British charities related to 'Israel' - G-L
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- British charities related to 'Israel' - T-Z
Charity Number | Charity Name | Website | Activities | Charity Objects |
1129844 | Gabai Tzedokoh Limited | The advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education | (i) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education primarily but not exclusively by supporting and maintaining an institute for advanced Talmudic studies and financing thereat facilities and courses for such studies (ii) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith and (iii) the advancement of such other objects as are for the benefit of the public and are charitable according to English law | |
1121525 | Gabriel Charitable Trust | Providing relief for education and poverty purposes | 3. the foundation's objects (the objects) are (a) the advancement of education generally within the Jewish community (b) the prevention and relief of poverty within the Jewish community. | |
1008543 | Gainsborough Trust | To collect and distribute funding for educational purposes in Israel as well as England and Wales, and also to benefit inhabitants of Modiin Illit, Israel and the surrounding areas with facilities for health and recreation and financial distress. | to provide financial assistance to ohr someach and neve yerushalyim as well as individuals and families in severe financial straits as well as other religious institutions in England and Israel and to promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of modiin illit Israel and the surrounding areas the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation and cultural activities of individual who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth age infirmity or disability financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interest of social welfare or with the object of improving the conditions of life of the said inhabitants. | |
1118966 | Galilee Foundation | | To relieve poverty and advance the education of Palestinians living in Israel & the Palestinian Territories, regardless of gender or faith, in particular but not exclusively by promoting culture, heritage, art, science and research initiatives by the provision of training, advice and support. | (1) to advance the education at all levels of arabs in or living in Israel, regardless of gender or faith, in particular but not exclusively by organising and encouraging cultural, heritage, art, science and research initiatives; (2) to relieve the poverty of arabs in or living in Israel, regardless of gender or faith, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of advice, training and support |
1199371 | Galleon Foundation | the objects of the charity are to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time. | ||
1144197 | Garden Tomb (Jerusalem) Association | | The Garden Tomb is a principal Protestant site in Israel. Over 400,000 visitors annually are guided by GT volunteers and shown things there on the night Jesus died. It may or may not be the exact site but it offers a great teaching aid to discuss the importance of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It has been run by the charity since 1894, and is a very special place of worship. | The charity's object (the object) is the advancement of the Christian faith. |
1089152 | Garrard Family Foundation | Advancement and promotion of education (involvement with Bexley Business Academy). General charitable purposes. | the objects of the charity are to further such objects and purposes in any part of the world as are exclusively charitable and in particular to advance and promote education. | |
1157736 | Garw Valley Links | | Garw Valley Links, a community church, runs an all-age Sunday school, a Sunday evening service, prayer meetings, ladies and men's meetings, mum's and toddlers’ group (0-3 age), tea and talk (10-15 age), foodbank, cap money and alpha courses, provides free clothes to those in need. sick, disabled and elderly visited. overseas missions held with ongoing support of the work. | 1. the advancement of the Christian religion mainly, but not exclusively, by means of broadcasting Christian messages of an evangelistic and teaching nature. 2. the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. 3. to advance the education of the poor in the subject of personal and domestic financial management. 4. to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of children and young people who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life. |
251988 | Gatsby Charitable Foundation | | Make charitable grants | To for or towards any charitable object or purpose or objects or purposes that the trustees may from time to time deem proper. |
1006283 | Gema Trust | The Charity makes donations as agreed by the trustees | to pay or apply the trust fund and income for the benefit or in furtherance of such charitable purposes charitable institutions or charitable foundations as the trustees may determine. | |
1099106 | Gemach Ltd | The Charity was set up with the aim of supporting religious Jewish educational institutions and charitable organisations whose objectives fall within the objectives of the Charity, by making donations and grants available to them. | (a) the advancement and furtherance of the Jewish religion and Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. (b) other charitable activities that the trustees may from time to time determine. | |
1109555 | Gemmological Association of Great Britain | | Providing gemmological education and information, and providing Gemmological Association membership services. | to advance the art and science of gemmology in particular by education and training. |
1180696 | Genesis Philanthropy Group | Through the provision of grants to new and existing projects in the UK and elsewhere, the charity provides meaningful and innovative opportunities for Jewish engagement to children, young families and young adults in order to develop and enhance a sense of Jewish identity within the Jewish community in the UK and elsewhere. | 1. to advance the education of the public in the arts, culture and heritage of the Jewish people including Russian speaking Jewry, particularly but not exclusively, by the provision of grants for related projects. 2. to advance the Jewish religion for the benefit of the public, mainly but not exclusively, by the provision of grants to charitable organisations that support the study of and engagement with traditional and contemporary texts, customs, practices and observances. 3. the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage in particular but not exclusively within the Jewish community including Russian speaking Jewry in the UK and worldwide by providing grants to charities or other organisations working to assist those in need. 4. such other charitable purposes as the trustees think fit from time to time. | |
1141790 | Geoffrey Chinn Charitable Foundation | Charitable donations in the name of the late Geoffrey Chinn to Jewish and Israel-related causes of value as decided in the discretion of the trustees | the objects for which the company is established (the "objects") are to advance, promote or carry out such charitable purposes (as defined in the articles) as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | |
262547 | Geoffrey John Kaye Charitable Foundation | General charitable activities | to pay the income to such charities or otherwise to apply such income for such charitable purposes as the trustees from time to time in their absolute discretion determine. | |
267482 | George Balint Charitable Trust | The principal objects of the trust are to provide charitable donations to any body of persons established for charitable purposes, to individuals to assist them in the meeting of expenses of their own or their children's education and to individuals whose circumstances are so straightened as to come within the legal definition of poverty. | all charitable objects within the legal definition of charitable purposes as the settlor shall direct or in default thereof as the trustees shall determine. | |
1066832 | George Muller Charitable Trust | | Provision for children, families and young people through resourcing churches and other organizations, and by supporting Christian workers worldwide especially those involved therein as well as the care of orphans, education and literature distribution. Maintaining our unique heritage of supporting children. Grants may be made only where partnership exists and not for unsolicited requests. | (1) to advance education (2) to advance evangelical Christianity in accordance with the statement of faith and in a manner consistent with holy scripture, including, insofar as the means are available at any time, though the support of Christian workers and organisations (3) to advance citizenship or community development, particularly among children and families, young people and the elderly (4) to relieve those in need by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage or human suffering, including those who are deprived of normal parental care. |
1180593 | Gerer Shtiebel Synagogue | General charitable purposes: Disability, the prevention or relief of poverty, recreation | 1. the advancement of orthodox Judaism and the advancement of orthodox Jewish education in particular but without limiting the foregoing by the provision of grants to educational institutions and schools. 2. the prevention or relief of poverty throughout England and Wales, United States of America, Israel and Europe, by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty. | |
257615 | Gershon Coren Charitable Foundation also known as the Muriel and Gus Coren Charitable Foundation | Grant making to other charitable bodies and causes that fund other organisations | for the benefit or in furtherance of such charitable purposes charitable institutions or charitable foundations and in such manner and in such proportions as the trustees may from time to time in their discretion determine. | |
327380 | Gertner Charitable Trust | for the benefit or in furtherance of such Jewish charitable purposes charitable institutions or charitable foundations or individuals in the United Kingdom or elsewhere and for other general charitable purposes. | the trustees shall hold the trust fund and the income thereof upon trust to pay or apply the whole thereof to or towards for the benefit or in furtherance of such Jewish charitable purposes charitable institutions or charitable foundations in the United Kingdom or elsewhere. | |
1003102 | Gevurath Ari Torah Academy Trust | Raising money for the Gevurath Ari Torah Academy Trust in Israel | to advance education in and the religion of the orthodox Jewish faith. | |
1178202 | Giving Day | Poverty affects life opportunities for thousands of children across the UK. Giving day supports families and vulnerable children living in poverty via distribution of practical products like household items, clothing and toys. Working in conjunction with community charity partners and heads of schools we help these children access opportunities, so they can give back to the community as adults. | 1. the relief of poverty in the UK and worldwide. 2. the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage | |
1105858 | GK Trust | The advancement of Jewish religious education, relief of poverty, distress and sickness in the Jewish Community of South Africa. | to make grants for such charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit, and in particular for the advancement of Jewish religious education, relief of poverty, distress and sickness in the Jewish community of south Africa. | |
1118111 | Gladstone Charitable Trust | Relief of Poverty locally and abroad. Education with special emphasis on Special Needs and specialist Literacy Training. Development of an interactive Literacy Programme for young people | 1) the relief of poverty in the Jewish community worldwide; 2) the advancement of education according to the beliefs and values of the Jewish faith worldwide; 3) any charitable purpose at the discretion of the trustees for the benefit of the community. | |
1179635 | Glenwell Foundation | | The relief of sickness and preservation of health of predominantly, but not exclusively, children under the age of 18, throughout the world, by facilitating and funding treatments that would not otherwise be available to them. | the relief of sickness and preservation of health of predominantly, but not exclusively, children under the age of 18, throughout the world, by facilitating and funding treatments that would not otherwise be available to them. |
1125850 | Global Child Dental Fund | | 1. Run the Senior Dental Leaders Programme 2. Establish demonstration projects on child oral health improvement programmes under our Smiles & Hopes" initiative 3. Raise awareness and ultimately eradicate Infant Oral Mutilation in East Africa 4. Integrate public health and dental public health at a global level through our collaboration, with the World Federation of Public Health Association" | the preservation and protection of good health children world-wide and the advancement among dental practitioners and the general public, in the area of oral health in particular but not exclusively by the provision of education programmes and research initiatives. |
1144227 | Global Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans | | The charity's objects are specifically restricted to the advancement of the Orthodox Anglican Christian faith for the benefit of the public in accordance with the tenets of orthodoxy set out in the Jerusalem Declaration declared on 29 June 2008 at the Global Anglican Future Conference and which is set out in the Schedule to the Articles. | the advancement of the orthodox Anglican Christian faith for the benefit of the public in accordance with the tenets of orthodoxy set out in the Jerusalem declaration declared on 29 June 2008 at the global Anglican future conference and which is set out in the schedule to these articles |
1160840 | Global Fund for Women UK | | Global Fund for Women UK operates as the sister charity of Global Fund for Women Inc., a grant-making charity registered and operating out of the US focusing on promoting the human rights of women, globally. GFW UK distributes UK based income to women-led organisations internationally that advance, raise awareness of and promote support for women’s human rights in their community. | To promote human rights (as set out in the universal declaration of human rights and subsequent united nations conventions and declarations) of women and girls throughout the world by all or any of the following means: 1. educating the public about human rights 2. commenting on proposed human rights legislation 3. raising awareness of human rights issues 4. promoting popular support for human rights 5. promoting respect for human rights by individuals and corporations 6. international advocacy of human rights. In furtherance of that object but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power to engage in political activity provided that the trustees are satisfied that the proposed activities will further the purposes of the charity to an extent justified by the resources committed and the activity is not the dominant means by which the charity carried out its objects. |
1186683 | Global Returns Project Limited | | We provide grant-based funding to charitable organizations focussed on combatting climate change. We select them based on a detailed methodology and monitor their effectiveness on an ongoing basis. We work with financial institutions to make it normal and easy for their clients to provide grant funding to these organizations. We educate on issues associated with climate change. | (1) to promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment and related climate systems including without limitation by supporting initiatives which reduce atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases; (2) to advance education and promote research including without limitation in the subjects of climate science, environmental protection, sustainable development and related fields and disciplines provided that the useful results of any such research are published; and (3) to promote such other complimentary charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time determine. |
1195671 | Go and Save Ministries | to advance the Christian religion in the UK and overseas for the benefit of the public in particular but not exclusively through the holding of prayer meetings, lectures, evangelism, producing and/or distributing literature on the Christian faith to enlighten others about the Christian religion, providing pastoral care and carrying out missionary and outreach work | ||
1092358 | Golden Valley Church Gloucester Trust | | Regular church meetings, conferences, international ministry. | a) to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement of beliefs appearing in the schedule hereto in the county of Gloucester and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees may from to time think fit and to fulfil such other purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales and are connected with the charitable work of the trust b) to relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby in the said location and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees may from to time think fit c) to advance education particularly in the areas of personal morality, social responsibility and personal health in the said location and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world for the public benefit particularly amongst children and young people as the trustees may from time to time think fit |
1122000 | Goldkorn Family Foundation | The Charity primarily supports health and education in the UK and in Israel. Donations were made to universities, schools, Ben Uri which is a Jewish Museum of art and similar organisations. | namely for the benefit of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions within or outside the United Kingdom at such time or times and in such manner and in such proportions at the trustees may from time to time in their discretion determine. | |
1123956 | Goldman Sachs Gives (UK) | The charity is a grant making charity, providing grants to a wide range of charitable projects in the UK and abroad, funded principally by donations made by affiliate and subsidiary companies of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and by current and former senior employees of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc, and its affiliates and subsidiaries. | to promote for the public benefit the advancement of education, the relief of poverty, the advancement of religion and any other exclusively charitable purpose. | |
1165908 | Good Deeds Foundation (In Memory of Maher Farid Irsheid) | The object of the charity is to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time, in particular, but not limited to, the public benefit of the peoples on the east and west bank of the River Jordan including the Palestinian territories, Jordan and Israel. | the object of the CIO is to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time, in particular, but not limited to, the public benefit of the peoples on the east and west bank of the river Jordan including the Palestinian territories, Jordan and Israel. | |
512488 | Good News Church | | Furthering the Christian faith teaching the Bible and its moral doctrines. Outreach to the community. Participation in inter church events, local initiatives and the Harvest Alliance network. Support of missionary work to Kenya, South Africa and Israel | the advancement of the Christian faith in accordance with the doctrines and the worship of god in the county of Chester and elsewhere by and means whatsoever including (but not by way of limitation) the preaching and proclamation of the Christian gospel and the teaching of Christian doctrine and principles and the pastoral care of Christian people and the printing and distribution of the bible and Christian literature. (for further details see the first schedule of the declaration of trust). |
1165565 | Goods for Good (Global) | | Goods for Good sends goods donated by UK and European businesses and individuals to vulnerable communities living around the world. The charity also works with vulnerable communities in the UK, such as refugees and asylum seekers. In four years of operation, we have helped over two million people in desperate need, delivering £20.5m worth of goods to 24 countries worldwide. | The prevention or relief of poverty wherever it is present, regardless of race, ethnicity or color, by providing items to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. The relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe. To relieve elderly people and people with disabilities worldwide who are in need by providing specially identified items calculated to relieve the needs of such persons. |
1124751 | Gordon Moody Association | | To provide advice, education and high quality and innovative therapeutic support to problem gamblers and those affected by problem gambling, through residential, online and outreach services. The charity offers a unique and intensive residential treatment programme in the UK for those gamblers most severely addicted as well as online support and advice to problem gamblers outside Great Britain. | The objects of the charity are to benefit the public by relief of the needs of those suffering as a result of problem gambling and by assisting those alleviating the same and by research into its causes, effects and alleviation and by education of the public accordingly in all respects in congruence with the law of charity of England and Wales from time to time |
1035453 | Gould Charitable Trust | Main aim is to provide funds to charities which provide self-help. | general charitable purposes | |
1139873 | Grace Assembly | | Grace Assembly is active in advancing the Christian faith in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world; and in relieving POVERTY: (1) in the United Kingdom through provision of support for families that are deprived. (2) in other parts of the world through support for orphans, and provision of food and education for children in the most deprived parts of the world. | the charity's objects (the objects) are: (a) to advance the Christian faith [in accordance with the statement of beliefs] in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit; (b) to relieve sickness and financial hardship and to promote and preserve good health by the provision of funds, goods or services of any kind, including through the provision of counselling and support in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit; and c) to advance education in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit. |
274098 | Gradel Foundation | The objects of the Charity are to make grants for the benefit or in furtherance of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions as the Trustees may determine. | for the benefit or in furtherance of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions as the trustees may determine. | |
1069720 | Grapevine Christian Fellowship | | The advancement of the Christian faith and the worship of God. To support, as the trustees see fit, the world-wide relief of persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress. | (1) the advancement of the Christian faith and the worship of god (2) to support, as the trustees see fit, the world-wide relief of persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress |
1102151 | Green Aid | | Raising funds for Jewish charitable causes in particular medical and educational, and supporting similar general charitable causes. | 1. the advancement of the Jewish religion 2. the relief of poverty amongst people of the Jewish religion 3. the relief and assistance of people of the Jewish faith who are victims of war, terrorism, civil unrest, natural or manmade disaster or catastrophe, in particular but not exclusively, by the supply of medical aid to such persons 4. the relief of sickness or disability amongst people of the Jewish faith, or to relieve the needs of elderly people of that faith 5. the advancement of the education of those of the Jewish faith 6. any other exclusively charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their discretion think fit. |
1140204 | Green Tree Charity Trust | Distribution of funds to support advancement of the Orthodox Jewish faith and education and relief of poverty and sickness in any part of the world. | trustees shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital thereof at such time or times and in such manner and for such of the following charitable trusts as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit, namely: (a) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith in any part of the world (b) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education in any part of the world (c) the relief of poverty sickness and infirmity in any part of the world, and d) such other purposes as are and may from time to time be for the benefit of the public and are charitable according to the law of England and Wales | |
1033722 | Green Walk Trust | Support of Educational Activities particularly Jewish Education. Support for impoverished families. Supporting Jewish religious and communal activities and building projects. | general charitable purposes | |
1186240 | Greenaway Foundation | The advancement of education, conflict resolution, the promotion of religious or racial harmony and other matters as the Trustees think fit | the objects of the charity are, for the public benefit: 4.1 the advancement, as exclusively charitable purposes, of: 4.1.1 education; 4.1.2 conflict resolution and reconciliation; and 4.1.3 the promotion of religious or racial harmony, particularly (but without limitation) by promoting the greater understanding of conflict and related issues involving Israel and other middle eastern states including by research and the dissemination of its useful results; and 4.2 such other purposes as are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales as the trustees in their absolute discretion think fit. | |
1108631 | Grodner Charitable Trust | General charitable purposes | the trustee will hold the capital and the income of the charity upon trust to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital at such time or times and in such manner to or for the benefit of such exclusively charitable objects and purposes in any part of the world as the trustees in their discretion think fit. | |
1103485 | Grosvenor Foundation Limited | Supporting institutions supporting the objects of the charity | a) the relief of poverty and sickness worldwide and in particular but not exclusively the relief of individual persons coming within this object b) the advancement of religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith. c) the advancement of orthodox religious Jewish education and education generally. d) such other charitable purpose as the company may from time to time authorise. | |
802048 | Guild of One-Name Studies | | Advance the education of the public in one-name studies (defined as research into the genealogy and family history of all persons with the same surname and its variants). Promote the preservation and publication of the resultant data and to maximise its accessibility to interested members of the public. | a. to advance the education of the public in one-name studies, this being defined for purpose of this constitution as research into the genealogy and family history of all persons with the same surname and its variants b. to promote the preservation and publication of the resultant data, and to maximise its accessibility to interested members of the public |
1180153 | Gulzar and Bashir Goodwill Charity | 1. the prevention or relief of poverty in particular but not exclusively amongst those affected by natural or other kinds of disaster by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. 2. such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine. | ||
220300 | H and L Cantor Trust | The principle objective of the Trust is to provide benefit for registered charities, with particular consideration to be given for Jewish charities. | the income and capital of the trust fund shall be held upon trust for such charitable purpose as the trustees may in their absolute discretion decide and without limiting the discretion of the trustees as to which charity or charities, they shall select to bear in mind the needs of Jewish charities. | |
288310 | H and M Rose Charitable Trust | General Charitable purposes | to pay or apply the income of the trust fund to such charitable institutions or for such charitable purposes as the trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion determine. | |
1044956 | H C D Memorial Fund | Making grants for charitable purposes at home and overseas, primarily towards the relief of human need, and including projects which aim to mitigate the effects of Climate Change | all or any purposes which are charitable according to English law. | |
1126069 | Habaid | | Habaid raises funds to support a number of charities in Israel and the UK who’s primary purpose is helping disabled and disadvantaged children. | to alleviate poverty and relief of financial hardship of disadvantaged and or disabled Jewish children (including orphans) and to provide education and training including residential facilities to improve the job prospects of such children. |
1088803 | Habonim Dror | | Habonim Dror is a youth organisation organising activities of an educational and social nature to socially conscious Jewish youth. | (1) to educate Jewish young people, especially but not exclusively through leisure time activities in the UK and abroad, so to develop their physical, mental, social and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. (2) to educate Jewish young people in the history, traditions, culture and faith of the Jewish people; (3) to provide, in the interests of social welfare, facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation of young people; (4) to further such other charitable purposes as the trustees of the company may from time to time think fit.. |
