Kirk Leech

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Kirk Leech is associated with the libertarian and anti-environmental LM network. He is a long time and leading member of the RCP, being National Organiser of the Irish Freedom Movement (circa 1990)[1] and a 'regular contributor to Spiked-online'.[2]and being involved with Workers Against Racism. He has been the assistant director of WORLDwrite and has written for Living Marxism, the Institute of Ideas, Spiked [3] and Novo.


In 2003 Leech, then employed as a teacher in London, was quoted criticising changes in Geographical teaching:

Kirk Leech, a geography teacher at Centre Academy, in London, agrees. "Geography as I learnt it at university is far from what we are encouraged to teach today. It used to mean atlases, floods and rocks. Today pupils are taught about species loss, global warming and citizenship. Geography has become an ethics lesson and a means to moralise about the world."[4]

In 2008 Leech spoke at the Battle of Ideas Festival on 'Irish History: don't mention the war' on Saturday 1 November, 10.30am until 12.00pm, Lecture Theatre 2, Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London. Leech was listed as 'former leading member of the British based Irish Freedom Movement.' Other speakers included Kevin Bean lecture in Irish Politics, Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool;[5]




  • 'Uncovered: the elite’s view of white America' Many writers fear that the masses are too dumb to ‘get’ the New Yorker’s satirical front page picture. Trouble is, Obama agrees with them. Spiked, Wednesday 16 July 2008
  • 'Jesse Helms and the crisis of the GOP' The death of the racist former Republican Senator on the Fourth of July shed some light on the deeper crisis afflicting the Grand Old Party.Spiked, Thursday 10 July 2008
  • 'Obama: wind of change or feeble breeze?' Kirk Leech reports from Miami and Washington DC on how the Democrats are parasitical on Republican disarray.Spiked, Wednesday 2 July 2008
  • 'The way to save tigers is to farm tigers' Conservationists seem happier to restrict the lives of poor people in India than find a solution that benefits both animals and humans. Spiked, Thursday 19 June 2008
  • 'Burma: a deluge of moral posturing' Western governments seem more concerned with lecturing the Rangoon regime than offering assistance to those hit by Cyclone Nargis.Spiked, Monday 12 May 2008
  • Kirk Leech 'Reply Letters and emails: Pressure on Burma to allow in aid' The Guardian (London) - Final Edition May 8, 2008 Thursday, GUARDIAN LEADER PAGES; Pg. 31
  • 'Mine your own business' A new film on the 'dark side of environmentalism' exposes some of the myths used to block the building of mines and hold back development.Spiked, Monday 6 November 2006
  • ‘If the gold mine doesn’t happen, our village will die’ Kirk Leech reports from Rosia Montana in Romania, where green NGOs are trying to halt the building of a mine that locals desperately want.Spiked, Monday 2 October 2006
  • 'Toxic China?' Western critics cite China's environmental record as an excuse for attacking economic growth.Spiked, Tuesday 7 March 2006


  • Kirk Leech 'Can Mainstream Cope With All Our Children?' The Times Educational Supplement January 9, 2004, No.4565; Pg.49
  • Kirk Leech 'Natural conflicts of interest', Architects Journal, September 20, 2001 Thursday
  • 'Extinct arguments' Will another species be extinct by the time you finish reading this article - or are extinction rates blown up out of proportion? Spiked, Thursday 30 August 2001
  • TB: what to do? Without a local healthcare system, tuberculosis will continue to ravage rural India. Kirk Leech reports on his time in Gujarat. Spiked, Tuesday 7 August 2001
  • 'On training in India' Cows, eggs and 'no spitting zones'.Spiked, Thursday 29 March 2001
  • 'Dam campaigns' The Narmada dam in India has met with opposition from campaign groups. But as Kirk Leech reports from Gujarat, many of the locals welcome it. Spiked, Thursday 8 March 2001
  • 'This sanctuary is a prison' Tribals living in the Shoolpaneshwar sanctuary in Gujarat, India, find they are treated worse than animals. Spiked, Wednesday 7 February 2001



  1. Nick Holdsworth, 'GOW A LEGITIMATE TARGET - SINN FEIN', Press Association, August 11, 1990, Saturday, SECTION: HOME NEWS
  2. Institute of Ideas Special Event - Sunday 15 March: Return of the IRA?
  3. "Articles by Kirk Leech", Spiked website, accessed 2 May 2010
  4. Is geography brainwashing?, The Independent, Education pages, Thursday, 6 February 2003
  5. Mick Fealty Irish History: Don't mention the war? Oct. 20, 2008 (Slugger O'Toole delivered by Newstex)
  6. 'STICKING BY THE TIGER', Indian Express, July 21, 2008 Monday