Energy and Security Conference

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Energy and Security: Global Challenges – Regional Perspectives, was a conference held in Prague on October 19-21, 2004. The conference organisers were the Prague Security Studies Institute in partnership with the Program of Atlantic Security Studies and the Association for International Affairs[1]. Richard Perle delivered a talk at the conference entitled "The Nature of Terrorism ... And How to Cope with It"[2].

Oil Price Analysis

Giulia Bisconti, the Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Under Secretary for Energy delivered a presentation on "The U.S. Energy Plan and the Challenges of Oil Market". The presentation included a graphic chart entitled Major Events and World Oil Prices 1970–2004. The following incidents were cited as co-inciding with increasing oil prices since 1970:

  • Arab Oil Embargo
  • Iranian Revolution
  • Iran-Iraq War
  • Iraqi invasion of Kuwait
  • 9/11 Attacks
  • Unrest in Venezuela
  • Strong Demand Growth

According to the chart, oil price drops co-incided with the following events:

  • Saudi's abandon "Swing Producer Role"
  • Operation Desert Storm
  • Asian Economic Crisis; Iraq Oil-For-Food


List of Speakers

Pavel Bem | Fatih Birol | Giulia Bisconti | Jacques Bouchard | Jerzy Buzek | Oldrich Cerny | Judy Dempsey | Robert Eagan | Susan Eisenhower | Joseph Gilben | Patrick Hardouin | Vaclav Havel | Martin Jahn | Hisham Khatib | Kunihide Kobayashi | Anne Korin | William Martin | Nobuya Minami | John Mitchell | Bedrich Moldan | Hiroshi Morimoto | Petr Necas | Jan Nehoda | Richard Perle | Ivan Pilip | Kevin Rosner | Heinz Rothermund | Jan Ruml | Magdalena Vasaryova | Alexandr Vondra | Robert Skinner | Vladimír Schmalz | Karel Schwarzenberg | Alvin Trivelpiece | David Waller | Michael Zantovsky[4]


Fawzi Al-Quraishi | Regina Axelrod | Gawdat Bahgat | Margarita M Balmaceda | Pavel Bem | Antonin Berdych | Vaclav Binar | Fatih Birol | Giulia R Bisconti | Mariusz Bocian | Jacques Bouchard | Pavel Bratinka | Jan Bubenik | Viliam Buchert | Jerzy Buzek | William J Cabaniss | Oldrich Cerny | Erika Csekes | Mazin Dabbagh | Henry D Danziger | Andras Deak | Judy Dempsey | Paula J Dobriansky | Jan Dobrovsky | Robert J Eagan | Martin Ehl | Gabriel Eichler | Susan Eisenhower | Cezary Filipowicz | Milena Geussova | Joseph Gilben | Mikhail Gonchar | Ahmet K Han | Patrick Hardouin | Vaclav Havel | Charles B Heck | Kenneth M Hillas | Martin Jahn | Josef Jarab | Tomas Kadlec | Hisham Khatib | Kunhide Kobayashi | Anne Korin | Daniel Kostoval | Andrej Krawkyzk | Daniel Kaiser | Daniel Kumermann | Petr Kypr | Istvan Leko | Vratislav Ludvik | Gal Luft | Jeffrey Manners | Prince Mansour | Petr Mares | William Martin | Pavel Masa | Nobuya Minami | John V Mitchell | Akihisa Mizuno | Bedrich Moldan | Athur De Montalembert | Hiroshi Morimoto | Petr Necas | Jan Nehoda | Tomas Nemecek | Maciej Nowakowski | Frantisek Pazdera | Husinec-Rez | Richard Perle | Ivan Pilip | Roger W Robinson | Kevin Rosner | Heinz Rothermund | Jan Ruml | Vladimir Schmaltz | Jiri Schneider | Karel Schwarzenberg | Robert Skinner | Olga Solarikova | Radek Spicar | Richard Steffens | Christian-Marius Stryken | Dominik Stros | Frantisek Sulc | Pavel Svarc | Tomas Tichy | Oleksandr Todiychuk | Alvin W Trivelpiece | Jan Vacik | Peter Valert | Petr Vancura | Jan Vanous | Magdalena Vasaryova | Lubos Vesely | Alexandr Vondra | David Waller | Michael Zantovasky | Pavol Zatlkaj | Jan Zizka


  1. Energy and Security, Conference Summary, Prague Security Studies Institute, Accessed 15-June-2009
  2. Energy and Security, Conference Report, Prague Security Studies Institute, Accessed 15-June-2009
  3. Energy and Security, Conference Report, Prague Security Studies Institute, Accessed 15-June-2009
  4. Energy and Security, Conference Summary, Prague Security Studies Institute, Accessed 15-June-2009