1105885 | Hadras Kodesh Trust | Hadras Kodesh aims to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged young people in Hackney, as well as elderly people, by providing a range of activities and services. | the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education and the orthodox Jewish faith throughout the world and in particular by supporting the charitable activities of the publishers | |
1158928 | Haelo Foundation | Medical help for children. | Such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine. | |
1166521 | Hafsa Foundation | General charitable purposes. Relief of poverty | To advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time. | |
279632 | Hakerem Trust | We make grants to educational institutions. We supply educational material. Throughout England and Wales, Israel. | to advance education in and the religion of the orthodox Jewish faith. | |
1000728 | Halacha Lemoshe Trust | Advancing of orthodox Jewish religion and of promoting orthodox Jewish religion in general and in particular the talmudical college known as Halacha Lemoshe. | advancing orthodox Jewish religious education and of promoting the orthodox Jewish religion in general in any part of the world and in particular by assisting the talmudical college known as "halacha lemoshe" and such other orthodox Jewish religious and educational institutions in Israel as the trustees may from time to time determine | |
1135151 | Hand To Hand (North West London) | Mainly distribution of free milk and in addition other foods and clothing to poor and needy families | the relief of poverty amongst persons of the Jewish religion in England and throughout the world. to advance education for persons attending Jewish academic institutions in England and throughout the world. to further such other purposes as are exclusively charitable under the laws of England and Wales as the trustees from time to time determine. | |
200050 | Handicapped Children's Aid Committee | | The trusts objects are to promote the welfare of handicapped children | to assist organisations concerned with handicapped or under privileged children primarily (or any other suitable charity) irrespective of colour, race or creed. |
234268 | Harbour Charitable Trust | The principal objects of the charity are to use funds for the benefit of or in furtherance of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions and in such manner and proportions as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion determine. | General charitable purposes | |
1153955 | Hard Rain Project | | We promote solutions that address the broad challenges of climate change, poverty eradication, environmental protection and sustainable consumption and production. We work with world-renowned artists and scientists to bring our message to a wide public through exhibitions, books, films, talks and events. | To promote sustainable development for the benefit of the public by: (a) the preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources; (b) the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration. To advance the education of the public in subjects relating to sustainable development and the protection, enhancement and rehabilitation of the environment and to promote study and research in such subjects provided that the useful results of such study are disseminated to the public at large. Sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. |
327324 | Harlea Charitable Trust | 1. relief & assistance of poor & needy persons in the UK or elsewhere irrespective of colour, race or creed, 2. advancement of the education of individuals and/or educational or training establishments in the UK or elsewhere, 3. such other purposes & 2 do such other things 4 the relief of poverty or the advancement of education as the Trustees in their discretion shall from time 2 time decide. | the following shall be the objects of the trust:- 1. the relief and assistance of poor and needy persons in the United Kingdom or elsewhere irrespective of colour or race or creed; 2. the advancement of the education of individuals and/or educational or training establishments in the United Kingdom or elsewhere. 3. to carry out such other purposes and to do such other things for the relief of poverty or the advancement of education as the trustees in their discretion shall from time to time decide. | |
1148257 | Harris Lipman Charitable Trust | money given to non political humanitarian causes | the trustees shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income, and all or such part or parts of the capital, at such times or times and in such manner to, or for the benefit of, such exclusively charitable objects and purposes in any part of the world as the trustees may in their discretion think fit. the trustees may in their discretion, for the period of twenty-one years from the date of this deed, instead of applying the income of this charity in any year, accumulate all or any part of such income by investing the same, and the resulting income, in any investments authorised by this deed or by law as an accretion to and as part of the capital of this charity, without prejudice to their right to apply the whole or any part of such accumulated income in any subsequent year as if the same were income of the charity arising in the then current year. the trustees must use the income and may use the capital of the charity in promoting the objects by not part of the property and funds of the charity may be used for the benefit of the settlor or any spouse or civil partner of the settlor. | |
254318 | Harry and Gertrude Landy Charitable Trust | Donations to individuals or organisations | for such charitable purposes as the trustees may select and in such shares and in such manner as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit. | |
1159336 | Hashomer Hatzair | | Promotes Jewish education and culture and good community relations between Jews and non-Jews in the UK and Israel. | 3.1 the charity's objects are: 3.1.1 the advancement of education, in particular in relation to Jewish values, history and culture; and 3.1.2 the promotion of religious, cultural, social and racial harmony, in particular between Jewish and other peoples with a particular focus on young Jewish people. |
1064086 | Hathaway Trust | Relief of poverty. Advancement of Education. Medical assistance. Interest free loans. Advancement of religion. General community benefit | 1) the relief of poverty amongst the elderly or persons in condition 2) the advancement of religion 3) the advancement of education 4) to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the community | |
1082076 | Hatzlocho Limited | General charitable purposes, with particular emphasis on Jewish education and the relief of poverty. | (1) the advancement of religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith. (2) the relief of poverty (3) for such other purposes both the UK and abroad recognised as charitable by English law. | |
274542 | Hausmann Foundation | The principal object of the charity is, at the Trustees discretion, to benefit persons of Jewish ancestry and/or persons professing the Jewish faith and/or persons of Israeli nationality and/or persons resident in Israel. | apply the income to or for such charitable purposes or charitable foundations as te trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion determine provided that in the selection of charitable purposes or charitable foundations as aforesaid the trustees shall without thereby fettering their overriding discretion afford such degree of preference as the may think fit to charitable purposes or charitable foundations for the exclusive or primary benefit of persons of Jewish ancestry and/or persons professing the Jewish faith and/or persons of Israeli nationality and/or persons resident in Israel. | |
1155002 | Hawtree Cove Trust | Such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the Laws for England and Wales as the Trustees may from time to time determine in particularly but no exclusively; The relief of needs of elderly people, relief of poverty and sickness, advancement of education, advancement of the Jewish religion, promoting recreation in furtherance of social welfare. | such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine, in particularly but not exclusively: the relief of needs of elderly people. relief of poverty & sickness. advancement of education. advancement of the Jewish religion. promoting recreation in furtherance of social welfare. | |
1177397 | Heart of Christ | Distribution of free Christian resources (physical/digital) UK and Abroad Provide welfare assistance to the poor and homeless in UK and Abroad (food, clothing, toiletries, training, resettlement) | the objects of the CIO are: (1) for the public benefit, to advance the Christian faith in the UK and such other parts of the world as the trustees decide from time to time by: (a) producing and/or distributing literature on Christianity to enlighten others about the Christian faith; and (b) the provision of, or assisting in the provision of, Christian outreach and ministry. (2) the prevention or relief of poverty anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of practical assistance or support to the poor. | |
1162255 | Hearts In Education | To advance the education of the public in general. The prevention or relief of poverty and financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. | to advance the education of children of primary school age in Hertfordshire, in particular through the provision of out of school hours clubs providing additional tuition in a range of academic and creative subjects designed to support learning and development. | |
1188589 | Hearts United Ministries | | We are a Christian charity endeavouring to advance the Christian religion through conferences, Bible studies and seminars, religious services, supporting other Christian charities, producing and/or distributing literature and media items to enlighten others about the Christian religion. We operate mainly, but not exclusively, within the UK. | to advance the Christian religion worldwide, for the benefit of the public, in particular but not exclusively, through the holding of prayer meetings, bible studies, conferences, supporting other Christian charities, producing and/or distributing literature and media items to enlighten others about the Christian religion and promoting unity and harmony amongst Christians of all backgrounds, all in accordance with Christian principals. |
283498 | Heichal Hatorah Foundation | The Heichal Hatorah Foundation exists to receive donations which it then distributes to the Heichal Hatorah Yeshiva in Israel. | such charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing for the support aid expansion and development of the talmudical college in Jerusalem, Israel known as yeshivat heichal hatorah. | |
1197513 | Heichalei Hakodesh Centre Machnovke Belz | to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular but not limited to advancing the Jewish religion, advancing Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the machnovke belz community in Bene Berak, Israel and Jewish communities throughout the world. | ||
1129679 | Hendon Families Synagogue Limited | | Synagogue, education and relief of poverty | i to advance the orthodox Jewish faith ii to advance orthodox Jewish religious education iii to relieve poverty, sickness and infirmity amongst members of the Jewish faith iv to advance such other objects as are for the benefit o the public and are charitable according to the laws of England and Wales |
1065640 | Hepner Foundation | | In support of: musicians, composers, concerts and chamber music performances of contemporary music of the 20th and 21st centuries; visual arts, painters, draughtsmen and especially painters and draughtsmen of the 20th and sculptors of the 20th and 21st centuries; the study and application of philosophy and theology, both in the academic areas as in business and industrial areas. | (1) the advancement of the study composition and performance of contemporary music with particular reference to chamber music for viola and other instruments. (2) the encouragement and advancement of the study of philosophy. (3) the advancement of exclusively charitable institutions for the promotion and encouragement of Jewish causes and progressive Jewish religious institutions. (4) such other charities or charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit. |
1099159 | Heritage Israel | To protect, preserve and further the study of the wildlife, nature, landscape and heritage in Israel and elsewhere for the benefit of mankind. | to protect, preserve and further the study of the wildlife, nature, landscape and heritage in Israel and elsewhere for the benefit of mankind. | |
1003939 | Hetty George Drc Trust | Projects helping those in necessitous circumstances, primarily in developing countries. (a) To improve health, alleviate hunger or enhance human/social development. (b) Benefiting communities/groups rather than individuals. Principal beneficiaries to be projects under aegis of or in partnership with The International Children's Trust. Total value of grants relatively low – circa £5,000 p.a. | general charitable purposes | |
1128094 | High Street Baptist Church | | The principal Purpose of the Church is the advancement of the Christian faith according to the principles of the Baptist denomination. The Church may also advance education and carry out other charitable purposes in the United Kingdom and/or other parts of the world | the principal purpose of the church is the advancement of the Christian faith according to the principles of the Baptist denomination. the church may also advance education and carry out other charitable purposes in the United Kingdom and/or other parts of the world. |
254293 | Highfield Charities Limited | Supports religious educational and charitable institutions both in UK and abroad | to further those purposes both in the United Kingdom and abroad recognised as charitable by English law. | |
1199083 | Hillery Family Foundation | | for the public benefit, to advance the good health of people in need in any part of the world, who are or have been socially excluded from society, for the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded means being excluded from society or parts of society, as a result of one or more of the following factors: unemployment; financial hardship; youth or old age; ill health (physical or mental); substance abuse or dependency including alcohol or and drugs; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and family breakdown; poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards; crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society) | |
1028112 | Hinuch Trust | To support Jewish Adult Education | a)the advancement of the education of the public in the Jewish religion culture and history and the Hebrew language by promoting the study of and research into such subjects by people of all ages and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) those within the ages of twenty and fifty (and by the publication of the results of such research) and b)the undertaking of projects of research relating to such subjects for the benefit of the public and for the publication of the results of such projects (whether carried out in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) and in particular to establish maintain or contribute towards the establishment and or maintenance of such charitable institution or institutions whether in the United Kingdom oe elsewhere as the trustees think fit | |
1107866 | His Chosen Victorious Army | HCVA undertakes mission and evangelism in the UK and overseas through outreach work, Christian meetings and conferences, television ministry, and practical aid to orphans and missionaries. | For the benefit of the people of the United Kingdom and overseas: 1. the advancement of the Christian religion 2. to provide a Christian counselling service for the relief of persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress in the local community. 3. to provide assistance and financial and other support for missionaries, ministers or other Christian workers. 4. to promote any other charitable purposes as the trustees from time to time determine. | |
1113348 | Holmfield Charitable Trust | Our objectives are the advancement and furtherance of the Jewish religion and Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. Our charity considers applications for grants and donations from suitable organisations both in the UK and Israel. We research opportunities to assist in helping the poor and to encourage educational activities. | i) the advancement and furtherance of the Jewish religion and Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. ii) other charitable activities that the trustees may from time to time determine. | |
1020242 | Holy Land Foundation | | The promotion of afforestation in Israel | a) the conservation improvement and reclamation of land by the promotion of afforestation and silviculture within the internationally recognised boundaries of the state of Israel by the provisions and equipping of tree nurseries the planting of trees the management of new and existing forests (including natural forests) the prevention and fighting of forest fires the protection of trees against disease and harmful pests the improvement of the landscape by planting trees to create parks and recreational areas and otherwise generally to improve the environment and restore the ecological system by planting trees b) the advancement of the education of the public in the subjects of afforestation and silviculture in Israel by the creation of wider public appreciation of the role and importance of forestry in Israel and the promotion of a greater public understanding of afforestation and silviculture in that country and in the world in general and the ecological benefits to be derived there from c) the promotion of Israel of the education facilities for the practice of and research in afforestation and silviculture and the ecological benefits to be derived therefrom the publication of the results of such research and the advancement of ecological research in general |
1147921 | Honor Frost Foundation | | The Foundation's mission is to promote the advancement and research, including publication, of marine and maritime archaeology with particular but not exclusive focus on the Eastern Mediterranean with an emphasis on Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus. The Foundation also supports safeguarding and promoting the protection of underwater cultural heritage (UCH). | the objects of the charity are the advancement of research and its publication in the area of marine archaeology with particular but not exclusive reference to the marine archaeology of the Lebanese, western Syrian and Cypriot coast and archaeologically associated maritime wrecks found elsewhere in Mediterranean waters, by any means which shall be recognised as charitable and in particular without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing by: 1) the provision of grants or other financial assistance to individuals working in research establishments to further their study of marine archaeology 2) the publication and dissemination of any marine archaeology papers owned by the charity or which may be produced as a result of research funded by the charity 3) the making of grants to museums and galleries and other national or local institutions (particularly but not necessarily exclusively the British museum) to assist them in displaying to the public works relevant to the study of marine archaeology and to assist in the holding of relevant lectures and seminars 4) to support by whatever means are appropriate excavations of archaeological sites, ports, harbours, offshore anchorages and ancient anchors found undersea or excavated as ex votos in temples and shrines which are relevant to Levantine archaeology and the history of fishing 5) to support by whatever means are appropriate conservation work relevant to the marine archaeology of Lebanon, western Syria and Cyprus 6) to provide grants towards exchange visits of museum staff from the Lebanon, Syria and Cyprus 7) to provide grants towards the training of individuals of Lebanese, Syrian and Cypriot origin in the skills necessary to carry out restoration and conservation work relevant to marine archaeology in their country of origin |
328456 | Hope Christian Trust | | We have continued to support Bethlehem Bible College in its ministry to young people and also schools and communities where there are children with special needs in the Bible lands. | to support and set up, provide for and maintain such charitable work in educational establishments in Israel and in Arab countries as the trustees from time to time think fit so that young people and adults may receive training on the basis of Christian principles and may receive instruction in the Christian faith and its practical outworking, including where necessary the relief of poverty, hunger, sickness among such young people and adults and the provision of proper accommodation for them. |
1161882 | House of Israel London | | Provision of worship services. | the objects of the CIO are: to advance the Christian faith for the public benefit mainly, but not exclusively, by means of a. broadcasting messianic messages of an evangelistic and teaching nature, b. the provision of worship services, discipleship education and fellowship, c. providing spiritual and moral guidance. for the purpose of these objects "messianic" means followers of yeshua (Jesus Christ) the messiah. |
1138111 | Human Aid UK | | As well as responding to disasters and emergencies, Human Aid UK promotes sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities regardless of race, religion or gender. Human Aid UK specialise in providing aid and support to orphans and vulnerable women and carries out projects through the following work programmes Humanitarian work, Development work, Building Infrastructure | 1. the relief of financial need and suffering among victims of natural or other kinds of disaster in the form of money (or other means deemed suitable) for persons, bodies, organisations and/or countries affected [including the provision of medical aid]. 2. to advance the education of the public, in particular but not exclusively ethnic minority communities in the cultures, history and heritage of their own people and others. 3. the promotion of racial harmony for the public benefit by: (for example) (a) promoting knowledge and mutual understanding between different racial groups; (b) advancing education and raising awareness about different racial groups to promote good relations between persons of different racial groups; (c) working towards the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race. 4. such other charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine in particular but not exclusively by: (a) the relief of poverty; and (b) the advancement of education. |
1127723 | Humanitarian Logistics Association | | Discussion, information and knowledge sharing focal point for individual humanitarian logisticians and organisations involved in humanitarian transport and logistics. Networking of volunteers abroad. | To advance the education and knowledge of persons, bodies, organisations and the public generally in the logistics and organisation of the provision of humanitarian aid so as to promote the relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of natural or other kinds of disaster, war and civil unrest. |
1183873 | Humanitarian Operations | | for the public benefit the relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe in particular by the supply of food, water, sanitary and personal hygiene products and digital education tools. | For the public benefit; 1. the relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe in particular by the supply of food, water, sanitary and personal hygiene products. 2. to advance the education of children and young people affected by war and natural disasters by the provision of a digital educational tool scheduler and resource portal to assist them, their parents/carers, educational establishments and community groups in continued educational development. |
208575 | Humanitarian Trust | To benefit the community in the fields of charitable, educational and social work at the discretion of the trustees. The charity makes grants to fulfil its charitable objective and does not engage directly with vulnerable group | Charitable objects beneficial to the community in any part of the world. | |
1081406 | Humentum UK | | Humentum UK's mission is strengthen the financial management and accountability of development and humanitarian NGOs and their partners. Humentum UK achieves this by providing training, consultancy, recruitment and free resources to humanitarian NGOs and their partners. | to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and the work of other voluntary organisations which are exclusively charitable, in particular (but without restricting the generality of the foregoing) in assisting non-governmental organisations with their charitable work in the relief of poverty. |
1040077 | Hyphen-21 (Supporting Community) | | Promoting various activities and skills that strengthen community welbeing. Our only activity requiring funds concentrates on difference and diversity through offering bilingual poems online, free of charge, for display in schools, libraries and health settings. In 2015, poem collections on mental health and learning disability were added. In 2022 a new collection for children is near completion. | to promote through education ethical and good practice in social work and the confident and effective deployment of social work skills |
281936 | I T F Seafarers Trust | | Provide or assist in providing for the welfare of maritime workers of all nations, and assisting them and their dependents in conditions of sickness, hardship and distress | The trustees shall stand possessed of the trust fund upon trust to apply as and when they shall think fit, the same and the income thereof; (a) in relieving financial hardship, sickness and disability amongst seafarers; (b) in promoting the spiritual and moral welfare of seafarers; (c) in providing, or assisting in providing, in the interests of social welfare, facilities serving international ports for recreation or other leisure time occupations for seafarers and other maritime workers of all nations who are in need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity, disablement or social or economic circumstances with the object of improving the condition of life of such seafarers and other maritime workers; (d) in relieving seafarers' spouses, civil partners, children) widows and widowers and other dependants who are in conditions of need, hardship and distress; (e) in advancing the education of seafarers for the public benefit; (f) in advancing the education of the public in general on the subject of seafarers' rights and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results; and (g) in promoting and preserving the health and safety of seafarers with the aim of preserving life". |
1190896 | I Waqf Charitable Trust | The charity in line with its aims has been investing the donations received to date and is currently reviewing the investments in order to make a decision on what charitable activities/grants are to be undertaken in the next year from income received. | to further such charitable purposes (charitable under English law) as the trustees see fit from time to time for the public benefit by making grants to individuals and to registered, excepted and exempt charities. | |
281721 | Ian Karten Charitable Trust | | The main objective of the trust is the establishment of special centres which give adults with severe disabilities access to assistive computer technology for vocational and life skills training. | to carry out such legally charitable purposes for the relief of poverty, the advancement of education or religion or otherwise for the benefit of the community as the trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion select. |
1171268 | IBD Passport | | We aim to support individuals with inflammatory bowel disease to travel by providing support and reputable education via a multi-level online platform. | the objects of the CIO are the promotion of good health of people with Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) who plan to travel by educating and informing sufferers of these diseases through providing information and advice. |
1167925 | IC Philanthropy Foundation | | 1. To make grants to International Lawn Tennis Clubs around the world which run programmes for disadvantaged children which allow them to experience the fun of playing tennis and through this to acquire life skills with a view to improving their chances in life. 2. The provision of facilities, equipment and coaching that will encourage an increase in playing opportunities to those less advantaged | the advancement of education, including physical education and personal development of young persons through sport and tennis in particular. the promotion of community participation in healthy recreation by providing directly or indirectly through grant aid for the coaching of tennis and facilities for playing tennis. the objective is to teach participants the benefits of healthy living, team work, learning to lose and to win, punctuality, staying within the rules and other life skills acquired by playing a competitive sport. relief is provided for those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. |
1096711 | Ichud Mosdos Gur Limited | Making grants to advance the Orthodox Jewish religion, religious education and the relief of poverty. | 1) the advancement of religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith. 2) the relief of poverty. and 3) for such purposes as are recognised by English law as charitable. | |
