Middle Eastern Quarterly
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Middle East Quarterly Front page Spring 08, Source: M.Harunyahya
Founded in 1994 by Daniel Pipes, the Middle Eastern Quarterly right-wing zionist journal published by the Middle East Forum.
- Michael Rubin, Editor
- Daniel Pipes, Publisher
- Patrick Clawson, Senior Editor
- Judy Goodrobb, Managing Editor
Board of Editors
- Fouad Ajami, Johns Hopkins University
- Anthony Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies
- Khalid Durán, TransState Islam
- David Fromkin, Boston University
- Paul Henze, The RAND Corporation
- Eliyahu Kanovsky, Bar-Ilan University
- Geoffrey Kemp, Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom
- Martin Kramer, The Shalem Center
- Habib C. Malik, Foundation for Human and Humanitarian Rights in Lebanon
- James Phillips, The Heritage Foundation
- Steven Plaut, University of Haifa
- Dennis Ross, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Barry Rubin, The Global Research in International Affairs Center
- Saliba Sarsar, Monmouth University
- Robert B. Satloff, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Sabri Sayari, Georgetown University
- Haim Shaked, University of Miami
- Steven L. Spiegel, University of California, Los Angeles
- Kenneth Stein, Emory University
- Marvin Zonis, University of Chicago