William Shawcross

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William Shawcross is a British journalist. He was named by the Cabinet Office as the proposed chair of the Charity Commission in August 2012.[1]

At a hearing of the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee to examine his appointment, the chair Bernard Jenkin noted:

One or two of us have to put some interests on the record, however peripheral they may be. You are a Director and Trustee of the Henry Jackson SocietyThe Henry Jackson Society provides the Secretariat for the All- Party Parliamentary Group on Homeland Security, of which I am Chairman. I also published a pamphlet in co-operation with the Henry Jackson Society a couple of years ago.[2]

Robert Halfon stated: "I should declare that I was a founding patron of the Henry Jackson Society when it was first set up and I am fairly involved with the organisation."[2]

A third committee member, Paul Flynn added: I think perhaps I had better say that the Henry Jackson Society organised a meeting at which I was a prime speaker, to my astonishment.[2]

Shawcross stated during proceedings:

Obviously I would wish to resign all my memberships of the Henry Jackson Society and other charities with which I am involved. I think the Henry Jackson Society is a great society and I am very pleased that they had you come to speak, Mr Flynn. Henry Jackson himself was a great American senator who stood not just for right‑wing views but for freedom and liberty everywhere. That is what the society stands for now. I would do everything necessary and speak to the chief executive of the Charity Commission to make sure I was seen to be always acting in an independent manner.[2]

External resources

William Shawcross Curriculum vitae



  1. Stephen Cook, Is William Shawcross the right person for the commission job?, Third Sector, 30 August 2012, accessed 31 August 2012
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 CORRECTED TRANSCRIPT OF ORAL EVIDENCE, Public Administration Committee, House of Commons, 5 September 2012.