1161011 | iGive | To advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time. | To advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time. | |
1148316 | Igo Foundation Limited | The objectives of the charity are: The relief of poverty in any part of the world; The advancement of the Jewish religion in any part of the world; The advancement of the education of the public in any part of the world in the knowledge of the Jewish history and culture; Such other charitable purposes in any part of the world as the trustees shall from time to time decide. | 1. the relief of poverty in any part of the world. 2. the advancement of the Jewish religion in any part of the world. 3. the advancement of the education of the public in any part of the world in the knowledge of the Jewish religion and Jewish history and culture. 4. such other charitable purposes in any part of the world as the trustees shall from time to time decide. | |
1173025 | iheart Principles Limited | | Prevention-based programmes in mental health education, wellbeing and resilience with a focus on young people 9-18.the accredited heart resilience training delivers programmes in schools & other youth settings, and offers facilitator training in the iheart curriculum to teachers. the charity also provides additional 1-1 support and online resilience programmes for parents, individuals and groups. | to relieve ill mental health and to promote and protect good mental health through the provision of courses and workshops in the subjects of resilience and the principles of innate health |
1161297 | Impact Planet | Recycle and/or rebrand counterfeit items and redistribute them to those who are underprivileged/in poverty. Educate the public about waste generation, management and recycling. Increase public participation in the prevention and solution of crime in particular associated with counterfeit products. Other activities which address both the causes (prevention) and the consequences (relief) of poverty | (1) to protect and preserve the environment for the public benefit by: (a) the promotion of waste reduction, re-use, reclamation, recycling, use of recycled products and the use of surplus; (b) advancing the education of the public about all aspects of waste generation, waste management and waste recycling. (2) to prevent or relieve poverty by providing items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. (3) to promote, for the benefit of the public, the efficiency of the police, the administration of the law and good citizenship and greater public participation in the prevention and solution of crime, in particular in relation to counterfeiting and consumer protection. (4) to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances with the object of improving their conditions of life. | |
1127956 | Imperial Giving Limited | To promote the advancement and furtherance of the orthodox Jewish religion, Jewish education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. | to promote the advancement and furtherance of the orthodox Jewish religion, Jewish education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. | |
1183788 | Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society | In course of development | The Charity's activities are aligned to the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society as founded in Russia in 1882. Its aims are the advancement of the Orthodox Christian Faith, through the support of the Orthodox Christian Church, principally in the Holy Land,, financially and through organising pilgrimages and conferences relating to the Holy Places and other Christian sites | the advancement of the orthodox Christian faith worldwide, particularly but not exclusively, through providing grants to orthodox Christian churches and for pilgrimages, holding conferences and other religious education activities on orthodox Christianity to enlighten others about the orthodox Christian faith. |
1077318 | Imrey Chaim Gemillus Chesed Trust | Mainly giving loans for needy people, and they are paying back the loans slowly with no interest charges | (a) the relief of poverty (b) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion (c) the promotion of orthodox Jewish religious education, and (d) such other charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time decide | |
1182594 | In Place of War CIO | | In Place of War is a global organisation that uses artistic creativity in places of conflict to create positive change. We enable grassroots change-makers in music, theatre and across the arts to transform cultures of violence and suffering into hope, opportunity and freedom. | the object of the CIO is: to advance in life and help young people, particularly those living in sites of war, revolution, conflict and human rights abuses and amongst those whose lives have been adversely affected by war, revolution, conflict or human rights abuses through the medium of art providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. |
1106715 | Inclusion International | | Member Support. Knowledge Sharing, promote the exchange of experiences, resources and practices. Research & Monitoring - in each of the CRPD priority areas. Partnership Building - develop a thriving and diverse network of families, researchers, civil society organizations, governments and international institutions on disability and inclusion. Policy Development and Engagement | to advance the relief of persons with intellectual disability, without regard to nationality, race or creed, by securing on their behalf from all possible sources, the provision of residential, educational training, employment and support services. |
1094366 | India Association | | The India Association committee is made up of some 300 professional businessmen and women from all walks of life, who use their expertise and contacts to help raise awareness and funds for worthy causes and other charitable organisations both in the UK and abroad. | the charity's objectives (the objects”) are: the relief of poverty, sickness and distress amongst those who may be in need of help in the United Kingdom and overseas, in particular but not exclusively for the benefit of those inhabitants who are Indian or of Indian descent, by supporting organisations establishing developmental or educational projects which serve the needs of these persons and improve their conditions of need. 2. advancing education. 3. promoting the protection and preservation of public health. 4. promoting racial harmony. 5. furthering such other charitable purposes in the area of benefit as the executive committee may think fit." |
1044692 | Infectious Disease Research Trust | Promote 'Seedcorn' and 'Pilot' medical research experiments or studies. Grants for travel and/or attendance fees for conferences. Preference given to institutional organisations rather than individual applicants. Funding also available for sponsoring meetings. | the relief of sickness by the promotion of medical research throughout the United Kingdom and Israel and the publication and dissemination of the useful results of all such research for the public benefit and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) for the promotion of research into the microbiology of infectious diseases. | |
801729 | Information Network Focus on Religious Movements | | Information Network Focus on Religious Movements (Inform) advances public knowledge and understanding by the promotion of study and research into religions and those movements commonly known as new religious movements concerned with the exploration of spiritual life or philosophies. Inform disseminates useful results of such study and research to the public. | to advance public knowledge and understanding by the promotion of study and research into religions and those movements concerned with the exploration of spiritual life or philosophies including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, cults, alternative and non-conventional religions, sects, human potential movements and new age movements, and the dissemination of the useful results of such study and research to the public. |
1123833 | Institute for Dayanim | The Charity receives donations from the public which are utilised for the purpose of supporting the charitable activities of the Institute for Dayanim. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith and orthodox Jewish religious education and in particular but not exclusively by supporting the charitable activities of the institute | |
269830 | Institute of Brewing & Distilling | | The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technology of brewing, distilling and related industries through the provision of professional examinations and qualifications that are recognised globally and supported by appropriate training and seminars. | The advancement of education of benefit to the public or a section of the public, especially in the sciences of brewing, fermentation and distillation. |
210252 | Institution of Civil Engineers | | The ICE is an international membership organisation that exists to promote and advance civil engineering around the world. Civil Engineers design, build and maintain roads, railways, airports, ports, power stations, flood defences, water and waste systems. Where possible they seek to minimise society's impact on the environment and look for more sustainable ways of meeting our needs. | To foster and promote the art and science of civil engineering. |
211014 | Institution of Engineering and Technology | | Education, policy & awareness activities engage the public in the role of science, engineering & technology in enhancing peoples' lives. IET gathers & distributes knowledge content via a variety of channels to a global audience, drawing on the unique strengths of its membership. Membership & professional development focuses on career long professional development & registration of individuals. | to promote the general advancement of science, engineering & technology & to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on these subjects amongst the members of the IET and otherwise |
1090484 | Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Benevolent Fund | | To relieve hardship amongst current and former members of the Institution and their families and dependants and former employees of the Institution, in accordance with any grant making policy of the Charity. | To relieve hardship amongst current and former members of the institution and their families and dependants and former employees of the institution, in accordance with any grant making policy of the charity. |
1096790 | Institution of Occupational Safety and Health | | The Institution was established to provide systematic and organised methods of improving health and safety at work. Our vision is a world of work which is safe, healthy and sustainable | (a) to promote systematic and organised methods of improving occupational safety and health and to advocate, advise upon, disseminate, explain and advance the principles, methods and systems of their application at work generally; (b) to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas amongst the members of the institution and of other professional bodies in the field of occupational health and safety and to work together with other professional bodies in pursuit of mutual objectives; and (c) to do all such other things as may be necessary or desirable for maintaining and improving the professional status of members of the institution and of persons engaged in professions requiring a knowledge of the matters mentioned in paragraph (a) above; in the interests of the general public benefit. |
1046999 | Institution of Railway Signal Engineers | | World-wide professional engineering institution, licensed by the Engineering Council UK, for railway signal, telecommunication and other engineers and operators involved or interested in railway signalling, control and communications. | a) the advancement for the public benefit of the science and practice of signalling (which shall mean the whole of the apparatus, electrical, mechanical or otherwise, methods, regulations and principles whereby the movement of railway or other traffic is controlled) by the promotion of research, the collection and publication of educational material and the holding of conferences, seminars and meetings b) the maintenance of high standards of practice and professional care amongst those working within the industry and promotion of improved safety standards for the protection of the general public |
233392 | Institution of Structural Engineers | | Learned society and qualifying body for structural engineers. | To promote for the public benefit the general advancement of the science and art of structural engineering in any or all of its branches and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas relating to structural engineering amongst the members of the institution and otherwise |
1179885 | Intercultural Roots for Public Health | | Promoting Participation - informing the public of benefits in participating in health related mind-body practices that provide meaning and wellness in life in particular Tai Chi, Yoga, Pilates and Dance. Advancing Education - providing taster experiences, classes, workshops, courses and festivals for the public. Promoting Best Practice - through teacher training and train the trainer activities. | for the public benefit, to promote community participation in healthy recreation by: promoting participation in tai chi, yoga, pilates and dance. Advancing education in the benefits of healthy recreation. Promoting best practice in the delivery of tai chi, yoga, pilates and dance. |
1146653 | Intercultural Roots for Traditional Embodied Arts | | Operating globally, activities include: (educational) learning material development; exchanges, performances; teacher training; classes, workshops, retreats and courses; collaborative embodied research laboratories; (arts) research, preservation, sustainment and dissemination; (hardship relief) the provision of grants, goods or services. Resourcing and administering funded projects. | 1) to advance the education of the public on the subject of traditional and indigenous embodied arts and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results; 2) to advance the cultural heritage of traditional and indigenous embodied arts to benefit people throughout the world through research, preservation, sustainment and dissemination; 3) to relieve hardship in indigenous communities worldwide, either generally or individually, including through the provision of grants, goods or services; 4) to promote the relief of sickness, of mental or physical disability, or stress and of hardship of people who are involved or were formerly involved in the playing of all sports including boxing who by reason of their age, infirmity, disablement, poverty or social and economic circumstances have need of such relief; and 5) to advance the physical education and health of both children and adults by encouraging and assisting the provision of opportunities and facilities for the playing of all sports at all levels. |
1100559 | International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness | | 1) Advocacy to influence government policy, health systems and resourcing decisions at global, regional and national levels 2) Promotion of knowledge and learning so Members are more able to contribute to eye health 3) Generate resources sufficient to enable Members to deliver the strategy 4) Global initiatives that bring value and enhance collaboration to achieve universal eye health coverage | The objects of the charity are for the public benefit: 2.1 the relief of people who are blind, partially sighted, visually impaired or disabled; and 2.2 the prevention of sight loss and blindness. |
1079504 | International Alliance of ALS / MND Associations | | The International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations founded in November of 1992 to provide an international community for ALS/MND associations from around the world. Our vision is to engage our members, prospective members and other organizations in sharing resources globally, advancing awareness and supporting people with ALS/MND worldwide. | 1) for the relief of persons worldwide who are or who are suspected of being affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)/ motor neurone disease (MND) and associated conditions; and 2) the advancement of the education of the public in matters relating to ALS/MND |
1155577 | International Alliance of Patients' Organizations | | IAPO is a global alliance representing patients of all nations across all disease areas and promoting patient-centred healthcare across the world. | The objects of the association are the promotion of the relief of sickness and preservation and protection of health for the public benefit through fostering patient-centred healthcare worldwide and in particular by developing the capacity of patients? organisations. |
1026699 | International Association for Religious Freedom | | Relieve people in need, in countries with prohibited/severely curtailed religious freedom. Advance religion. Promote education for public benefit about religion. Cooperate with other groups with similar purposes & exchange information/advice. Organise, produce, promote, &present conferences, public meetings, films, broadcasts, tutorials, seminars, courses & workshops on Religious Freedom. | relieve in case of need people in countries where freedom of religion is prohibited or severely advance promote education for the public benefit concerning relieve poverty. |
1168221 | International Centre for Jewish Studies | | To advance education for the benefit of the public internationally in the field of Jewish studies, including the promotion and supervision of education and study of Jewish history, language culture and customs of the Jewish people. | (1) to advance education for the benefit of the public in the field of Jewish studies including promotion and supervision of education and study of Jewish history, language, culture and customs of the Jewish people whatsoever in the world situate and 2) to provide or assist in the provision of facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupation, in the interest of social welfare, primarily although not exclusively for the benefit of Jewish people with the object of improving the conditions of life of those using the facilities. |
327660 | International Centre for Peace In the Middle East (British Section) | International centre for peace in the Middle East promote information about the Middle East in the United Kingdom in order to create an informed public opinion on the subject. | the advancement of education of the public generally in subjects of academic merit relating to the politics economics and sociology of the middle east. | |
1169958 | International Centre for Suppressed Music | Promotion, performance and research of 19th-, 20th- and 21st century music which has been suppressed or inhibited by political or religious movements. The Centre is principally active in the UK and Western Europe and concerned with European music but may also extend its interests to music in other arts of the world. | the object of the CIO is to advance the arts through the promotion of research and performance of music suppressed or obstructed by political authorities from the turn of the twentieth century to the present day, in particular but not exclusively by promoting research of composers and performers of such music and to raise awareness of such music in the public in general. | |
1143712 | International Children's Palliative Care Network | | Networking: share knowledge and experience to support the development and growth of children’s palliative care globally. Information: disseminate information to support the development of children’s palliative care worldwide. Advocacy: provide a global voice for children’s palliative care. Education & Research: disseminate research and promote educational opportunities. | To relieve sickness and to promote and protect the good health of children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. their families and carers by promoting worldwide access to palliative care in order to share knowledge, experience and best practice. |
1189369 | International Christian Embassy Jerusalem UK (Charity) | ICEJ UK (Charity) operates throughout the UK and provides speakers, prayer meetings. lectures and conferences at various venues. It arranges Biblical tours of Israel and works with Jewish and Christian communities in this country to improve understanding between faiths. In Israel it provides aid to Arabs, Druze, Bedouin and Jewish communities to enhance their lives. | to advance the Christian religion in England, Scotland and Wales for the benefit of the public through the holding of prayer meetings, lectures, conferences and the public celebration of religious festivals, producing and/or distributing literature on Christianity and the arrangement of spiritual and educational tours to enlighten people about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. to contribute towards a better society in England, Scotland and Wales by promoting social cohesion and better understanding between the Christian and Jewish communities and to contribute to the spiritual and moral education of children and young adults by a comprehensive holocaust education programme. to support humanitarian projects in all sectors of society in Israel, including the relief of poverty, education and assisting those fleeing hardship and religious persecution. | |
1176633 | International Christian Maritime Association | | The objects of the charity are the promotion of the spiritual, social and material welfare and religious education of all seafarers, and the relief of need, hardship or distress among seafarers. The charity is a second and third tier service provider. The charity is a free association of Christian organisations working with seafarers worldwide. | in accordance with Christian principle, the objects of the CIO are, for the public benefit: - 4.1. the relief of seafarers in need by reason of financial hardship, unemployment, disability, illness and such other social or economic disadvantage; and 4.2. the promotion of religious education to seafarers. For the purpose of this clause, ‘seafarers’– means those persons working on merchant, fishing and passenger vessels and shall include active, intended and ex-seafarers and their families and dependents. Nothing in this constitution shall authorise any application of the property of the CIO for the purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 of the charities and trustee investment (Scotland) act 2005 or section 2 of the charities act (Northern Ireland) 2008. |
1166304 | International Commission on Radiological Protection | | ICRP advances for the public benefit the science of radiological protection, in particular by providing recommendations and guidance on all aspects of radiation protection. | To advance for the public benefit the science of radiological protection, in particular by providing recommendations and guidance on all aspects of radiation protection. in preparing its recommendations, the commission considers the fundamental principles and quantitative bases upon which appropriate radiation protection measures can be established, while leaving to the various national protection bodies the responsibility of formulating the specific advice, codes of practice, or regulations that are best suited to the needs of their individual countries. |
1187650 | International Community of the Holy Sepulchre | | To advance the Christian Faith in the Holy Land (Israel, Palestine and Jordan) through the provision of financial and practical support and working to secure an ongoing Christian presence in the region by raising awareness of the issues faced by the Christian community, facilitating public advocacy on its behalf, providing practical care, promoting Christian heritage, and restoring sacred sites. | the objects of the CIO are to advance the Christian faith in the holy land (Israel, Palestine and Jordan), in particular but not exclusively, through the provision of financial and practical support for local communities and working to secure a thriving, ongoing Christian presence in the region by raising awareness of the issues faced by the Christian community, facilitating public advocacy on its behalf, providing practical care, promoting Christian heritage, restoring sacred sites and supporting initiatives that enable mutual flourishing among people of all faiths and backgrounds. |
247919 | International Fellowship of Evangelical Students | | IFES is a movement of students sharing and living out the good news of Jesus Christ. Locally. Nationally. Globally. IFES works in more than 170 countries to establish and support student-led indigenous Christian movements. Our vision is to see students built into communities of disciples, transformed by the gospel and impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ | The object for which the company is established is to advance the Christian faith by: promoting, supporting and maintaining an international fellowship of national Christian student ministries (hereinafter referred to as national movements); seeking to awaken and deepen personal faith in the lord Jesus Christ and to further evangelistic work among students throughout the world; and providing for fellowship on a worldwide and regional basis. |
1182933 | International Fellowship of Oneness Pentecostal Churches | The Charity is an umbrella organisation for the United Pentecostal Oneness Church worldwide, facilitating the supervision and co-ordination of the local churches in countries around the world to ensure that they are consistent in their approach to doctrinal and pastoral matters through periodic training, accrediting and supervising pastors, and providing funds to churches in financial need. | The objects of the charity are: 2.1 to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement of faith set out in schedule 2 in such ways and in such parts of the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit; 2.2 to relieve sickness and financial hardship and to promote and preserve good health by the provision of funds, goods or services of any kind including through the provision of counselling and support in such parts of the world as the trustees from time to time think fit; 2.3 to advance theological education in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom or the rest of the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit; and 2.4 to advance such purposes as may be charitable according to the laws of England and Wales and are not, in the opinion of the trustees, inconsistent with advancing the objects set out in articles 2.1 to 2.3. | |
1192011 | International Gaucher Alliance | | The IGA is an international umbrella group representing the interest of Gaucher patients and those of non-for-profit Gaucher patient groups as well as rare disease groups throughout the world. | the objects for which the company is established are the relief of sickness and the preservation of health amongst people suffering from the rare genetically inherited condition of Gaucher disease wherever they are in the world ("objects") and in doing so the company will: 1.1 collect information on the latest developments in the understanding, management and treatment of Gaucher disease and to disseminate such information to all parties who have an interest in Gaucher disease and other similar disorders; 1.2 provide information support guidance and encouragement to groups of individuals representing Gaucher patients globally; 1.3 represent the interests of Gaucher patients to European and international organisations and bodies and to ensure that the voice of the Gaucher patient is heard at all times. 1.4 encourage and promote scientific and medical research into Gaucher disease and improved therapeutic approaches and to seek to ensure all such research recognises the centrality of the Gaucher patient. 1.5 work with the medical and scientific community to define priorities in the understanding of Gaucher disease its management and treatment. 1.6 work with, facilitate, support and encourage the activities of the European working group on Gaucher disease (ewggd) and other organisations or working groups with similar objectives. 1.7 be a forum to address ethical issues arising from the study of Gaucher disease 1.8 ensure that appropriate treatment is available to all patients with Gaucher disease who require treatment regardless of race, creed, colour ethnic origin or national or religious background; and 1.9 carry out any other activities that advance the objects. |
1154241 | International Gay Rugby | | Providing opportunities for members of the LGBT to compete in rugby through tolerant and accepting clubs and teams, through community outreach, competitive play and tournament events that stand for tolerance and acceptance in sports; and working with the rugby governing bodies and other partner organisations worldwide to improve tolerance and acceptance of LGBT athletes at all levels of the sport. | To promote equality and diversity in particular the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation or identification and to promote good health through the playing of rugby both for the public benefit by: providing opportunities for members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT”)to compete in rugby through tolerant and accepting clubs and teams, both primarily LGBT and LGBT-friendly and by eliminating homophobia in rugby through community outreach, competitive play and tournament events that stand for tolerance and acceptance in sports; and working with the rugby governing bodies and other partner organisations worldwide to improve tolerance and acceptance of LGBT athletes at all levels of the sport of rugby ensuring that no individual shall be excluded from participating in rugby on the basis of sexual orientation or identification." |
