Scottish Business in the Community

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Scottish Business in the Community is the Scottish branch of Business in the Community


SBC Board of Directors

SBC Chairman

  • George C Borthwick CBE, CEng, BSc (Hons), FIMechE, FIEE, CIIM, FRCSEd (Hon), FRCPS (Glas), FRCOphth (Hon), FRCOG (Hon)

Other Board Members

For biographies click here:

The Hon. Mark Laing (Vice Chairman), Managing Director, Simmers of Edinburgh

Dugdale Bradley, Chairman, DB Technologies

Janet Hamblin, Partner, Baker Tilly

Peter Nicholson, Head of Human Resources, John Wood Group

Susan Rice, Chief Executive, Lloyds TSB Scotland

John Elvidge, Permanent Secretary, The Scottish Executive

Jane Wood, Head of Corporate Affairs Scotland, The Boots Company

Jim Gaffney, Head of CSR Scotland, Laing O'Rourke Scotland


Member Organisations

Dunfermline Building Society Enterprise rent-a-car Ethicon First Glasgow Housing Association

Greggs Bakers

Holyrood Communications

John Lewis

Johnson Press KPMG Kwik Fit Laing O'Rourke Scotland Lloyds TSB Scotland Marks & Spencer Marsh

McGrigors Merchants Morgan Stanley National Grid Transco Norwich Union Oracle Prudential RBS Group Richmond Homes Royal Mail Sainsbury's SameDeutz-FahrGroup Scotmid Scottish & Newcastle

Sodexho Standard Life Student Loans Tesco Thus United Utilities VisitScotland


Associate Member Organisations

Baker Tilley bbmc goodward Connect Communications DB Technologies Docuserve Fifth Ring Haven Redeem Quality Scotland Simmers Biscuits Weber Shandwick

ABS Member Organisations Aberdeen Bus School (RGU) Caledonian Bus School (GCU) Napier University Bus School