The Sigrid Rausing Trust
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The Sigrid Rausing Trust was established as a charitable registered company limited by guarantee on the 22 January 2021. It received a transfer of all assets and liabilities from The Sigrid Rausing Trust (charity no. 1046769) in October 2021, at which point the previous charity ceased to function. The previous charity was incorporated on 5n April 1995 by Trust Deed.[1]
Senior Management Team
- Clare Algar - Chief Executive | Duncan Wilson - Executive Director | Beth Fernandez - Deputy Executive Director | Jane Pickering - Chief Operating Officer
Programmes Team
- Maha Abushama - Programme Manager for Human Rights
- Sophie Adwick - Programme Manager for Conservation
- Bethan Cansfield - Programme Manager for Women's Rights
- Fabien Maitre-Muhl - Programme Manager for Human Rights
- Tim Cahill - Senior Programme Officer for Human Rights
- Teresa Drace-Francis - Senior Programme Officer for Arts
- Bénédicte Goderiaux - Senior Programme Officer for Human Rights
- Joey Hasson - Senior Programme Officer for Human Rights
- Tom Lee - Senior Programme Officer for Transparency and Accountability
- Robin Nobel - Senior Programme Officer for Chair's Fund, Major Gifts and Trustee Small Grants
- Anna Shea - Senior Programme Officer for Human Rights
- Rob Shore - Senior Programme Officer for Conservation
- Rachel Aveyard - Programme Officer for Human Rights and Conservation
- Laura Cools - Programme Officer for Human Rights
- Chiara de Luca - Programme Officer for Women's Rights
- Kapil Gupta - Programme Officer for LGBTI Rights
- Janek Lasocki - Programme Officer for Human Rights
Operations Team
- Comfort Osilaja - Grants Manager
- Sheetal Patel - Senior Finance Officer
- Angela Todd-Drake - Grants & Operations Administrator
- Olivia Eckersley - Communications Officer
- Bethany Simpkin - Office Manager
- Sarah Windham - Operations and Communications Administrator
Correct as of 8 February 2023.[2]
Name | Role | Date Appointed |
Sigrd Rausing | Chair | 22 January 2021 |
Ruth Rogers | Trustee | 22 January 2021 |
Mabel Oranje | Trustee | 22 January 2021 |
Andrew Puddephatt | Trustee | 22 January 2021 |
Hosh Ibrahim | Trustee | 22 January 2021 |
Jeffrey Jowell | Trustee | 22 January 2021 |
Joshua Mailman | Trustee | 01 July 2020 |
Geoffrey Budlender | Trustee | 01 July 2020 |
Christopher Stone | Trustee | 01 July 2020 |
Grants Recipients
Below is a list of grantees of the Sigrid Rausing Trust.[3]
Grantee name | Programme | Working in | Located in |
24 Hours for Darfur | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Sudan | United States |
32° East – Ugandan Arts Trust | Arts | Uganda | Uganda |
A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Serbia | Serbia |
Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Iran | United States |
Above Ground | Transparency and Accountability | Canada | Canada |
ACCEPT Association | LGBTI Rights | Romania | Romania |
Access Info Europe | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | Spain |
Access Now | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Accountability Counsel | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Act for the Act | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Act for the Disappeared | Truth, Justice and Memory | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Action For Hope | Arts | Jordan, Lebanon, Syria | Lebanon |
Adalah | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Adil Soz | Defending Civic Space | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Adilet | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Aegis Trust | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Africa Criminal Justice Reform | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Multiple countries | South Africa |
African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Sudan | Uganda |
African Centre for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture Victims | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Uganda | Uganda |
African Legal Information Institute | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | South Africa |
African Men for Sexual Health and Rights | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | South Africa |
African Policing and Civilian Oversight Forum (APCOF) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | South Africa | South Africa |
African Prisons Project | Chair's Fund | Kenya, Uganda | United Kingdom |
African Refugee Development Center | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel |
African Women’s Development Fund | Women’s Rights | Ghana | Ghana |
African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) | Women’s Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
Agir ensemble pour les droits humains | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | France |
Aibolands Museum | Chair's Fund | Estonia | Estonia |
AIDS Free World | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
AIRE Centre | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Akina Mama Wa Afrika | Women’s Rights | Uganda | Uganda |
Al Mezan | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Occupied Palestinian Territory | Occupied Palestinian Territory |
Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center (KADEM) | Defending Civic Space | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Albanian Helsinki Committee | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Albania | Albania |
ALEF – Act for Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Alexandria Trust | Trustees Small Grants | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Amazon Watch | Transparency and Accountability | Ecuador, Peru, United States | United States |
Ambulante | Arts | Mexico | Mexico |
AMERA | Migration and Inclusion | Egypt, Uganda | United Kingdom |
American Civil Liberties Union | Chair's Fund | United States | United States |
Amnesty International Secretariat | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Anadolu Kultur | Arts | Turkey | Turkey |
Anchor House | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Angelica Foundation | Chair's Fund | Mexico | United States |
Anna Deavere Smith Pipeline Project | Arts | United States | United States |
Anti-Corruption Action Centre (AntAC) | Transparency and Accountability | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Anti-Slavery International | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Anti-Violence Network of Georgia | Women’s Rights | Georgia | Georgia |
Apples and Snakes | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Ara Art | Migration and Inclusion | Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
Arab Human Rights Fund | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Lebanon |
Arab Media Lab | Arts | Morocco | Morocco |
Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ) | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Jordan |
Araminta | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Germany |
Argolic Environment Fund (AEF) | Conservation | Greece | Greece |
Ariadne | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Arnika – Toxics and Waste Programme | Toxics and Pollution | Working in many countries around the world | Czech Republic |
ArtAngel | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Artemisszio | Migration and Inclusion | Hungary | Hungary |
Article 19 | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Ashiana Network | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Asia Justice and Rights | Trustees Small Grants | Indonesia, Timor-leste | Afghanistan |
Asia-Monitor-Resource-Centre | Transparency and Accountability | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Asociación Bufete Jurídico Popular | Women’s Rights | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Association BIOM | Conservation | Croatia | Croatia |
Association des Jeunes Avocats à Khemisset (AJAK) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Morocco | Morocco |
Association for Civil Rights in Israel | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Association for Democracy and Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Honduras | Honduras |
Association for Legal Intervention | Migration and Inclusion | Poland | Poland |
Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (ASGI) | Migration and Inclusion | Italy | Italy |
Association for Progressive Communications | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | South Africa |
Association for Responsible Investment in Asia | Transparency and Accountability | Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence | Women’s Rights | Turkey | Turkey |
Association for the Defense of Human Rights in Romania (APADOR-CH) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Romania | Romania |
Association for the Prevention of Torture | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Working in many countries around the world | Switzerland |
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | Canada |
Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM) | Defending Civic Space | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
Association Sherpa | Transparency and Accountability | France | France |
Association Sunce | Conservation | Croatia | Croatia |
Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates | Women’s Rights | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Associazione 21 Luglio | Migration and Inclusion | Italy | Italy |
ASTRA | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Poland |
ASTRA-Anti Trafficking Action | Women’s Rights | Serbia | Serbia |
Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice | LGBTI Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women | LGBTI Rights | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
Asylos | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Asylum Access | Migration and Inclusion | Ecuador, Tanzania, Thailand | United States |
Asylum Aid | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Asylum Protection Center | Migration and Inclusion | Serbia | Serbia |
Asylum Support Appeals Project | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Atelier des artistes en exil | Arts | France | France |
Atina | Women’s Rights | Serbia | Serbia |
Atlatszo | Defending Civic Space | Hungary | Hungary |
Autonomous Women’s Center | Women’s Rights | Serbia | Serbia |
Avocats Sans Frontières | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Azur Development | Women’s Rights | Congo | Congo |
B’Tselem | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Bahrain Center for Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Bahrain | Bahrain |
Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Bahrain | United Kingdom |
Bail for Immigration Detainees | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Ban Asbestos Network India | Trustees Small Grants | India | India |
Bank Information Center | Transparency and Accountability | India, Thailand, United States | United States |
Banktrack | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
BAOBAB | Women’s Rights | Nigeria | Nigeria |
Barbados Sea Turtle Project | Chair's Fund | Barbados | Barbados |
Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House | Defending Civic Space | Belarus, Lithuania | Lithuania |
Basel Action Network | Transparency and Accountability | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Batonga Foundation | Trustees Small Grants | Benin | United States |
Beckley Foundation | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Belarus Free Theatre | Chair's Fund | Belarus, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Bellingcat | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Bike Project | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Bilitis Resource Centre Foundation (Bilitis) | LGBTI Rights | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom, Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Bir Duino Human Rights Movement | Defending Civic Space | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Bird Protection and Study Society of Serbia (BPSSS) | Conservation | Serbia | Serbia |
Birdlinks Armenia | Conservation | Armenia | Armenia |
Bisi Alimi Foundation | Trustees Small Grants | Nigeria | United Kingdom |
Blacksmith Institute | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Blyzkist | Arts | Poland | Poland |
Book Bunk | Arts | Kenya | Kenya |
Breaking the Silence | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Breaking the Silence and Impunity Alliance | Women’s Rights | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Breakthrough | Women’s Rights | India, United States | India |
British Future | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
British Shalom-Salaam Trust | Chair's Fund | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | United Kingdom |
Bulgarian Abandoned Children’s Trust | Chair's Fund | Bulgaria, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation (BBF) | Conservation | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Bulgarian Fund for Women | Women’s Rights | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation | Women’s Rights | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) | Conservation | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Bush Theatre | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Bytes for All | Defending Civic Space | Pakistan | Pakistan |
CAADA | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Caine Prize | Arts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Tunisia |
Cambridge University – The Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit | Major Gifts | Mongolia | United Kingdom |
CAMFED | Women’s Rights | Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe | United Kingdom |
CAMP Alatoo | Conservation | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Campaign Against Arms Trade | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Campaign Against Homophobia | LGBTI Rights | Poland | Poland |
Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Philippines, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Canadian Centre for International Justice (CCIJ) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Canada | Canada |
Canterbury Gift | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Cape Town Holocaust Centre | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
Cause of Death: Woman | Women’s Rights | Sweden | Sweden |
Ceasefire Centre for Civilian Rights | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
CEE Bankwatch | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Czech Republic |
CEJIL | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United States |
Center for Civil Liberties | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Center for Court Innovation | Arts | United States | United States |
Center for Cultural Decontamination (CZKD) | Arts | Serbia | Serbia |
Center for Economic and Social Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Spain |
Center for Education, Counselling and Research (CESI) | Women’s Rights | Croatia | Croatia |
Center for Environment (CZZS) | Conservation | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Center for Human Rights in Iran | Defending Civic Space | Iran | United States |
Center for International Environmental Law | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Center for International Law | Truth, Justice and Memory | Philippines | Philippines |
Center for Justice and Accountability | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | United States |
Center for Protection and Research of Birds of Montenegro (CZIP) | Conservation | Montenegro | Montenegro |
Center for Urban Pedagogy | Arts | United States | United States |
Center of Women’s Justice | Women’s Rights | Israel | Israel |
Central American Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Nicaragua |
Central European University | Migration and Inclusion | Hungary | Hungary |
Centre for Child Law | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | South Africa |
Centre for Corporate Accountability | Transparency and Accountability | Bangladesh, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) | Toxics and Pollution | South Africa | South Africa |
Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation | Trustees Small Grants | Canada | Canada |
Centre for Human Rights and Environment | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Argentina | Argentina |
Centre for Internet and Society | Trustees Small Grants | India | India |
Centre for Law and Democracy | Trustees Small Grants | International | Canada |
Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | South Africa | South Africa |
Centro de Derechos Humanos | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Chile | Chile |
Centro de Derechos Humanos de las Mujeres (CEDEHM) | Women’s Rights | Mexico | Mexico |
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Argentina | Argentina |
Centro para la Acción Legal en los Derechos Humanos (CALDH) | Truth, Justice and Memory | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Charleston Trust | Arts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Chemical Reaction | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium | Belgium |
Child Rights International Network | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Children’s Legal Centre | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
China Dialogue | Defending Civic Space | China | China |
China Labour Bulletin | Transparency and Accountability | China | Hong Kong |
Chinese Working Women’s Network | Transparency and Accountability | China | Hong Kong |
CISST | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Turkey | Turkey |
Citizen Lab | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Canada |
Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG) | Defending Civic Space | Kenya | Kenya |
Civilisation Network | Defending Civic Space | Hungary | Hungary |
Civitas Maxima | Truth, Justice and Memory | Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone | Switzerland |
CLADEM | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Peru |
Clean Clothes Campaign | Multiple countries | Netherlands | |
Client Earth | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Lebanon |
Coalition for the International Criminal Court | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | United States |
Coalition of African Lesbians | LGBTI Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Coexistence Trust | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Colombia | Colombia |
Collective for Research and Training on Development-Action | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Lebanon |
Collective of the Families of the Disappeared in Algeria | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Algeria | Algeria |
Colombian Commission of Jurists | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Colombia | Colombia |
Commission for Looted Art | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Committee for Human Rights, Leskovac | Migration and Inclusion | Serbia | Serbia |
Committee to Protect Journalists | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Commonwealth Short Story Prize | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Community Foundation Northern Ireland | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Compassion in Dying | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Conciliation Resources | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Conectas Direitos Humanos | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Brazil | Brazil |
CORE Coalition | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Corner House | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Corporate Europe Observatory | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium | Belgium |
Corruption Watch | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Corruption Watch UK | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Council for At Risk Academics | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Council for Global Equality | LGBTI Rights | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Council for the Advancement of the South African Constitution | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | South Africa |
Counselling Services Unit | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Counter Foto | Chair's Fund | Bangladesh | Bangladesh |
COVID-19 Relief and Recovery (Barbados) Inc | Chair's Fund | Barbados | Barbados |
Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action (CREA) | LGBTI Rights | India | India |
Crime and Corruption Reporting Network (KRIK) | Defending Civic Space | Serbia | Serbia |
Crisis Action | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Crude Accountability | Transparency and Accountability | Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Turkmenistan | United States |
Culture Project | Trustees Small Grants | United States | United States |
Dawlaty | Truth, Justice and Memory | Syria | Belgium |