1062441 | International Guide Dog Federation | | Membership Organisation made up of Professional Bodies. Setting accreditation standards and providing assessments | To promote throughout the world the breeding, training and education of dogs to act and be provided as efficient and safe guides for blind (which includes seriously visually impaired) persons, the training and education for their own benefit of blind persons in the proper and safe use of guide dogs and the provision of additional services and facilities (including other aids to mobility) for the relief of blind persons |
1148779 | International Hearing Voices Projects | | We understand hearing voices as a meaningful experience had by a significant minority, not a disease or disorder. We host an interactive international community and social media hub at, promoting networking, conferences, research and information that enables people to cope with distressing voices and the stigma, discrimination and isolation they often experience. | to promote and protect the physical and mental health of people, including but not limited to, people who are distressed by i) hearing voices with no external physical source, ii) and/or other distressing unusual experiences and/or beliefs, worldwide through: respectful and collaborative work between people with these experiences and their professional, peer or family supporters, in order to enable distressed people to understand the meaning of their own experiences with a view to relieving that distress; the further development of and wider adoption of talking, peer, and/or occupational support that promotes personal coping strategies and increases hope for recovery and relief of that distress; the provision of financial assistance, support, education and practical advice; advancing the education and awareness of the general public and mental health professionals to further the above; advancing the promotion of research into the causes of, and recovery from mental distress in relation to the above, on terms that the results of such research are published; the promotion of equality and diversity and the promotion of human rights for the public benefit, by the elimination of discrimination and stigma against people who are distressed by hearing voices with no physical source, and/or other unusual experiences, and/or distressing beliefs. |
1183900 | International Initiative for Theoretical Ecology | | Our planet's biosphere is under increasing pressure from pollution, climate change, overexploitation and land-use change. Biodiversity is rapidly declining. How will the biosphere respond, how societies be affected, how can this change be steered to the benefit of humanity? IITE aims to promote advancement, teaching and application of theoretical ecology in order to address these questions. | For the benefit of the public the advancement of the science of theoretical ecology in particular but not exclusively by: a) the promotion, encouragement and advancement of theoretical ecology and its application; b) the advancement of education and research in theoretical ecology and its application and the publication of the useful results of such research. |
261990 | International Institute of Communications | | To provide a forum for those operating in the digital economy to identify and discuss issues and practices in the digital world (including advertising and trade related matters) and to promote the formulation of regulations and best practices to ensure that they benefit the public, provide appropriate safeguards for children and other vulnerable users and protect civil and human rights. | To promote and carry out research into the impact on society of the revolution in the technology of mass-communication including in particular but without affecting the general nature of foregoing television and radio, into scientific techniques and technology of broadcasting. (For further details see clause 3 of the memorandum). |
249637 | International Law Association | | The Branches of the International Law Association hold meetings, seminars and conferences and the International Committees carry out research in specific areas of international law and publish their reports at the Biennial Conferences. | The study, clarification and development of international law, both public and private and the furtherance of international understanding and respect for international law |
1081287 | International Medical Education Trust | | The objective of the charity is to promote a network of partnerships among individuals, groups and institutions between developed and developing countries for cooperation in agreed programmes of medical education, service and research. | (a) the relief of sickness for the benefit of all peoples through health and medical education and research in partnership with appropriate institutions individuals and professionals throughout the world. (b) the advancement of medical education for appropriate persons from developing countries. |
271323 | International Mission to Jewish People | | CWI is a UK-based interdenominational evangelistic society committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus the Messiah with the Jewish people | the advancement of the Christian faith |
1171512 | International Network of Business and Management Journal Editors (INBAM) | | INBAM workshops, conferences, seminars and international conference sessions in partnership with professional associations, publishers and universities. Editor guidance, education and support for young researchers in developing good articles for publication in top journals. Promotion of ethical publishing in business and management in association with the publishers of reputable academic journals | (1) to advance the education of the public in general (and particularly amongst researchers) on the subject of publishing research in journals of business, management and associated social sciences, and to promote that research where possible for the public benefit. (2) to support and encourage the education of young researchers, early and later career academics wherever they may live or work, in the development, composition and publishing of their research papers in reputable journals. |
1016676 | International Non-Governmental Organisation Training and Research Centre | | INTRAC works to improve the effectiveness of civil society organization around the world but particularly in the global south. We work with civil society in diverse forms: formal organizations, networks, and informal alliances. We develop practical solutions to the challenges that civil society faces through a combination of values-driven consultancy, training, research and reflection. | The objects of the charity are the relief of poverty, sickness and distress throughout the world. |
1122060 | International Orthoptic Association | | Promotion of the science of orthoptics. Organisation of an International Orthoptic Congress every 4 years. Provision of help with the establishment of an orthoptic profession within a country. Provision of an exchange/volunteer programme. | (a) (i) the promotion of the science of orthoptics and the publication of scientific material relative thereto: and for such purpose to promote the use of an internationally accepted terminology (ii) the provision of information and assistance to national authorities and individuals in order to initiate and develop the practice of the science of orthoptics throughout the world (iii) to promote high standards of training and practice in orthoptics (iv) the organisation of international and national congresses of orthoptists and others concerned in the practice of orthoptics for the propagation of knowledge of the science of orthoptics. |
1101966 | International Peace Project 2000 | | To organise 'Peace Games': - to predict the prospects for peace or war in various areas of conflict; - to publish the findings of differing methods of analysing each conflict; - to judge and debate the results against the subsequent course of events. To roll out the 'Peace and The New Constitution' course to all the provinces of Zimbabwe with support of Zimbabweans at home and abroad. | the objects of the trust are the advancement by all charitable means of the education of the public in the differing means of securing a state of peace and avoiding a state of war ("the objects). |
229476 | International Planned Parenthood Federation | | The IPPF is both a service provider and an advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights. With a worldwide network of 152 Member Associations and active in 172 countries. | to advance the education of the countries of the world in family planning and responsible parenthood in the interests of family welfare, community well being and international goodwill. (for further details see clause 2 of the act). |
1182873 | International Prader-Willi Syndrome Organisation | | IPWSO works to improve the quality of life for all people with Prader-Willi syndrome and their families worldwide. We provide information and support to caregivers, professionals and families. We encourage national PWS associations to exchange and share their projects and experiences. We fund free testing for diagnosis in countries where it is not available. | the objects of the CIO are, for the public benefit: 1) to promote the relief and treatment of people with prader-willi syndrome, and to provide support and advice for such persons, their families and carers; 2) the advancement of health by promoting, supporting and carrying out charitable research, and to disseminate the results of such research, for the public benefit into the cause and treatment of prader-willi syndrome; and 3) to raise awareness about the needs of people with prader-willi syndrome through the provision of information. |
1071752 | International Psychoanalytical Association | | To promote the science of psychoanalysis and to promote education relating thereto | To promote and develop the science of psychoanalysis and to promote education relating thereto. |
1001671 | International Scholarship Foundation Charitable Trust | Promotes education. In particular by funding scholarships and making other donations to students and to assist individuals to acquire professional qualifications. | (a)to promote education; in particular (but without prejudice to the generality thereof) by funding scholarship & making other financial benefits & donations to students and to assist individuals to acquire professional qualifications (b) for such purposes or objects which are from time to time recognised as exclusively charitable according to the law of England & Wales as the trustees in their absolute discretion may think fit. | |
1102701 | International Seminar on Religious Education and Values | | Educational research | 1. to promote high quality research into religious education whether in public or private education systems or within and between religious communities and 2. to encourage younger and/or emerging religious educators to undertake such research, and; 3. to disseminate the results of such research by means of meeting of the seminar, through contacts and exchange between members and by publication so as 4. to influence the development of religious education in public or private education systems and in religious communities. |
1189975 | International Social Welfare Association (ISWA) | Due to COVID 19 situation, ISWA has no participation with any activities. The Trustees plan to reactivate their services starting Jan 2022. | the prevention or relief of poverty anywhere in the world by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. | |
1054897 | International Society for Diatom Research | | The International Society for Diatom Research promotes the study of marine, freshwater, modern and fossil diatoms across the wide range of disciplines. Our society represents investigators from all nations, and we: hold biennial, international conferences, support young scientists, offer travel funding to attend conferences, publish an international journal and connect people around the world. | To promote for the benefit and education of the public all branches of diatom studies throughout the world. |
1194496 | International Society for Diatom Research | | Support the biennial International Diatom Symposium. Support young scientists through "Young ISDR" to bring the energy of early-career researchers and technicians in diatom research. Offer travel funding for registered students in the field to attend relevant scientific conferences of educational merit. Publish an international scientific journal - Diatom Research. Connect people | To promote for the benefit and education of the public all branches of diatom studies throughout the world. |
1168197 | International Society for Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology | | The ultimate aim of ISGEO is to reduce eye disease, prevent blindness and preserve sight and increase visual rehabilitation globally, through promoting epidemiological, operational and health systems research and dissemination of the findings. ISGEO organises conferences where researchers can meet and exchange findings and ideas. ISGEO also awards small research grants, funds permitting. | 1. for the public benefit to promote and protect the physical and mental health of ophthalmology sufferers by reducing eye disease, preventing blindness and preserving sight and increasing visual rehabilitation. 2. for the public benefit to advance education in all areas relating to ophthalmology. through the hosting of conferences in the best practices in the delivery of eye care services, research, programs and the implementation of policies in relation to the control of visual impairment and blindness. |
1126927 | International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes | | To improve the lives of children and young people with diabetes. We engage in worldwide activities in the domains of science, education and advocacy. We support attendance at our annual scientific meeting by delegates who would otherwise be unable to afford it. We sponsor research and clinical fellowships and write clinical guidance and deliver postgraduate teaching throughout the world. | to relieve the needs of children and adolescents affected by all forms of diabetes mellitus for the public benefit by 3 4 educating health professionals and promoting good practice in the care of children with diabetes, 3 5 increasing awareness of such conditions amongst service providers, medical professionals and the public, and 3 6 encouraging and supporting research into paediatric and adolescent diabetes mellitus and disseminating the useful results thereof |
1177654 | International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) | | The object of the ISSDP is to advance education for the public benefit into the effects of drug policy through the undertaking of study and research and the publication and dissemination of the useful results thereof. The ISSDP provides a worldwide forum for the development and dissemination of research on drug policy. ISSDP runs an annual conference, regional meetings and other events. | The object of the ISSDP is to advance education for the public benefit into the effects of drug policy through the undertaking of study and research and the publication and dissemination of the useful results thereof. |
1139367 | International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | | Objectives are to advance the education and science of chemotherapy. International congresses promoting the development of chemotherapy are held regularly. ISC encourages, supports and sponsors the formation of international working groups for special research projects, commissions, training projects and the use of chemotherapeutics in the field of antimicrobial and antineoplastic chemotherapy. | 1. to advance the education and the science of therapy of infection and of cancer through the establishment of an international federation of affiliated national and regional societies with similar aims and objectives to those of the charity 2. such other charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time decide |
1113234 | International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infections | | IUSTI has organised a number of educational events promoting the uptodate management of STIs and genital conditions. The union has campaigned on behalf of patients to the UN and WHO and developed guidelines for the management of STI. The Union promotes research. "(1) To advance public health so far as it is affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIS) and to promote and encourage the study of the public health aspects of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV infection, the endemic treponematoses and other sexual health problems. (2) To promote, encourage and improve the study and practice of the art and science of diagnosing treating and preventing sexually transmitted infections including HIV infection, the endemic treponematoses and other sexual health problems." | |
1159650 | International Values-Based Education Trust | | Developing, supporting and extending the practice of Values Education to bring positive, commonly-held values into teaching and places of learning and into everyday life, including provision of training and resources to schools | The advancement of education for the public benefit in the United Kingdom or elsewhere, in particular, values education and to bring positive, commonly-held values into teaching in places of learning and into everyday life in order to inspire children, young people and adults to adopt positive values in their own lives. For the purpose of this clause, ‘values education’ means raising understanding and awareness of the drivers and consequences of behaviour on the self and on others. |
1011552 | International Wheelchair & Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) | | IWAS focuses on providing sport opportunities for persons with physical impairments in the UK and across the globe. The IWAS Games programme host international multi-sport events providing recreational and elite sport opportunities for physically impaired athletes. Through education and training, IWAS promotes barrier-free opportunities and social inclusion through the power of inclusive sport. | The objects of the charity are primarily but not exclusively the relief of persons around the world with a physical impairment by providing opportunity, and encouraging and facilitating their participation in sporting activities recreation or other leisure time occupation by IWAS. |
1117014 | International Youth Hostel Federation | | Youth Tourism, Outdoor Education and Recreation and Environmental Conservation. On behalf of its parent charity, the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF), provides International Marketing and Information Technology Support to all member National Youth Hostel Associations, a global Online Booking Service @, monitors Hostel Standards and offers International Training. | to promote the education of all young people of all nations, but especially young people of limited means, by encouraging in them a greater knowledge, love and care of the countryside and an appreciation of the cultural values of towns and cities in all parts of the world, and as ancillary thereto to provide youth hostels or other accommodation in which there shall be no distinctions of origins, nationality, colour, religion, sex, class or political opinions and thereby to develop a better understanding of their fellow men, both at home and abroad. |
1134320 | Interpeace UK | | To assist local and national organisations as well as the international community to support and assist divided societies to overcome conflict and build lasting peace. | to promote national and international conflict resolution and reconciliation for the public benefit with a view to relieving suffering, poverty and distress and building and maintaining social cohesion and trust within and between communities by: a) promoting and supporting through projects, initiatives and policies and financing nationally owned processes of consultation, research and policy analysis with all sectors of society, including international assistance agencies and donors; b) supporting the international community and other multi-national organisations in their efforts to build peace, prevent conflict, reform policies, promote democratic security and conditions of good governance creating social progress and development; c) promoting a better understanding of the challenges faced by societies in crisis, in conflict or emerging from war and promoting methods to be used locally, nationally and internationally in order to overcome challenges; and d) establishing a global network to facilitate local, national and international organisations, projects and institutions involved in assisting societies to overcome conflicts and build lasting peace through the exchange of information and expertise, provided that all activities shall be balanced and shall maintain or enhance the trust's commitment to remaining impartial. |
1182677 | Intersurgeon | | Medical collaboration through the Intersurgeon platform | the advancement of health and the saving of lives by creating international medical collaborations through an electronic portal intersurgeon. This platform is accessible globally and is intended for all those who need additional surgical care and professional education. For charitable purposes in one or more of the following ways: 1. collaboration in clinical care; 2. collaboration in teaching and training; and 3. to help in the provision of medical equipment to those in need. |
1166398 | Isaac and Chaya Ltd | The advancement of education according to the tenets of the Jewish religion for the public benefit by providing and assisting in the provision of appropriate facilities required for such purposes. | the advancement of education according to the tenets of the Jewish religion for the public benefit by providing and assisting in the provision of appropriate facilities required for such purposes. to promote any purpose for public benefit that the trustees may decide and that is legally considered charitable according to the law of England and Wales. | |
299500 | Isaac Presman Memorial Trust | Donations to religious and educational causes. | furtherance of benefit of such one or more charities, charitable institutions, or charitable purposes in any part of the world in such shares and in such manner as the trustees in their absolute discretion may from time to time determine and in particular for the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education. | |
1199165 | ISHA- Hip Preservation Society | | the objects of the CIO are (1) The advancement of health, by the promotion of the study and practice of hip surgery, treatment of hip disorders and rehabilitation post-hip injury, including development of new techniques and advancement of skills; (2) The advancement of the education of professionals dealing with the surgical and non-surgical treatment of hip injury and disorders, through the support of training and research and the sharing of the results of such research principally amongst hip, orthopaedic, trauma and sports surgeon surgeons and other allied medical professionals. | |
1138755 | Ishirini | | Giving choral concerts and music education workshops worldwide. Raising money for music-and education-related causes, particularly in developing countries. | the objects of the society shall be: 1. to advance, improve, develop and maintain public education in, and appreciation of, the art and science of music in all its aspects by any means the trustees see fit, including through the presentation of public concerts and recitals; 2. to further such charitable purpose or purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion shall think fit . |
1134566 | Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA) | | The advancement of the Islamic religion. To educate and inform humanity about the noble message of Islam. To train Islamic educators to deliver talks, seminars and other public engagements. To produce and distribute Islamic education resources. To carry out research into contemporary issues facing the Islam and the Muslim community. | 1) the advancement of the Islamic religion 2) to advance the education of the public in the ways of Islam 3) to promote research into the Islamic faith and to publicly disseminate the useful results thereof |
328158 | Islamic Relief Worldwide | | 1. Responding to emergencies 2. Caring for orphans and children in need 3. Supporting education 4. Providing access to health care and water 5. Promoting sustainable livelihood 6. Campaigning and advocacy on humanitrian issues | 1.1 the objects of the charity are, as a practical manifestation and application of the humanitarian values inspired and guided by the Islamic faith, to promote for the public benefit: 1.1.1 the alleviation of human suffering for those who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, inequalities, injustices or catastrophe and the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship by: (a) providing humanitarian assistance and other means of saving lives; (b) raising awareness and advocating for those in need; (c) advancing conflict resolution and reconciliation; (d) promoting religious and human harmony. 1.1.2 to promote sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs for the benefit of the public by:- (a) the preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the prudent use of natural resources; (b) the relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; (c) the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration. 1.1.3 to advance and promote education by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education, in each case for the public benefit anywhere in the world; 1.1.4. to advance health by the provision of financial or other assistance, including medicines, hospitals and other means, in each case for the public benefit anywhere in the world; and 1.1.5 the advancement of such other charitable purposes as may from time to time be determined and agreed by the trustees. 1.2 the charity will advance the objects regardless of race, gender or religious background. 1.3 nothing in these articles shall authorise an application of the property of the charity for purposes which are not charitable in accordance with section 7 charities and trustee investment (Scotland) act 2005. |
299062 | Israel Abrahams Memorial Trust | Grants and donations to other UK registered charities | (i) relief of persons who are in conditions of need hardship or distress as a result of local, national and international disaster or by reason of their social and economic circumstances wherever they may be throughout the world but in particular those resident in Great Britain and in Israel. (ii) to further the education (including social and physical training) of children and disadvantaged adults in Great Britain and Israel. | |
282663 | Israel Children's Centers | The Israel Childrens Centers (ICC) and sister orgs in the world, support the activities of 16 children's centres throughout Israel, more than 6,000 children regularly attend educational and sports classes. These centres provide a community focus for the education and assimilation of all children, regardless of their background and origins, by the availability of sports and educational programmes. | 1) to relieve poverty sickness and distress among disabled persons and in particular war disabled persons in the middle east. 2) the advancement of the physical education of young persons and in particular war orphans at schools universities and other charitable educational establishments in the middle east by the provision for such persons of facilities for tennis and other games or sports in such a way as to assist in ensuring that due attention is given to the physical education and development of such persons as well as to the development and occupation of their minds.3) without prejudice to the foregoing to make grants or payments to charitable associations trusts societies or corporations for or whose objects include the charitable purposes hereinbefore described. | |
1188449 | Israel Guide Dog Centre UK | | The relief of blind, visually impaired and disabled persons resident in Israel by promoting such work of the institution known as the Israel Guide Dog Centre for the blind as is exclusively charitable. | the objects of the CIO are: - The relief of visually impaired people and others with physical or mental disabilities by supporting and promoting such work of the organisation known as the Israel guide dog centre for the blind (the centre) as is charitable according to the laws of England and Wales, including through, but not limited to: (1) the purchase, breeding or otherwise acquiring and training of dogs as guide dogs for the visually impaired or service or therapy dogs for those with other physical or mental disabilities, and to provide such other support, facilities or services to such of those persons as the centre may from time to time deem fit; and (2) such ancillary activities as are consistent with the foregoing to raise funds for and awareness about the activities of the centre and the ways in which visually impaired people and others with physical or mental disabilities are assisted through the centre’s work. |
802579 | Israel Lazarus Charitable Trust | The aim of the Charity is to provide charitable donations to any charity of any amount as approved by the Trustees | for such charitable purposes as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion decide. | |
1157712 | Israel Norman Smith Charitable Trust | Advancement of orthodox Jewish faith, relief of poverty and relief of sickness and preservation of health | 1. the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith 2. the relief of poverty 3. the relief of sickness and preservation of health | |
1168735 | Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Foundation UK | The advancement of public education in the art of music in Israel and for that purpose to encourage standards of excellence in the performance and interpretation thereof. | the objects of the organisation are the advancement of education in the art of music in Israel for the public benefit and for that purpose to encourage standards of excellence in the performance and interpretation thereof including the support of the charitable activities of the Israel philharmonic orchestra foundation. | |
