier (1993) Free Agent, Harper Collins
  29. Quoted from http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg05635.html
  30. Kevin Toolis' (2004)Rise of the terrorist professors, The New Statesman, 12 June, notes that:
    Netanyahu, a vivid, brilliant propagandist and player on the Washington diplomatic circuit, sought to convince American conservatives that the sectional interests of the Israeli state were identical to those of the western democracies. He was largely preaching to the converted. Many of the names of contributors to the second Jonathan Institute conference, held in Washington in 1984, reappear as neoconservatives in the run-up to the 2003 Iraq war. They include Jeane Kirkpatrick, Charles Krauthammer, Michael Ledeen and Bernard Lewis.
    Benjamin Netanyahu, Mekhon Yonatan's (1981) International Terrorism: Challenge and Response, published by Transaction Publishers, contains contributions from Shimon peres, Paul Johnson, Hugh Fraser MP, Henry M. Jackson, Menachem Begin, Chiam Herzog, Richard Pipes, Brian Crozier, Ahron Yariv and Lord Chalfont. To these names Herman and O'Sullivan (p.105) add Robert Moss, George Bush, Ray Cline, Midge Decter, Norman Podhoretz, Claire Sterling, Ben Wattenberg, George Will and that a 1984 conference included George Shultz, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Michael Ledeen, Arnaud de Borchgrave and Jillian Becker.
  31. National Strategy Information Center: Board
  32. Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, form 990, 2000.