All-Party Parliamentary Intellectual Property Group

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The All-Party Parliamentary Intellectual Property Group (APPIPG) was set up in 2003 with the aim of engaging 'debate and [to] highlight the value of intellectual property (IP) and the importance of its promotion and protection'[1] and in order 'to create a resource for parliamentarians of both Houses interested in learning more about intellectual property (IP), its role in stimulating creativity and economic growth, how new services are developing to serve consumer needs, and the harm that can be caused when IP is not properly respected and protected.'[2]

It was one of the groups identified by the Times in 2006 which did not adequately disclose support from lobbying or PR firms, which 'list only the name of a lobbyist or public affairs consultant, and do not specify an ultimate client. This would appear to be a clear breach of parliamentary 1985 rules that state: “Where a public relations agency provides the assistance, the ultimate client should be named.”[3]


Officers, Nov 2015 - April 2016

Active members

Baroness Patricia Morris - Conservative Party | David Warburton - Conservative Party | Nigel Adams - Conservative Party | James Cleverly - Conservative Party | Sir Greg Knight - Conservative Party | Andrew Griffiths - Conservative Party | Kevin Brennan - Labour [2]


In the All-Party Parliamentary Group register of November 2015, Luther Pendragon are listed as acting as the group's secretariat, helping to coordinate group events and perform day to day administration. It is paid by the Alliance for Intellectual Property to perform this role.

The Alliance is a trade body association that represents 24 organisations from a range of sectors that have a collective interest in delivering intellectual property rights in the UK.


Anti-Copying in Design | The Anti-Counterfeiting Group | Association of Author's Agents | The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers | ALCS | British Brands Group | BPI | BVA | BSA: The Software Alliance | The Copyright Licensing Agency | DACS | Educational Recording Agency | Entertainment Retailers Association | FACT | Film Distributors Association | Motion Picture Association | PPA | Premier League | The Publishers Association | Publishers Licensing Society | PRS for Music | UKIE | UK Cinema Association | UK Music [2]

Benefits declared by the Group

  • Luther Pendragon (a consultancy) provides secretariat services to the group on behalf of the Alliance Against IP Theft. Some members of the group visited Brussels from 26-28 March 2013 to meet the EU Commission, UK Government Officials and MEPs. The cost of accommodation and dinner was met by the Premier League (registered June 2013).[6]
  • In July 2015, it was registered that Luther Pendragon had been paid by the Alliance for Intellectual Property (in bands of £1,500) £4,501-£6,000 for its work for the group.
  • The Alliance also met the costs of the group's delegation to Brussels in September 2015. This included overnight accommodation and meals, and the cost was (in bands of £1,500) £1,501-£3,000. [1][7]


The contact person for the APPIPG is Daniel Guthrie, a representative of Luther Pendragon.

Address:Priory Court, Pilgrim Street, London EC4V 6 DE

Tel: 020 7618 9100



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Intellectual Property APPG,, accessed 19 November 2015
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Membership list, All Party Intellectual Property Group, accessed 19 November 2015
  3. House of Commons Committee on Standards and Privileges, Written evidence received by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 1. Letter to the Commissioner from Mr Robert Thomson, 20 January 2006 Lobbying and All Party Groups Ninth Report of Session 2005–06
  4. Intellectual Property APPG Register Feb 16,, accessed 16 February 2016
  5. Intellectual Property APPG, Register 28 April 2016,, accessed 11 May 2016
  6. Intellectual Property APPG,, accessed 13 September 2013.
  7. Intellectual Property APPG Register Feb 16,, accessed 16 February 2016