1138932 | Israel Special Kids Fund - UK | Provision of financial support towards the cost of 1. providing care and support for sick and disabled children living in Israel in particular for visits, activities and entertainment for such children 2. providing and arranging for volunteer programmes, parties, outings & holidays for sick and disabled children living in Israel to relieve stress & distress of such children and their families | 1. The provision of care and support for sick and disabled children living in Israel in particular but not exclusively by arranging visits activities & entertainment for such children 2. The relief of stress and distress for sick and disabled children living in Israel and their families in particulr but not exclusively by arranging volunteer programmes, parties, outings and holidays for such children and their families 3. The advancement of such other objects as are for the public benefit and are charitable according to the laws of England & Wales | |
286131 | Israel-Diaspora Trust | Educational meetings and grants to other educational institutions to meet the objectives of the trust. | to advance such charitable purposes as in the absolute discretion of the trustees shall best promote the genera education of the public in matters relating to the history government law administration politics, economics religion sociology literature language and culture howsoever of the Jewish people situate both in the state of Israel and throughout the diaspora ad in particular education in the contemporary social political and economic conditions in which they live and by which they are governed. | |
1115102 | Israeli Charity Foundation | The charity currently collects donations and is letting out its properties to enable it to distribute funds in accordance with its objects. | (a) to promote advance and provide strictly orthodox Jewish education and to generally further promote all activities in connection therewith. (b) to promote and advance religion in accordance with the doctrines and principles of orthodox Judaism. (c) to promote the relief of poverty amongst persons of the Jewish faith. (d) to further such other charitable purposes which the trustees may determine are connected with the above clauses. | |
279801 | Israeli Dance Institute | | idi's principal activities are: research & production of materials; training for teachers and youth leaders; classes for adults, youth and children in the London area; performing groups which provide a community outreach function, introducing many thousands of people each year to the vibrant nature of Israeli and Jewish dance. | (a) to advance the education of the public in Israeli and Jewish folk dances and songs by means of teaching, demonstrations and other suitable methods. (b) to provide and encourage research into - and study of - the origins, development and practice of Israeli and Jewish folk dances and to publish all useful results of such research. |
1156815 | Israeli Scouts Western Europe | | Educational activities for children and young adults to strengthen the connection to their local, national and international communities and identity. | 1. To promote the development of young people, in particular but not exclusively Hebrew speaking young people, in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials, as individuals, as responsible citizens, and as members of their local, national and international communities. 2. To help young people, especially but not exclusively through leisure time activities, so as to develop their capabilities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society. 3. The promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by (for example): (a) the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religion; (b) advancing education and raising awareness in equality and diversity; (c) promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse backgrounds; (d) conducting or commissioning research on equality and diversity issues and publishing the results to the public; (e) cultivating a sentiment in favour of equality and diversity. 4. the promotion of racial harmony for the public benefit by: (for example) (a) promoting knowledge and mutual understanding between different racial groups; (b) advancing education and raising awareness about different racial groups to promote good relations between persons of different racial groups; (c) working towards the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race. |
1060211 | Israelite Church of Christ | Developing the populace especially the younger generation to tolerate each other through religious activities. | to advance the Christian religion | |
265090 | Itzchok Meyer Cymerman Trust Limited | The charity makes grants to institutions and other charities both in England and abroad | to advance religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith and for such other purposes as are recognised by English law as charitable. | |
1128437 | IVCC | | The IVCC is a Product Development Partnership (PDP) established as a not for profit company and registered charity to overcome the barriers to innovation in the development of new insecticides for public health vector control and to develop information systems and tools which will enable new and existing pesticides to be used more effectively. | The preservation and protection of good health and the relief of sickness by alleviating and preventing the spread of any type of tropical disease which is now or may hereafter become known in any part of the world where such disease either manifests itself or has effects by any means, and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing by: 3.1 stimulating industry and academia to discover, develop and deliver new tools to better manage insects which transmit disease and to monitor and better direct the use of these tools. 3.2 promoting and encouraging the dissemination of new scientific information. 3.3 ensuring the products and systems developed are accessible to those in need of them in the developing countries of the world. 3.4 promoting and conducting research into issues concerning public health. |
1130153 | J and F | To pursue the objects of the charity with all the resources available to the charity. | general charitable purposes in particular the relief of poverty, helping poor brides, helping with the costs of medical treatment and furtherance of authentic torah education. | |
1042717 | J and R Margulies Charitable Trust | in accordance with the charities objectives | 1)to advance orthodox Jewish education 2)to advance the religion of the Jewish faith in accordance with the orthodox practice 3)the relief of poverty 4)such other purposes as are recognised by the law of England and Wales as charitable | |
248270 | J Davies Charities Limited | The charity mainly offers support to organisations offering educational facilities and caring for children and the sick. | to promote and assist charitable activities institutions and funds both in the United Kingdom and abroad. (for further details see memorandum and articles of association). | |
209058 | J E Joseph Charitable Fund | Make grants to Jewish charities for: Relief of poverty. Relief of afflictions or suffering. Advancement of education. Advancement of Jewish religion. Other charitable objects | charitable purposes for the benefit of the Jewish communities namely:- a) relief of poverty. b) relief of afflictions or suffering of poor Jews. c) advancement of education. d) advancement of Jewish religion. e) other charitable purposes beneficial to the Jewish communities. | |
327059 | J O Charitable Trust | General charitable activities | general charitable purposes with application of capital subject to restrictions during first 50 years from the date of the deed (see clauses 3(1) and (2) for details). | |
1159304 | J P Team International | | To advance the Christian faith for the benefit of the public through communal prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and for the protection of the Jewish people and eretz yIsrael until the redeemer comes to zion. this is accomplished through digital media, magazines, newletters, museums in holland and Israel, holocaust survivors housing and relief efforts and educational facilities in Israel. | the objects of the charity shall be to advance the Christian faith for the benefit of the public through the relief of persons in financial need and through communal prayer for the peace of Jerusalem and for the protection of the Jewish people and the eretz yIsrael until the redeemer comes to Zion. |
327913 | J S and N Hodari Charitable Trust | Receipt of rents from investment properties and distribution of funds to other charities and beneficiaries. Receipt of donations for distribution to other charities and beneficiaries. | for such charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit. | |
1038151 | Jack Dollond Foundation | The Jack Dolland Foundation principally assists the Jewish communities in Britain and Israel with regard to the furtherance of education and the relief of poverty. | general charitable purposes | |
263473 | Jack Livingstone Charitable Trust | The object of the charity is to utilise investment income to make donations to other charitable organisations. | to such charities or for such charitable purposes and in such proportions and in such manner and subject to such terms and conditions as the settlor or after his death the trustees may determine. | |
1109881 | Jack Stonefield Foundation | During the year funds were raised from sundry donations. We were also supported by friends and family celebrating important anniversaries, who asked guests to donate to our charity. No grants were made in the year but a grant of £5,000 was made in 2019. | for the relief of sickness of minors suffering from cancer in the United Kingdom and Israel by any charitable means which the trustees determine. | |
290759 | Jacob Foundation | To promote and support foundations, institutions, trusts and undertakings established anywhere in the world exclusively for charitable purposes. | Generally to promote such purposes as are charitable according to the law of England and Wales and to promote and support foundations and institutions (whether corporate or not) and trust and undertakings established anywhere in the world exclusively for charitable purposes. | |
1153284 | Jane Goodall Institute, Global | | 1) advancing education for the public benefit of supporting study and research into wildlife and into conservation of wildlife in any part of the world and the dissemination to the public of the result of such study; and 2) promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of the voluntary sector including by encouraging and supporting innovation and providing training, services and support. | The objects of the charity are for the public benefit: 1. to advance education for the public benefit of supporting study and research into wildlife and into conservation of wildlife in any part of the world and the dissemination to the public of the result of such study and research; 2. to promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the voluntary sector including by encouraging and supporting innovation and providing training, services and support; and 3. to advance any charitable objects which are regarded as exclusively charitable under the law of England and Wales as the trustees from time to time decide. |
1100680 | Jassiane Limited | The provision of grants to organisations and individuals for charitable purposes. | the objects for which the company is established are (i) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith (ii) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education and (iii) the relief of the poor, feeble and infirm amongst members of the Jewish faith | |
207031 | JCA Charitable Foundation | | To make grants for education & research. These activities are usually in an agricultural or rural context and often relate to new immigrants to Israel | the objects for which the association is established are, for the public benefit and in any part of the world: a) the relief of those in need by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage; and b) the advancement of education; within the Jewish community and within communities with which the Jewish community interacts. |
1005151 | Jecta Trust | We are a grant making charity. | such charities, charitable institutions or charitable purposes in any part of the world as the trustees may from time to time determine and in particular for the relief of poverty. | |
1034063 | Jehovah-Jireh Trust | Providing grants to Churches and other Christian Charities, Aid Agencies, Educational Charities and for Aid Work Overseas | to pay the same to such one or more charitable organisations and if more than one in such proportion as the donor may from time to time direct | |
1182353 | Jem Charitable Trust | To distribute trust funds for general charitable purposes. | the objects are for the benefit of the public to provide any purposes that are charitable according to the laws of England and Wales. | |
1160510 | Jeremy Alexander Settlement | The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage | The relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage. | |
1158476 | Jerusalem and the Middle East Church Association | | The Object of the Charity is to encourage support for the religious and other charitable work of the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East and the Episcopal/Anglican Province of Alexandria, in communion with the See of Canterbury. The Charity's charitable purposes are; through grant making, to bring relief of poverty, education, health, community development and relief to those in need | to encourage support in prayer, money and personal service for the religious and other charitable work of the episcopal church of Jerusalem and the Middle East and the episcopal/Anglican province of Alexandria in communion with the see of canterbury. |
1124343 | Jerusalem Bishopric Fund | | The charity was established to provide an episcopal endowment fund for the Jerusalem Bishopric. The area of benefit was extended to include the rest of the Province of Jerusalem & the Middle East and again in 2020 to include the Province of Alexandria. In 2015 it acquired 2 endowments; Revd Stephen Campbell Charity and The Mission Trust Ltd Charitable Gift, and in 2021 the Egypt Bishopric Fund. | the use and benefit of such bishop for the time being or partly into the hands or for the use of the said bishop for the time being and partly in for or towards the endowment or advancement generally of the said Bishoprick or for or towards any object or purpose connected therewith or wholly in for or towards such endowment or advancement or for or towards any such object or purpose as aforesaid. |
258306 | Jerusalem Foundation | | #NAME? | (i) to assist in and promote the preservation repair embellishment and upkeep of the religious sites temples and monuments of Jerusalem for the inspiration of the peoples of all faiths. (ii) to assist in and promote the excavation and preservation of historic sites and antiquities in Jerusalem as are of permanent educational value to mankind. (iii) to assist in educational religious projects in Jerusalem. (iv) to assist in the relief of poverty sickness and distress in Jerusalem. |
1127436 | Jerusalem Interest-Free Microfinance Fund Limited | | The Jerusalem Interest-free Microfinance Fund Ltd is a fully cross-communal initiative that alleviates poverty and mitigates inter-communal tension in Jerusalem, through provision of programmes involving training and micro-finance (loans etc.) for groups (so far, women only) from Jerusalem communities lacking access to bank funding who wish to start or to expand small businesses. | the relief of financial hardship amongst people in poor communities in Jerusalem by enabling them to establish and grow their own businesses, through the provision of micro finance and technical assistance. micro finance includes loans and/or equity funding for small enterprises and or their proprietors, as appropriate for the individuals and firms seeking assistance. |
1170816 | Jesbrow Foundation | Support different causes in the community and wider community. | to advance education and relieve sickness and preserve the health for the benefit of the public, in particular but not exclusively disabled people, providing funds as the trustees see fit to further said objects. | |
1036183 | Jesus is Alive Ministries | Advancing the Christian faith and distribution of Christian literature. | 1) to advance the Christian faith generally in the UK, Israel and throughout the world and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing in particular - a) by proclaiming the truth of the gospel that Jesus is alive. b) preparing the way for the lord by proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of god whilst declaring the works of god. c) by ministering to inmates of prisons borstals, remand homes, detention centres and the like and to ex-prisoners and offenders. 2) to propagate the Christian gospel to the Jewish people in Israel and elsewhere fulfilling the intention to evangelise the whole Israel of god. 3) to promote the advancement of education according to Christian principles. 4) the relief of poor and sick persons. | |
1095772 | Jesus' Mercy Ministries | Weekly prayer meetings, Reaching out to local people by visiting and prayers and help Local place of worship and advice | to advance the Christian religion in any part of the world by means of propagation of the teachings of the bible, establishing churches or otherwise. to relieve persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress or who are aged or sick in the UK or the world who are in need in accordance with the Christian principles. | |
1145146 | Jesus Women International Prayer Movement | | Holding Women’s Prayer /Prophetic Conference. Doing Crusades around the world. Setting up Women’s Refuge, Foodbank and empowering disadvantaged women. Rehabilitating prostitutes, women with mental health problems. Setting up Women's Coaching and Counselling services for victims of domestic violence. Providing the relief of needs and hardship. Setting up African Charity Shop | 1) to advance the Christian religion for the benefit of the public through the holding of prayer meetings, organising prayer networks, lectures, public celebration of religious festivals, producing and/or distributing literature on Christianity to enlighten others about the Christian religion. 2) the education of the Christian religion through the setting up of a bible school as would be appropriate with partners to enhance the education of the Christian faith. 3) the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. |
801096 | Jewish Aid Committee | | The Charity's principal aims and activities are to relieve persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress, and to assist children throughout the world without consideration of race or colour. | 1. to relieve persons who are in conditions of need hardship or distress. 2. to promote study and research in Jewish history and Jewish religion throughout the world and to disseminate the useful results thereof. 3. to educate the public in the Jewish faith and in particular by promoting public lectures concerts and recitals. 4. to advance the Jewish faith in any part of the world. 5. to advance religious education in accordance with the principles and doctrines of the Jewish faith by means of the production of literature and legally charitable objects include any of the objects aforesaid. |
275081 | Jewish Association of Spiritual Healers | | Spiritual healing | to serve the public good by the due promoting of the study and practice of the art and science of spiritual healing. |
1006756 | Jewish Blind in Israel Association | Provision of religious and secular educational and other aids for the rehabilitation in Israel of persons professing the Jewish faith who are registered blind or visually handicapped. | the provision of religious and or secular educational and or other aids for the rehabilitation in Israel of persons professing the Jewish faith who are registered blind or registered visually handicapped in Israel and who are in conditions of need of financial help and whether directly or in conjunction with or through any other body established for charitable purposes | |
1174482 | Jewish Book Trust UK | The Charity aims to advance education and understanding of the Jewish religion and culture for the benefit of the public in particular, but not exclusively, through the restoration, production, translation, publication and/or distribution of religious texts and other literature whether in print or electronic/digital formats in order to enlighten others about the Jewish religion and culture. | to advance education and understanding of the Jewish religion and culture for the benefit of the public in particular, but not exclusively, through the restoration, production, translation, publication and/or distribution of religious texts and other literature whether in print or electronic/digital formats in order to enlighten others about the Jewish religion and culture. | |
328046 | Jewish Centre for Special Education (Limudei Hashem) Trust | Support a Special Needs school in Israel | upon trust to play or apply the whole of the income and capital of the trust fund in such manner as they shall in their absolute discretion from time to time determine to or towards or in furtherance of such one or more of the following purposes: (i) for the maintenance, management, conduct and administration of the school or any other schools or similar educational establishments catering for the educational needs of children with special needs as the trustees may from time to time think fit; (ii) for the advancement and furtherance of the education of children with special needs and (iii) for the advancement and furtherance of the education (including religious education) of children and young people generally. | |
209266 | Jewish Child's Day | | Raises funds to distribute to agencies providing services to Jewish children in need of special care throughout the world. Provides equipment of all kinds and supports specific projects for children who are blind, deaf, mentally or physically disabled, orphaned, neglected, deprived, abused, refugee or in need of medical care. | to benefit Jewish children in necessitous circumstances in the United Kingdom, Israel and elsewhere |
1195764 | Jewish Child's Day | | the object of the CIO is to benefit Jewish children (being individuals under the of 18) in necessitous circumstances in the United Kingdom, Israel and elsewhere, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, in particular to: 3.1 contribute to the whole or part of the cost of the education (including religious education) of Jewish children; 3.2 provide educational equipment of any kind to educational establishments where in the opinion of the board the relevant establishment has insufficient funds available from its own resources to provide such equipment; 3.3 provide or facilitate the provision of apprenticeships for Jewish children to some useful trade or occupation; 3.4 assist Jewish children who are preparing for, entering upon or engaged in any profession, trade, or occupation or service by outfits, payment of fees for instruction, payment of travelling expenses or such other means for their advancement in life or to enable them to earn their own living as may be thought fit; 3.5 promote the health of Jewish children by the provision of medical, surgical, or other remedial assistance including the supply of spectacles, medicine and other medical, surgical or remedial appliances and equipment to any such children or to hospitals which in the opinion of the charity trustees have insufficient funds available from their own resources; 3.6 contribute to the whole or part of the cost of the maintenance of Jewish children in any hospital, sanatorium, convalescent or other home, or any other institution in which persons suffering from any bodily or mental infirmity are taught any trade or employment whether general or special; 3.7 provide the travelling expenses of Jewish children to and from such institutions as are mentioned in clause 3.6; 3.8 maintain in whole or in part Jewish children who are in need of financial assistance; 3.9 provide proper care and supervision including any necessary travelling expenses for Jewish children to have a respite break or holiday to improve their health, welfare and wellbeing; 3.10 contribute to the whole or part of the cost of construction of physical infrastructure where such infrastructure will be used for the benefit of Jewish children in necessitous circumstances; 3.11 provide financial support in aid of the emigration of Jewish children; and 3.12 make grants to other organisations for any of the purposes set out above. | |
1079196 | Jewish Education and Publishing Trust | https://jept.UK/ | The Trust was established for the advancement of the Judaism and culture amongst Jews in Russia, former Soviet states and Russian speaking communities in Israel. Trust supports educational, tutoring, publishing, communal activities, provision of food and necessities to the individuals and organisations sharing Charity's vision. | the advancement of Jewish religion and culture relating to Jewish religion education and moral values amongst Russian (and former soviet states) Jewry |
290391 | Jewish Educational and Cultural Foundation | JECF makes discretionary grants for educational and cultural purposes both to individuals and other charities. | to advance the religious and cultural education of Jewish children attending schools in England and in other countries abroad. | |
1115343 | Jewish Leadership Council | | Provision of services to the Jewish voluntary sector. | 6. the objects (objects) for which the company is established are: - (1) to advance the education of the public in the Jewish faith and the customs of the Jewish people and the state of Israel, (2) to advance the Jewish faith, (3) to promote equality and diversity for the benefit of the public by: (a) endeavouring to create and sustain a climate in which religious, ethnic, cultural and other forms of diversity (in particular those relating to the Jewish community) can be celebrated without fear of persecution; (b) representing a range of views including those of the Jewish community to policymakers, funders, service providers and agencies working in the field; (c) providing advice and information of sufficient quality to fulfil a charitable purpose, (4) to promote religious harmony for the benefit of the public by: (a) educating Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and Sikhs and adherents to other religions and systems of belief (as recognised for the purposes of article 9 of the European convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms), to appreciate each other’s distinctive beliefs and practices; and (b) promoting education and research leading to respect for religious differences between faiths and systems of belief, (5) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of charities carrying out charitable purposes for the benefit of the Jewish community by: (a) co-ordinating the efforts of existing charitable and noncharitable agencies that have the common goal of providing charitable services or relief to the Jewish community; (b) liaising with, and acting as a forum for the exchange of information between, agencies working to provide charitable services or relief to the Jewish community in order to identify gaps in the services, overlap or duplication of services, so as to improve delivery of such services to the Jewish community; (c) representing the views of the Jewish community to policy makers, funders and service providers; (d) providing advice and information to agencies working in the field; (e) providing databases or directories or other sources of information provided that they are of sufficient quality to fulfil a charitable purpose, (6) such other charitable purposes as the board shall from time to time think fit. |
269752 | Jewish Medical Association (UK) | | 1) promoting academic, clinical, professional and social links between Jewish doctors, dentists and associated health care professionals in the UK, and between the UK and Israel in the field of medicine and healthcare 2) awarding bursaries for UK medical students to spend an 'elective' period in Israel and providing scholarships to attend conferences of Jewish interest | to encourage the furtherance of education amongst members of the medical profession in Israel by arranging with such persons to visit hospitals, medical centres, general practitioners and other medical institutions in the United Kingdom. |
256689 | Jewish Philanthropic Association for Israel and the Middle East | The Charity makes grants in accordance with its principle ojectives and mission statement which are to invest in young people and education in Israel. | a) to relieve or assist in the relief of the needy, the old, the sick, the maimed, the wounded and those who are physically or mentally handicapped or incapacitated. b) to protect children from cruelty and suffering. c) to relieve or assist in the relief of necessitous immigrants. d) to advance or propagate education, either generally or in particular subjects (other than education of a kind not charitable according to the law of England). | |
1120311 | Jewish Rescue & Relief Committee of Agudas Israel World Organisation | The objects of the charity are for the relief of poverty amongst persons who are of the Jewish faith in any part of the World and for the advancement of the Jewish Religion generally and for the maintenance of places Jewish learning generally and for the advancement of Jewish Religious educations threat and also for the support of lawful charitable institutions anywhere in the world. | for the relief of poverty amongst persons who are of the Jewish faith in any part of the world and for the advancement of the Jewish religion generally and for the maintenance of places of Jewish learning generally and for the advancement of Jewish religious education thereat and also for the support of lawful charitable institutions anywhere in the world | |