Deaf Women Included | Women’s Rights | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Death Penalty Project | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Deborah Rogers Foundation | Arts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Declic | Transparency and Accountability | Romania | Romania |
Dejusticia | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Colombia | Colombia |
DEMUS | Women’s Rights | Peru | Peru |
Digital Freedom Fund | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Germany |
Direkt 36 | Defending Civic Space | Hungary | Hungary |
Dirty Wars | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Disability Action | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Disability Rights Fund | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United States |
Disability Rights International | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United States |
Doctors of the World UK | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Doğa Derneği | Conservation | Turkey | Turkey |
Domestic Violence Intervention Project | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Dope Black CIC | Chair's Fund | South Africa, United Kingdom, United States | United Kingdom |
DreamYard | Arts | United States | United States |
E-Romnja | Women’s Rights | Romania | Romania |
EarthRights International | Transparency and Accountability | Myanmar | United States |
East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Uganda |
Ecumenical Women’s Initiative | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Croatia |
Education Centre for Women in Democracy | Women’s Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
EG Justice | Trustees Small Grants | Equatorial Guinea | Equatorial Guinea |
Egna Legna | Women’s Rights | Ethiopia, Lebanon | Lebanon |
Eko-svest | Toxics and Pollution | North Macedonia, Working in many countries around the world | North Macedonia |
ELAS – Fundo de Investimento Social | Women’s Rights | Brazil | Brazil |
Emek Shaveh | Truth, Justice and Memory | Israel | Israel |
Emerging Public Leaders | Trustees Small Grants | Sub-Saharan Africa | United States |
EMMA Hub | Women’s Rights | Hungary | Hungary |
Emthonjeni Women’s Forum | Women’s Rights | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
End FGM European Network | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Belgium |
End Violence Against Women Coalition | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
EngageMedia | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Australia |
Engine room | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
English PEN | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Environment People Law | Toxics and Pollution | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Environmental Defender Law Center | Toxics and Pollution | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Environmental Investigation Agency | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Equal Community Foundation | Trustees Small Grants | India | India |
Equal Education | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Equal Education Law Centre | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Equal Opportunities Initiative | Migration and Inclusion | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Equal Rights Trust (ERT) | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Equality Now | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Kenya |
Equileap | Chair's Fund | Netherlands | Netherlands |
Equipo Argentino de Antropologia Forense | Truth, Justice and Memory | Argentina | Argentina |
Equipo Nizkor | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Equipo Peruano de Antropologia Forense | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | Peru |
Equitas | Truth, Justice and Memory | Colombia | Colombia |
Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF) | Conservation | Estonia | Estonia |
Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Denmark |
EuroMed Rights: The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Denmark |
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Germany |
European Center for Not-for-Profit Law | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Hungary |
European Coalition for Corporate Justice | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Belgium |
European Council on Refugees and Exiles | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium |
European Cultural Foundation | Arts | Multiple countries | Netherlands |
European Environmental Bureau | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium | Belgium |
European Human Rights Advocacy Centre | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Georgia, Russian Federation, Ukraine, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
European Implementation Network | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | France |
European Network Against Racism | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium |
European Network on Statelessness | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
European Roma Rights Centre | Migration and Inclusion | Working in many countries around the world | Hungary |
European Women’s Lobby | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Fahamu | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Fair Trials | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Fambul Tok | Truth, Justice and Memory | Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Family Planning Association | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Fauna and Flora International | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Fawcett Society | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Fe-Male | Women’s Rights | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Federation for Women and Family Planning (FEDERA) | Women’s Rights | Poland | Poland |
Federation Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | France |
Federation of Women Lawyers-Kenya | Women’s Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
Female Prisoners Welfare Project | Women’s Rights | Jamaica, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
FemFund | Women’s Rights | Poland | Poland |
Ferghana Valley Lawyers Without Borders | Migration and Inclusion | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
FERN | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Film Africa 2011 | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Fine Acts | Arts | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
First Story | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
For Equal Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Armenia | Armenia |
Forensic Architecture | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Forest Peoples Programme | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Forum for the Empowerment of Women | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Forum of Women NGOs of Kyrgyzstan | Women’s Rights | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
FORWARD (Animage) | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Foundation CURE | Women’s Rights | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Foundation for Access to Rights | Migration and Inclusion | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Foundation for Freedom of the Press | Defending Civic Space | Colombia | Colombia |
Foundation for Human Rights | Truth, Justice and Memory | South Africa | South Africa |
Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development (FORWARD) | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Foundation of Local Democracy | Women’s Rights | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Foundation United Women | Women’s Rights | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Foxglove | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Frank Bold | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia | Czech Republic |
Frederick Bonnart-Braunthal Trust | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
freeDimensional | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United States |
Freedom from Torture | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | United Kingdom, Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD) | Defending Civic Space | Turkey | Turkey |
Freemuse | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Denmark |
the Young Feminist Fund | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | Canada |
Friends of the Earth – US | Transparency and Accountability | China, United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Friends of the Earth Europe | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Friends of the Earth International | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Front Line | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Ireland |
Fund for Global Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United States |
Fund for Global Human Rights – Regan Ralph Feminist Leadership Fund | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Fundación de Antropologia Forense de Guatemala | Truth, Justice and Memory | Guatemala | Guatemala |
Fundația ADEPT Transilvania | Conservation | Romania | Romania |
Gabo Foundation | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Gaia Amazonas | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela | Colombia |
Gaia Amazonas – Amazon Mining Roundtable | Trustees Small Grants | Colombia | Colombia |
GALA Queer Archive (GALA) | LGBTI Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Galilee Society | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Garrison Institute | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United States | United States |
Gate Theatre | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe | LGBTI Rights | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Gender and Women’s Studies – Sabanci University | Women’s Rights | Turkey | Turkey |
Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Gender, Health and Justice Research Unit | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
GenderDoc-Moldova | LGBTI Rights | Moldova | Moldova |
George Orwell Memorial Trust | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Georgian Centre for the Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Georgia | Georgia |
Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Georgia | Georgia |
Ghana ThinkTank | Arts | United States | Ghana |
Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
Giuvlipen | Arts | Romania | Romania |
Give a Book | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Global Doctors for Choice | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | South Africa |
