Corporate Citizenship

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The Corporate Citizenship Company (CCC) is a CSR consultancy owned by public relations firm Chime Communications. Christopher Satterthwaite, chief executive of Chime is a fan of CSR strategies for corporations "We reckon that 25%-30% of anyone's stock price is related to their reputation - how admired or not admired they are" [1]. CCC regard their role as CSR specialists who help corporations to deliver sustainability and social responsibility commitments that help them to achieve their business goals. According to their website:

We work with corporate functions and business units to develop strategies, engage stakeholders, manage environmental impacts, and invest in communities. We help them to evaluate their impacts, and communicate with the right people in the right way [2].

Among some of the CCC's listed research publications some of the entries have been edited by the CCC team and published by The Smith Institute [3]. Other publications are funded by the UK government, the Building Society Association, Serco Group and Business in the Community. Another research project in 2006 looked into the impact of creative activities to combat the social exclusion of young people. The 'From the Wings' project was chaired by (Lord) David Ramsbotham and funded by Whitbread, Sport England, Arts Council and the Northwest Regional Development Agency. The report "makes a set of recommendations to Government but also calls on decision makers across the public, voluntary and business sectors. In addition the report gives advice to businesses on how they can maximize the impact of partnerships with the voluntary sector" [4].


Twenty-pound-notes.jpg This article is part of the Lobbying Portal, a sunlight project from Spinwatch.

Abbott | Aviva | Barclays | BDO Stoy Hayward | Beckton Dickinson | BP | Britvic | BT | BskyB | Cadbury Schweppes | Camelot | Centrica | Chime Communications | Conagra | Caterpillar | Diageo | Dyson | Exxon Mobil | FT | GE Money | Go Ahead | HSBC | KPMG | John Lewis | Lafarge | Masterfoods | Microsoft | Nakheel | Novartis | Paul Weiss | Pearson | Provident Financial | PwC | Richemont | Scottish & Newcastle | Sodexho | Syngenta | Unilever | Unum Provident | Vodafone | World Bank | [5]


  1. Terry Macalister The Guardian, 6th March 2008, A change in the climate: credit crunch makes the bottom line the top issue accessed 6th June 2008
  2. CCC Website What we do accessed 6th June 2008
  3. CCC Website Publications: From the Wings accessed 6th June 2008
  4. CCC Website Publications accessed 6th June 2008
  5. Corporate Citizenship Company Website Our Clients accessed 6th June 2008