210022 | Jewish Students Aid Trust | Primarily helping university students with financial assistance to cover fees etc. | charitable payments to Jewish widows and students. | |
258581 | Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological Society | | To promote a kinder society, without killing animals for food. To make people aware of the benefits of rejecting cruelty to animals and the extension of this to an improved society where mankind is not cruel to fellow beings, both human and animals, as expressed in the Torah, which teaches kindness to all sentient creatures and for the replenishment of the earth and plant and animal species. | a) to promote as a means of advancing the physical, mental, moral and economic improvement, of mankind, knowledge of vegetarianism. b) to promote research into and provide information upon the production, utilisation, preparation and dietic effects of vegetable substances for human consumption. c) to do all such acts and things as shall further the active and corporate life of the society or may be necessary to the above objects and may lawfully be done by a body established only for purposes recognised by the law of England as charitable. |
1123300 | Jewish Voice Ministries UK | | 1. Proclaim Messiah Yeshua to the world, to the Jew first and also to the Gentil, through television, radio, festivals, literature and all other means; 2. Teach and train those who embrace Messiah, and equip and impart them a love for Israel and the Jewish people; 3. Relieve persons who are poor and needy, sick, aged or otherwise in necessitous circumstances. | the advancement of the Christian faith in the UK and worldwide by the promotion of any exclusively charitable purpose according to the law of England and Wales and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing wording): 1 proclaim messiah yeshua to the world, to the Jew first and also to the gentile, through television, radio, festivals, literature and all other means; 2 teach and train those who embrace messiah, and equip them for messianic Jewish ministry; 3 educate Christians about the Jewish roots of their faith and impart them a love for Israel and Jewish people. 4 relieve persons who are poor and needy, sick, aged or otherwise in necessitous circumstances. |
1146842 | Jimmy Choo Foundation | To further any charitable purpose for the public benefit of women and others worldwide who are in need, in particular by their advancement of their health and the saving of their lives by supporting the promotion of good health and providing benefit for the relief of their sickness, disease or human suffering. | To further any charitable purpose for the public benefit of women and others worldwide who are in need, in particular by: (a) the advancement of their health and the saving of their lives by supporting the promotion of good health and providing benefit for the relief of their sickness, disease or human suffering; (b) the advancement of their human rights by providing benefit to those who are victims of human rights abuse; and (c) the relief of poverty by providing benefit to those who are disadvantaged through financial hardship. | |
292886 | JLE | | To provide education and training for young Jewish people. To provide funds for students. | for such charities charitable institutions or charitable purposes in any park of the world in such shares and in such manner as the trustees in their absolute discretion may from time to time determine. |
225910 | JNF Charitable Trust | | JNF UK is an organisation raising funds for environmental and humanitarian causes in Israel. | "the furtherance within the state of Israel of any of the following purposes, being charitable according to the laws of England and Wales, for the benefit of the population of the state of Israel, namely: 3.1 the prevention of relief of poverty by providing grants or other forms of financial or other material assistance to individuals or groups who are in need or at risk of falling into poverty, either directly or through charities or other organisations which are working to prevent or relieve poverty. 3.2 to advance, preserve and protect physical and mental health, and to relieve sickness, disability and infirmity, by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities, support services and equipment not normally provided by the statutory authorities. 3.3 to advance the Jewish religion, Jewish beliefs and religious education (including supporting the education of Jewish culture, history, practices and beliefs). 3.4 the promotion of urban or rural regeneration in specific areas of social and economic deprivation by all or any of the following means: 3.4.1 the relief of financial hardship; 3.4.2 the relief of unemployment; 3.4.3 the advancement of education, training or retraining, particularly among unemployed people, and providing unemployed people with work experience; 3.4.4 the provision of financial assistance, technical assistance or business advice or consultancy in order to provide training and employment opportunities for unemployed people in cases of financial or other charitable need through help: (i) in setting up their own business, or (ii) to existing businesses; 3.4.5 the creation of training and employment opportunities by the provision of workspace, buildings, and/or land for use on favourable terms; 3.4.6 the provision of housing for those who are in conditions of need and the improvement of housing in the public sector or in charitable ownership provided that such power shall not extend to relieving any local authorities or other bodies of a statutory duty to provide or improve housing; 3.4.7 the maintenance, improvement or provision of public amenities; 3.4.8 the preservation of buildings or sites of historic or architectural importance; 3.4.9 the provision of recreational facilities, including parks, for the public at large or those who by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances, have need of such facilities; 3.4.10 the protection or conservation of the environment; 3.4.11 the provision of public health facilities and childcare; and/or 3.4.12 the promotion of public safety and prevention of crime. 3.5 to help young people, especially but not exclusively through leisure time activities, so as to develop their capabilities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. 3.6 to act as a resource by providing facilities, equipment, advice and assistance and by organising programmes of physical, educational and other activities as a means of: 3.6.1 advancing education; 3.6.2 relieving unemployment; and 3.6.3 providing recreational and leisure time activities in the interests of social welfare for individuals and groups and/or for those who are in special need by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disability, poverty or social and economic circumstances, with a view to improving the conditions of life of such persons. 3.7 to promote religious and racial harmony and social cohesion by: 3.7.1 creating and making available spaces, both covered and open, for constructive interaction; 3.7.2 organising and promoting programmes for constructive interaction; 3.7.3 promoting faith and interfaith projects which are conducive to social cohesion; and 3.7.4 relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society. For the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded’ means being excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of one of more of the following factors: unemployment; financial hardship; youth or old age; ill health (physical or mental); substance abuse or dependency including alcohol and drugs; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and family breakdown; poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards); crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society). 3.8 to promote the conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment by planting trees, building and creating parks, and promoting biological diversity. 3.9 to promote sustainable development by: 3.9.1 the preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources; 3.9.2 the relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; and 3.9.3 the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration. in this clause “sustainable development” means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 3.10 to develop the capacity and skills of the socially and economically disadvantaged, in such a way that they are better able to identify, and help meet, their needs and to participate more fully in society. 3.11 such other purposes that are charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees in their discretion may determine from time to time." |
290267 | JNF Educational Trust | | Currently dormant. When previously active it was involved in educational projects with schools and other organisations regarding Israel and its development (past, present and future) and how JNF has supported and continues to support this development. | helping and educating the beneficiaries through their educational and leisure-time activities in learning about the state of Israel, Zionist history and philosophy, the Hebrew language and the Jewish religion. (for further details see clause 3 of the constitution). |
1014231 | Joe and Rosa Frenkel Charitable Trust | Donations to other charities. | the trustees shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital for or towards such charitable purposes and make donations to such charitable institution or institutions at such time or times and in such manner as the trustees may at their absolute discretion think fit provided that the trustees may at their absolute discretion for the period of twenty-one years from the 15th of august 1989 instead of applying the income of the charity in any year accumulate all or any part of such income at compound interest by investing the same and the resulting income in any of the authorised investments and hold the same as an accretion to and as part of the capital of the charity without prejudice to their right to apply the whole or any part of such accumulated income in any subsequent year as if the same were income of the charity arising in the current year. | |
1170414 | John Aves Education Project | | Financially support young adults from Dheisheh Palestinian Refugee camp in Bethlehem to study for an undergraduate degree at Al Quds University in East Jerusalem and Bethlehem University in Bethlehem. All are within the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Up to this reporting period, March 2021, JAEP has funded fifty-seven young adults to study for an undergraduate degree and raised over £400,000. | the objects of the charity are: the advancement of education for the public benefit by offering undergraduate grants to disadvantaged young people from Dheisheh Palestinian refugee camp and its vicinity in Bethlehem who demonstrate academic and community achievements but whose financial and social situation hinders them from pursuing undergraduate study within Palestinian universities. |
1143431 | John Black Charitable Foundation | The objects for which the charity was established are the advancement of health and the relief of sickness in particular prostate cancer and Parkinson's disease and the furtherance of such other charitable purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | the objects for which the company is established (the "objects") are: 1) the advancement of health and the relief of sickness in Israel and the United Kingdom, and such other countries as the trustees think fit, by such means as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit, including, in particular, in relation to: (a) prostate cancer; and (b) parkinson's disease; and 2) the furtherance of such other charitable purposes (as defined in the articles) as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | |
1147793 | John Black Charitable Trust | The objects for which the charity was established are the advancement of health and the relief of sickness in particular prostate cancer and Parkinson's disease and the furtherance of such other charitable purposes as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. No trading activities took place in the current period. | the objects for which the charity is established (the "objects") are for such charitable purposes as my trustees in their absolute discretion think fit, including in particular, but not exclusively, the advancement of health and the relief of sickness in Israel and the United Kingdom, and such other countries as my trustees think fit, by such means as my trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit, in particular, in (a) prostate cancer; and (b) Parkinson's disease; and the furtherance of such other charitable purposes as my trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. provided that my trustees may at any time or times during the accumulation period accumulate the whole or any part or parts of the income of my residuary estate by investing the same and the resulting income thereof in any of the investments hereby authorised and any accumulation so made shall form part of the capital of my residuary estate for all purposes. | |
1121859 | John Hagee Ministries | | The provision for the proclamation of All the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to All the World and to All Generations. | to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the articles of faith set out in article 35 by such means as the directors may determine. |
327699 | John Harris Charitable Trust | To provide financial assistance in the form of donations to a variety of worthy causes. | to or towards or for the benefit of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | |
255004 | John Ireland Charitable Trust | | Promotes the appreciation of music and in particular the music of Dr John Ireland | the education of the public and improvement and advancement of the public taste and appreciation of music and in particular the music of Dr. Ireland and the assistance and education of students of music in their study. such other charitable objects connected with the art of music as the trustees shall from time to time select. |
1010897 | John P. Gommes Foundation | Applying the trust fund income or capital for the benefit of charities or charitable purposes. | to apply the income and capital of the trust fund to or for the benefit of such charity or charities or for such charitable purpose or purposes. | |
1148414 | Jonas Foundation UK | | To promote social inclusion for the public benefit amongst children and young adults who are socially excluded through the media of music, drama, dance and art with the aim of assisting them to integrate into society, and providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. | 1) to promote social inclusion for the public benefit amongst children and young adults who are socially excluded through the media of music, drama, dance and art with the aim of assisting them to integrate into society; for the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded’ means children and young adults being excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of one or more of the following factors: financial hardship, ill health (physical or mental), substance abuse or dependency including alcohol and drugs, discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment, poor educational or skills attainment, relationship and family breakdown, poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards) or who are within, or have experienced, the public care or penal system. 2)to advance in life and help children and young adults through· the provision of music, dance, drama and art provided in the interest of social welfare and designed to improve their conditions of life; and providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. 3) to advance the education of children and young adults in the fields of music, dance, drama and art. 4) for the public benefit to promote the education of children and young adults in the fields of music, dance, drama and art of in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including by: ·awarding to such persons scholarships, providing for their education through the study of music, dance, drama and art and to undertake travel in furtherance of that education. |
1010060 | Jonathan Levene Music Scholarship | Award scholarships to music students | (a)to advance education in music in particular but not exclusively by establishing and maintaining scholarships to be awarded to music students studying at a recognised academy of music in Israel or elsewhere to be chosen by the trustees. (b)to advance education in particular but not exclusively by establishing and maintaining scholarships to be awarded to students up to the age of 25 studying at an educational institution in Israel or elsewhere to be chosen by the trustees | |
1118512 | Jonny Fraser Memorial Trust | The advancement of education of needy students from developing countries especially in Africa by funding scholarships to attend courses at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem and elsewhere | i to advance the education of needy students from Africa by funding scholarships for such students to attend courses of study at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem; and ii to advance the education of needy students from other developing countries by funding scholarships for such students to attend courses of study at the Hebrew university of Jerusalem; and iii to advance education in such other ways as the trustees see fit. | |
1150404 | Josef Watt Charitable Trust | Trust for university fees | to pay income from the trust to a university or research institute in Israel or, if none are regarded as suitable in Israel, elsewhere selected by the trustees for the purpose of founding a scholarship/scholarships according to the following conditions or provisions: 1. that each scholarship shall be known as 'the David and Emma Wachtel scholarship' and 2. that the said scholarship shall be awarded to such persons as shall be determined by the university or research institute for the purpose of pursuing studies or research in chemistry, biology or medicine. 3. the trustee may, where lawful, exercise a preference in favour of Jewish persons. | |
1080989 | Joseph and Brenda Siegler Charitable Trust | The Charity holds several investments, the income from which is donated throughout the year to several charities. | the furtherance of such charitable purpose or charitable purposes in any part of the world | |
255084 | Joseph and Janet Goldblum Charitable Trust | Income consists of bank interest and donations. Applications for grants are considered and the trustees award those considered appropriate. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion and the relief of poverty and sickness | |
232082 | Joseph and Sarah Pearlman Jewish Charitable Trust | Advancement of religion and Jewish education or relief of poverty among members of the Jewish faith or for the support of authorised Israeli institutions. | for the advancement of religion, education or learning of the orthodox Jewish faith, or the relief of poverty among members of the faith, or to or for the benefit of the poor relations, of Joseph & Sarah Pearlman (excluding the trustees and their wives) | |
1165225 | Joseph Levy Foundation | | Makes grants to organisations set up for charitable purposes | the objects of the CIO are such exclusively charitable purposes as the charity trustees may in their absolute discretion determine. 'Charitable purposes' means purposes which are exclusively charitable under the law of England and Wales. |
1083557 | Joseph Storehouse Trust | | Humanitarian aid organisation with aims to raise awareness & financial aid to help meet the physical, educational and spiritual needs in communities as identified by the trustees. | 3.1 to relieve those in conditions of need, hardship or distress or who are aged or sick 3.2 to promote or provide education (including vocational training) 3.3 to promote such other charitable objects as the trustees shall from time to time determine |
1107060 | Josh Charitable Trust | Receives and makes donations to individuals and organisations in England and Israel. | to or for the benefit of such qualifying charity or such qualifying charities. (qualifying charity shall mean any purpose person body group organisation or object in any part of the world which under the law of England and Wales shall be recognised as exclusively charitable) | |
255922 | Joshua Trust | Support of religious organisations, institutions of higher and further education, and institutions caring for the poor and sick together with grants to individuals who qualify as Charitable beneficiaries in accordance with English Law. | To pay apply and appropriate the whole of the trust fund to those purposes both in the United Kingdom and abroad recognised as charitable by English law. | |
1188506 | JRM Trust | Grant making | the objects of the charity (“the objects”) are: to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time particularly but not limited to advancing the Jewish religion, advancing Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. | |
1136532 | JRoots Limited | | JRoots: Jewish journeys connecting generations. JRoots was set up to provide tailor-made, exciting and high impact Jewish journeys to destinations of historic and educational importance, particularly to sites in Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Spain, Morocco and Israel. 70 Faces, a division of JRoots, specialises in producing biographical documentary films and books. | the charity's objects ("objects") are specifically restricted to the following: (i) the advancement of education in Jewish culture history and heritage (ii) the advancement of such other objects as are charitable according to English law |
1043649 | Jubilee Charitable Trust | Provision of humanitarian aid including relief of poverty and education throughout the world. Also, promotion of the Christian Gospel in UK and throughout the world by making donations to such Charitable Institutions and providing grants to individuals at such time or times and in such manner as the Trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit. | to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital for or towards such charitable purposes and to make donations to such charitable institution or institutions and in such manner as the trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit | |
263830 | Julius Silman Charitable Trust | To make donations to charitable causes as set out in the Charity's governing document. | for such charitable purposes whether within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or elsewhere as the trustees shall think fit. | |
1151828 | Just Kidz London | The Charity provides out of school activities for socially isolated & financially disadvantaged children and young people. The Charity aims to educate children through social, leisure & educational activities to develop their physical, mental & emotional capacities, improving their lives, now and in the future. | (i) to advance in life and relieve needs of young people through: (a) the provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life; (b) providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals. (ii) to promote any other exclusively charitable objects and purposes as the trustees see fit, provided that they are regarded as charitable by the law of England and Wales. | |
1079684 | Just Trust | | GRANTMAKING: for charitable work overseas at the discretion of trustees. All approaches for possible funding must be made through our website. The projects we support are aimed at producing lasting change, particularly through small-scale self-help initiatives, to some of the poorest sections of society. We also have concern for the victims of violence and for the promotion of peace. | for such charitable object or objects in any part of the world as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion think fit |
1146076 | Justact Middle East | | We raise money for projects that support the socially excluded in the Middle East. | to promote social inclusion for the public benefit in the middle east, by providing: grants, items and services to individuals, charities, or other organisations working to prevent people from becoming socially excluded, relieving the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assisting them to integrate into society. for the purpose of this clause ‘socially excluded’ means being excluded from society, or parts of society, as a result of one of more of the following factors: unemployment; financial hardship; youth or old age; ill health (physical or mental); substance abuse or dependency including alcohol and drugs; discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, creed, sexual orientation or gender re-assignment; poor educational or skills attainment; relationship and family breakdown; poor housing (that is housing that does not meet basic habitable standards; crime (either as a victim of crime or as an offender rehabilitating into society). |
1163584 | Justifi UK | | To advance the Jewish religion for the benefit of the public, in particular by raising awareness and understanding of the religious belief and practice of tikkun (improving or repairing the world) and putting it into practice via educational seminars, experiential travel, and grants for individual projects. | to advance the Jewish religion for the benefit of the public, in particular by raising awareness and understanding of the religious belief and practice of tikkum (improving or repairing the world) and putting it into practice. |
1123829 | JYB Trust | The trust's objects include (but are not limited to) making grants/donations to charities that offer financial, pastoral or medical support to those in need, as well as to educational institutions, prioritising those affiliated to the Jewish community, and any other charitable purposes at the discretion of the trustees. | 1) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith 2) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education 3) the relief of poverty sickness and infirmity amongst members of the Jewish faith and 4) such other purposes as are charitable according to English law | |
1000944 | K F Ratcliffe Charitable Trust | Providing financial support by way of donation to recognised Christian institutions and individuals associated with them. | a) the objects of the trust are to advance the Christian religion 1) providing financial support by way of donations to recongnised Christian churches religious ministries and religious bodies 2) providing financial support by way of donations to specific individuals to further ministerial work in the herebefore declared churches ministeries and bodies | |
1079796 | Kabbalah Centre | | The Charity's aim is to make the ancient wisdom of the Kabbalah available to people of all backgrounds, regardless of denomination or means. It achieves this by Kabbalistic education and charitable programmes. | To advance the Jewish religion in accordance with the principles of kabbalah for the benefit of the public. |
801061 | Kadima Foundation | Trust established for the purpose of appling funds of the Trust for the benefit of such charitable purposes as the trustees select at their discretion | the provision of medical treatment, education and training for those suffering from motor disorders or other disabilities and in particular by means of conductive education. | |
278823 | Kahal Chassidim Bobov | Running a charity voucher system, making grants to organisations, schools and other charities by the trustees and at the request of donors | the advancement of the Jewish religion in general and the world-wide organisation of Chassidim of the Grand Rabbi Bobov in particular by way of raising funds to be utilised both for acquisition of property for use of religious purposes, improvements thereto and general running thereof whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere. (for details see clause 2 of declaration of trust). | |
1145767 | Kahal Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok | We strive to raise funds by private contributions. We made a fundraising even in June 2012 with a Rabbi from abroad being one of its highlights. We distribute the funds locally such as tuition payments and caring for students needs when otherwise not possible by parents and abroad which included charities in Israel. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith. | |
1047728 | Kanfei Yona Charitable Trust | To help young people with grants living in Israel & England and running youth programs. | 1. To relieve poverty. 2. To advance the Jewish faith in England, Wales, America, Canada and Israel. | |
1173549 | Kantor Foundation | The Foundation is a grant making trust applying funds to various charitable causes worldwide at the trustee’s discretion. | the trustee shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income, and all or such part or parts of the capital, at such time or times and in such manner to or for the benefit of such exclusively charitable objects and purposes in any part of the world as the trustee may in its discretion think fit. (Please see the trust deed enclosed with this application for definitions of 'charitable', ' trustee' and 'trust fund') | |
1198261 | Kanzen Family Trust | To further such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees in their absolute discretion may from time to time decide including relief of poverty, sickness, and distress, the advancement of education, the advancement of the Jewish faith, the advancement of the arts and other charitable purposes, for public benefit in the United Kingdom, Israel and the world, primarily but not exclusively by the provision of grants. | ||
