Irish Freedom Movement

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One of the first actions of the Irish Freedom Movement in April 1982

The Irish Freedom Movement was a front group of the RCP, the forerunner of the libertarian LM network. Launched in 1982 and with Fiona Fox in a leading role, it campaigned against British rule in Northern Ireland. It is now defunct.

Cover of the Irish War: The Irish Freedom Movement Handbook, 3rd Ed., published by Junius Publications for the Irish Freedom Movement in 1987

The IFM was the successor to the Smash the Prevention of Terrorism Act Campaign a front group set up by the Revolutionary Communist Tendency the forerunner of the RCP in late 1979. The IFM came into existence following a 'labour movement conference on Ireland' organised by the SPTAC in February 1982.


  • Mick Hume 'organiser of the Irish Freedom Movement' circa October 1984.[1]
  • Kirk Leech, 'former National Organiser for the Irish Freedom Movement' and a 'regular contributor to Spiked-online'.[2]



  • IFM news. Publisher London : Irish Freedom Movement. [Irregular], 1986
  • Irish freedom No.3 - No.25 Feb 1988 - Summer 1994

Pamphlets and books

Leaflets and misc publications


  1. Mick Hume Brighton bomb memories, Spiked Online, 13 October 2009
  2. Institute of Ideas Special Event - Sunday 15 March: Return of the IRA?