Tetra Strategy

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Tetra Strategy is a lobbying firm based in London, set up in 2007 by James O'Keefe, a former Labour Party staffer and Bell Pottinger director, and Lee Petar, one of the founding directors of BICOM (Britain Israel Communications Centre). [1]

The firm states it is:

based on a set of guiding principles; the importance of achieving order, even where chaos appears to be all around and that well thought-out strategies and careful organisation can resolve many problems which may seem at first insurmountable. [2]


According to PR Week, O'Keefe left Good Relations Political to found Tetra in the summer of 2007, and subsequently recruited four of his old colleagues in the following weeks. These included Petar, the most senior, Heidi Moore ,Ruwan Kodi-Kara, and Katherine Nicholls. PR Week reported that the new agency had a 'strategic alliance' with Phil Hall Associates, a 14-strong PR firm run by ex-News of the World editor Phil Hall.[3]

Nuclear lobbying

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Engineering firm AMEC decided to switch its account from Good Relations to Tetra, ahead of the Labour Party conference in September 2007. PR Week reported: "Tetra Strategy will lobby ministers and officials to ensure that AMEC's name is in the frame when major public infrastructure projects are discussed. It will also have to lobby on nuclear power as AMEC is a major player in the new build of nuclear power stations in the UK."[4]

Julie Kirkbride recruitment

Tetra recruited former Conservative MP Julie Kirkbride as a consultant when she stepped down at the 2010 election as a result of the parliamentary expenses scandal.[5]

Werritty affair

Petar introduced Adam Werritty, an associate of former Defence Secretary Liam Fox to the venture capitalist Harvey Boulter, prompting a controversial meeting between then Defence Secretary Liam Fox and Mr Boulter in Dubai in June 2011.[6]

In a statement to the Guardian on the episode, Tetra stated:

Tetra Strategy was retained in 2010 to provide litigation PR assistance to the Porton Group in connection with its ongoing High Court claim in England against 3M. The case concerned the development of new MRSA testing technology developed by the MoD. Tetra introduced its client to Adam Werritty in March 2011, who was widely believed at the time to be an official adviser to Dr Liam Fox. The purpose of the introduction was to brief the MoD on the litigation. The suggestion by the Guardian that Tetra was paid to arrange a "secretive" meeting with Dr Fox is not true and is expressly denied. Tetra is referring this matter to the PCC."[7]

In the week that the Werritty story broke in October 2011, with law firm Mishcon De Reya handled press inquiries about the scandal for Tetra, the agency announced the appointment of former News of the World deputy political editor Jamie Lyons to oversee media relations.[8]


Tetra Strategy is a member of the Association of Professional Political Consultants (APPC). Listed on its website as affiliates and network partners are PHA Media, Longwood Associates and MAS Consulting España.


Additional people listed on APPC Register as providing public affairs consultancy servies

Former staff

Former consultants



Pre-APPC clients

  • AMEC from September 2007.[12]
  • The Jewish Chronicle reported in June 2008 that Tetra had won a contract representing the Emirate of Dubai, and that the company "has advised pro-Israel charity KKL and the Innocent drinks brand".[13]

March-May 2010 APPC filing

AMEC | Executive Office of the Government of Dubai | Hospedia | Mikhail Khordorkovsky | Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) | Elbit | Tamares Capital | Dwr Cymru Welsh Water | London Brokerage Limited | SAP | Axeon | Toyota Motor Europe | Genting UK | Banks Developments | British School of Motoring | Redstone[14]

September-November 2010 APPC filing

AMEC | Executive Office of the Government of Dubai | Hospedia | Mikhail Khordorkovsky | Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) | Elbit | Tamares Capital | Dwr Cymru Welsh Water | | SAP | Axeon | Toyota Motor Europe | Genting UK | Davis Block LLC | British School of Motoring | DRL[15]

Contact, Resources, Notes


Address: 158 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9TR
Website: http://www.tetra-strategy.co.uk/



  1. 1.0 1.1 David Singleton, Tetra Strategy hires News of the World's Jamie Lyons as head of media prweek.com, 06 October 2011,
  2. Tetra Strategy joins APPC APPC website, acc 24 October 2011
  3. Good Relations loses four lobbyists to Tetra, PR Week, 14 September 2007.
  4. AMEC drops Good Relations to follow O'Keefe, PR Week, 5 October 2007.
  5. David Singleton, Tetra Strategy signs ex-Tory MP Kirkbride, PR Week, 28 May 2010.
  6. Jim Pickard and Sam Jones, Donor revelations add to pressure on Fox, FT.com, 14 October 2011.
  7. Rupert Neate and Patrick Wintour, Revealed: how lobbyists were paid to facilitate meeting with Liam Fox, The Guardian, 10 October 2011.
  8. Tetra hires media head, PR Week, 14 October 2011.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Tetra Strategy, Team, acc 24 October 2011
  10. APPC Register Entry for 1 June 2012 to 31 August 2012
  11. Alec Mattinson, Sargas awards Tetra Strategy 'carbon capture' brief, PRWeek.com, 12 July 2012, acc November 2012
  12. AMEC drops Good Relations to follow O'Keefe, PR Week, 5 October 2007.
  13. Candice Krieger, Lee Petar goes from Bicom to doing PR for the Sheikh of Dubai, JC.com, 6 June 2008.
  14. APPC,"APPC Register Entry for 1 March 2010 to 31 May 2010", acccessed 27.08.10
  15. APPC,"Register Entry for 1 September 2010 to 30 November 2010", accessed 24.10.2011

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