Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa

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Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE) is a German group which describes itself as a "Human Rights Organization for Freedom and Democracy Against Islamization".[1]

BPE was formerly led by Udo Ulfkotte who cooperated with Stop Islamisation of Europe and the Belgian Vlaams Belang in planning a demonstration in Brussels in August 2007, but subsequently pulled out, leading to an acrimonious dispute with his former allies.[2]

BPE hosted a rally in Berlin on 3 October 2009, at which speakers included Robert Spencer, Renè Stadtkewitz, Michael Höhne-Pattberg, Willi Schwend and Achim Swietlik.[3]

Prominent anti-Islam activist Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is involved in the organisation's Austrian arm BPE Österreich.







  1. Citizens' Movement Pax Europa, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, accessed 20 October 2009.
  2. Khaled Diab, Villains of the Pax, Comment is Free, guardian.co.uk, 11 September 2007.
  3. Robert Spencer, Spencer at Human Rights Rally in Europe, Jihad Watch, 3 October 2009.
  4. Vorstand, Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa, accessed 20 October 2009.
  5. Citizens' Movement Pax Europa, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, accessed 20 October 2009.