1178105 | Karlin London | The charity's activities are the furtherance of Jewish religion and Jewish religious education | 1. the advancement of orthodox Judaism and the advancement of orthodox Jewish education in particular but without limiting the foregoing by the provision of grants to educational institutions and schools. 2. the prevention or relief of poverty throughout England and Wales, United States of America, Israel and Europe, by providing: grants, items and services to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty. | |
267510 | Kasner Charitable Trust | We Make grants to charities. | to pay apply and appropriate the whole of the trust fund to those purposes both in the United Kingdom and abroad recognised as charitable by English law at the discretion of the trustees but during the lifetime of Joseph Kasner subject to his discretion and approval. | |
1136996 | Kaufman Charitable Trust | The charity activities are to publish religious literature and learned works of all kinds in furtherance of the objects of the charity as set out above, to establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any Charitable association or Institution, Trust or Fund, and to subscribe or guarantee money for any charitable purpose which the Charity shall consider calculated to promote its | 1) the advancement of education for the public benefit . 2) the prevention or relief of poverty 3) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion | |
290057 | Kaufmann Foundation | Support of recognised charities all based in the UK. | the trustees shall pay or apply the income of the trust fund in such manner as they shall in their absolute discretion think fit to or for the benefit of any charitable object or purpose that the trustees may deem proper. (for further details see clause 3). | |
1167254 | KCY Manchester | Payment to worthy recipients as deemed by the trustees. | For the public benefit to promote the education of people of all ages around the world in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including awarding to such person’s scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants; or by grants to charities or other organisations, particularly but not exclusively, in the greater Manchester area that provide education. the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing: grants or loans to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty or financial hardship. to advance the orthodox Jewish religion worldwide for the benefit of the public in accordance with the principles of the code of Jewish law (shulchan aruch)." | |
1142328 | Keeping Children Safe | | A membership organisation providing child protection and safeguarding training and consultancy. | To promote the care of children for the public benefit in particular but not exclusively by increasing the safeguards offered to them through improved child protection policies and practice. |
1075174 | Keith and Joan Mindelsohn Charitable Trust | The charity makes grants mainly but not exclusively to smaller local charities in the West Midlands | general charitable purposes | |
1164563 | Kemach Foundation | | The goal of The Kemach Foundation is to increase the levels of Haredim in the Israeli workforce. Its objectives are achieved by individually addressing financial and academic challenges and facilitating job placement to confront critical issues of social mobility, equal access to higher education and workforce participation. | the relief of financial hardship among those people living or working in Israel and/or elsewhere by providing such persons with education and training and assistance to find employment and generally the advancement of the Jewish religion through religious education and higher academic professional and/or vocational education and training. |
288293 | Kennedy Leigh Charitable Trust | The Trust supports projects and causes which will improve and enrich the lives of all parts of society. It expects to become involved in a wide range of activities, able to provide several forms of support and will consider the funding of capital projects, and running costs. It is non-political and non-religious in nature. | for the benefit of such charitable institutions within or outside the United Kingdom at such time or times and in such manner and in such proportions as the trustees may from time to time in their discretion determine. (for further details see clause 3 of deed dated 14th October 1983.) | |
326392 | Kenneth Copeland Ministries | | The provision of Christian teaching materials including books, audio/visual products, a monthly magazine, TV broadcasting, website downloads, a prayer phone-line and a specific Christian-based ministry to prisoners. | To advance and promote the Christian faith and doctrine. |
314187 | Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship Trust (Israel-Oxford) | | The Kenneth Lindsay Scholarship Trust provides educational grants for Israeli students to study in British universities. | granting scholarship, studentships, bursaries or grants to enable graduates and undergraduates from universities or other institutions of higher learning in the republic of Israel to pursue studies at universities, polytechnics or other institutions of learning in the United Kingdom. |
1162677 | Kent Model United Nations Society | | We are committed to enhancing students understanding of the institutional and political in-working of the United Nations (UN) organisation. Through attending simulated UN conferences, students act as ambassadors, representatives, and national leaders of their assigned countries whilst debating a variety of issues in a manner consistent with the procedure of the real UN. | (1) to advance education among young people about the work and role of the United Nations by providing and assisting in the provision of conferences, educational programmes, workshops, talks, seminars, and other such events; (2) to advance the lives of young people by providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities, and capabilities to enable them to participate in a changing global society as mature and responsible individuals. (3) the relief and assistance of people in any part of the world who are the victims of war or natural disaster, trouble, or catastrophe in particular by the supply of medical aid and general support as required to such persons. |
313119 | Keren Association Limited | To further those purposes both in the United Kingdom and abroad recognised as charitable by English Law. | general charitable purposes. | |
1116368 | Keren Avos Trust Fund | Religious purposes. | (1.) the relief of poverty in the Jewish community worldwide; (2.) the advancement of education according to the beliefs and values of the Jewish faith worldwide; (3.) any charitable purpose at the discretion of the trustees for the benefit of the community. | |
1194072 | Keren Benjamin Trust | Relief of financial hardship by making grants of money or providing or paying for items, services or facilities. Advancement of the Orthodox Jewish faith in different countries through providing grants to fund the holding of public prayer meetings and lectures, the construction and maintenance of places of worship and mikvahs, the publication of written religious works. | the objects of the CIO are: a. the relief of financial hardship, either generally or individually, of Jewish people living in poverty in different countries, primarily in eastern Europe, Israel, the United Kingdom and Africa, but not limited to these places, by making grants of money for providing or paying for items, services or facilities. b. advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith in different countries, primarily in eastern Europe, Africa, United Kingdom and Israel, for the benefit of the public through: i. the holding of public prayer meetings and lectures. ii. the construction and maintenance of places of worship and mikvahs accessible to the public. iii. the publication of written religious works for the benefit of the public. iv. educational activities. | |
1153549 | Keren Chochmas Shloma Trust | Grantmaking in accordance with the charity's objects. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith | |
1138178 | Keren Chomoh Betzuroh Limited | Educational grants | the charity's objects ("objects") are specifically restricted to the following: 1) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith; 2) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education in particular but not exclusively by supporting schools and other educational institutions whose ethos are in accordance with the principles and tenets of Chasidei Satmar; 3) the advancement of such other objects as are for the benefit of the public and are charitable according to the laws of England and Wales. | |
1112935 | Keren Eretz Yisroel | Keren Eretz Yisroel in Israel (the Organisation) is established for the relief of poverty in Israel. This charity is also established for the relief of the poor sick and feeble in Israel, and in particular (but not exclusively) by providing financial assistance for the charitable activities of the Organisation. | the relief of the poor sick and feeble in Israel and in particular (but not exclusively) by providing financial assistance for the charitable activities of the organisation 3.2 the trustees shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital at such time or times and in such manner as the trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit for or towards such of the objects of the charity as the trustees may from time to time at their absolute discretion determine including payments by way of gift or loan (with or without interest) to individual persons in any part of the world provided that such persons qualify as objects of the charity and in particular for the charitable activities of the organisation as determined by English law. | |
1160871 | Keren Ezra Mimtzika | 1) The advancement of the Orthodox Jewish faith 2) The advancement of Orthodox Jewish religious education 3) The relief of poverty sickness and infirmity amongst members of the Jewish faith and 4) such other purposes as are charitable according to English law. | to advance such charitable purposes for the public benefit (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular but not limited to the prevention or relief of poverty by providing funds for the purpose of feeding, clothing, and paying rent for individuals and families in need because of their financial and economic circumstances. | |
1143868 | Keren Gemillas Chesed Fund | Collects funds to distribute in accordance with the objects of the trust | the trustees shall hold the trust fund and its income upon trust to apply them for the following objects ("the objects"):- a) to advance orthodox Jewish education b) to advance religion in accordance with the doctrines and principles of orthodox Judaism. c) to relieve poverty. | |
289761 | Keren Hatzolo | Making grants to organisations in accordance with the objects of the charity. | such one or more charities or charitable institutions or charitable purposes in any part of the world. in such shares and such manner as the trustees in their absolute discretion may from time to time determine. | |
1044458 | Keren Hayeled Charitable Trust | 1. The relief of poverty in the UK and Israel. 2. The rehabilitation of minors and infants in the UK and Israel. 3. To advance the religion of the Jewish faith in the UK and Israel in accordance with the orthodox practice. 4. To advance Jewish education in the UK and Israel. 5. Such other purposes as are recognised by the law of England and Wales as charitable. | 1. The relief of poverty in Israel. 2. The rehabilitation of minors and infants in Israel. 3. To advance the religion of the Jewish faith in Israel in accordance with the orthodox practice. advance Jewish education in Israel. 5.such other purposes as are recognised by the law of England and Wales as charitable. | |
1175668 | Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal UK | The charity has been established as a grant-making charity, and its activities are making grants which further its charitable purposes for the public benefit. | the objects of the charity are for such charitable purposes for the public benefit as the trustees may in their absolute discretion determine, and in particular for: (a) The advancement of the Jewish faith including by increasing understanding among the public generally and members of the Jewish community in the United Kingdom in particular of Jewish religion and culture, both within and outside Israel; (b) The advancement of education, in particular but without limitation of Jewish religious, ethical and/or secular education; (c) The relief of poverty; (d) The promotion of health and the relief of sickness; (e) The relief of those in need by reason of youth or advanced age; (f) The relief of need or suffering among refugees and persons displaced from their home or domicile by reason of hostilities, persecution, oppression, discrimination, natural disaster or other causes; and (g) The promotion of the arts, culture and heritage, by the protection, preservation and improvement of historic buildings and monuments in Israel and elsewhere. | |
1123226 | Keren Israel Pesach | raising money for orphans | i) to advance education in and the religion of the orthodox Jewish faith ii) the relief of poverty iii) the relief of sickness and the preservation and protection of good health in particular but not exclusively among orphans, the children of widows and the elderly | |
1177396 | Keren L'Kiruv Yisroel | The charity provides grants primarily to other charities, in line with its objects. | 4.1 for the public benefit to promote the education of people of all ages around the world in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants; or by grants to charities or other organizations worldwide that provide education. 4.2 the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing: grants or loans to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organizations working to prevent or relieve poverty or financial hardship. 4.3 to advance the orthodox Jewish religion worldwide for the benefit of the public in accordance with the principles of the code of Jewish law (shulchan aruch). 4.4 to promote and protect the physical and mental health of sufferers of any medical conditions around the world through the provision of financial assistance, support and practical advice. | |
1115639 | Keren Ner Tomid | We make grants to individuals. We supply educational material to individuals. | to advance the education of the public in particular but not exclusively in the subject of Jewish law by the provision of educational material. | |
1092085 | Keren Nissuin (Mislonim) | The Charity's object is the relief of poverty amongst persons of the Jewish faith, and in particular, the funding of the weddings of poor Brides and Grooms. | 1) the relief of poverty amongst persons of the Jewish faith and in particular the relief of poor brides and grooms of the Jewish faith see trust deed for more details | |
1102212 | Keren Ohr | The Charity's object is the relief of poverty, and to promote the Orthodox Jewish Faith. The above objects were continued with during the year. | 1. the relief of the poor, the sick, feeble and infirm among members of the Jewish faith in any part of the world, and 2. the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religious education and of the orthodox Jewish religion amongst members of the Jewish faith in any part of the world | |
313200 | Keren Yaldenu (Our Child’s Fund) | The charity raises money to assist Keren Yaldenu in Israel which is a children’s educational & social organisation. | to further the Jewish religion and Jewish education and to assist legally charitable organisations with similar objects. | |
1189054 | Keren Yetev Lev Ltd | "The charity makes grants for the advancement of the Orthodox Jewish Faith. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith for the public benefit, in particular but not exclusively, by providing grants to such charitable organisations as the trustees from time to time think fit. | |
1189828 | Steinbock Foundation | Grant making. | to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time particularly but not limited to advancing the Jewish religion, advancing Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty month the Jewish community throughout the world. | |
1191346 | SMS Foundation | To advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time particularly but not limited to advancing the Jewish religion, advancing Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world.""" | to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time particularly but not limited to advancing the Jewish religion, advancing Jewish religious education and the alleviation of poverty among the Jewish community throughout the world. | |
284826 | Keren Zedakah | Raise money from contributors & make grants for individuals & institutions meeting our requirements, according to funds available. | the relief of poverty and other purposes which are charitable according to the law of England and Wales. | |
1188200 | Keshorim | Advancement of the Jewish religion for the public benefit including but not limited to providing educational opportunities to assist people in carrying out their religious beliefs; the advancement of education, the prevention and relief of poverty | the objects of the charity ("the objects") are to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England and Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular but not limited to: a) advancement of the Jewish religion for the public benefit including but not limited to providing educational opportunities to assist people in carrying out their religious beliefs, supporting and providing public rituals and facilitating projects which work towards better social cohesion and care of the less able. this work will be focussed within the UK. b) the advancement of education, and in particular supporting educational institutions in the UK, USA and Israel by the making of grants or for example, organising labour at zero or subsidized costs. c) the prevention and relief of poverty in UK, USA and Israel by providing financial support to existing charities who are set up for these purposes and assisting people directly who are facing poverty or are otherwise unable to meet their day to day living expenses. | |
294563 | Kibbutz Representatives | The educating of young students and the wider public of all nationalities and religions denominations in all aspects of life in Israel and in particular, Kibbutz life. | To education youth, students and the wider public of all nationalities and religious denominations in all aspects of life in Israel and in particular kibbutz life | |
1190635 | Kiboon | | the prevention or relief of financial hardship anywhere in the world by providing grants to individuals in need. | |
1039958 | Kings Church International | | We are a church which follows Jesus by serving people of all ages, races and backgrounds; through church services, small groups, events, training and courses supporting family life. In addition, we operate The King's House School, Windsor: a primary school with a Christian ethos. We also engage in overseas Christian outreach as well as relief, development & education projects. | 1) advancement of the Christian faith 2) relief of persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress or who are aged or sick 3) advancement of education on the basis of Christian principles. |
1119560 | Kings Community Church (Southampton) | | King's Community Church is a member of the national body of the Evangelical Alliance and is best described as a bible believing charismatic Christian church. As such, its highest purpose is to honour Jesus Christ as Lord by seeking to love and serve God, each other in the church and those in the world around us. | (a) to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement of beliefs appearing in the schedule to the articles hereto in Southampton and the surrounding area and in such other parts of the United Kingdom and the world as the trustees may from time to time think fit and other such purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales and are connected with the charitable work of the charity; (b) to provide and maintain facilities for the benefit of the community of Southampton and the surrounding neighbourhood which facilities may without limitation include the provision of child care services and meetings, lectures and classes and other forms of education, recreation and leisure-time occupation consistent with the statement of beliefs without distinction of race, sex, political, religious or other opinion and with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants as the trustees may from time to time in their discretion determine; (c) to relieve sickness and financial hardship and to promote and preserve good health by the provision of funds, goods or services of any kind, including through the provision of counselling and support in such parts of Southampton and the surrounding area, the United Kingdom and the world as the trustees from time to time may think fit; and (d) the advancement of education on the basis of Christian principles and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the provision of such education in any educational establishment and if the trustees so decide the provision of one or more charitable educational establishments for the general education of children or adults on the basis of such Christian principles in Southampton and the surrounding area and in such other parts of the United Kingdom and the world as the trustees may from time to time think fit. |
1085054 | Kingsgate Charitable Trust | Grants and loans to individuals and institutions for furthering Jewish education and religion, and for the relief of poverty | the relief of poverty and the advancement of education and the advancement of the religion of the orthodox Jewish faith in such shares between them as the trustees may from time to time and in their absolute discretion think fit | |
802802 | Kingsmill Trust | This is a private charitable trust. Speculative enquiries are never entertained. | for such charitable purpose or charitable purposes as the trustees shall from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit. | |
1182965 | Kinyan Hatorah UK | The advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith for the public benefit in such ways as the charity trustees think fit and in particular but without limitation by establishing managing and supporting a learning centre in North West London and through the holding of educational events, public lectures, trips to Israel and celebrations of religious festivals. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith for the public benefit in such ways as the charity trustees think fit and in particular but without limitation by establishing managing and supporting a learning centre in north west London and through the holding of educational events, public lectures, trips to Israel and celebrations of religious festivals. | |
1082092 | Klahr Charitable Trust | Support a wide range of charitable activities in accordance with the objects of the Trust | to advance such charitable purposes (according to the law of England & Wales) as the trustees see fit from time to time in particular by making grants to charities registered in the United Kingdom including but without limitation those that work in Israel | |
1188237 | Knownvaluedloved | | To improve equality of access and the quality of education provision for children and young people primarily in communities impacted by conflict. By means of making grants, provision of teacher training and professional development, creation of educational materials and development of facilities to charities, schools, other organisations and individuals. | the object of the CIO is: the advancement of education of children and young people up to the age of 25 in disadvantaged communities, in particular, but not exclusively in conflict affected communities anywhere in the world in such ways as the trustees from time to time think fit, in particular, but not exclusively by: a) making grants for the provision of teacher training, educational materials and facilities to charities, schools, other organisations and individuals working to improve the equality of access and the quality of education. b) such other means, including (but not limited to) the provision of support or signposting to relevant information and other advisory services |
262170 | Koleiss Zedokoh Limited | To foster, assist and promote the charitable activities of any institutions professing and teaching the principles of traditional Judaism. To advance religion in accordance with the Jewish faith. To give aid to and support needy persons in general | a) to foster and assist and promote the charitable activities of any institutions professing and teaching the principles of traditional Judaism. b) to advance religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith. b) to give aid to and support needy persons in general. | |
1128361 | Kolel Limited | Making grants to mature students of a talmudical college and other charities. | i) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education primarily but not exclusively by the establishing and maintaining an institute for advanced talmudic studies and providing thereat facilities and courses for such studies ii) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith and iii) the advancement of such other objects as are for the benefit of the public and are charitable according to English law | |
1170620 | Kollel Mishkon Yakov | The advancement and furtherance of the Jewish religion, education and the alleviation of poverty. | 1) the promotion of the orthodox Jewish religion in general and in particular by providing, maintaining and running a kollel and the provision or support of such other Jewish education or Jewish educational establishments as shall be thought fit; and 2) the prevention or relief of poverty amongst the orthodox Jewish community. | |
1091590 | Kupas Rashbi | The trust collects funds and distributes in accordance with its objects. | 1) to establish, support and provide educational establishments in accordance with the doctrines and principles of orthodox Judaism. 2) to provide for the relief of poverty and any other charitable activity. 3) for such other purposes as are recognised by English law as charitable. | |
1197880 | Kupas Toras Chesed Ltd | for the public benefit to promote the education of, particularly but not exclusively, orthodox Jewish people in the United Kingdom and abroad, in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including the awarding to such persons, scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants. the prevention or relief of poverty or financial hardship in the United Kingdom and abroad by providing grants or loans to individuals in need and/or charities or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty of financial hardship. to advance the Jewish religion for the benefit of the public in accordance with the principals of the code of Jewish law as the trustees from time to time think fit. such charitable purposes for the public benefit as are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees may from time to time determine. | ||
1147263 | Kupat Ezer Lenisuin Beth Yisroel | Raising funds for Kupat Ezer Lenisuin Beth Yisroel - Israel | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith | |
1110323 | Kupath Gemach Chaim Bechesed Viznitz Trust | Grants are made to individuals and institutions falling within the charity's objects. | 3.1 the objects of the charity shall be (i) the relief of the poor sick feeble and frail throughout the world and in particular but not exclusively amongst the members of the Jewish faith (ii) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith and (iii) the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education. 3.2 the trustees shall hold the capital and income of the trust fund upon trust to apply the income and all or such part or parts of the capital at such time or times and in such manner as the trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit for or towards such of the objects of the charity as the trustees may from time to time at their absolute discretion determine. | |
1168700 | Kurz Family Charitable Trust | Provision of welfare, education and support within the Jewish community | the objects of the charity ("the objects") are to further such charitable purposes according to the laws of England and Wales as the trustees see fit from time to time. | |
291522 | Lakechance Limited | Makes donations to the charitable organisations set out under A8 (a), (b), and (c). | (i) the advancement of religion in accordance with the orthodox Jewish faith. (ii) the relief of poverty. (iii) such other purposes as are recognised by English law as charitable. | |
1062070 | Lancaster Craft Aid Trust | The trust provides financial support for Christian persons and organisations working to relieve poverty and its effects in the UK and worldwide. | To assist and further the charitable work/ministry of the registered charity tear fund". To assist the charitable work of the registered charity "traidcraft exchange". The relief of poverty and its effects for persons in the UK or elsewhere in the world by the provision of support to Christian persons in Lancashire and the administrative districts of Craven and South Lakeland district councils in their work, as the trustee may from time to time think fit." | |
1015289 | Landscape Foundation | The Charity acts to promote widespread appreciation of the landscape and understanding of human creativity in its evolution enhancement and protection; and also intends to act internationally with the International Federation of Landscape Architects for the same purposes. The Foundation remains available to the Landscape Institute's archive and library and other educational purposes. | 1) to promote the evolution and enhancement of the landscape. 2) to promote education and training in understanding creative design and management of the landscape. 3) to promote education, training, improvement and development of the skills of landscape architects, landscape managers and landscape scientists. 4) to promote the widespread appreciation of the landscape and the understanding of the role of human imagination and creativity in enhancing its evolution. | |