Global Greengrants Fund | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Global Greengrants Fund UK | Toxics and Pollution | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
]]Global Initiatives for Human Rights]] (Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights) | LGBTI Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Global Justice Center | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Global Resilience Fund | Women’s Rights | Ukraine | United Kingdom |
Global Witness | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Golos Svobody | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Greek Council for Refugees | Migration and Inclusion | Greece | Greece |
Green Alternative | Toxics and Pollution | Georgia | Georgia |
Green Salvation | Transparency and Accountability | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Greg Constantine/Blue Earth Alliance | Migration and Inclusion | United States | United Kingdom |
Grimm and Co | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
GroundUp | Defending Civic Space | South Africa | South Africa |
groundWork | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Groupe Antiraciste d’Accompagnement et de Defense des Etrangers et Migrants (GADEM) | Migration and Inclusion | Morocco | Morocco |
Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida | Women’s Rights | Mexico | Mexico |
Gulf Centre for Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Lebanon |
Hafiza Merkezi | Truth, Justice and Memory | Turkey | Turkey |
Halina Nieć Legal Aid Center | Migration and Inclusion | Poland | Poland |
HaMoked | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
Háttér Society | LGBTI Rights | Hungary | Hungary |
Health and Environment Alliance | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Belgium | Belgium |
Health Education and Research Association (HERA) | Women’s Rights | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
Heartefact | Truth, Justice and Memory | Serbia | Serbia |
Hearth Psycho-Social Center (VATRA) | Women’s Rights | Albania | Albania |
Helen Bamber Foundation | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Helen Suzman Foundation | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | South Africa |
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Armenia | Armenia |
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Poland |
Highland Cycle Ability | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Homeworkers Worldwide | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
HOPE Not Hate | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Hostage International | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Hotline for Refugees and Migrants | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel |
Human Dignity Trust | LGBTI Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Human Rights 360 | Migration and Inclusion | Greece | Greece |
Human Rights Action | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Montenegro | Montenegro |
Human Rights Centre, University of Essex | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Human Rights Data Analysis Group | Truth, Justice and Memory | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Human Rights First | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Human Rights Forward | Trustees Small Grants | International, United States | United States |
Human Rights Foundation of Turkey | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Turkey | Turkey |
Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Human Rights Indonesia (Tapol) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Indonesia | United Kingdom |
Human Rights Law Centre | Transparency and Accountability | Australia | Australia |
Human Rights Lawyers Association | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Human Rights League | Migration and Inclusion | Slovakia | Slovakia |
Human Rights Library – University of Minnesota | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United States | United States |
Human Rights Watch | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Human Trafficking Justice Commission | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Humanitarian Law Center | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | Serbia |
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Hungary | Hungary |
Hungarian Helsinki Committee | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Hungary | Hungary |
HURIDOCS (Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems) | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | Switzerland |
Hurras Network | Truth, Justice and Memory | Syria | Turkey |
Icebreakers Uganda | LGBTI Rights | Uganda | Uganda |
IFEX | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Canada |
Ikamva Labantu | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
ILGA-Europe | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Imperial War Museum | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Include | Trustees Small Grants | Croatia, Czech Republic | United States |
Inclusive Development International | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | United States |
Independent Diplomat | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Independent Medico-Legal Unit | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Kenya | Kenya |
Index on Censorship | Defending Civic Space | Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Tunisia | United Kingdom |
Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees in the UK (ICAR) | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Initiative for Equality and Non-Discrimination (INEND) | LGBTI Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
INQUEST | Trustees Small Grants | Brazil, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Insight | LGBTI Rights | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Inspire | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | Netherlands |
Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | The Gambia |
Institute for International Criminal Investigations | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Haiti, United States | United States |
Institute for Policy Studies | Transparency and Accountability | El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru | United States |
Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United States | United States |
Institute for War and Peace Reporting | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion | Migration and Inclusion | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Brazil | Brazil |
Instituto Terra, Trabalho e Cidadania (ITTC) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Brazil | Brazil |
Inter-American Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Mexico |
Interights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
International Accountability Project | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) | Chair's Fund | Turkey | Turkey |
International Center for Conciliation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Cambodia, India, Israel, Netherlands | United States |
International Center for Not for Profit Law | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Center for Transitional Justice | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | United States |
International Cities of Refuge Network | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Norway |
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | United States |
International Commission of Jurists | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Switzerland |
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Corporate Accountability Roundtable | Transparency and Accountability | United States | United States |
International Crisis Group | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Belgium |
International Disability Alliance | Migration and Inclusion | Belgium | |
International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) | LGBTI Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Institute for Environment and Development | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
International Labour Rights Fund | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Legal Initiative Kazakhstan | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans & Intersex Association (ILGA) – European Region | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | Belgium |
International Living Wage Foundation | Trustees Small Grants | International | United Kingdom |
International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Partnership for Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Belgium |
International PEN | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
International Refugee Assistance Project | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | United States |
International Refugee Rights Initiative | Migration and Inclusion | Senegal, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States | United States |
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Working in many countries around the world | Denmark |
International Rivers | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
International Service for Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Switzerland |
International Truth and Justice Project | Truth, Justice and Memory | South Africa | South Africa |
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) UK Peatland Programme | Conservation | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
International Women’s Rights Action Watch | Women’s Rights | Malaysia | Malaysia |
Internet and Jurisdiction Project | Trustees Small Grants | International | France |
Internet Democracy Project | Trustees Small Grants | India | India |
Internews | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
IntoUniversity | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Investigative Reporting Lab | Defending Civic Space | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
Investigative Reporting Project Italy | Transparency and Accountability | Italy, Working in many countries around the world | Italy |
Iranti | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | South Africa |
Irish Council for Civil Liberties | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Ireland | Ireland |
Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG) | LGBTI Rights | Jamaica | Jamaica |
Japan Centre for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES) | Transparency and Accountability | Japan | Japan |
Jerusalem Music Centre | Arts | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
Jewish Museum | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
