All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Wood Panel Industry

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Chair Anne McGuire is MP for Stirling, where Norbord have a plant in nearby Cowie | Guy Opperman MP, Vice-Chair is MP for Hexham, home to a large Egger wood panel plant | Vice-Chair Susan Jones is MP for Clwyd South, a constituency which include [Chirk, home to Kronospan UK | Treasurer Gregory Campbell is MP for East Londonderry, home to Spanboard, a subsidiary of Sonae Indústria (UK) Ltd | Secretary Roger Williams is MP for Brecon and Radnorshire | Other members Mark Spencer MP | Neil Parish MP | Adam Holloway MP | Tony Baldry MP | Rt Hon Charles Kennedy MP | Pat Glass MP | Nia Griffith MP | Dr Alan Whitehead MP | Jim Dobbin MP | Sandra Osborne MP | Cathy Jamieson MP | Ronnie Campbell MP | Baroness Miller of Hendon | Rt Hon Lord Roberts of Conwy | Rt Hon Lord Crickhowell | Lord O’Neill of Clackmannan

Funding and support

Ranelagh International Ltd, a lobbying firm, provides the Secretariat for the Group | The Wood Panel Industries Federation is the sponsor of and adviser to the Group.[1]




  1. All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Wood Panel Industry Homepage, accessed 5 May 2011