Keepers of the Quaich

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The Welcome for guests at the bi-annual Keepers of the Quaich Inductions from Jeremy Bell's Website [1]

The Keepers of the Quaich is an exclusive society founded in 1988 by major companies within the whisky industry. Membership is by invitation only, and members are sworn in at an induction ceremony held twice a year (Spring & Autumn) at Blair Castle in Perthshire, Scotland. The primary rationale for the group is to promote Scotch Whisky after some decline in sales for the commodity at home and globally. According to one source (a member) the group's mission statement is:

"To advance the standing and prosperity of one of Britain’s premier export industries, and to make more widely known its uniqueness, traditions, quality, service and benefits to the community it serves at home and in the markets of the world." [2]

Members must be invited to join by those already within the society, to be selected individuals must have at least five years experience within the Scotch Whisky industry and have made a "notable contribution". [3] There are reportedly 1800 members in over 82 countries worldwide. [4] Those who are known to have attended as special guests or guest speakers include Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy Prince Charles, Caspar Weinberger and South Africa's former President De Klerk. [5]

The Keepers of the Quaich have their own Tartan [6]

Powerful Guests

Tom Bruce Gardyne writing in Whisky Magazine provides some insight into the twice gatherings in terms of the powerful guests present and the masonic style rituals used. However, it should be noted that although present at the dinner Gardyne was not witness to the initiation ceremony of new members. When Gardyne attended the master of the ceremony was Jim McColl of Beechgrove Garden fame this role involves addressing the haggis, and the special guest was Philip Lader, Bill Clinton's former ambassador to Britain. On Gardyne's visit Lader was sworn in by laying hands on the ceremonial Quaich together with the 31 Life Members and eight Masters also being inducted at the time. Gardyne shares a tale from a previous banquet.

The story goes that the Fear an Tigh that evening was having quite a tussle with a particularly slippery haggis which jumped the knife and had to be snatched from the floor. "What's he doing?" whispered Nancy Reagan, wife of the guest of honour – the former President of the United States Ronald Reagan, to her neighbour on the top-table. "Addressing the haggis," replied Lord Elgin, the Society Patron and past Grand Master. "What for?" came her reply. "So we can eat it," replied Lord Elgin (Andrew Bruce) politely. This was met by a horrified cry of: "EAT IT? I'm not eating it!"[7].

Other noteworthy attendees present with Gardyne, included The Reverend John Cairns who delivered a robust and humourous poem he had penned about the virtues of Scotch. John McGrath, Chairman of Diageo in Scotland, proposed the Loyal toast. He spoke of whisky's struggle against regulation, governments and taxation and how the struggle had united the defenders of the spirit. Perhaps the most intersting observaton made by the author was about the purposer and role of this group:

Many claim the big decisions affecting Scotch whisky are too often made outside Scotland, but watching the big guns on the top table one wondered what deals were being struck right here in the heart of Perthshire. The industry is currently in a state of jittery anticipation over the fate of its third biggest player – Seagrams. [8].


New recruits are led by pipers to the ceremony room [9]

There are two levels of members, the first is Keeper of the Quaich there are around 1800 members at this level all with the required five years of service positively promoting scotch whisky. Also You have to be nominated by one of the leading companies. The second level are Masters of the Quaich and are selected from the Keepers by an executive committee who judge contenders on factors such as their brand reputations and market success. There are around 104 Masters and this is seen as a great honour. [10] One newly appointed Master told the Oakville Beaver:

When you are part of this group, you can call on fellow Keepers and Master Keepers and discuss business and Scotch whiskey," he said. "To me, it is a whole library of people that you can call upon, if you need certain advice and support." [11]


The Master of ceremonies performs the ceremony this is prestigious role that changes with each ceremony. This List was compiled in 1996 and therefore, may not remain accurate:

Grand Master

Management Committee

Master of Ceremonies (FEAR AN TIGH)




There is no list detailing the membership of this exclusive club. The following list has been compiled from a variety of sources.


  1. Sir Jeremy Bell Knight of Toasting Website [ Keepers of the Quaich
  2. Buxrud Website Keepers of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  3. Adrian Murray, The Wee Dram Members of the Keepers of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  4. Scotland The Official Online Gateway Whisky Traditions accessed 14th November 2008
  5. The Scotch Doc onlineScotland's "Keepers of the Quaich" Inducts The Scotch Doc accessed 14th November 2008
  6. Tartans and Fabrics By Scotweb Keeper of the Quaich Tartan accessed 14th November 2008
  7. Tom Bruce-Gardyne, Whisky Magazine, 1th Dacember 2000 Dinner with the keeper accessed 14th November 2008
  8. Tom Bruce-Gardyne, Whisky Magazine, 1th Dacember 2000 Dinner with the keeper accessed 14th November 2008
  9. Sir Jeremy Bell Knight of Toasting Website [ Keepers of the Quaich
  10. Oakville 4th June 2008 Raise a toast to newest Master of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  11. Oakville 4th June 2008 Raise a toast to newest Master of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  12. Buxrud Website Keepers of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  13. Adrian Murray, The Wee Dram Members of the Keepers of the Quaich accessed 14th November 2008
  14. Scotland The Official Online Gateway Whisky Traditions accessed 14th November 2008
  15. The French Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Hong Kong Keeper of the Quaich accessed 14th November
  16. They Work For You Brian Donohoe accessed 14th November 2008