United States Institute of Peace

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The United States Institute of Peace is – to quote the Institution's web site – an:

independent, nonpartisan federal institution created and funded by Congress to strengthen the nation's capacity to promote the peaceful resolution of international conflict.
In 1981, a congressionally chartered commission recommended the creation of a national peace academy. The United States Institute of Peace was signed into law in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan.

Established in 1984, the Institute meets its congressional mandate through an array of programs, including grants, fellowships, conferences and workshops, library services, publications, and other educational activities. The Institute's Board of Directors is appointed by the President of the United States and confirmed by the Senate.[1]

In 2004, Chester Crocker (USIP's chairman for the previous 12 years) noted that:

"The Institute has been enriched by many individuals who have served on this board and made important contributions to its work. I cannot do justice to their service—past and continuing—but I am compelled to mention some of them: in particular, Elspeth's predecessor, John Norton Moore, who played a central role in establishing our institutional life and shaping our substantive programs; Dennis Bark whose rigorous focus on issues of governance and accountability gave us the high standards we cherish; Max Kampelman, my former vice-chair, who helped us master the art of finding solutions (to our own problems as well as to those of other people) and trained us to focus on what makes us unique; Sid Lovett and Mary Louise Smith, whose enthusiasm and essential sense of fairness inspired us all to work for the common good; Scott Thompson, Allen Weinstein, Bill Kintner, Holly Burkhalter, Steve Krasner, and Charles Horner, whose rigorous interest in the central role of ideas in our public life has enriched our programs; Father Ted Hesburgh for consistently raising our aspirations and helping us develop institutional traction in our outreach and Capital campaigns; and two ex officio directors who have played a special role in mentoring and supporting our growth: Erv Rokke and Paul Gaffney, former presidents of the National Defense University." [2]

He went on to add to "mention some people who were here on staff and some who are still here when I joined as a board member in November 1991" which included: Chick Nelson who joined the USIP in 1988 and "has done more to build, create, nurture and protect this institution"; Joe Klaits, "who said his farewell just last week"; Sheryl Brown; David Smock; Neil Kritz; April Hall; Hrach Gregorian; Chris de Paola; Bernice Carney; and George Foote, "our external counsel since 1986". Other former staff included, Robert Oakley, Sam Lewis, John Richardson, Ken Jensen, Michael Lund, Graeme Bannerman, Greg McCarthy, and Dan Snodderly. [5]

  • Peter Ackerman is on "the U.S. Advisory Council of the United States Institute of Peace." [3]


"The $87 billion Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense and for the Reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, 2004, signed by President Bush on November 6, 2003 (Public Law 108-106) made available to the United States Institute of Peace $10 million for “activities supporting peace enforcement, peacekeeping and post-conflict peacebuilding” in Iraq."

"The Institute has received $10 million from Congress that it plans to use for programs to prevent sectarian violence, promote the rule of law, train and educate a new generation of Iraqi leaders, and prepare American civilians for assignment in Iraq. In coordination with CPA’s Office of National Security, the Institute has already organized training for dozens of senior Iraqi diplomats, military, and police officials at the National Defense University focused on negotiation, consensus, and team-building skills. Over a two-year period, the Institute plans to train approximately 750 senior Iraqi officials. The Institute is also organizing training workshops for developing Iraqi leaders at the provincial level, with an emphasis on conflict management skills and coalition building with pragmatic, problem-solving workshops focused on intergroup issues. Additionally, interviews were conducted to capture the lessons learned by key U.S. personnel as they return from Iraq. This project aims to debrief civilian and military personnel who have worked on a range of reconstruction projects." [4]

USIP Specialists

Pamela Aall Anatoly Adamishin Judy Barsalou
Dorina Bekoe Linda Bishai Virginia Bouvier
Keith Bowen Shlomo Brom Daniel Brumberg
Ronald "Skip" Cole A. Heather Coyne John Crist
Beth Cole DeGrasse Michael J. Dziedzic Christine Fair
Theodore Feifer Gerald Gahima Hind Haider
Imad Harb Jeffrey Helsing Anne Hingeley
Qamar-ul Huda Paul Hughes Deborah Isser
Patricia Karam Noor Kirdar Neil Kritz
Scott Lasensky Michael Lekson Abdeslam E. M. Maghraoui
G. Eugene Martin Gary Matthews Alison Milofsky
Jonathan Morgenstein Albaqir Mukhtar Charles E. Nelson
Brenda Oppermann Robert M. Perito Colette Rausch
Steven Riskin Daniel P. Serwer Taylor Seybolt
David J. Smith David R. Smock Richard H. Solomon
Tara Sonenshine Paul B. Stares Nina Sughrue
Lynn M. Tesser J. Alexander Thier Patricia Thomson
Astrid Tuminez Paul A. Wee Carola Weil
Jacqueline H. Wilson Mona Yacoubian  
Sloan Mann Liane Martindale Jonathan Morrow
† USIP's executive vice president, its second-ranking officer.

Board of Directors

Current Board (2006)

Other board members in July 2004

Source (But was eventually not approved)

Other board members in September 2002


Members ex officio (2006)

  • Michael M. Dunn, Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force, President, National Defense University
  • Barry Lowenkron, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
  • Peter W. Rodman, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
  • Richard H. Solomon, President, United States Institute of Peace (nonvoting)

Other Members ex officio (2004)

  • Lorne W. Craner, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor


Other Members ex officio (2002)


Members 1990

(Source: Diamond and Hatch, 1990)

Members 1985

Nine of the eleven non-Government members were:

The two others members being considered in 1985 were:


Senior fellows

For a full list see: Past fellows

Related, links, notes

Related Resources

Contact, References and Resources


Web: www.usip.org