John’s Campaign | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Journalists for Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Canada |
Journey to Justice | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Just Associates | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Just for Kids Law | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Justiça Global | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Brazil | Brazil |
JUSTICE | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Justice for Iran | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Iran, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
K-Monitor | Transparency and Accountability | Hungary | Hungary |
Kadyr-Kassiyet | Defending Civic Space | Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan | Kazakhstan |
KARAMAH: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
KARAT Coalition | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Poland |
Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Thailand | Thailand |
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Kensington and Chelsea Foundation | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kent Law Clinic | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kenya Human Rights Commission | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kenya | Kenya |
Kenya Legal & Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS (KELIN) | Women’s Rights | Kenya, Working in many countries around the world | Kenya |
Kidenza | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kids Company | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kings College London – International Policy Institute | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Kosovo Women’s Network | Women’s Rights | Kosovo | Kosovo |
Kurdish Human Rights Project | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey | United Kingdom |
KuzeyDoğa | Conservation | Turkey | Turkey |
Kvinna till Kvinna | Women’s Rights | Israel | Sweden |
Kyrgyz Indigo | LGBTI Rights | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
La Strada International | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Netherlands |
Labris | LGBTI Rights | Serbia | Serbia |
Labrys | LGBTI Rights | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
LACWHN | Women’s Rights | Chile | Chile |
Land is Life | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
LandWorks | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Latin America Mining Monitoring Programme | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Lauderdale House Art of Dispute/Spoken Identity Project | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Lawyers for Human Rights | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
Lawyers for Justice in Libya | Truth, Justice and Memory | Libya | United Kingdom |
Lebanese Center for Human Rights (CLDH) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Legal Action Group | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Legal and Policy Coordinating Committee on Mining | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Legal Resources Centre | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | South Africa |
Legebitra | LGBTI Rights | Slovenia | Slovenia |
LGBTI Support Centre of the Macedonian Helsinki Committee | LGBTI Rights | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
Liberal Jewish Synagogue | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Germany |
Liberty | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Libyan Civil Society Organisation | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Libya | United Kingdom |
Likhaan | Women’s Rights | Philippines | Philippines |
Literature Works | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
London Library | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
London Mining Network | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
London School of Economics | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Longford Trust | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) | Conservation | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
MADRE | Women’s Rights | Afghanistan | United States |
Magamba Network | Defending Civic Space | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Mama Cash | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
Mani Tese | Transparency and Accountability | Italy | Italy |
Mansfield College, Oxford | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Maquila Solidarity Network | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Canada |
Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Masimanyane Women’s Support Centre | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Maurice Monkey Pictures | Chair's Fund | Hong Kong, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Mawjoudin | LGBTI Rights | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Media Diversity Institute | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Media Institute of Southern Africa Zimbabwe (MISA Zimbabwe) | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Zimbabwe |
Media Legal Defence Initiative | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Media Reforms Center | Defending Civic Space | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Media Rights Agenda | Trustees Small Grants | Nigeria | Nigeria |
Medica Mondiale e.V | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Germany |
Medical Justice | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Medicine Unboxed | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Mediterranean Conservation Society | Conservation | Turkey | Turkey |
Mediterranean Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | France |
MedPAN | Conservation | Multiple countries | France |
Memoria Abierta | Truth, Justice and Memory | Argentina | Argentina |
Mental Disability Advocacy Centre | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Hungary |
Mesoamerican Initiative for Women Human Rights Defenders | Defending Civic Space | El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico | Mexico |
Metamorphosis Foundation | Defending Civic Space | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
Mexican Commission for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights | Truth, Justice and Memory | Mexico | Mexico |
Migrants’ Rights Network | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Migration Policy Institute Europe | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Military Court Watch | Trustees Small Grants | Occupied Palestinian Territory | Occupied Palestinian Territory |
Mines and Communities | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | |
Mining Watch Canada | Transparency and Accountability | Canada | Canada |
Minority Rights Group | Migration and Inclusion | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Mnemonic | Truth, Justice and Memory | International | Germany |
Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation | Women’s Rights | Turkey | Turkey |
Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association (MBLA) | Conservation | Morocco | Morocco |
Mosaic | LGBTI Rights | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Most Mira (Bridge of Peace) | Chair's Fund | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, United Kingdom | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Musasa | Women’s Rights | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Mwatana | Truth, Justice and Memory | Yemen | Yemen |
MyVillages | Arts | Multiple countries | Netherlands |
NANE/PATENT Coalition | Women’s Rights | Hungary | Hungary |
National Coalition against Torture in Kyrgyzstan | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
National Coalition of Human Rights Defenders in Kenya | Defending Civic Space | Kenya | Kenya |
National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) | LGBTI Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
National Trust (Runnymede) | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
New Israel Fund | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | United Kingdom |
New North London Synagogue | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
New World Foundation | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
New Writing North | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
New York Review of Books Foundation | Chair's Fund | Hong Kong, United States | United States |
NGO Coalition against Torture in Tajikistan | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Tajikistan | Tajikistan |
NGO Coalition Against Torture Kazakhstan | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
NGO Forum on ADB | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Philippines |
NGO Platform on Shipbreaking | Transparency and Accountability | Bangladesh, Belgium, India, Turkey | Belgium |
No Borders Orchestra | Arts | Multiple countries | Serbia |
No Fire Zone | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Nossas Cidades | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Brazil | Brazil |
Notre Grand Bleu | Conservation | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Oakland Institute | Transparency and Accountability | United States, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Object | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Odanadi UK (Marginal Voices) | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Odysseus Trust | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Office for Postartistic Services | Arts | Poland | Poland |
OII-Europe | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | Germany | | Defending Civic Space | Poland | Poland |
Omega Research Foundation | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Open Briefing | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Open Knowledge | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Open Line | Women’s Rights | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Open Rights Group | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Open Secrets | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | South Africa |
Open Society Foundations (Foundation SolidarityNet) | Chair's Fund | Greece | Greece |
Open University – Open Futures Fund | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Organisation for Aid to Refugees | Migration and Inclusion | Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
Organisation for Refuge, Asylum and Migration | Migration and Inclusion | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq | Women’s Rights | Iraq | Iraq |
Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
