Gavin Hewitt

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Alcohol badge.jpg This article is part of the Spinwatch public health oriented Alcohol Portal project.

Gavin Hewitt (CMG) was the Chief Executive of the Scotch Whisky Association from October 2003 to November 2013. In November 2011 Hewitt was elected as president of the European Spirits Organisation (CEPS) he held this role in conjunction with his position at the SWA. In November 2013 he was replaced at [[ by Joep Stassen.[1] [2]

While at the SWA Hewitt was a board of Scotland’s Futures Forum Alcohol and Drugs Project. Before working as a lobbyist for the alcohol industry Hewitt served as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Belgium (2001 – 2003),Finland (1997 – 2000) and Croatia (1994 – 1997). His early career was with the Diplomatic Service where he became part of the British Negotiating Team in Brussels for the UK’s accession to the European Communities. He was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in 1995 for outstanding overseas service.[3]

Revolving Door.jpg This article is part of the Revolving Door project of Spinwatch.


  1. Scotch Whisky Association, Gavin Hewitt takes up role as CEPS President 23rd November 23rd, Press Release, accessed 5th December 2011
  2. Spirits Europe, Organisation Structure, accessed 12th December 2014
  3. Scotland's Futures Forum Conference Agenda, February 2007 Fresh Perspectives on Alcohol & Drugs To what extent can the alcohol industry reduce alcohol damage? accessed 17th June 2008