Philip Lader

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Philip Lader, US Ambassador, Corporate Board joiner and elite networker

Philip Lader was appointed chairman of WPP in 2001. Lader was appointed as non-executive chairman in 2001. Forbes reports that Lader earned £200,000 in the year to December 2003 for the position.[1] He was US Ambassador to the Court of St James's (the UK) from 1997 to 2001. Prior to his ambassadorship and return to the private sector, Lader served as White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Administrator of the Small Business Administration. Before entering government service, he was executive vice president of the company managing the late Sir James Goldsmith's US holdings and president of both a prominent American real estate company and universities in the US and Australia. A lawyer, he is also a Senior Advisor to Morgan Stanley, a director of RAND Corporation, Marathon Oil and AES Corporations, a member of the Council of Lloyd's (Insurance Market), a Trustee of the British Museum and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[2]

He serves on the board of the St. Paul's Cathedral Foundation. In 1981 Lader founded Renaissance Weekend an elite exclusive retreat popularized by President Bill Clinton. It describes itself as "family retreats for innovative leaders now organized by the Renaissance Institute". His wife, Linda LeSourd Lader, is President of the Renaissance Institute.[3] Lader is also a Patron of the Scottish North American Business Council and of the British American Project

Lader cries in public

On 13 September 2001 Lader appeared on the BBC TV programmme Question Time in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington. Both audience members and panellists were critical of US foreign policy during the programmme and Lader appeared to find the criticism overwhelming. Some reports said he had 'tears in his eyes'[10]

'At one point', reported the Daily Telegraph 'Philip Lader, the former American ambassador, who was on the panel, was slow handclapped by a section of the audience. He said with tears in his eyes: "I have to share with you that I find it hurtful that you can suggest that a majority of the world despises the US.' Lader went on:

"My parents were immigrants to the US. We have fought as a people and nation for the rule of law and I simply want to say that it saddens me how it is possible on this night, within 48 hours [of the attack], that because of animosity of feeling on political issues we can frankly abstract ourselves from the senseless human victimisation and suffering that has occurred."

Tam Dalyell MP, one of the panellists on the show complained when the BBC issued an apology about the programme:

Mr Dalyell said that the BBC had nothing to apologise for. He said: "I know what the feeling may have been, but I think it was representative. It was an audience who were a cross-section of people in London, for God's sake."[11]

BBC Director General, Greg Dyke also 'personally apologised to the former US ambassador to Britain, Philip Lader, a panel member on the programme, for any distress he might have felt during some of the debate's fiercest exchanges.' Dyke said "I have today spoken to Phillip Lader, the former US Ambassador to the UK who was on the panel, and apologised for any distress the programme may have caused him."[12]

Renaissance Weekend

The Renaissance Weekend between December 27 2004 and January 1 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina was billed as attracting 1200 "mover and shakers" including Richard Viguerie and Frank Luntz. "Civility prevails; partisanship is frowned upon, and commercialism is banned. The participants' only common denominators are innovative achievement, a 'renaissance spirit' with broad-ranging intellectual interests, and personal qualities which allow more light than heat," Lader wrote in a media release.[4]


He was a Democratic candidate for Governor of South Carolina in 1986.[5]

"Before entering government service, Ambassador Lader had been Executive Vice President of the late Sir James Goldsmith’s US holding company (including America’s largest private landholdings, sixth-largest forest products company, largest computer supplies distributor, and oil & gas interests) and President of Sea Pines Company (developer/operator of award-winning large-scale recreation communities)," a biographical note states.[6]

Sea Pines is "a developer and operator of award-winning recreation communities, including Hilton Head Island, Amelia Island and Kiawah Island".[7]

Between 1991 and 1993 he was president of the controversial first private university in Australia, Bond University.[8]

Lader served as White House Deputy Chief of Staff and Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management and Budget under President Bill Clinton between January 1993 and October 1994. In the latter role he "he focused on major financial management and procurement reforms and significant reductions in the government workforce".[9]

From October 1994 until 1997 he was the Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration.[10]


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