OUT | LGBTI Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Oxford Human Rights Hub | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Oxford Policy Fellowship | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Oxford Pro Bono Publico | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Palfest | Chair's Fund | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | United Kingdom |
Panoptykon Foundation | Defending Civic Space | Poland | Poland |
Parceleras Afrocaribeñas | Arts | United States | United States |
Parents Circle | Truth, Justice and Memory | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
PaRiter | Women’s Rights | Croatia | Croatia |
Parliamentarians for Global Action | LGBTI Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
Parliamentary Human Rights Group | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Partners for Democratic Change Serbia | Migration and Inclusion | Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia | Serbia |
PAX | Transparency and Accountability | Netherlands | Netherlands |
Peace Brigades International | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Peace Dialogue | Truth, Justice and Memory | Armenia | Armenia |
Peacebuilding UK | Women’s Rights | Russian Federation, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Pembe Hayat | LGBTI Rights | Turkey | Turkey |
Penal Reform International | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
People in Need | Defending Civic Space | International | Czech Republic |
Pesticide Action Network | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Philani | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
Physicians for Human Rights | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
Physicians for Human Rights – Israel | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel |
Pig Business | Transparency and Accountability | Poland, United Kingdom, United States | United Kingdom |
PILnet | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
PINK Armenia | LGBTI Rights | Armenia | Armenia |
Platform for Independent Journalism (P24) | Defending Civic Space | Turkey | Turkey |
Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Platform: London | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Poetry Archive | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Polis Asia | Truth, Justice and Memory | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan |
Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law | Migration and Inclusion | Poland | Poland |
Poradňa | Women’s Rights | Slovakia | Slovakia |
Post-Conflict Research Centre | Truth, Justice and Memory | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Praesa | Arts | South Africa | South Africa |
Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust (PONT) | Conservation | Albania, Greece, North Macedonia | Germany |
Prisoners of Conscience Appeal Fund | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Privacy International | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Prometheus Institute | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Morocco | Morocco |
Protection International | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Belgium |
Proteus Fund (Death Penalty Abolition Fund) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | United States | United States |
Protimos | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Israel | Israel |
Public Law Project (PLP) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Publish What You Pay | Transparency and Accountability | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Purdue University | Trustees Small Grants | Brazil | United States |
Purpose | LGBTI Rights | United States | United States |
Qendra Multimedia | Arts | Kosovo | Kosovo |
Quist Human Rights Project in Pakistan | Chair's Fund | Pakistan | United Kingdom |
Rainbow Migration | LGBTI Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Raising Voices | Women’s Rights | Uganda | Uganda |
Raoul Wallenberg 2012 | Chair's Fund | Sweden | Sweden |
Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Re:Baltica | Defending Civic Space | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | Latvia |
Re:Common | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | Italy |
Reconstruction Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Serbia | Serbia |
REDRESS | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Refugee Action | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Refugee Consortium of Kenya | Migration and Inclusion | Kenya | Kenya |
Refugee Cricket Project | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Refugee Law Project | Migration and Inclusion | Uganda | Uganda |
Refugee Rights Turkey | Migration and Inclusion | Turkey | Turkey |
Refugee Therapy Centre | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Refugee Youth Project | Trustees Small Grants | Lebanon, Nepal, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
RefugePoint | Trustees Small Grants | Kenya, Switzerland, United States | United States |
René Cassin | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Reporter Brasil | Transparency and Accountability | Brazil | Brazil |
Reporters without Borders | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | France |
Reprieve | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Republic of Consciousness | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Research and Information Centre Memorial (Saint Petersburg) | Truth, Justice and Memory | Russian Federation | Russian Federation |
Research Consortium (Resource Equity) | Women’s Rights | United States | United States |
Réseau Amazigh pour la Citoyenneté (AZETTA) | Migration and Inclusion | Morocco | Morocco |
Restart | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Restless Development | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Rift Valley Institute | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Kenya | Kenya |
Rights & Accountability in Development | Transparency and Accountability | Democratic Republic of Congo | United Kingdom |
Rights of Women | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Rivoni Trust (Weekend Special) | Trustees Small Grants | South Africa | South Africa |
Roma Pavilion | Trustees Small Grants | Italy | Italy |
Roman’s Journey | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Romedia Foundation | Migration and Inclusion | Hungary | Hungary |
Rory Peck Trust | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Royal African Society | Chair's Fund | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Royal College of Art | Major Gifts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Royal Geographical Society | Arts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Rwanda Aid | Chair's Fund | Rwanda | United Kingdom |
Safe Passage | Migration and Inclusion | France, United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Sahar Speaks | Chair's Fund | Afghanistan | United Kingdom |
Samir Kassir Foundation | Defending Civic Space | Jordan, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria | Lebanon |
Sandpaper Films | Truth, Justice and Memory | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia | United Kingdom |
Sarajevo Open Centre | LGBTI Rights | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Scholars at Risk | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
School for Social Entrepreneurs | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
SECTION27 | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
Seinoli Legal Centre | Transparency and Accountability | Lesotho | Lesotho |
Semillas | Women’s Rights | Mexico | Mexico |
Settled | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
ShareAction (FairPensions) | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Shipyard | Defending Civic Space | Poland | Poland |
Sierra Madre Alliance | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Mexico | Mexico |
Sikkuy | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel |
Simorgh Women’s Resource Centre | Women’s Rights | Pakistan | Pakistan |
SIPAZ | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Mexico | Mexico |
SIPD | LGBTI Rights | Uganda | Uganda |
Sisma Mujer | Women’s Rights | Colombia | Colombia |
Sistema Scotland | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Sisters in Islam | Women’s Rights | Malaysia | Malaysia |
Sitka Fine Arts Camp | Arts | United States | United States |
Slovenian Bird Observation and Study Society (DOPPS) | Conservation | Slovenia | Slovenia |
Small Media | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Social Action Centre | Migration and Inclusion | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Social Justice Coalition | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | South Africa |
Social Justice Initiative | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
Social TV | Defending Civic Space | Israel | Israel |
Society for Nature Conservation (SABUKO) | Conservation | Georgia | Georgia |
Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) | Conservation | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Socio-Economic Rights Institute | Transparency and Accountability | South Africa | South Africa |
SOFEPADI | Women’s Rights | Democratic Republic of Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo |
SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations) | Transparency and Accountability | Netherlands | Netherlands |
Sou da Paz | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Brazil | Brazil |
Southall Black Sisters | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Southern Africa Litigation Centre | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | South Africa |
St Antony’s College, Oxford | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
StAnza | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Stichting BirdLife Europe | Conservation | Working in many countries around the world | Belgium |
Stonewall | LGBTI Rights | United Kingdom, Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Strategic Fund for Turkey | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Turkey | United Kingdom |
Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa Network (SIHA) | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Uganda |
Sunbula | Chair's Fund | Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel |
SURF | Women’s Rights | Rwanda | United Kingdom |
Survivor Corps | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United States |
Sustainable Development Institute Liberia | Transparency and Accountability | Liberia | Liberia |
