Gabriel Eichler

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Gabriel Eichler is the founder of financial institution Benson Oak [1]. He worked for the Bank of America where he spent 15 years, half of it in the bank's headquarters in the US and half as regional General Manager for Bank of America in Paris, Vienna and Frankfurt. He was previously “chair or member of several international sovereign debt restructuring committees”. After leaving Bank of America, Mr. Eichler spent a year as a partner and EVP in a US private equity group [2]. Until January 2001, Mr. Eichler was Chairman of the Board, President & CEO of VSZ, the largest steel company in Central Europe. He negotiated the sale of VSZ to US Steel. He was also chairman and vice chairman of CEZ from 1994-1998. He was also Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CSOB (the largest Czech bank), a member of the Supervisory Boards of Ceska pojistovna (the largest Czech insurance company) and Slovenska sporitelna (the largest Slovak bank), a member of the Board of the EastWest Institute and the Atlantic Council of the US. In the early nineties, he advised the Czechoslovak government on economic transformation [3].


Democracy and Security International Conference, Attendee [4]| Bank of America | EVP | VSZ | US Steel | CEZ | CSOB | Ceska Pojistovna | Slovenska Sportelna | EastWest Institute | Atlantic Council


  1. Benson Oak, Proffesionals, Gabriel Eichler, Accessed 26-February-2009
  2. Benson Oak, Proffesionals, Gabriel Eichler, Accessed 26-February-2009
  3. Benson Oak, Proffesionals, Gabriel Eichler, Accessed 26-February-2009
  4. Democracy and Security International Conference, List of Participants, Accessed 25-February-2009