Britain Stronger in Europe

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Britain Stronger in Europe logo, Source: [

Britain Stronger in Europe is the official 'remain' campaign group promoting the benefits of continued membership of the European Union, in the run up to Britain's referendum on 23 June 2016. It was the only campaign group to apply to the Electoral Commission to act as flag bearer for the remain campaign.

The campaign's website summarises its position, arguing that:

'To vote to remain part of Europe is to vote for a stronger, better off, safer Britain that delivers opportunity for individuals and families, now and in the future. To vote to leave is to take a leap into the unknown, risking a weaker economy, the prospects of future generations and a loss of influence on the world stage.' [1]

It enjoys support from across the political spectrum, with backing from key figures in the Conservative Party and the Labour Party, as well as the former leader of the Green Party, and pro-EU groups such as European Movement, Open Europe and the Centre for European Reform.


Recorded by the Electoral Commission:

Date Name of donor Amount
28/04/2016 David Sainsbury £2,564,454 (3 donations)
28/04/2016 David Harding £750,000
28/04/2016 Lloyd Dorfman £500,000
28/04/2016 Anna Rausing £250,000
28/04/2016 Andrew Law £200,000
28/04/2016 David Potter £150,000
28/04/2016 The Tower Limited Company £500,000
28/04/2016 Bloomberg Tradebook Europe Ltd £250,000
28/04/2016 Grovepoint Capital £250,000
28/04/2016 Morgan & Stanley Co. International £250,000
28/04/2016 Citigroup Partners £250,000
28/04/2016 Ian Taylor £150,000
28/04/2016 Anthony Daniell £100,000
28/04/2016 David Brownlow £100,000
28/04/2016 Donald Houston £74, 144.50
28/04/2016 Joseph Schull £100,000 (2 donations)
28/04/2016 Kumar Sushantha Bhattacharyya £50,000
28/04/2016 Simon Robertson £50,000
28/04/2016 Bruno Schroder £50,000
28/04/2016 Simon Palley £30,000
28/04/2016 PLLG Limited £25,000
28/04/2016 Roland Rudd £32,508.50 (2 donations)
28/04/2016 Paul Myners £25,000
28/04/20</nowiki>16 Richard Brindle £25,000
28/04/2016 Alexander Wilmot-Setwell £15,000
28/04/2016 Emmanuel Roman £15,000
28/04/2016 Patrick Drayton £15,000
28/04/2016 John Armitage £15,000
28/04/2016 Warren Finegold £10,000
28/04/2016 Paul Jefferys £10,000
28/04/2016 Michael Plantevin £10,000
28/04/2016 Eurostar International £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Oliver Haardmann £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Evan Davies £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Richard Reed £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Airbus £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Finsbury Group £7,508.50
28/04/2016 PriceWaterhouseCoopers Services £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Peter Kadas £7,508.50
28/04/2016 Stuart Rose £7,508.50


Key backers


  1. 'Why we're stronger in', Britain Stronger in Europe, accessed 9 May 2016
  2. Electoral Commission, The In Campaign Donor Search, accessed 12 May 2016
  3. Brian Wheeler, Alex Hunt 'The UK's EU Referendum: All you need to know', 12 May 2016, BBC News, accessed 13 May 2016