1126356 | Laniado Hospital UK | | Laniado UK supports the Laniado Hospital, Netanya, Israel, by providing financial assistance for capital expenditure including vital equipment, refurbishments, buildings and expansion. | The object of the charity is to advance the charitable work of the laniado hospital ("the hospital"), kiryat sanz, netanya, Israel ("the objects") |
1091280 | Latate Limited | The charity generates income on its investments and received gift aid. It made distributions to help advance education in accordance with the doctrines and principles of Orthodox Judaism. | 1) the advancement of education in accordance with the doctrines and principles of orthodox Judaism. 2) the relief of poverty. 3) for such other charitable purposes as the trustees shall from time to time decide. | |
328397 | Latchman Family Charitable Trust | Such charitable purposes as the trustees think fit | for the benefit of such charitable purposes or charitable institutions as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | |
275375 | Laufer Charitable Trust | Usually grants only made to other registered charities | for such charitable purpose of purposes or for such charitable institution or such charitable institutions as the trustees shall think fit. | |
251115 | Lauffer Family Charitable Trust | The application of the trust fund and income thereof for general charitable purposes as specified in the trust deed. | to benefit general such charitable purposes in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, Ceylon, Republic of India, any other territories forming part of the British commonwealth, the state of Israel and the United States of America, as the trustees think fit. | |
1111364 | Laureus Sport for Good Foundation | | The charitable objects of the Foundation are the advancement through the medium of sport such charitable purposes as are capable of being so advanced; and such other charitable purposes associated with sport or physical recreation as the Trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | the objects are to undertake or assist anywhere in the world: 1. the advancement through the medium of sport such charitable purposes as are capable of being so advanced; and 2. such other charitable purposes associated with sport or physical recreation as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. |
1053865 | Lawrence Tetteh World Miracle Outreach | | Teaching, healing and spiritual empowerment, Christian counselling, personal growth, educational guidance, employment coaching, crisis management, community development/cohesion/integration, poverty reduction programs, conferences, seminars, workshops, working groups, motivational speaking, women development & empowerment, youth development & empowerment, capacity building | To advance the Christian religion to advance education by establishing and maintaining a pastoral bible training college to relieve poverty and sickness and for such other charitable purposes as the trustees shall from time to time determine |
1175498 | Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights | | LPHR works on a range of key projects with the aim of protecting and promoting Palestinian human rights. We exclusively take a legal and human rights perspective in our work. | the objects of the charity are: to promote human rights as set out in the universal declaration of human rights, subsequent united nations conventions and declarations and other international treaties and laws in the middle east and particularly in Palestine and Israel by obtaining redress for and relieving need among the victims of abuse; researching into and monitoring human rights issues; providing related technical and legal advice; contributing to the sound administration of human rights law; promoting public awareness of and respect and support for human rights of Palestinian people by individuals and corporations. In promoting human rights as aforesaid the charity shall in every case act objectively, impartially and exclusively for the benefit of the public in accordance with the law of charity of England and Wales from time to time. |
1104192 | Leaders' Quest Foundation | | Leaders Quest Foundation enables leaders across the whole spectrum of society to leverage their influence and motivate others to act by; developing leadership capacity amongst global community-based individuals through training, mentoring and access to our network of global change-makers; catalysing and delivering projects / partnerships to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future. | for the benefit of the public: (a) to advance education; (b) to relieve poverty by supporting such charitable causes as the trustees may from time to time determine; and (c) to promote sustainable development by: (i) the preservation, conservation and the protection of the environment and the prudent use of resources; (ii) the relief of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life in socially and economically disadvantaged communities; (iii) the promotion of sustainable means of achieving economic growth and regeneration. sustainable development means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. |
1115112 | Leanne and Winston Newman Charitable Trust | To make general charitable donations at the discretion of the trustees. | charitable purposes including making donations to other charities/voluntary bodies and making grants to organisations | |
1136221 | Learning Net | To provide Web Based and Textural Biblical explanations for the both the Russian and English Speaking Public. | #NAME? | |
293716 | Leeside Charitable Trust | The objects of the charity are the advancement of religion and the relief of poverty and sickness | the trustees shall stand possessed of the trust fund for such charitable purposes as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion think fit. | |
1170523 | Lehachyos | | The charity is grantmaking mainly to institutions advancing education. | (i) the prevention or relief of poverty, in particular but not exclusively in Israel by providing grants, items and services to individuals in need or organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty. (ii) to promote any other exclusively charitable objects and purposes as the trustees see fit, provided that they are regarded as charitable by the law of England and Wales. |
1176141 | Lehachzikom | The advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith, the relief of poverty and the relief of sickness, poor health and old age in particular but not limited to people living in Israel. | The advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith, the relief of poverty and the relief of sickness, poor health and old age in particular but not limited to people living in Israel. | |
1198438 | Lehisvada | the advancement of the Jewish religion for the public benefit, by the provision of religious education and facilities for religious education and study | ||
1126755 | Leket UK | | To raise funds for Leket Israel, an Israeli charity which aims to relieve poverty by providing food and other basic supplies to persons in need. | to relieve poverty by providing food and other basic supplies to persons in need and undertaking other similar programs to relieve poverty; |
1179132 | Lending Hope Limited | Facilitate the promotion of education for children and of young persons with special needs under the age of 25, including assistance with transportation to and from their educational establishments. | the charity's objects (objects) are specifically restricted to the following: 3.1 for the public benefit to promote the education, including social and physical training, of people with special needs under the age of 25 years in the United Kingdom in such ways as the charity trustees think fit, including by: 3.1.1 awarding to such persons scholarships, maintenance allowances or grants tenable at any school, university, college or institution of higher or further education; 3.1.2 providing their education, including the study of music or other arts, to undertake travel in furtherance of that education or to prepare for entry to any occupation, trade or profession on leaving any educational establishment; 3.2 the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith; 3.3 the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education; 3.4 the relief of poverty amongst members of the Jewish faith | |
266891 | Leon and Avris Leboff Charitable Trust | Private charitable trust that makes donations to active registered charities. | to pay or apply the annual income of the trust fund as and when received, for such charitable purposes in such proportions and in such manner in all respects as the trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit. (for further details see clause 3(1)(2)) | |
263745 | Leon and Bertha Gradel Trust | The objectives of the Trust are to make grants for the benefit of religious, educational and social institutions mainly in the UK and Israel and for the furtherance of such other charitable purposes or charitable institutions, as the Trustees may determine. | to or towards or for the benefit or in furtherance of such charitable purposes of charitable institutions and in such manner and in such proportions as the trustees may from time to time in their absolute discretion determine. | |
1069263 | Leon Greenman Charitable Trust | Relief of persons who are in need, hardship or distress, aged or sick. Furtherance of education and the arts | (1) the relief of persons who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress. (2) the relief of persons who are aged or sick. (3) the furtherance of education and the arts. | |
1159017 | Let Yourself Trust | | Establishing itself around Martyn Joseph’s [] formidable music career and years of humanitarian work, Let Yourself Trust is a non-profit organization that provides funding for and informs on a wide variety of projects and justice movements both abroad and home. 2014 marks LYT's first two projects - the Alrowwad Children's Theatre in Palestine, and Project Somos in Guatemala. | 1. Relief of poverty: the prevention or relief of poverty anywhere in the world by providing grants, items and services to individuals and/or communities in need, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty for said individuals. The prevention or relief of poverty [or financial hardship] anywhere in the world by providing or assisting in the provision of education, training, or healthcare projects and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and be self-sufficient. 2.Equality & diversity: the promotion of equality and diversity for the public benefit by (a) the elimination of discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation or religion; (b) advancing education and raising awareness in equality and diversity; (c) promoting activities to foster understanding between people from diverse surroundings; (d) cultivating a sentiment in favor of equality and diversity. |
1098226 | Lev Tov Ltd | The charity is grantmaking | i the relief of poverty amongst the elderly or persons in conditions of need, hardship and distress in the Jewish community ii the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion iii the advancement of education according to the tenets of the orthodox Jewish faith | |
1088395 | Levioh Trust | Provide grants to financially disadvantaged young couples, particularly orphans or those with unfortunate backgrounds, who wish to get married. | the object of the trust are to alleviate hardship and distress of young orphans in necessitous circumstances by providing financial assistance or other resources or assistance as the trustees in their absolute discretion deem appropriate. | |
1038644 | Levy Foundation | Grants to public charities in the Jewish and interfaith areas, and welfare especially of old people | to advance education in and the religion of the orthodox Jewish faith and for such other purposes as are recognised by English law as charitable. | |
1198595 | Levy2 | A UK-registered grantmaking charity with general objects, supporting a broad range of charitable causes in the UK and Israel. | 3.1 the objects of the CIO are such exclusively charitable purposes as the charity trustees may in their absolute discretion determine; 3.2 ”charitable purpose” means purposes which are exclusively charitable under the laws of England and Wales | |
1017429 | Lewis/Goldberg Charitable Trust | Donations made to Charitable institutions in the fields of Poverty Relief, Social Care, Education and Health Care. | general charitable purposes | |
1159460 | Lezichron Bnei Schileishim | To advance the Orthodox Jewish faith and relieve poverty. To inspire the public to follow in the righteous ways of Rabbi Shayale of Kerestier and the Rabbis of Kosson in their generosity & kindness to sustain human life. The provision of synagogue facilities for public worship known as 'Kosson', presently located at 27a St Kilda's Road, London N16 5BS. Maintenance & management of the synagogue. | the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith and in particular to maintain and manage the synagogue known as 'kosson' presently situate at 27a St Kilda's Road, London n16 5bs and provide facilities for public worship at that synagogue. | |
1010585 | Licia Crystal Charitable Trust | Grant making charity | to apply income and all/any part of the capital for such charitable purposes or to such charitable institutions as the trustees think fit. | |
262033 | Lieutenancy of England and Wales of The Equestrian Order of The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem | | Education/Training. Overseas aid/Famine relief. Religious activities | to apply the trust property and the income thereof either as capital or as income for such of the charitable purposes of the order as the trustees shall from time to time decide and if at any time the order shall cease to exist or cease to have charitable purposes then upon trust to apply the trust property and the income thereof for such one or more other charitable purposes as the trustees shall decide. |
1164730 | Life for Children Foundation | | Relieve poverty and sickness, particularly for children. | 1 objects 1.1 the objects of the charity are for the public benefit: 1.1.1 to relieve poverty and sickness; and/or 1.1.2 to advance education; and/or 1.1.3 to relieve need in individuals arising from their youth, age infirmity or disability, financial hardship or social circumstances or who are the victims of war or natural disaster or catastrophe; and/or 1.1.4 to promote human rights (as set out in the universal declaration of human rights and subsequent united nations conventions and declarations) throughout the world; by any charitable means and in such places in the world as the trustees from time to time decide. |
1099651 | Light for the Last Days | | Advance the Christian faith through the production of a magazine, leaflets and website available to the general public. Comment on current events in the light of the prophecies of the Bible. This material is translated into a number of languages and distributed in the countries mentioned above. Give aid and help to countries in Africa, India and Israel. | (a) to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement of beliefs appearing in the schedule hereto in London and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees may from time to time think fit and to fulfil such other purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales and are connected with the charitable work of the trust (b) to relieve persons who are in conditions of need or hardship or who are aged or sick and to relieve the distress caused thereby in the said location and in such other parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the trustees may from time to time think fit. |
257824 | Lily and Marcus Sieff Charitable Trust | The charity is a grant making trust applying funds to charitable causes at the trustees discretion. | to or for such charitable purpose or purposes or such charitable institution or institutions in the United Kingdom or elsewhere as the trustees in their absolute discretion may select. | |
1159729 | Limb Future | | We collect used Prosthetic Limbs that cannot be reused in this country, they are sorted, stripped and sanitised in readiness to be shipped to disadvantaged countries that have a need for used prostheses and their component parts. | to preserve and protect health by providing and assisting in the provision of prosthetic limbs and ancillaries to amputees in developing countries, which are collated in the United Kingdom and which would otherwise would have to be disposed of (as the same cannot be reused in the United Kingdom in accordance with European union law) to individuals in need who cannot afford or otherwise do not have access to such healthcare. |
1083414 | Limmud | | Limmud is a unique model of cross-communal, grass-roots, volunteer-driven Jewish learning and leadership development. Volunteers and participants come to our educational events from all walks of life, age-range and connection to the Jewish community. We aim to enable each person to go "one step further on their own Jewish journey" and make their contribution to the community. | To promote, improve and develop Jewish education for the public benefit |
1173165 | Linas Hachesed | The relief of poverty or financial hardship, either generally or individually, of people living in Israel by making grants of money for providing or paying for food, clothing, accommodation and other items services or facilities for such needy people | the relief of poverty or financial hardship, either generally or individually, of people living in Israel by making grants of money for providing or paying for food, clothing, accommodation and other items services or facilities for such needy people | |
1143210 | Lingate Charitable Trust | Support Orthodox Jewish faith by making grants to Orthodox Jewish educational, religious and welfare institutions. | the object of the charity shall be the advancement of the orthodox Jewish faith. | |
235703 | Little Way Association | | To encourage devotion to St Therese of Lisieux and to spread knowledge of her spirituality of love and trust in God our Father. To raise funds to help the missionary work of the Catholic Church overseas especially projects for the poor, sick, deprived and marginalised. | for such purposes which advance the religious and other charitable work carried on by or under the direction of the little way association. |
1081204 | Living Stones of the Holy Land Trust | | Supporting and presenting scholarly commentary, analysis and interpretation of the history and contemporary experience of the Christian churches and Christian communities in the middle east for their use in, for example, leadership training. informing the Christian community in the UK about contemporary middle east Christianity through social media, pilgrimage, conferences and publications. | (a) to advance education about Christianity in the holy land and about other subjects, (the "holy land" for the purposes of this constitution is comprised of Israel, the Palestinian areas of the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan and the neighbouring countries which include Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Turkey and Iraq); and (b) to relieve persons who are in conditions of need in the holy land. |
1197673 | Livnos Bayis Limited | a) the prevention and relief of poverty, hardship or distress within the United Kingdom and abroad to individuals in need and/or charities, or other organisations working to prevent or relieve poverty and need. b) the advancement of education within the United Kingdom and abroad by assisting organisations supporting the work of education establishments or associated with them. c) the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion within the United Kingdom and abroad, by raising awareness and understanding of religious beliefs and practices. d) the advancement of such other objects as are for the benefit of the public and charitable according to English law. | ||
1145988 | Lloyd's Register Foundation | | Lloyd's Register Foundation promotes safety and education. Most of the consolidated income is attributable to the Lloyd's Register Group, a trading group that distributes profit to the Foundation. It is received dividends and not the consolidated trading income that is available to the Foundation. The trading group is a 'Social Investment' that also furthers the Foundation's charitable aims. | (a) to secure for the benefit of the community high technical standards of design, manufacture, construction, maintenance, operation and performance for the purpose of enhancing the safety of life and property at sea and on land and in the air; (b) the advancement of public education within the transportation industries and any other engineering and technological disciplines |
214214 | Lodge of Israel Benevolent Fund | Relief of Poverty | to relieve the aged and indigent members of the lodge, their widows and orphans. to be used and applied for the benefit of any registered charity as approved by the lodge. | |
801958 | Lodge of Israel No 205 Bicentennial Charity Fund | Relief of Poverty | For the benefit of any registered charity. | |
1084726 | London Friends of Kamenitzer Yeshiva Jerusalem | The objectives of the charity are: 1. advancement of Jewish religion 2. support Jewish religious education 3. support the relief of poverty 4. support other charitable purposes. | 1. the advancement of orthodox Jewish religious education; and 2. the advancement of the orthodox Jewish religion. | |
252660 | London Mathematical Society | | The Society's main activities include publishing journals and books, providing grants to support mathematics and organising scientific meetings and lectures. The Society is also involved in policy and strategic work to support mathematics and research. This work includes engaging with government on mathematics policy, participating in international initiatives and promoting the discipline. | to promote and extend mathematical knowledge. |
1103017 | London Middle East Institute | | The advancement of education and research in all or any aspects of the Arab Middle East and North Africa, Israel, Iran and Turkey and to secure the publication of any such research, for the benefit of the public. | to advance education and research in all or any aspects of the Arab Middle East and North Africa, Israel, Iran, and Turkey (hereinafter called 'the region', which expression shall include any part of the region), and to secure the publication of the useful results of any such research, for the benefit of the public. |
1148663 | Lord Leonard and Lady Estelle Wolfson Foundation | | To further such exclusively charitable purposes calculated to promote the advancement of research and education for the public benefit in preventative medicine or surgery and research related thereto as the charity trustees shall think fit | To further such exclusively charitable purposes calculated to promote the advancement of research and education for the public benefit in preventative medicine or surgery and research related thereto as the charity trustees shall think fit |
1184405 | Lorna and Yuti Chernajovsky Biomedical Research Foundation | | The provision of grants to support biomedical research in the fields of autoimmunity, inflammation, infectious diseases, and ageing especially focussed on the development of practical applications in the form of new targeted treatments | to protect and promote the health of the public in particular by the provision of grants to support biomedical research in the fields of autoimmunity, inflammation, infectious diseases, and ageing especially focussed on the development of practical applications in the form of new targeted treatments. |
1119656 | Loson Limited | the advancement of religion according to the tenets of the Christian and Jewish faiths, the advancement of education, the relief of poverty sickness and infirmity and the advancement of such other objects as are charitable according to English law | the advancement of religion according to the tenets of the Christian and Jewish faiths, the advancement of education, the relief of poverty sickness and infirmity and the advancement of such other objects as are charitable according to English law | |
273330 | Louis Glatt Charitable Settlement | general charitable purposes | the benefit of such charities or charitable purposes (meaning purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law for the time being of England) as the trustees in their absolute discretion from time to time think fit. | |
1148630 | Love into Action | | Love into Action provides support to families in the Middle East affected by learning disability through providing respite care; community outreach; training & support; and through sharing learning & best practice in these areas; plus supporting the leadership of other small charities. LIA also provides support to other people and communities, where it operates, as the opportunity arises. | the relief of those in need, by reason of youth, age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage and to advance such other charitable purposes which may be charitable according to the law of England and wale) as the trustees see fit from time to time. |
1133549 | LoveBristol | | LoveBristol provide volunteers for community development and supports and initiates regeneration projects and initiatives in Stokes Croft and the Bristol area. | 1. to advance the Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ in the area of benefit; 2. to relieve those in poverty or need (whether by reason of ill-health, disability, age or other social or economic disadvantage) in the area of benefit; 3. to advance good health and relieve the sickness, disease or suffering of those in the area of benefit: and 4. "to advance such other exclusively charitable purposes as the directors may, determine from time to time in this clause 3 "area of benefit" shall mean the city of Bristol (and. in particular, the area known as stokes croft in the city of Bristol) or such other geographical area as the directors may from time to time determine." |
1185670 | Loving Classroom UK Limited | | The Charity develops programmes to guide teachers and students to cultivate a lifetime of good relationships, at school, at home and with friends , at their future workplace, within communities and eventually to help build good relations between cultures and nations. the charity prime objective is to build a loving world. | to advance the education of young members of the public at large in good citzenship so that they may grow to full maturity as individuals or members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of: a) educational materials such as books, manuals and lesson plans b) educational services such as training, mentoring and seminars to teachers, parents and carers |
1078746 | Lowy-Denes Charitable Foundation | The advancement of education according to the tenets of the orthodox Jewish faith. The Alleviation of poverty. The relief and care of orphans, the elderly and infirm. The preservation and protection of mental and physical health | general charitable purposes. | |
1123511 | Lubavitch Liverpool | | Jewish outreach, education and welfare | 1) the advancement and promotion of the Jewish religion for the benefit of the public in accordance with the orthodox tenets thereof. 2) the advancement of public education including education in the orthodox Jewish faith and the provision of recreational facilities ancillary thereto. 3) the relief of financial hardship by the provision of financial assistance to persons of the Jewish faith who are in need to enable them to observe and perform the rites and practices of the Jewish religion. 4) any other objects that are considered charitable by laws of England and Wales. |
1174959 | Lucy’s UK Donkey Foundation | | To promote humane behaviour towards animals by raising awareness via our website and supporters. To educate the public in matters pertaining to animal welfare in general via all media sources possible and the prevention of cruelty and suffering among animals by making grants to support the charitable work of organisations with similar objects. | to promote humane behaviour towards animals by providing appropriate care, protection, treatment and security for animals which are in need of care and attention by reason of sickness, maltreatment, poor circumstances or ill usage and to educate the public in matters pertaining to animal welfare in general and the prevention of cruelty and suffering among animals by the support of the charitable work of lucy’s sanctuary for holy land donkeys. |
1052527 | Lumley Evangelical Church | The teaching of the Christian faith and beliefs to those who believe and the sharing of the gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ to those who do not believe. Meetings are held weekly and on an adhoc basis: these include Sunday Morning Church, Bible Study, Family Service, Coffee Mornings, mother and toddler and children's groups, for the promotion, development and enhancement of fellowship. | the objects of the church are for the benefit of the public: a) to advance the Christian faith in accordance with the statement in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the church council from time to time may think fit; b) to relieve sickness and financial hardship and to promote and preserve good health by the provision of funds, goods or services of any kind including through the provision of counselling and support in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the church council from time to time think fit; and c) to advance education in such ways and in such parts of the United Kingdom or the world as the church council from time to time may think fit. |