London International Research Exchange

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London International Research Exchange is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. The Exchange was established in 1994, its objective being 'to stimulate public discussion on the media by promoting critical journalism and research.'[1] Reports appeared in 1994[2] and 1995 [3] and its last available reports come from 1997 and 1998. [4] [5]

It was directed by LM associate Joan Phillips [6]and contributors included LM associates Phil Hammond, Thomas Deichmann, editor of Novo Argumente and Tessa Mayes. [7]


According to Phil Hammond the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation 'kindly allowed us to use their facilitities for the dureation of the project, and.. generously supported the writing up of the research'[4]


21 Hillfield Avenue,
London N8 7DU.



  1. "Links", Wilson Center website, accessed 31 May 2010
  2. Laurence Alster War, what is it good for? TES Magazine 25 November, 1994, accessed 6 April 2011
  3. Andrew Calcutt 'Computer Porn Panic: Fear and control in cyberspace' Futures, Volume 27, Number 7, September 1995 , pp. 749-762(14), accessed 6 Nov 2010
  4. 4.0 4.1 Philip Hammond, (Ed.)"Cultural Difference, Media Memories: Anglo-American Images of Japan", Continuum, 1997, 'This study is a product of a media project undertaken by the London International Research Exchange', p. vii, accessed 6 Nov 2010
  5. "Disclosure: Media freedom and the privacy debate after Diana Publisher: London International Research Exchange Media Group (1998)", Amazon website, accessed 6 Nov 2010
  6. "Living Marxism", Urban75 website, accessed 6 November 2010
  7. "Tessa Mayes", Battle of Ideas website, accessed 4 November 2010