Syrian Centre for Legal Studies and Research | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Germany | Germany |
Tactical Technology Collective | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Germany |
Tbilisi Shelter City | Defending Civic Space | Georgia | Georgia |
Team Domenica | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Teskedsorden | Chair's Fund | Sweden | Sweden |
The A Project | Women’s Rights | Lebanon | Lebanon |
The Advocates for Human Rights – Women’s Human Rights Programme | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
The Apolitical Foundation | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | Germany |
The Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity of Kazakhstan (ACBK) | Conservation | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
The Collaboration on International Information & Communications Technology Policy in East & Southern Africa (CIPESA) | Defending Civic Space | South Africa | Uganda |
The Dream Unfinished | Arts | United States | United States |
The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture | Trustees Small Grants | Working in many countries around the world | Germany |
The Global Not for Profit Coalition on the Financial Action Taskforce (Human Security Collective) | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
The Grand Plan | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Hague Process | Migration and Inclusion | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands |
The Iris Project | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom, Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims (KRCT) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Kosovo | Kosovo |
The Law Center of Advocates | Migration and Inclusion | Moldova | Moldova |
The Macedonian Young Lawyers Association (MYLA) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
The Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) | Defending Civic Space | Turkey | Turkey |
The Media Development Foundation | Defending Civic Space | Ukraine | Ukraine |
The Migration Museum Project | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Nadesan Centre for Human Rights Through Law | Trustees Small Grants | Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
The National Literacy Trust | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Other Foundation | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | South Africa |
The Photographers’ Gallery | Arts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Royal Society of Literature | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Small-scale Initiatives Programme for North African Civil Society Organisations (PPI OSCAN) | Conservation | Multiple countries | Spain |
The Turkey Litigation Support Project (TLSP) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
The Yard Theatre | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Tiiiit! Inc. | Arts | North Macedonia | North Macedonia |
TimePeace App | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Tostan | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Senegal |
Transgender Equality Network Ireland | LGBTI Rights | Ireland | Ireland |
Transgender Europe | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | Germany |
Transitioning Africa | LGBTI Rights | South Africa, Uganda | South Africa |
Transparency International – Hungary | Transparency and Accountability | Hungary | Hungary |
Transparency International European Union Liaison Office | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium | Belgium |
Transparency International UK | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Tree of Life Trust | Truth, Justice and Memory | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Trees for Life | Conservation | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Trees for Life | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
TRIAL International | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | Switzerland |
Triangle Project | LGBTI Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Tricycle Theatre | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health | Women’s Rights | Kenya | Kenya |
TrustAfrica | Truth, Justice and Memory | Senegal | Senegal |
Truth Hounds | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy Centre | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Tunisian Institute for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (NEBRAS) | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Tunisia | Tunisia |
Turquoise Mountain | Arts | Afghanistan | United Kingdom |
TV for the Environment (TVE) | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
UHAI | LGBTI Rights | Multiple countries | Kenya |
Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Ukrainian Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine | Ukraine |
Ukuthula Trust | Truth, Justice and Memory | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
UNCAC Coalition | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | Germany |
ÜniKuir | LGBTI Rights | Turkey | Turkey |
Union of Crisis Centers | Women’s Rights | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
United for Iran | Trustees Small Grants | Iran, Working in many countries around the world | United States |
United for Wildlife | Chair's Fund | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Universidad Diego Portales | Trustees Small Grants | Chile | Chile |
University College London – Department of Anthropology | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
University College London – Institute of Neurology | Major Gifts | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
University of California – Berkeley (Human Rights Center) | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | United States |
University of Cape Town Legal Clinic | Migration and Inclusion | South Africa | South Africa |
University of Cape Town Trust | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | South Africa | United Kingdom |
University of the Western Cape | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa |
University of Warwick | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
University of York | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Unjust (ROTA) | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Urgent Action Fund – Africa | Women’s Rights | Nigeria | Kenya |
Urgent Action Fund – Latin America | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Colombia |
Urgent Action Fund – Women’s Rights | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
US Office on Colombia | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Colombia | United States |
Utah Dine Bikeyah | Arts | United States | United States |
Uzbekistan Society for the Protection of Birds (UzSPB) | Conservation | Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan |
Vera List Center for Art and Politics | Arts | United States | United States |
Victor Jara Foundation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Chile | Chile |
Video Volunteers | Trustees Small Grants | United States | United States |
Videre Est Credere | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Visual Culture Research Centre (VCRC) | Arts | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Wallenberg’s Shadow | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Sweden | Sweden |
War Childhood Museum | Truth, Justice and Memory | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
Watchdog Polska | Defending Civic Space | Poland | Poland |
We Belong | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
West London Action for Children | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
West Ukrainian Center | Women’s Rights | Ukraine | Ukraine |
Wiener Holocaust Library | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Wikimedia Foundation Inc | Major Gifts | Multiple countries | United States |
Witness to Guantanamo | Truth, Justice and Memory | United States | United States |
WNET.ORG | Women’s Rights | United States | United States |
Womankind Worldwide | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United Kingdom |
Women and Land Zimbabwe | Women’s Rights | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Women Living Under Muslim Laws | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom |
Women’s Fund in Georgia | Women’s Rights | Georgia | Georgia |
Women’s Human Rights Training Institute | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Bulgaria |
Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice | Women’s Rights | Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Uganda | Netherlands |
Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group | LGBTI Rights | Georgia | Georgia |
Women’s International Cross Cultural Exchange | Women’s Rights | Uganda | Uganda |
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom | Women’s Rights | Working in many countries around the world | Switzerland |
Women’s Law Center | Women’s Rights | Moldova | Moldova |
Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development and Peace | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | United States |
Women’s Legal Aid Centre | Women’s Rights | Tanzania | Tanzania |
Women’s Legal Centre | Women’s Rights | South Africa | South Africa |
Women’s Link Worldwide | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | Spain |
Women’s Resource Centre Armenia | Women’s Rights | Armenia | Armenia |
Words Without Borders | Chair's Fund | United States | United States |
World Film Collective | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
World Organisation Against Torture | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Working in many countries around the world | Switzerland |
Yachad | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Youth Information Service Kazakhstan | Defending Civic Space | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan |
Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | Serbia |
Zenska Soba (Women’s Room) | Women’s Rights | Croatia | Croatia |
Zérane Confluence Artistique | Trustees Small Grants | France | France |
Zero Mercury Campaign | Transparency and Accountability | Working in many countries around the world | Belgium |
Zeszyty Literackie | Arts | Poland | Poland |
Zimbabwe Association | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom |
Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum | Defending Civic Space | Zimbabwe | United Kingdom |
Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
Zimbiala | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Zimbabwe | United Kingdom |
Zoukak | Arts | Lebanon | Lebanon |
Funding for selected groups including those active in Iran, Israel, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine
Correct as of 9 March 2023. Data collated from the Sigrid Rausing Trust website.[3]
Grantee name | Programme | Working in | Located in | Support History | Previous Grants (£) | Current Grants (£) | Total (£) |
Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Iran | United States | 2008 - 2017 | 660,000 | 660,000 | |
Adalah | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2010 - 2020 | 760,000 | 760,000 | |
Aegis Trust | Truth, Justice and Memory | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom | 2010 - 2012 | 150,000 | 150,000 | |
African Refugee Development Center | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel | 2010 - 2014 | 160,000 | 160,000 | |
Association for Civil Rights in Israel | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2010 - 2021 | 1,125,000 | 1,125,000 | |
Aswat – Palestinian Gay Women | LGBTI Rights | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel | 2006 - 2019 | 330,000 | 330,000 | |
B’Tselem | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2007 - 2019 | 1,820,000 | 1,820,000 | |
Bellingcat | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Netherlands | Since 2020 | 75,000 | 225,000 | 300,000 |
Breaking the Silence | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2011 - 2022 | 925,000 | 925,000 | |
British Future | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2017 | 300,000 | 225,000 | 525,000 |
British Institute of Human Rights (BIHR) | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2004 - 2012 | 230,000 | 230,000 | |
British Shalom-Salaam Trust | Chair's Fund | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | United Kingdom | 2013 -2014 | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
Bureau of Investigative Journalism | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2022 | 90,000 | 90,000 | |
Campaign Against Arms Trade | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2011 - 2021 | 390,000 | 390,000 | |
Cape Town Holocaust Centre | Chair's Fund | South Africa | South Africa | Since 2016 | 108,000 | 120,000 | 228,000 |
Center for Human Rights in Iran | Defending Civic Space | Iran | United States | 2010 - 2021 | 785,000 | 785,000 | |
Center of Women’s Justice | Women’s Rights | Israel | Israel | 2009 - 2010 | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
CORE Coalition | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2017 | 130,000 | 120,000 | 250,000 |
Corner House | Transparency and Accountability | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2003 - 2015 | 764,000 | 764,000 | |
Corporate Europe Observatory | Transparency and Accountability | Belgium | Belgium | 2005 - 2019 | 686,500 | 686,500 | |
Dawlaty | Truth, Justice and Memory | Syria | Belgium | Since 2014 | 430,000 | 240,000 | 670,000 |
Emek Shaveh | Truth, Justice and Memory | Israel | Israel | 2010 - 2011 | 15000 | 15,000 | |
English PEN | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2008 - 2021 | 465,000 | 465,000 | |
Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Denmark | Since 2010 | 1575000 | 900000 | 2,475,000 |
EuroMed Rights: The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Denmark | Since 2016 | 375000 | 450000 | 825,000 |
European Network Against Racism | Migration and Inclusion | Multiple countries | Belgium | Since 2015 | 510,000 | 330,000 | 840,000 |
Forensic Architecture | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United Kingdom | Since 2016 | 350,000 | 450,000 | 800,000 |
Galilee Society | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2008 - 2010 | 80,000 | 80,000 | |
Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel | 2010 -2020 | 590000 | 590,000 | |
Gulf Centre for Human Rights | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | Lebanon | Since 2011 | 985,000 | 300,000 | 1,285,000 |
HaMoked | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel | 2009 - 2021 | 1,340,000 | 1,340,000 | |
HOPE Not Hate | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2013 | 915,000 | 450,000 | 1,365,000 |
Hotline for Refugees and Migrants | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel | 2005 - 2016 | 535000 | 535,000 | |
Hurras Network | Truth, Justice and Memory | Syria | Turkey | 2012 - 2022 | 540,000 | 540,000 | |
Index on Censorship | Defending Civic Space | Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, Tunisia | United Kingdom | 2003 - 2014 | 150,000 | 150,000 | |
Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Multiple countries | Netherlands | 2003 - 2011 | 375000 | 375,000 | |
Institute for War and Peace Reporting | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | United Kingdom | 2004 - 2016 | 1,960,000 | 1,960,000 | |
International Center for Conciliation | Truth, Justice and Memory | Cambodia, India, Israel, Netherlands | United States | 2010 - 2011 | 15000 | 15,000 | |
International Crisis Group | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Working in many countries around the world | Belgium | 2001 - 2010 | 2,600,000 | 2,600,000 | |
International PEN | Defending Civic Space | Working in many countries around the world | United Kingdom | 2006 - 2017 | 470,870 | 470,870 | |
Jerusalem Music Centre | Arts | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel | 2018 - 2019 | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
Jewish Museum | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 1998 - 2010 | 577,585 | 577,585 | |
Justice for Iran | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Iran, United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2013 | 465,000 | 255,000 | 720,000 |
Kensington and Chelsea Foundation | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2017 - 2018 | 50,000 | 50,000 | |
Kvinna till Kvinna | Women’s Rights | Israel | Sweden | 1998 - 2009 | 926,210 | 926,210 | |
Liberal Jewish Synagogue | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2021 - 2022 | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
Marie Colvin Journalists’ Network | Defending Civic Space | Multiple countries | United Kingdom | Since 2016 | 187000 | 135000 | 322,000 |
Mediterranean Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Multiple countries | France | Since 2010 | 901640 | 300000 | 1,201,640 |
Military Court Watch | Trustees Small Grants | Occupied Palestinian Territory | Occupied Palestinian Territory | 2018 | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
Mosaic | LGBTI Rights | Lebanon | Lebanon | 2015 - 2017 | 50,000 | 50,000 | |
New Israel Fund | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | United Kingdom | 2006 - 2011 | 100,000 | 100,000 | |
New North London Synagogue | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2009 - 2012 | 30,000 | 30,000 | |
Palfest | Chair's Fund | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | United Kingdom | 2010 - 2011 | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
Parents Circle | Truth, Justice and Memory | Israel, Occupied Palestinian Territory | Israel | 2011 - 2012 | 25,000 | 25,000 | |
Physicians for Human Rights – Israel | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Israel | Israel | 2011 - 2021 | 985,000 | 985,000 | |
Public Committee Against Torture in Israel | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Israel | Israel | 2003 - 2012 | 695,000 | 695,000 | |
René Cassin | Migration and Inclusion | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 2012 | 290,000 | 80,000 | 370,000 |
Samir Kassir Foundation | Defending Civic Space | Jordan, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria | Lebanon | Since 2016 | 435,000 | 300,000 | 735,000 |
Sikkuy | Migration and Inclusion | Israel | Israel | 2005 - 2011 | 300,000 | 300,000 | |
Small Media | Defending Civic Space | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2015 - 2019 | 200,000 | 200,000 | |
Social TV | Defending Civic Space | Israel | Israel | 2010 - 2022 | 572,000 | 572,000 | |
Southall Black Sisters | Women’s Rights | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2007 - 2019 | 1,075,000 | 1,075,000 | |
Survivor Corps | Strengthening the Human Rights Field | Multiple countries | United States | 2007 - 2010 | 280000 | 280,000 | |
Syrian Centre for Legal Studies and Research | Detention, Torture and Death Penalty | Germany | Germany | 2015 - 2018 | 50,000 | 50,000 | |
The Media Development Foundation | Defending Civic Space | Ukraine | Ukraine | Since 2022 | 120,000 | 120,000 | |
Tricycle Theatre | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2011 - 2012 | 15,000 | 15,000 | |
Truth Hounds | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine | Since 2020 | 40,000 | 180,000 | 220,000 |
Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine | 2022 - 2023 | 75,000 | 75,000 | |
Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group | Truth, Justice and Memory | Ukraine | Ukraine | Since 2020 | 35,000 | 90,000 | 125,000 |
Ukrainian Women’s Fund | Women’s Rights | Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine | Ukraine | 2008 - 2022 | 1,185,000 | 1,185,000 | |
United for Iran | Trustees Small Grants | Iran, Working in many countries around the world | United States | 2011 - 2018 | 70,000 | 70,000 | |
Utah Dine Bikeyah | Arts | United States | United States | 2020 - 2021 | 50,000 | 50,000 | |
Visual Culture Research Centre (VCRC) | Arts | Ukraine | Ukraine | Since 2020 | 64,000 | 132,000 | 196,000 |
West Ukrainian Center | Women’s Rights | Ukraine | Ukraine | Since 2015 | 270,000 | 180,000 | 450,000 |
Wikimedia Foundation Inc | Major Gifts | Multiple countries | United States | 2019 - 2022 | 415000 | 415,000 | |
Wiener Holocaust Library | Chair's Fund | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | Since 1999 | 320,000 | 360,000 | 680,000 |
Yachad | Trustees Small Grants | United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 2012 - 2023 | 45,000 | 45,000 |
See also
- Charitable spending of the largest 100 UK family foundations - 2009
- Top 300 Foundations ranked by giving in the UK - 2019
- Top 300 Foundations ranked by giving in the UK - 2021
- Zionist Family Foundations ranked by charitable spending 2021-2
- The Sunday Times Rich List 2022
- Top 100 philanthropists in the UK - The Sunday Times Giving List 2022
- ↑ Trustee Report, Sigrid Rausing Trust Financial Statements for the Period Ended 31 December 2021, p.3. Charity Commision. Last retrieved 8 February 2023.
- ↑ Sigrid Rausing Trust Trustees, Charity Commission. Last retrieved 8 February 2023.
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 Who We Support, Sigrid Rausing Trust. Retrieved 8 March 2023.